Meeting Marshall Mathers: The...

By ShadyDreamsFactory

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The first series out of a trilogy... Young, selfless and very beautiful with the world at her feet Jodie Rose... More

Opening Chapter
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118

The Closing Chapter

6K 107 35
By ShadyDreamsFactory

Once we got home from the hospital we parted straight away, he went back up stairs and I was in the kitchen listening to Betty fuss over me as she made coffee,

"But it was nice of him to stay with you at the hospital wasn't it" she brought over my mug,

"What?" I snapped out of my zone and frowned,

"He said... wait, he wasn't with you was he?"

"You're damn right he wasn't! He told you he was coming to the hospital?"

"Yes, he took his keys and told me not to wait around because he was following you down to the emergency room"

"Where was he..?" I questioned myself, and then the thought of Kim ringing earlier came seeping into my angry thoughts,
"Kim's..." I looked at her and laughed a little in disbelief,

"What makes you think that?"

"She called earlier, wanting to talk with him, but he was asleep, told me Hailie was poorly"

"I don't think she'd be the place for him to go at a time like.." She stopped talking,

"Go where?" Marshall came into the kitchen,

"Not at the hospital that's for sure" I turned around on my seat to look at him,

"Betty would you give us a minute please" he ordered her away...

"So then, c'mon where was you? Because you sure as hell wasn't sat with me!"

"I had to clear my fuckin' head!" He shouted,

"And I just bet Kim welcomed you with open arms didn't she?"

"Oh hereee we fuckin' go! Thinkin' I been messin' around on you while you're up in the hospital. Yo you know what when you said your head was twisted you was fuckin' right"

"You're lying! I know you're lying! You get defensive just like that when you're covering something! I am not stupid!"

"What's it gotta do with you where I go when you was gonna pick up and take off any-fuckin-way?! Don't give me that shit!"

"So you admit it?!"

"Yeah I went to Kim's, what's the fuckin' deal? is that what you wanted to hear?!"

"I knew it! I absolutely knew it! You put me in hospital and then you go around to your ex wife's and make out to Betty you're being the doting boyfriend?! You're unbelievable Marshall!!"

"I dont gotta explain myself but I wasn't fucking around on you! The fuck do you take me for?!"

"Tonight is the last straw. I am done!"

"You're done?" He sarcastically laughed,

"I am, tomorrow I'm packing! You can't just go running back to her any-fucking-time we hit the rocks! How do you not understand that this is not okay?"

"You think.. you're just gonna lay it out to me like that? Wise up" he tutted at me,

"Yes I fucking do! Put yourself in my shoes!"

"Oh you mean like the time I caught you in a restaurant with you ex who brought all that shit to my house?!"

"That isn't the same and you know it" I walked past him,

"Did I say we're done?!" He followed me,

"Sorry since when do I need your permission to end a discussion?"

"You ain't leaving I won't let you do that!" He grabbed my wrist on my uninjured arm,

"Haven't you learnt your fucking lesson?!" I snatched my arm away,
"Stop putting your arms on me!"

"Man shut the fuck up, I barely even shoved you! You fell hard, get over yourself and go sleep off that fucking attitude in some other room cause you ain't lying with me tonight!"

"You think I'd want to sleep next to you?"

"Run your mouth again!" He squared up to me,

"Or what? You'll put me in hospital again?!"

"Run it! One more time!"

"Third time lucky is it? Maybe kill me off this time eh!"

"Man I swear!" He gripped at his head and booted a table stand over next to us,

"You don't scare me any more..." I shook my head and walked up stairs to leave him to it. The fight was gone in me, I was sick of the same old shit, having the same old arguments. It was pathetic.

The next morning I made sure I was up early enough to start getting my stuff together. Marshall had gone for his morning training so it allowed me to pack everything without him either screaming at me or dragging everything out of the suitcases.
With all being packed thanks to the reluctant help of Betty I then made a phone call to Tanya to sort out a private flight and a car to pick me up now that I had no keys to a car.
All the luggage stood around me in the foyer as I waited with the door open for my car. I wasn't hanging around for another fight, I was emotionally drained and had no strength in me to argue my left over voice away.
Plus it wasn't like I was leaving for good without saying my goodbyes to anyone, I was due to go back to England for a short vacation but I was just two weeks early. Maybe this is what we needed, a proper break to allow us to miss each other and remember our true feelings rather than him just being able to come and get me from a drivable distance.
I had too be strong and prove my point, what good would caving in do me? It'd prove to him that he did have total control of all of the relationship, well he didn't and I needed to teach him a fucking lesson that I was capable of being without him and that I wouldn't always give in to him, he had to learn that he couldn't keep treating me this way and he needed to know how serious I was without me caving in.He was so self assured on everything and so used to everyone except his enemies obeying him, well I wasn't on his payroll and I certainly wasn't under his control anymore so it was time to break the hold he had on me and teach him the value of needing to make a change in a relationship rather than just putting up with shit.

After an emotional talk and a goodbye Betty helped me load the car up along with the chauffeur. I loaded my last bag and wiped a tear that fell. Just as I slammed down the boot I saw Marshall's car come crawling up, as he came into view he put down his window staring at me with a confused face, he then put on his hand break, shut off the engine and got out,

"Back to Sarah's?" he bitched as he slammed the door behind himself, this was exactly the arrogance that I couldn't keep dealing with, he was never going to take me seriously if I stayed in Detroit.

"No. Home" I kept it short,

"Wait, what?" He stopped walking past me and turned around,

"I told you, I'm going" I kept firm and certain,

"You ain't going home" he laughed cockily,

"I think we need this" I folded my arms and looked away,

"No, no you can't just... you can't leave like that. And, you was gonna go get on a plane without even fuckin' telling me? You're supposed to love me and you was gonna leave without no explanation, a call or text, you'd do me like that?!"

"No explanation? Last night was all the explanation you needed, maybe if you wasn't so fucking cock sure you'd of believed me. Anyway I'm not doing this here, I need to go, I'm sorry. I told you last night"

"You always say your goin' home when we argue! I didn't think you was for fuckin' real? You can't just dump this on me man what the fuck?!"

"I'm leaving whether you like it or not, you're never going to take this seriously, me seriously" silent tears began to trickle down my cheeks,

"Damn how motherfuckin' selfish can you get! I lay down everythin' for you! I love you and this is how you repay me?! You walk out on me an just leave me here?!"

"Stop! Please calm down"

"Fuck you! Telling me to calm down? I'm fuckin' hurt you'd play me like this!"

"I told you last night!"

"No to fuck with that! Fuck that excuse! You don't do this shit when in a committed relationship, you talk this shit out, you don't just fuckin' bail out on someone you say you love, you don't fly to a different fucking county on an argument! Moving back out there that's some big fucking deal! You sneaking to a friends without saying shit that I could brush off! But this?! Are you for real? Are you for real?!"

"I'm sticking to my word and you need to start believing me and actually giving me some fucking respect!"

"So basically you're leaving for England to prove some stupid fuckin' point?! Is that it? Huh?"


"Man that's the dumbest fucking thing I heard you say!"

"We need to get space because this is not healthy! This might feel normal to you because you and Kim fought each other and always broke up and got back together but look how it ended?"

"Look don't fucking give me no bollocks on what me and Kim went through, that ain't shit to do with this or you! Stop making up crap to cover your ass, you cut me Jodie! You cut me real fuckin' deep"

"I was already going anyway"

"Yea under completely different circumstances!"

"I'm going..." I opened up the car door and got in before this argument got even more heated. Just as I looked for the seatbelt the door launched open,

"Get out" he ordered,

"Close the door" I sighed,

"I said get out!"


"I ain't playing!!"

"Neither am I! Let me go!"

"If you go, that's fuckin' it! Jodie I swear to you I will have nothin' to do with you, I'll wipe you out, I'll fucking ruin your career and make sure you don't get booked for shit ever again!" id never heard him sound so vindictive,

"My plane is booked, everything's in the car, please Marshall don't"

"Ain't you hear a word I say?! Get out!!" He then went to the back of the car and started yanking out suitcases, I signed in sheer embarrassment,
"I'm so sorry" I apologized to the driver before flying out of the car,

"Stop Marshall!" I yelled,
"Stop it!!" I tried pushing him from the boot but he was too strong for me to pull away, I sobbed as I looked away whilst he threw my suitcases out of the car, I was powerless to him not allowing me to go,

"Miss?" The driver looked very concerned as he got out of the vehicle, this was so embarrassing,

"Yo do us all a fuckin' favour, get back in your fucking ride and leave my property before I call my security!"
He ordered so the driver didn't hesitate and sped off immediately. I was at the end of my tether and I had no clue what to do, I couldn't even leave in my own car because we'd broke the window after he threw away my keys,
"Why don't you listen!" He yelled at me,
"If you'd of fuckin' listened to me and talked this out I wouldn't have to go crazy as shit!! But you fucking drive me nuts! Why'd you do this to me?! Why?!!"

"I don't make you crazy Marshall you ARE fucking crazy! Look at you!!" Anger surged through me,
"How can I even reason with you?!"

"You should respect me! Not try to drive me up the wall! You know I'm stressed the fuck out with work and shit and all you do is bitch and moan at my ass at any fucking point that you can! I don't take shit from no woman, I don't gotta listen to that! You're pulling on my last nerve, if you was a dude I'd of kicked the shit out of you for talkin' to me the way you do and the way you act towards me, you don't fucking respect me!"

"Respect you?! I'm not a fucking slave! You don't employ me! I'm your fucking girlfriend! My job is to be faithful and to love you! And it's meant to be the same way but you've cheated on me, you fight with me, you never listen, you never ever show me any respect! Is that because I'm a woman and you're famous so therefore Marshall should have his ass kissed twenty-four-fucking-seven?!"

"Bull-fucking-shit! What you think you're the best I can do? You broads all look the fuckin' same you ain't shit!"

"Niceeee" I clapped angrily,
"So if I'm not SHIT why won't you let me leave?! Why won't you end it with me and forget about me if you can move on SOOO easy?!"

"Who the fuck d'you think you are?! You go on like you got some platinum pussy! I can't fucking throw you out because it's bad press, I been through one divorce it ain't gonna look good if this fucks up too!"

"Honestly that's the best you can come up with?" I laughed, shaking my head as I sighed and wiped away tears of anger,

"It's the fucking truth"

"No, the truth is you're a control freak who's insecure and paranoid. You're not stable to hold down a relationship!"

"Keep speaking your poison, man I swear!"

"You're manipulative Marshall, everyone's gotta be eating out of the palm of your hand and if they aren't under your spell you throw your dummy out and get nasty with your words! You can't fucking handle reality, this world has screwed you right the fuck up hasn't it"

"Nah I know reality. You're the manipulative bitch, you twist my mind and throw everything back in my damn face, all I do and shit still ain't good enough! I took my chances on you because you fuckin' silver-tongued your way in to my head, pretending to be there and care, you don't care about shit! We argue and have a fight and that's all it takes for you to be gone?! That's what a child would do! And you are fucking childish you need to start dealing with shit like a motherfuckin' adult! And you expect me to be cool with that after you wanna end it like a fuckin' kid?! You're fucked in the head Jodie, not me"

"Wow! Woow I can't believe how far up your fucking head is up your arse! Are you seriously making this out to be my fault?! Like I cause all the arguments, like I lead you on, like I.."

"You have lead me on! You lead me to this point! You fucking did this! You make me act out!! I ain't ever had to wild out on anyone like I do with you 'cause you just wind me up so damn much that I blow my shit! You flirt with my dogs, you disappear on nights out without telling me where you at so I'm home going out my damn mind, you have ex's turning up on my doorstep where my girls live, with the motherfuckin' NERVE of running their fucking mouth at me WHILST I'm on probation! That's just the tip of the fuckin' iceberg Jodie! Your shit could of landed me with some serious jail time, you could of ruined my life! But you wanna sit there and cry about ME ruining YOUR life?! I made your life! And let's also go to the point where I get off my probation and you're galavanting around some public awards ceremony with some Australian who I gotta take down too! I put myself out there for you, I protect you and sacrifice my ass and how do you repay me? You blame me for being hands on with you when you put me in situations like that?! Any other motherfucker would of washed their hands with you a long time ago!"

"I can't help what people act like for me, I never go out looking for trouble to cause you! I take on a lot of shit for you too! When I first came over all of the shit Kim gave me and threatened me with and I still stood my ground, and oh I went out and had some male attention, I didn't fucking FUCK the guy like you did with Kim! You cheated on me! And you want to cry about some guy kissing my hand! I went through court with you, i was there every step of the way, I helped keep shit stable at Hailies birthday, I put up with your restless nights and I kept fucking quiet about those pills and.."

"What pills? Don't talk to me bout no fucking pills!"

"That's not my point, but all of the sleepers and anxiety pills or whatever they was! The refill tubes, I found them, you know I did? When Kim went missing you broke down to me or did you forget about that?"

"It was hard coming down from tour but I don't gotta explain shit to you about my medication, that's my private shit and that ain't none of your damn business!"

"Fine whatever but this is not what I'm focusing on! What I'm saying is I've stuck myself on the line for you too! I gave up my entire life for you! What more could I possibly do than that?! I left my family and friends, my job, everything, I changed my whole life just to be with you, do you honestly believe I'd do all of that just to get into your mind and make your life harder?! Seriously Marshall??"

"So why you giving up like this then?! Huh?! You love me that much you fucking tell me why the big ass move?! It's not just me you're  effecting here, you know how much Hailie and Alaina think of you"

"Please don't.." I exhaled,

"See you can't tell me shit, you know you're being a selfish fuck, this ain't high school, this is serious, you need to think very fuckin' carefully on your next move" he eyeballed me,

"I was going back to England regardless, but we need this break now Marshall"

"So.. what, you're walking out of this or your going for a vacation? I need to fucking know because your not being very fucking clear here Jodie?"

"I'm not leaving you..." I caved, I felt so heavy with the guilt he had put on me that I just couldn't bring myself to end it like I had planned. His shoulders dropped as he exhaled with relief,

"I've wanted to quit on you too, but I dealt with it like a man and worked out my anger, I didn't act the coward and walk out on you" his voice settled,

"I'm sorry..." I started to cry,
"Im just.. I'm everywhere, I don't know what's happening to us, you always have your back up.." he walked up to me and wrapped me up in his arms, I tucked my head into his chest and closed my eyes, returning his hug as my arms tightened around his torso,

"You know what, if you want to get out, clear your head up, then I guess... I'm cool with that, but at least have the decency in you to tell me the crap you're dealing with, I ain't no mind reader"

"I'm just, I don't know where I am with you, I want to start over"

"Like a... clean slate?"

"Yes... Exactly. But.. I feel if I do you're going to.. you're not going to wait for me"

"What? Don't be fuckin' stupid, man if you don't trust me then we shouldn't be together, period"

"I don't want you getting bored and ending it like before"

"Look if we don't got trust we don't got shit.. Shit was different before, we wasn't together like this, there's more depth to us now, you know this"

"I know..."

"Man... I'm only now seeing how fucking stressed you are..." he paused and sighed, "C'mon, I'll take you to the airport"

"Thank you" I started to blubber again and squeezed him tighter,

"It's cool" he sighed and kissed into my hair,
"I don't wanna let you go but I don't wanna see you low like this neither"

"I'm sorry" I stood up straight and wiped under my eyes,

"Lets get your bags yea?" he started to walk, I nodded and followed him out.

Because I'd missed my flight Marshall had put me on a flight on his private jet. When he parked up beside it and turned off the engine, two airport members began to unload his boot, once they had finished and closed the boot he looked ready to talk,

"This is it for now then?" He couldn't look at me,

"Its only for a week or two, this'll be so much better for you too" I grabbed his hand,

"I don't want this shit Jodie, I really fuckin' don't" he shook his head and sighed, messing with his keys,

"I know, but if we don't do this then you're not gonna... look, it's needed, just trust me on that won't you?"

"Aight. Call me when you land?" He changed the subject,

"Of course I will" we hugged, I felt so overwhelmed with emotion that I didn't want to let go,

"And message me whenever you want, I'll call you when I can"

"I promise I'll text you all the time" I held him tighter,
"Marshall I love you" I closed my eyes and deeply inhaled his cologne,

"Can't believe you're doing this" he pulled back, his eyes began to water, he was trying his best to hold back emotion,

"We need some time to ourselves don't we" I stroked his cheek as he looked down in his lap,

"If that's what you feel" he shrugged,

"It is..." I opened up my door and got out, tears fell quickly from both eyes as I closed the door behind me,

"Jodie.." I turned around and watched him get out of the car,

"I love you" I sobbed as he jogged up to me and cradled me tightly, I buried my head into the crook of his neck,

"I love you too, a fuckin' hell of a lot" he croaked. We couldn't stop kissing,
"Go, before I throw you back in the car" he wiped over his eyes,

"I'll call you when I arrive home"

"When you land" he pointed at me, I nodded and then climbed the jets steps, I looked back as he stood at his car, making sure I did actually board the luxury jet.
I took in a huge breath to shut myself up from crying as I walked onto the plane. My nerves and emotions were all over the place.
I sat down and took the window seat on the side Marshall was parked at, I brought my fingers up to my lips as I felt them quiver,
"Please don't forget me" I whispered insecurely to myself as his Escalade sped off. I closed the blind down on the window and looked up at the roof. And just like that he was gone.
My heart was going ten to the dozen, I didn't feel comfortable, or weighted to my seat, did I really want to do this? I had a few minutes to get off and tell him to come back? I smiled at the thought of him coming back and picking me up in his arms and saying something sarcastic like I couldn't keep away for two seconds. My smile faded with the realization with what I was doing. I didn't want this, I began to unclip my belt,

"Ma'm please put on your seat belt for takeoff" the flight attendant smiled at me and sat me back down,

"No it's okay, I'm getting off" I looked up at her,

"It's okay to be nervous, I'll fetch you something with a little kick" she patted my shoulder not allowing me to budge.
Maybe this was meant to be... a sign even. I huffed and clipped back on my belt, waiting for the alcoholic beverage the air hostess had promised me. I had to be hard with myself.

As I felt the jet slowly move off I clenched my jaw and closed my eyes, I hated the feeling that I harboured in the pit of my stomach, my heart was slowly breaking with each minute that went by spent taking me away from Marshall, and from my new life that I'd worked hard to fit in to which I loved.

I was exhausted when I had touched back down on to English soil.
I'd slept on the way to my family home and woke up to my very emotional parents who had their house maid haul my luggage to the house.

It felt so strange opening up my bedroom door. Everything was just how I'd left it. I left the doorway and sat upon my king sized bed. I felt empty...

"I'm so so glad you're home" my mum walked into the room with one of her famous hot chocolates she used to make me when I was going through something,

"Oh mum" I put down the drink on my bedside table and threw my arms around her.
Nothing could beat the feeling of being in her arms, even at twenty three I still yearned for my mum, she was my everything, my mum, my best friend, my confidante, and she loved me unconditionally no matter what...

"Look at you" she stroked my cheek,
"You're still my beautiful baby girl" she stroked through the waves of my hair,

"I'm exhausted" I closed my eyes to her comforting touch,

"Well, have a sleep, it's been a long flight for you and it's very late, we can catch up tomorrow" she hugged me again, we then turned our heads as we heard someone approaching the room,

"Jodie!" Karlie had turned up, I instantly leaped from sitting on the bed and up to her,

"I've missed you so much!" I squeezed the life out of her,

"I can't believe you back!" She sobbed with happiness as we clutched each other,
"You're looking absolutely amazing" she looked me up and down,

"So do you, you've gone dark" I felt her hair, the blonde was gone!

"I know" she smiled,

"It's late" I couldn't stop smiling! She was like my sister, the feeling of being reunited was unfathomable,

"I know but words got around on the cul-de-sac that you're home, I'm in my pyjamas!"

"I didn't notice" we laughed,

"I can't even explain how I feel! You're such a sight for sore eyes"

"You too... I don't even know where to begin"

"I don't even know what to ask.. I wish I didn't have work in the morning, I'd go and fetch over some wine and chocolate"

"That sounds sooo good" I grinned,

"We'll do it tomorrow, I just had to come over and see you" we hugged again,

"I'm really glad you did, I actually can't believe I'm home.. It doesn't feel real"

"No I know! I can't believe it..."

"Well, you should go to bed, I'll come in to work tomorrow and say hi to everyone"

"Oh my god that's the best idea everyone will love that. We buy any magazines you've been in, so we could go through them on my lunch break"

"That sounds fun" I nodded,

"Ahh I don't wanna leave you!"

"I know I don't want you to go" I chuckled,

"Right well I'll see you tomorrow, we can go for a meal to celebrate you coming back after I get off from work? Maybe go for some drinks afterwards?"

"Of course... If I'm not too jet lagged because I'm exhausted"

"Sure, no of course. Night god bless" she blew me a kiss,

"Good night Karlz, love ya" I watched her close my door behind her.
I took off my clothes and put up my hair and then climbed into my bed, grabbing my hot chocolate and picking a marshmallow off the whipped cream.
I had no idea what tomorrow would bring, I was tired just from thinking about it because I knew everyone would be on my ass about my new life and Eminem and what America was like, I just wish I could play them all a video tape answering all of the questions because I knew everyone would be asking the same kind of questions and I'd have to repeat myself more than a thousand times.
My phone then went off... Marshall!
I jumped out of bed and ran to my handbag, I hadn't called him when I had landed like promised..

"Marshall I'm sorry" I answered the call just in time,

"I thought I told you to call me when you landed?"

"I've been asleep on the journey to my house, I've more or less just got in"

"Can't believe this..." His voice was faint,

"Believe what?"

"That you're at home... In England. You know, I just don't get it, we didn't even spend the last night together"

"It's not forever.. hearing your voice is killing me" I cleared my throat, I just wanted to be with him, right next to him,

"Yea I know what you mean. I can't really, uh, think straight. I mean.. this is fucked up, that there ain't shit I can do about this"

"You promise me you'll talk to me everyday?"

"Yea course, you're still my girl. I still got you"

"Good.." my voice broke,
"What've I done?" I started to softly cry,

"Left your home..." He said bluntly,

"I wanted to get off the plane" I sobbed,
"I really did"

"So then you should of. Rather than tryna prove you're equal in our relationship, you know I see you as an equal"

"I know... I just...." I sighed and wiped under my eyes,
"We need this"

"Yea so you keep saying. Look Jodie, get yourself some sleep and clear your head, I'll call you up at some point tomorrow aight?"

"Okay... Marshall I love you.."

"Yea man I love you too. Don't forget it neither, d'you hear me?"

"I won't... I won't forget it" I didn't want the phone call to come to an end...

"And this ain't over until I say it's over so don't go try pull no more stunts when I got my back turned"

"I don't ever want that, you know I don't"

"If you wasn't thinking along those lines you wouldn't be in England right now, you'd be here, at home with me"

"That's not true, the argument just made me want to visit home more sooner, it's nothing to do with me wanting to finish us"

"That's what you said last night, that you was done?"

"I was so fucking angry, you know I didn't mean it"

"Aight... Look, baby.. I gotta go to pick up Hailie, she won't settle at home so she's coming over to keep her dad company"

"Tell her that I hope she gets better soon, and give her a huge cuddle from me please"

"Yea sure... I'll give you a call tomorrow like I said, you can tell her yourself, cool?"


"I guess it's night over there so G'night, love you.."

"It is.. Night Marshall, I love you too"
I put my phone on silent and sunk into my bed, I had messed up everything but everything happened for a reason, maybe if I stayed we'd of argued more and more until it just got to the point where he was murdering me on one of his songs and hating me so badly that the very thought of my name made him want to be sick or rage.
All I prayed and hoped for was that he didn't sit himself down and make up reasons to finish with me, or just forget to answer my calls or texts and go and cheat on me and then move on quicker than I could fly back out there.
I knew that he had already strongly assured me he wasn't going to give up on this simply because we were an official item and been through a hell of a lot more, but still I worried, and I had every right too, he wasn't technically engaged to be married so to the world he was still available, and at any events he was to go to there was hoards of attractive women, models, singers, strippers and dancers he was bound to get teased. Especially on his music video sets as he really did have to be around the pretty women his company hired and I knew he had a few videos in line to be filmed.
I was paranoid, he was a good looking guy, who many wanted to date, I wasn't thinking that just because he was the centre of my world, it was the truth and a few celebrities admitted they had a crush on his bad boy persona.
Although on the other hand, it was me that he was in love with. The thing with Marshall was that when he was in love his mind was settled on that front so he could then concentrate more on his work rather than worrying about women too. You could flash a woman in front of his face and yes he'd probably have a look but he'd avoid. His head was more into his music than a quick fling when he was happily in a steady relationship, he wouldn't sacrifice loosing a woman he'd got his daughters used too and that he'd put his time and emotion into for the sake of a one-nighter.
So at that my mind rested slightly, even though he was outrageously famous he still knew where his loyalties lied.

These two weeks were sure to really test us, but I suppose it would prepare us both for when he was to go back on his Anger Management Tour in the summer. We had to realise that it wasn't healthy being so wrapped up in each other that we practically fought when either of us wanted to do something alone.
Even though our relationship was explosive and crazy it was ours, and it worked for us, and I had every faith that we would be going for a very long time and I'd soon have that ring back on my finger.

(To Be Continued In The Sequel... The Relapse Era)

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