san badboy!au

By softorhardstan

19K 842 134

[over / incomplete] this is an interactive story that I'm writing for my followers on Instagram More



1.6K 101 8
By softorhardstan

You quickly explained to Wooyoung the situation and he panicked too, telling you to call the ambulance. You did, and soon they arrived. You got into the ambulance with San, and held his hand during the whole ride. He was still unconscious and you were worried to death.

When you arrived to the hospital, Wooyoung was already there with the rest of the boys, waiting for you. They all gasped at the sigh of San bruised and bloody, lying unconscious in the bed. You all walked with the nurses and doctor as they brought him in, but at some point you had to stop. When they took San away from you, you felt your world crumble.

The boys made you sit down and calmly asked you to explain again what happened. You told them it was Jaehyun's doing, and that he brought an entire group to beat San up. You told them you couldn't help him because one of them was keeping you still. This little detail didn't matter to them, because they knew that even if you could do something, it was going to be kind of useless against all those guys, but it did matter to you, because it made you feel even more guilty for what happened to San.

After a while, a doctor came out to talk to all of you.

《How is San?》 you asked

《We treated his injuries. He had a couple cracked ribs and he hit his head pretty hard》the doctor said 《We don't know how he is doing yet. We can only know once he wakes up》

Your heart broke at the sound of that. San must have been hurting so much in that moment. The doctor told you the room he was in, and you all went there. When you saw him lying still unconscious on the white hospital bed, you felt tears in your eyes. The rest of the boys were hurting too, and it was evident from their faces.

Seonghwa took a chair on put it next to San's bed. He looked at you and gestured for you to sit there. The boys that fitted on the couch sat there, and the remaining ones stayed standing.

《He's gonna be fine》 Yunho said, putting a hand on your shoulder to reassure you

You sadly smiled back, to thank him for trying to cheer you up. You caressed San's hand and tried to hold back the tears.

You felt his hand move away from yours and you all turned to San, who started to wake up. He opened his eyes and frowned at the headache. He looked around and noticed he was in the hospital. Soon he noticed his friends too and he relaxed.

《How are you feeling?》 you asked

He turned to look at you, and you shivered when you saw the look in his eyes.

《Who are you?》 he asked

《What?》 you replied, confused

《She's Y/N》 Hongjoong said, obvious

San looked at his friend, then back at you. He gave a look at you from head to toe, trying to remember, but he couldn't. You looked at the other boys, who were just as confused as you.

《What is going on?》 you asked, in panic

《I'll call a doctor》 Yeosang said, walking out of the room

《What happened to me?》 San asked to his friends

They all looked hesitant to reply.

《You were beaten up》 said Mingi

《By who?》

《A jerk》

Yeosang came back into the room, with the doctor behind him. He checked up on San, then asked him how he felt. San, then, told him he recognized his friends, but he didn't know who you were.

《How long have you known each other?》 the doctor asked you

《A week or something》 you replied

The doctor nodded to himself.

《He has short-term amnesia due to the hit he got on his head》 he explained 《He remembers his friends because he has known them for a long time, but he doesn't remember about you and what happened because it was all close to when he was hit》

You were confused and discouraged now.

《Don't worry, it should be something temporary》 he added 《95% of the patients that suffer from this, always get those memories back》

You tried not to think about that remaining 5%. The doctor excused himself and went away. San looked at you apologetic, and you looked away, sad and embarrassed.

《Maybe we should leave you alone for a while》 Yunho said

《We'll call the police in the mean time》 said Hongjoong to you 《We need to report Jaehyun》

You nodded and they walked out, leaving you alone with San. You felt nervous being alone with him when you knew he couldn't remember who you were. It was also kind of awkward.

《So... your name's Y/N, right?》 he said, remembering what Hongjoong said earlier

《Yeah》 you replied

《And... who are you?》 he asked, hesitant 《I mean, who are you for me?》

《I don't know either》

You were going to give him a change, but then all of this happened and you hand't made anything official yet.

《What happened to me?》 San asked 《Who beat me up?》

《His name is Jaehyun》 you replied 《I don't know if you remember him now》

San shook his head.

《He's a classmate of mine》 you said 《You got suspended from school for hitting him, and he came back with some friends to give you a lesson》

《Why did I fight him?》

Was it a good idea to tell him the reason? You didn't know. You wanted him to know that you two kind of already had a story, but at the same time you didn't want San to think you were special for him, because you didn't know if it was true. You didn't want him to believe something false.

《You were trying to protect me》 you whispered, hoping he wouldn't hear

But he did hear it. He kept silent for a while, then spoke again.

《Where you there, when I was beaten up?》 he asked

You nodded and his look turned into a worried one.

《Are you okay?》 he asked 《They didn't do anything to you, did they?》

You felt your heart clench in your chest, hearing San worrying about you even when he didn't know who you were.

《I'm fine》 you replied

He sighed in relief.

《Will you keep me company?》 he asked 《We can talk, and I can get to know you better. Maybe that way I'll start remembering something》

《I guess I can do that》 you replied

San smiled at you and you felt your chest get warmer at the sight of his dimples. 

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