Heartbreak High • Pokemon

By undeadbelova

14.8K 435 352

♡˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ COMPLETED Serena Yvonne wants a fresh start in her last year of high school. She cuts ties with her... More

⚠️ Author's Note ⚠️
1. Serena's New Start
2. The Results
3. Wild Accusations
4. Full Of Surprises
5. I Miss The Old You
6. Behind Closed Doors
8. Paul is back
9. The Cheer Captain Isn't A Mary Sue
10. I Want To Be There For You
11. Confrontation Of Bitches
12. The Ursula Incident
13. Mother Knows Best
14. Filthy Cheater
15. Lover, Where'd You Go?
16. Princess
17. Bitch You Better Be Joking
18. Average Day At Shalour High
19. Ruin Our Friendship
20. Shalour Carnival
21. Back To School
22. It's Nice To Have A Friend

7. Everything Is Fine

545 21 14
By undeadbelova

Serena's POV

My eyes fluttered open. I turned to my alarm clock and my eyes widened when I realised I'd forgotten to set an alarm for school and I was now going to be late.

I quickly got up and raced over to the mirror, where I noticed the cuts around my eye looked a lot more healed. I knew with some makeup to cover it, I'd be able to get through school.

I didn't want to face people, but I knew I couldn't stay home any longer. Being home alone with what'd happened.. it wasn't healthy. Besides, I knew certain people would really worry if I stayed home any longer.

I got changed into some suitable clothes for school, and got to work in covering the cuts around my eye with makeup. After about fifteen minutes, I managed to have covered it really well.. with layers of concealer and powder. I used a setting spray and then looked in the mirror, feeling relieved that it was covered.

I went downstairs and made some breakfast, and quickly ate. When I had placed the empty dishes in the sink, I pulled my backpack onto my back and got ready to leave.

I walked out of the front gate and closed it, before looking over at Clemont's house sadly. I hadn't had the chance to see Clemont in days, I was looking forward to seeing him again.

I started walking to school, thinking about what classes I had for the day. I had cheer practice in the morning, which I was already going to be late for.. then art and history.

I soon reached the school gate and entered the premise. I hurried to my locker where I dumped my school bag before locking it again. I took my second bag, containing my cheer uniform, with me into the bathroom where I changed.

I then exited the bathroom and began heading down the hall, to the gym in a hurry.. but on my way I bumped into somebody.

"Ow.." I sighed, taking a step back to realise I'd bumped into Gary. "Serena?" Gary blurted, seeming unfazed that I'd just ran into him. "Hey Gare." I replied sheepishly, knowing if I stood in front of him for too long, he'd definitely notice my eye.

"Is everything alright??" He asked. "Yeah! All good! I was gone for one day, it's nothing to worry about." I laughed nervously, speaking quickly as I tried to get around Gary to continue dashing towards the gym.

"Serena, wait-" Gary blurted, putting his arms around my shoulders lightly, to stop me from trying to walk past him. "You weren't answering your phone all weekend.. are you sure you were alright?" He asked, looking at me with a concerned look. I looked up at him, feeling guilty.. I didn't want to worry him.

"I was sick after the party.. I didn't really feel up to talking to anybody, sorry." I lied, speaking softly. Gary nodded, before squinting at me. "Hey what happened to your-" My eyes widened, as I realised I had to leave before Gary finished his sentence.

I nudged Gary's hands off on my shoulders before I quickly walked past him. "Gary I really have to go, I promise I'll text you later, bye!" I called as I kept walking away at a great speed. Gary sweatdropped, "Uh.. bye!" I heard, in response.

I kept walking towards the gymnasium, rushing past people as I went. Eventually I stopped, as I was finally faced with the gymnasium doors. I let out a deep breath, before I pushed them open and walked inside.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late!" I said, seeing as though everyone was already training. "Serena!" Dawn blurted happily, with a smile, sounding surprised to see me. I smiled back before I joined in with training.

An hour passed and we were finished. Most of the girls had left the gymnasium, but Shauna and I were still sitting on the ground, talking. Not too far from us were Dawn, Iris, May and Hilda who were having their own conversation.

The bell rang, and we all stood up to leave for recess. May, Iris, Hilda and Shauna walked ahead, leaving me with Dawn. "Sere, are you feeling better?" Dawn asked, seeming happy to see me. "I'm feeling so much better." I lied. "That's good." Dawn chimed, as we exited the gym.

"What classes do you have today?" Dawn asked, as we walked in silence for a couple of moments. "Uh honestly I don't know." I blurted, forgetting. I knew i'd checked my timetable before cheer, but my mind was so occupied that I'd forgotten.

"Hey uh.. what happened to you face?" Dawn asked, before taking a step closer to me, and squinting as she looked around my eye. "N.. nothing!" I blurted, before giving Dawn a push as I also stepped back in worry.

Dawn gave me a funny look, "Uhh.. okay?" She laughed nervously. "Sorry I uh.." I trailed off, trying to think of what to say. "I'm still a bit sick.. can't have you standing too close to me! You might get sick too!" I blurted. "Uh.. yeah okay." Dawn sweatdropped, as I felt embarrassed.

"I'm going to be helping Brendan with the football tryouts today, I'll see you around!" Dawn smiled, giving me a wave before she dashed away. I let out a sigh after she left, feeling embarrassed by the past five minutes, but I really didn't want her to see my eye.

"Great.. Dawn probably thinks I'm really weird now." I thought.


The day was going by quite fast, before I knew it, it was last period. I hadn't seen Dawn much during the day, she was busy helping Brendan choose football players for the team, as it was time for tryouts. Brendan had convinced Calem and Ash to join, and was searching for more players.

As much as I loved Dawn and enjoyed her company.. I was glad I hadn't seen her too much today.. mostly because I knew she'd see the covered up scratches on my face.

I looked up at the clock, sighing when I realised there was still forty minutes to go of this class. I was excited to leave school.. but at the same time.. I wasn't excited to go home.

I looked at the empty seat beside me. Gary was in my history class and asked me to save him a seat. Honestly I was a little relieved he didn't show up to class as he was also close to noticing the scratches on my face.

I couldn't help but wonder though.. Where is Gary?


Normal POV

"You know I'm so behind in history, babe." Gary sweatdropped, as Misty dashed down the hallway, taking Gary by the hand. "Since when did you care about going to class?" Misty laughed.

She lead him outside, to the hangout the Serpents had at the back of the school. It was quite dirty, with empty cigarette cartons and beer bottles scattered on the ground.

Misty then sat down, Gary sitting beside her. "You seem distracted.." She admitted to her boyfriend, as she was lighting up a cigarette. "I am a little bit.." He admitted. "Oh god you're not thinking about Serena, are you?" Misty asked in a groan, before she took a puff from her cigarette.

The truth was, Gary was thinking about Serena. He was beginning to grow worried about her.. she was definitely hiding something from him.

"Gare?" Misty asked, as he hadn't answered her question. "Hm? Yes baby?" Gary blinked, before looking to Misty. The orange haired girl tossed away her cigarette butt, before she turned to face her boyfriend again. "Tell me you're not thinking about that blonde haired brat.. tell me that you don't feel anything for her."

Gary just blinked, unamused, "I don't feel anything romantic for Serena.. she's just a friend." He reassured her. "The only girl I have feelings for.. is you." Gary added, causing Misty to smirk.

The girl then leant forward, crashing her lips into Gary's as she kissed him passionately. He began to kiss her back, as she slowly moved from her position beside him, to sit on his lap. Gary moved his hands so he could wrap them around her waist gently. Misty then took no time to waste, already making it clear what she wanted as she slid her hands up Gary's shirt.

She began lifting it, hoping he'd cooperate and take it off. Instead, he pulled away, "Babe, no." He simply said. Misty scowled lightly, before she pressed her lips against his once more, as they kissed passionately again.

The orange haired girl then again, began trying to lift Gary's shirt, hoping he'd give up and agree to this. The brunette pulled away from his girlfriends lips again, this time annoyed as he looked at her. "Misty, we're literally at school.." He said, annoyance in his voice.

"What if.." Misty trailed off, trying to use a flirty tone of voice. "We go back to your house.. after all, you live quite close to here." She admitted, giving her lover a grin. Gary looked at her, still an annoyed look. He sighed, not in the mood for this, his mind was already quite occupied by his best friend that was acting quite strangely.. but he knew his girlfriend, she wouldn't give up until she got what she wanted.

"Fine, lets go back to my place." Gary decided. Misty gave a wink, "I knew you'd agree." She admitted, getting off of Gary and standing up, ready to leave the school grounds. Gary stood up and the pair began walking away from their squad's hangout.

Gary lit a cigarette up and held it in his left hand, before holding Misty's hand with his right hand. The pair exited the school, heading to Gary's humble home.


"Clemont!" Serena boomed, seeing her neighbor waiting at the gates of the school. "Serena! I was hoping you were at school today." The blonde boy admitted, with a smile. The pair began walking together, heading towards their homes.

Clemont asked Serena about how she was doing, asking if her weekend was good, as he hadn't seen her. Serena began telling Clemont about the party, but not before a car pulled up beside them.

"Who is that?" Clemont asked, as they both turned to face the vehicle, as the passenger seat window began to roll down. "Hey Serena, care for a ride?" A voice asked, as Serena bit her lip to realise it belonged to Dawn.

"Actually, I was going to walk with Clemont today." She admitted nervously. "It's kinda important, gotta talk about some cheer stuff." Dawn replied. Serena shrugged, convinced, "Uh yeah.. sure thing." She decided, opening the passenger door to get inside the car.

"Sorry Clemont, I hate to be a cockblock but this is really important." Dawn said to Clemont, causing both Clemont and Serena to grow flustered. "Seriously Dawn!?" Serena asked awkwardly, causing the cheer captain to laugh.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Clemont asked. "Yeah, see you tomorrow Clemont!" Serena gave her best friend a smile, before Dawn began to drive away. Serena put the window up, before she faced Dawn. "I do not have a thing for Clemont!" She hissed, embarrassed. "If you say so." Dawn teased in a sweet tone.

"So... what is so important that you've picked me up to talk about? We could have just talked over the phone." Serena confessed. "Fun fact, this isn't about cheer stuff." Dawn shrugged, focussing on the road as they drove.

"So.. what is this about?" Serena asked, confused. "It's about your eye." Dawn admitted, not looking away from the road as she spoke. "What about it?!" Serena blurted, defensively.

"Well.. who did this to you??" Dawn asked, sounding defensive now. "Nobody! There's nothing wrong with my eye!" Serena retaliated, not wanting to start an argument with Dawn.

"Look.. Serena," Dawn began, pulling over as she was now in front of her house. "I've noticed the bruises on your arms and tried not to jump to conclusions and think that somebody's hurting you.. but your eye.. that's proven to me that something bad is going on." Dawn explained. I know signs of abuse when I see it." She admitted, causing Serena to blink in surprise. "I lied to you a bit in that diner the other day." Dawn confessed.

"What do you mean?" Serena asked, confused. "My dad.. he didn't leave my Mum because she fell pregnant with me at a young age.." She admitted. "We lived with my Dad up until I was five, and he abused my Mum quite often." Dawn explained, sounding like this was quite hard to talk about, "Even for tiny little me.. I always noticed the bruises and cuts on her body, and see she'd try to cover it up with makeup.. it was still so clear to me that something was really wrong." She added.

"After I turned five, my mother ran away from my dad with me, and when we finally settled down a bit, my mum reported him right away and after the evidence was looked over, he was sent to jail." Dawn concluded. Serena didn't know what to say, she felt so guilty for Dawn. "Dawn.. I am so sorry.." Serena blurted, sympathetically.

Dawn moved her hand over to Serena's and put it on top of hers, "Is somebody.. hurting you?" She asked. Serena looked up at Dawn, before shaking her head. "No, absolutely not." She replied.

"Honestly girl, I had an accident in the kitchen.. I can't believe I even tried to cook." Serena lied, trying to cover it up. She even put on a laugh to try and make it believable.

Dawn looked away, before looking back at the blonde haired girl. "If you ever need to escape any sort of abuse.. you're more than welcome to move into my house. I have a spare room. And we can talk to my Mum and try and resolve this all together." Dawn admitted.

"Just know that if something's going on, you don't have to live with it.. there's people like my Mum and I that would welcome you with open arms and help put an end to this." Dawn explained. Serena gave the girl a smile, before she removed her hand from under Dawn's. "Girl, you have nothing to worry about.. you don't need to go all protective Captain mode on me. Trust me, everything is fine." Serena offered her a smile. Dawn gave her a smile back, but part of her still found Serena's story unconvincing.

"I'm gonna head inside but I'll see you tomorrow." Serena insisted. "Uh yeah, I'll see you tomorrow Sere!" Dawn decided, before Serena stepped out of the car.

Dawn drove off, as Serena waved. The girl then turned back to her house, worried for what she might face when she stepped inside.

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