What Happen to ME?! - (OC x L...

By HeartPirateHoshi12

3K 28 0

This story about an young girl who had an wish and ended up in her favorite anime series. Little dose she hav... More

The New World
Welcome to the Crew
Fishman Island
Ryugu Kingdom
Kingdom Problems
Punk Hazard and White Crystal
Going Home & Trapped in Real World
Adventure in the Real World
Sora's Wish and Returning to One Piece World
The Party
New Adventure
Part of this World
Wanted Poster - Final Part 1
In love with you - Final pt2
We Are! - Final Pt3
Sora's Little Sister - Final Pt4
My life with you - Final (The End)

Dressrosa and Kidnapping

123 1 0
By HeartPirateHoshi12

Finally they arrived in Dressrosa this arc was her favorite one she love the town and story behind it was sad also. As everyone was dressed up as they hiding from Doflamingo and his pirates. All but Sora who wasn't dressed up since Doflamingo don't know anything about her. But she did wore an cloak that she created from her own world to keep herself hidden Luffy and Law wasn't going let her leave the ship without something to hide herself under. "There happy now?" She said as the two captains nodded their heads before walking off into country itself. There was toys everywhere she knew this was Sugar's doing little girl with devil fruit powers. Sora followed after the group as Luffy learned that his late  brother's devil fruit powers was up for grabs. "Sora help me!" He grabs the cloaked girl then heads to Colosseum where the tournament was taken place. Law sighed he did not want Luffy taken her with him! she can't fight with those power house people! before he can try to take her back they are gone.

"Strawhat-ya... He going get her killed." Law wasn't going let that happen. "Don't worried about them. Sora is not alone." Robin said making Law feel little better but not much.  Luffy grabs hold of Sora's hand as they both entered the Colosseum together. "Luffy we shouldn't use our real names." She asked Luffy wasn't listening he was about to use his real name before Sora stop him. "LUFFY!" she shouted. "Oh fine!" He wrote down 'Lucy' Sora giggled at his name. "Your entering also!" Luffy wrote down 'Sky' for Sora. "LUF. I mean LUCY!" Sora sighed as she grabs her nametag as she followed Luffy to the block where they're going wait. As she watches Luffy take out an man name Spartan. "LUCY!" Sora shouted as two guards approached Luffy telling him he wasn't allow to keep going. "No he going join in. He did it in self - defenses" One of the fighters explained. Sora haven't relived her face to anyone she did not want ruin her cover also. Luffy grin as he stared over at Sora. "This going be fun Sky!" He started laughing. "Yeah for you.." She whisper to herself. "That was something." An blonde guy said as he sat on an create holding an red rose. Sora's blue eyes shifted over to the guy who was talking to Luffy. "Hey you." He pointed at Sora. "Remove your hood.." He asked. "No" Sora wasn't going do it she did not want be made fun being an girl. He stood up then walked over to Sora as he was about to pull the hood down Luffy stop him. "Don't touch Sky." He did not like anyone touching her.

"Have it your way" He walked off Sora sighed as she leaded up against the wall maybe she should went with Law as the fight started for the devil fruit. She really did not want be part of it. After the first around she watches the next fight and next fight. Until she was the next fighter. "Oh great.." What can she do?! if she falls into that water her true powers will be relived. As she walked out of the area she was waiting the girl walked out into the ring. It's was her fighting one of the blackbeard pirates. 'Good god.. WHY HIM! I hate those pirates!'  Burgess stared down at the cloaked figure. "Umm. Remove the cloak." Sora glared at him. "You remove that paper bag.. It make you look stupid." She taunted him. Luffy was watching from the doorway he did not like where this was going.

As the fight started only thing she can do was dodge this guys attacks she can't fight back she did not have an weapon only powers she had was her devil fruit powers. As Burgess started swinging at her she needed for something! as she remember the power of the mer mer fruit the singing power! it's was only thing she can do! but how can she do that again?! she can't keep this up forever she was very close to the edge of the ring. 'HELP ME' as an blue shell pendent appeared around her neck then microphone appeared. She grabs the microphone as it started ti glow as an melody started to play through the microphone. Then she started singing

Let's head out on a big journey beyond the sun and the wind.
I'm sure we'll open the door to a paradise that's not on the map.

On the morning you were born into this world, the bell of blessing rang.
People are born embracing just a single treasure.

At first Burgess was confuse why was this person signing. "If you think that going --- AHHHH!" The sound waves from the microphone was hitting his ears as he was in pain.

Don't forget the feelings from that day. My dear songs are flowing in my heart.

In the midst of our journey, we aim for the land of the sun
Without a map, we head to the Promised Land.
This overflowing story will change into an endless future.
I'm sure I'll grant a lot of dreams, so... Smile!

Sora keep on singing as Burgess fallen over into the water taken him out the paper bag he had on his head was floating in the water. Sora stop her singing as the microphone vanished from her hands. "I did it?" She was confuse as she pulled down her hood reliving herself to the whole Colosseum her face. "SHE AN GIRL?!" one of the people shouted.

"Yeah what of it?!" She growled as she walked off as Luffy was grinning like an child. "You did great Sky!" He hugged her to death. Meanwhile an green haired male was going crazy about seeing Luffy but who this girl? Cavendish smirked. "I'll be damn. It's was an female. Cute one also." He watches the fight form his end also. As Luffy and Sora walked back to the Colosseum together. "Luf. I mean Lucy. I would like to stick around. I should go check on the others. Don't worried about me." With that Sora pulled her hood back over her head letting Sora head out of the Colosseum as there was no one around. As she takes off the cloak she was wearing she relived her outfit she was wearing she wore an purple top with cute hello kitty on it and jean shorts with white sandels.

As she walked away from the Colosseum hoping they will not notices one of the fighters was missing she wasn't pose been part of that anyway. Sora wonder the streets as she ended up on northside of the city as she was singing an song also.

The town where everyone sleeps,
If I walk with nothing on my mind,
I can see it
Buried under the advancing crowd,
Is my trembling heart.

Raison d'etre, in that way
Raison d'etre, in the same way
Smile, fall silent
Why do my emotions sway?
I'm looking for a key
I've always been looking
I can't see it anywhere

Where is key to that door...

Her voice pick up by nearby Robin and Law who was having coffee at the outdoor cafe. 

What's more important then words?
The time keeps passing and you can't realize it
Waiting for a sign to be taught like this
Facing the vector that was pointed out

Raison d'etre, in today's world too
Raison d'etre, I believe it
A faint light shining on a real love
I'm looking for a reason
I've always been looking
Where could it have disappeared?
Where is that reason to live...

"Where is that reason to Live?" Law voice spoke out. Causing Sora to stop then blushed. "It's just song! Nothing to worried about!" She laughed it off as when she was singing that she was thinking about the moment with Corazon and Law past. "I'm glad you're alright Sky-chan" Robin said with an smile. "Luffy's ideas are crazy." She rubbed back of her head. "Join us." Robin said as Sora taken the empty chair. There was small cut on her cheek Law placed his finger on her cheek that cause to be in pain. "Dose it hurt?" He asked. "it's dose little." She answer. "That baka he shouldn't haven't drag you into that!" Law wasn't happy but again he was glad she was alright. "Calm down Law. It's fine." She blushed.


Sora followed Law and others to an bridge where an fighting fish attacked the bridge as Sora lost her footing then slipped through the iron  bars into the water below. "SORA!" Robin and Law shouted as she hit the water transformed into an mermaid. She hope they'll keep going she will meet up with Law and Caesar again as she swim away meanwhile the group on the bridge needed to get away from that thing. Then net appeared and catch the fighting fish along with Caesar the net went flying with Caesar with it.

Meanwhile Sora was swimming through the water as she notices an marine ship that was the same ship she seen in the series. As she popped out of the water she notices an group of marines and Doflamingo also. The mermaid stayed away from the beach but that did not happen as she felt something wrapped around then dragged her to the shoreline. "What do we have here? An  mermaid? Oh your rare one." Doflamingo pulled Sora to him to get an better close. "Your cute one." Sora growled. "Let me go pinky!" Pinky? Doflamingo started laughing at his new nickname. "Your going be fun." He said as he notices Law and Caesar showing up.. Law's anger got to him when he notices Sora tried up. "Hey let her go! We had an deal!" Law did not want Sora getting hurt by that asshole.  "She an friend of yours? This make things more fun." Doflamingo placed Sora down still had his strings around her. "Hand him over Law. Or your little girlfriend will get it." He started to tighting the strings around her neck. "L-Law" Was only thing she can get out before passing out.

"SORA!" Law shouted in anger. "Let me go. I hate see the mermaid get killed by joker." Law really did not want hand over Caesar  but he do anything to save only person he cares about. "No I'm not going hand you over. I'll save Sora also." He growled as meters started to fall from the skies destroying the ground they was on all except their footholds then an fight broke out between  them Sora was laying on the ground near the battle grounds. After the fight both her and Law was carried off to the castle now she was back in her human form. "Umm? She most be an devil fruit user.. rare one.." Doflamingo smirked at the fact making this girl part of his family as he carried Sora and Law back to the castle he handed Sora over to one his maids. "Go clean her and give her some fresh clothes also." He order. "Yes master." With that the maids did what they told to do.

After while she woke up being sea tone cuff to an chair along with Law who was sitting next to her. "W-What happen? Where am I?" She asked as Doflamingo stared at the mermaid who woke up before Law did. "Your wake my dear. Your first person that really interested me... I founded this in your pocket." He held up an starry crystal. "That mine!" She shouted. "I figure as much. Do you know how much this in underworld? I don't know how you got this little girl. But you're going tell me your story." He order. Meanwhile outside the window Luffy and the princess of Dressrosa Viola was watching this. Luffy wasn't happy about Sora being there! "That Tora-Guy!" He growled under his breath. "Just wait.. You can just bust in." Luffy knew that! but Sora. "Soo that would explain it... Your from another world.. Interesting..." Doflamingo wanted see this girl world.. "I would love see this world of yours.." He smirked. "No your not!" Law woke up by listening to other half of the story. "Or what Law? there reason why you came here?" He asked remember the jacket with the name of it. "Cora-San.." The name slipped out his mouth Sora sat there with an sad look on her face.

"You killed him!" Law wasn't happy about that. Sora knew the story behind Law and Corazon she glazed away for moment. Doflamingo stared at Sora. "You know about it do you?" He taunted. Law was shocked how dose she know about his past?! Sora bitten her lip drawn blood. "I do... I know everything..." She started crying. "Sora.. How..." Law did not know what to say the girl was crying heavy now Luffy was getting annoyed how Mingo was using Sora for his own plans! Sora gripped her chair. "In my world... You and Luffy... Are... Nothing but characters in manga!" She finally shouted out the real truth. "WHAT?!" Law was shocked by Sora's words. "I'm not lying also... Everything here not real in my world.." Doflamingo smirked. "it's seem like your girlfriend was hiding an dark secret..." Sudden the window shattered as Luffy broke through the window. "SORA! CHARACTER OR FAKE! WHATEVER! I'M STILL GOING SAVE YOU!" Luffy shouted at her causing the girl cry even harder. Viola used the key to unlock both cuffs from both of them.

Luffy grabs Sora and Law then jumped out the window as he ran down the streets of the city. "Luffy! Let me ---" Luffy glared at her. "NO!" He gripped Sora closer to him she can hear his heart beat. "I'll take care of Mingo! No more crying." He cleaned Sora's face with his shirt "Your not angry about the truth?" She asked. "No I don't care.. Meeting us was for an reason Sora.." Luffy explained as Law agreed with him. "He right Sora-ya" Law pulled Sora into him as he placed her hand on his chest. "I have an heart beat right? I know you heard  Luffy's also" He said as Sora's eyes widened they both do. "Do I feel real to you?" He asked once more. "Y-You do.,. B-Both of you do!" She clinged to Law then Luffy placed his hat on Sora's head. "We'll take care of that mingo.. Let go Law." With that two guys head off into the city.

Sora sat there with tears in her eyes she can't turn back on this now she needed to help the others.. Maybe she should check on the Sunny since she haven't heard anything back from them in while. She even had her phone with her since she can use since Franky did some updates on it to make it work in this world also. Upon looked up at the skies as familiar blonde guy ran passed her only to stop to see it that girl that Luffy told him about. "Umm miss? Are you Sora?" The blonde approached her. Sora turned around facing Sabo. "I'm Sora." She said with an smile. "Oh good! I wanted meet you!" He helped her up to her feet. "I'm Sabo. Your cute one. I see why Luffy have an crush on you." He teased her. "That Baka." She laughed.

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