~How did you know?~ [A multi...

By Shining_Crystal27

22K 831 198

Nightmare's gang was only having Error, Dust, Horror and Cross at this point. when suddenly they were to be s... More

~Be your personal guide~
~Not so loyal~
~Masked by darkness~
~Sneaking in~
~Out he goes~
~Did I really?~
~The dangers~
hmm- cracc book
~Your only dear~
~For your darling~
~Plan ruiners~
~Echo flowers~
~Opposites attract~

~Just a normal day, right?~

3.9K 92 30
By Shining_Crystal27

[No one's P.O.V]

It was 2:53 in the afternoon. Dust was still half-asleep. Horror was just intentionally laying on his bed, thinking about his favourite axe. nothing was actually wrong, and then suddenly something sounded like an octopus yelling, or it's just what Dust thought it sounded like. wait, he was actually correct! Nightmare was yelling at Dust and Horror to get their non-existent asses downstairs while Cross was preparing. . .chocolate? (wait wh- )

[Dust's P.O.V]

The day was pretty normal. . .until 'Mr. Meltyface' attempts to ruin it. Of course, he was yelling in the morning!- That was before I saw the half-broken wall-clock, that was barely attached to the wall, showing that it's almost three in the afternoon. No wonder why Mr. Mel- I mean boss was yelling at us. Great, I made him mad. . .no, we made him mad.

I got up at once at the thought of boss, and how he'll probably kill us today, as I just slid my feet inside my flip flops. I was just going to rush downstairs before I realized, Horror still hasn't even come out of his room. So, only because he could've been dead without anyone knowing, I went to check on him. I groaned a bit as I just rushed over to his room, knocking loudly. I swear I could hear him humming a bit, before he shrieked a bit, as he opened the door in a hurry. "Oh, is it finally morning for you?" Horror said as he huffed a bit, looking at me. "Ugh. . .yes, and boss has been yelling for the past few minutes, looks like you didn't hear him, eh?" I replied as Horror's expression became a bit tense. "Well, we're dead then-" Horror said while shrugging. I knew him too well. So, I just silently grabbed his wrist and teleported downstairs. 

There, Error was already seated at the table with a slightly pissed off expression on his face. Cross was still in the kitchen, humming lightly. But the real terror was seeing Nightmare's expression, yeah, we pissed him off a lot.

Nightmare just grunted as he glared at us both, his glare almost felt like it was piercing through our souls. "E-Eh looks like we're a bit late." Horror blurted out, I just nodded a bit.
Nightmare just continued glaring at us both before letting out a deep sigh, as he just huffed a bit. "You both aren't just a bit late. . ." Nightmare grunted. He was trying hard, to not destroy his castle by fighting with two skeleshits. Just then Error yelled, "Guess, I'll be starving today." Gosh, he is such a drama queen, no wait, sarcasm queen is better! I looked back at the octopus. He just sighed again, shaking his head in a 'no'. I on the other hand just nodded at Error. He then threw a spork at my face.

[Error's P.O.V]

"Guess, I'll be starving today," I yelled, as Nightmare just sighed at me, shaking his head in a no, but then there was Dust, that asshole just nodded at me.  So, guess what? I just gripped on the nearest object possible, that was a spork and just threw it at his pathetic face. Great. I could hear Nightmare shaking his head in disbelief, and Cross's humming from the kitchen. Ew. After what seemed like hours (which were actually just 15 minutes.) Cross came out of the kitchen with some melted chocolate and. . .burnt tacos. "No, thank you. I'd better starve." Is what I blurted out. Cross seemed to be completely fine with that statement as he heard it almost every day. The other's faces just clouded with horror, (Haha, get it? ok, I'll shut up.) 

Cross ended up eating some of the tacos and dumping the rest in a portal which I made, I wasn't actually aware of what place that portal led to, but we were just dumping some food. . .burnt food there, so maybe it was fine. Oh boy, I was wrong. Dust ended up accidentally tripping me. As I got shoved inside the portal, Cross was pushed inside as well, and then the rest of the crew members after him. And the best thing was, that the portal closed after that. Now, we couldn't just teleport back. (As if we follow the story, they all could only teleport inside the timeline in which they were in, but none of them barely knew about this place. mk mk.) I tried opening another portal. . .but I couldn't, typical right? I just looked back at the rest of the crew, that was suffocating in this pile of freshly burnt tacos. "Thank you, Dust, we're stuck here," I growled. Dust's head just popped out from the tacos, gasping for air, as he just panted. "-well, then you shouldn't have thrown that spork at me! You idiot!"  Everyone was now glaring at Dust, even his best friend Horror. He just stared at everyone, before letting out a small nervous chuckle. "Maybe I should say sorry. . ." He looked back at me as he mouthed 'Save me.' I just started laughing hysterically. But everyone then looked at me with the 'wtf' look on their faces, oh wait, I accidentally helped that asshole. 

Horror just sighed as he spoke, "Why not we find a way out, instead of blaming each other when we clearly know that it's Dust's fault?" Dust's expression was priceless when his only best friend said this. (Alexa play Titanic flute versio- *smacked*) Everyone actually agreed with Horror, nodding lightly.

Everyone was just trying to take all this in, when a small skeleton, jumped out of the bushes, gasping excitedly "Stop right there, intruders!" the skeleton yelled, as they giggled childishly. As everyone was busy questioning their every single moment, suddenly. . .

(Woo- cliffhanger? -.w-.     Nah- I'll continue.)

As everyone was busy questioning their every single moment, suddenly. . .another skeleton just hissed from the bushed, as they gestured the skeleton in front of us to just stop bothering us. The skeleton in front of us was short. . .like really short, and they were wearing a blue cape that was attached to a bandanna of some sort, a grey sleeveless shirt with a white T-shirt underneath it along with grey shoulder pads with baby blue outlining, pants with a slightly faded blue look to them, and blue boots that match the colour of their cape. (yes, I need to search for it on fandom wiki, and then reference this cri.) I guess I'm the only sane one here. So, I just stared at the skeleton that was in front of me, then I looked at the other skeleton that was still hiding in the bush, I silently gestured them to come out of hiding, as we have already seen them.

[No one's P.O.V]

Nightmare nudged Error as asking if it was actually a good idea or not. Dust was just shrugging, Horror just seemed to be dead. So, everyone just started discussing it, as Nightmare just asked the 'short blue skeleton' at last. "Alright, tell us how to get out from here-" straight and simple as that, Dust just poked his head in between as he whispered to Nightmare, that only both of the new skeletons must be knowing the way, and if they get scared, we're sure to be left to dust here with a pile of burnt tacos. Dust was finally talking logically, but Nightmare couldn't talk all that sweet-and-nicely to the blue skeleton. So, he just shoved Dust in front of the short skeleton. "OK then Mr. Intelligent, you'll be the one asking-" Nightmare said, as he smirked a bit. 

Dust sighed as he already saw that coming, He was just going to speak to the small skeleton, but he was interrupted by the other skeleton, finally coming out of the bushes. This skeleton was just slightly smaller than the rest of the crew, but he was definitely taller than the blue skeleton. This skeleton looked a lot like Dust, but his hoodie was a bit paler blue, he was also wearing shorts that were white, with black stripes, with ruffled tan-coloured fur around the hood. He seemed to be. . .crying black tears. The skeleton just grabbed the blue skeleton's wrist, as he started walking away, but Nightmare immediately shot his tentacles after them, wrapping them around both of the skeleton's waist. He was not in a good mood, as he yelled, still trying to be calm. "So, you both are coming with us to find a way out, and do you both even have any names?" Both the skeletons nodded. The blue skeleton was still energetic, as he proudly yelled, "Blueberry!"  now his clothing's made more sense for some reason. Now, everyone looked at the other skeleton, he just sighed, but before he could even speak, Dust just yelled "Crybaby! pfft-" That- that name was so accurate, the 'crybaby' just seemed triggered, as he coughed a bit, calmly saying "No, I'm not crying- It's just liquid hate that's pouring from my eye sockets. . .and my name is Killer." The skeleton seemed sort of relieved after saying this, as he just smiled a bit, but only a bit. 

"Ugh. . .alright Blue and Crybaby, you both are coming with us." Nightmare said, rather softly than usual. . .

(Yas! finally, so, ahem- This is my first ever story, so it's probably gonna be bad. qwq and second, I know I'm poor at English and grammar but please forgive me for as I'm still just twelve. *ugly sobbing* oh, and pretty please tell me if I should add any more ships. well, that's all for now 

Word Count: 1555 

well, cya'll ! :)


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