(Seven Deadly Sins, Ban x rea...

By bellalynn15

42.9K 917 121

(Complete, but editing and changing a lot right now, so some of it might not make sense, extra plot holes) T... More

1. Pilot
2. Drinking
3. The Kiss
4. Endarah
5. drinking in the past
6. Carl
7. Miss Me
8. Escanor
9. Can't Go
10. Elaine
11. Melissa
12. I Love You~
14. Danny
16. date
17. What?!
18. Vote
19. Still You
20. Bans Ranting
21. Broken
22. Worries
23. Ash
24. Courage
25. Worthy
26. Cake
27. Real
28. Town Before
29. Not Here
30. Jericho
31. Zhivago
32. Here
33. Soup
34. Let You Go
35. Where
36. Thoughts
37. Most of Eternity

13. Mine

1.2K 26 11
By bellalynn15

(Y/n) pov

"(Y/n)!" Diane shouts my name.

I slowly sit up, rubbing my cheek that likely has a big red spot from the way I was lying on the table.

"Did I ever tell you how much I missed you like, I miss you more than king or meliodas did. even more than Ban!" Diane declares.

"What?" Ban steps in because he heard his name.

"Diane was telling me that she missed me more than you did." I yawn.

"Oh really?" He chuckles.

"Yesh! (Y/n) is mine, so stay away from her!" Diane picks me up effortlessly.

"Diane?!" I squeal with a giggle.

"(Y/n)! Stop trying to steal my diane!" King yells.

"King! Me and (y/n) are in love. There's nothing you can do to get in the way of our happiness!" Diane shouts, stepping onto a table.

I feel like I missed a lot during my little nap, feeling a little too sober for this.

"Ban! you need to help me stop our girls from leaving us!" King whines.

"No way, dude, this is hot, and I don't know what planet you're living on because there not, "our girls"." Ban laughs.

"But, but," King pouts.

Diane, let's my feet touch the table top, but it keeps me close with an arm wrapped around my waist.

"Now let's show everyone how much we love each other!" Diane says, more to the room than to me.

"NO!" King cries.

Diane runs her hand through my hair to hold the back of my head, looking into my eyes before she kisses me. Her lips are soft, but the kiss isn't. It's very obvious that she's drunk. I think half of the kiss is her front teeth.

I pull away, then kiss her forehead.
"I think that's enough."

"But (y/n)~" she pouts.

"It's ok, I just don't want to make King angry." I grab the corner of Kings pillow and drag him over to her, smiling at her while doing so, but I let it drop when I turn, and she can't see my face.

I shouldn't feel this sad. This empty after someone I genuinely love and care about tells me she loves me. Maybe it's because I know Diane's definition of love isn't as strong as mine.

I love the sins, my family, Elizabeth, and Danny.

Diane loves most of the sins, her family, Elizabeth, some holy nights, some holy knight apprentices, every one of her friends, every kind baker, every one of her friend's friends, if she doesn't actively dislike someone she loves them.

The past

I feel like I'm in a forest of books, after discovering a building called a public library that I'm allowed to use for free.

I dicide it's a perfect place for me to start. I'm going to need as much knowledge as I can get to navigate through this world on my search for Ban.

I start making a pile of helpful books on a table when I find a book titled Losing Immortality. I pick it up curiously and maybe a little hopeful.

"Endarah, how may I help you?" A voice startles me into dropping the book.

"Oh, um, no thanks, I think I have it figured out." I quickly pick the book back up and face them.

A beautiful woman with long, white, wavey hair that goes down to her ankles and freckles that cover her face like stars cover the night sky. She looks exactly like someone who frequently shows up in my dreams.

"I'll give you a moment to read that book, then you can see if you require my services." She tells me.

"Yuno?" I take a step back and watch her face light up.

"You know me!?" She cheers.

"I, um, no? I don't know, do you know me?" I twist my necklace.

"We've never met... but I need your help." She smiles.

"With what?" I tilt my head.

"I need you to kill me." Her smile doesn't drop.

"Wait, what?" I'm almost certain I misheard her.

"Maybe you should read the book first." He tells me.

I give her a wired look, then open the book to the first page to read, I'll kill any immortal in exchange for 10,000 silver or seven sleepovers.

I turn the page to find the rest of them are blank.

"What?" I scrunch my eyebrows, looking at her like she's crazy.

"Ok, maybe that didn't help. Just hear me out, ok? I have the ability to kill immortal people, but I am also immortal. I would very much like to die, but only people who remember me can kill me. I was summoned here because you an immortal grabbed my book." She explains.

"Wait, you could kill me?" I'm still confused, but a little hopeful.

"No! I mean, well, technically, yes, but I'm not going to, because you can kill me." She forces a laugh.

"But," I frown.

"It's ok. Once I'm dead, you'll get all kinds of cool powers. And anyone who remembers you and your name can kill you." She explains.


"You'll suddenly know a shit tone of spells and gain physical combat skills and be able to play a few instruments it will be like muscle memory." She talks like many of the vendors I've passed who were trying to sell me something.

"What if I can't find anyone who remembers me?" I play with my necklace.

"What do you mean?" She tries to process everything I said, then I explain everything to her.

Taking the opportunity to, because no one else has given me the opportunity to. This is the first time I've even talked to someone for more than two sentences.

I tell her about Ban, how I became immortal, then the red demon, and how he killed everyone else I knew and loved, everyone who knew me, except for Ban.

"Wow," she blinks a few times.
"And I thought I had it rough."

I laugh, trying to get myself to stop crying.

"If you can't find this Ban guy, there will always be some who exist who will remember you. Like how you remember me." She puts her smile back on.

"That means if you can kill me, you can find someone else, right?" I bite the inside of my cheek, hard.

"I guess so." She frowns.

"What was the price again? 10,000 silver?" I open my bag that I had previously filled with gold jewelry, taking a handful out, making her eyes go wide.

"Sorry, I specifically wanted silver. We're going to have to find someone who will trade for it. We can go now." She takes my hand, first brushing her thumb across my knuckles, then she guides me out of the library.

The moment we're out the door, a giant red foot stomps down in front of me, and I hear screaming everywhere.

I fall back and land on my ass, looking up to see the rest of the red demon. They take another step, this time crushing a building.

I sob, feeling frozen, completely trapped in this moment.

Yuno grabs my forearm, pulling me off the ground and onto my feet.
"Listen to me. You can stop this. You can save everyone." She looks into my eyes, making sure I hear her over the screams.
"If you kill me, you will have the strength, the power to save everyone here."

"I, I can't." I cry.

"You can." She insists.

"Why can't you do it?!"

"It has to be you!" She takes out a dagger and points it into her heart.
"Do it!" She grabs my hand, forcing it to hold the dagger.

I can't think, yuno yelling and everyone else's screaming overwhelm me. I want it all to stop. I need everything to stop. I have to save everyone.

I press the dagger into her chest, and then both her and the demon disappear, all of the buildings that were destroyed, all of the people are completely unharmed.

All of Yuno's, John's, Zoro's, Nick's, and Emma's memories are now mine, and anyone who has ever known my name, Ban, has forgotten who I am.

Ban pov

I finally made it. I found the fairy king's forest. I can find the water from the fountain of youth, and then I can be with (y/n). I can spend the rest of eternity with her. Neither of us would ever have to fear losing the other. She wouldn't have to be alone.

I duck under some lower branches, continuing to weave my way past trees, bushes, and giant mushrooms until I find the biggest tree in the center of the forest.

'I'll find you again soon.' I grin confidently.
'Wait, who am I trying to find?' I look around.
'What am I going here?' My mind gets foggy. I should probably find something to eat soon.
'Oh, right, I'm here to drink from the fountain of youth. Sometimes good will happen to me if I live long enough.' I start to climb the tree.

End of flashback

"(Y/n)!" I sit up in bed, overwhelmed with all my lost memories of the woman i loved returning.

(1533 words)

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