
By Childprodigytni

32.4K 1.2K 742

"Baby, you're so cute" Jimin cooed "I just want to put you in an overly large sweater with kitten mittens and... More

"What's the matter, Kookie?"
"What the fuck, Jimin!?"
"What took you so long?"
"You're supposed to suck on it!!"
Korean Trader Joe's and Sleepyime Cuddles.

Thank God For The Left Nipple. (PT.1)

4.1K 154 61
By Childprodigytni

It's been some time since the group has had an actual break and this extended break would help a lot with some of the issues they have been facing.

But, since they are having a extended break, a well deserved one at that, of course it was gonna come with some strings attached.

Namjoon just didn't like to be the bearer of bad news.

"What the hell is this?" Yoongi snorted, picking up the folder off of the table, filled with different stacks of paper stapled together. "It better not be what I think it is."

"This," Namjoon began,"Is the diet plan for our extended break."

Diets were something that the group was not used to. The only time Namjoon can remember dieting is near the beginning of their debut, and it wasn't even all of them.

Seokjin gasped in horror, "Oh hell no, somebody get this stuff out of here, before I pass out." Hand grasping his chest and letting out exaggerated puffs of air.

"We have to follow this plan you guys," Namjoon exclaimed, eyebrows raising and hands slamming on the table.

"What about all of the SWEETS!" Taehyung fake sobbed, grasping on to a wailing Jimin. Taehyung manically murmured a mantra of the phrase: 'sweets, treats, and meats', over and over again.

Namjoon's cheeks flushed, and he grimaced. That list of foods did sound disgusting. Like what the hell is ''Vegan Avocado Cassarole' anyway? Namjoon shook his head quickly, he had to keep his resolve.

"I'm serious guys!" Namjoon shouted, shaking Taehyung in to a dizzy stir. "Let's go over this from the top."

"No sugary, gummy, or candied foods. No chips, no super heavy meals all at once...." Yoongi trailed off, eyes growing wide with amazement as they scanned the pages,"Why don't they take away my life with them as well?"

"It's only to keep us in good shape, so when we get off from break, our debut won't be delayed." Namjoon reassured, a gentle smile on his face, dimples showing.

Hoseok slapped Taehyung, causing Tae to jump in fear, he shouted, "To keep you maggots in shape!"

Hoseok probably doesn't look it, but he is a hardcore exercise enthusiast. He always works out once in the morning, and again at night, and in the afternoon when he can squeeze one in.

You don't get rock hard abs by just eating kimchi and dancing.

"I'm the informer...." Namjoon smiled. His soft features and hairstyle giving him an almost angelic aura.

"...and I'm the enforcer." Hoseok grinned widely, giving the group a thumbs up sign, "Don't get caught you guys."


"Day three of the 'Please Kill Me' Diet. I think that I am finally turning green," Jimin whispered to the wall, "Maybe my real-

MEAT-EATING- family will come get me and stuff me full of  barbeque and carbs."

Namjoon threw a pillow at Jimin's curled form, startling a shriek out of him.

Jimin is so melodramatic.

Jimin sat up rubbing the left side of his forehead, lips contorted into a pout, " What was that about? I am turning green!" Jimin exclaimed, hands shaking wildly in the air.

"Come shopping with me."

Shopping was a perfect activity for Namjoon to get a chore done and spend time with Jimin as well. Also, maybe, and just maybe, Namjoon might persuade Jimin in to feeling more happy about this diet, so he can aid Namjoon into convincing the others.

Jimin's face split into a wide, mischievous chestire grin, his voice light, he said, "Of course, hyung."

Of course, Namjoon had to put a few precautions in place as well.


Namjoon didn't know that asking Jimin to come along with him to the grocery store would include the two other members of the maknae line, Jungkook and Taehyung.

"Wait!" Jungkook slid down the hallway, panting heavily, "Who is going to the store?!"

"We are! Wanna come with us?" Taehyung screamed, hand vibrating with excitement.

"Neither of you guys were invited, but okay!!" Jimin shouted, pushing himself in between the two.

It seems like  since Jungkook hit his third growth spurt that the three couldn't be separated. That included in the bedroom as well. The maknae frame had almost doubled in size and he was almost taller than Namjoon.

"So guys we aren't going to buy anything other than the stuff that follows our diet," Namjoon knowingly spoke,"Don't touch anything else, okay?"

"Yes, Hyung." They all spoke in unison. Namjoon had to keep a keen eye on a these tricksters, he didn't want to stir from the diet that the managers had given them.

That's why he brought along Hoseok for backup.

The car pulled along the front, and Hoseok opened the driver's door, his sunglasses shining and his sun burnt tan skin glistening from the sun beaming down on it.

"Are you guys ready or not?"  Hoseok squinted, his foot impatiently tapping a rhythm, "Hurry up!"

They all hopped inside of the vehicle, the maknae line in the backseats and Namjoon and Hoseok in the front seats.

The ride was wild, like ridiculously wild. It spanned from the time that Hoseok decided that turning on Afro music would be a good idea for hungry, somehow energetic, demon sharks in the back seats. They jumped and danced around to the beat. Hoseok even fell against temptation and busted out a few moves of his own and almost threw the car off of a cliff on more than six occasions.

After the last swerve away from a edge, Namjoon clicked the radio button to the Kidz channel. Hearing the dumb, stupid lyrics flowing through his ears Namjoon almost dozed off, except for the rhythmic kicking at the back of his seat by Taehyung lowly singing along to the lyrics.

"Why the hell is it taking so long to drive to the store!" Namjoon groaned, hands folded in his hair.

"Korean Trader Joe's, Namjoonie," Hoseok grinned lecherously, wind blowing through his hair."It's all the way on the other side of town."


Hello, everybody!

It's been a while seen I have posted anything about this book, and suddenly I was moved by all of the comments and decided to upload a chapter. Now the chapter doesn't have any NSFW scenes, but it will definitely have some in the next chapter.

I have been trying to find out where I want this book to go, so I would really appreciate if you guys would comment some ideas!

Thank you!

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