My Eve(Ruki x OC)(Book 1: Muk...

By RandomRedRidingHood

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When Akane Akikawa transfers to a school her aristocratic family decides to send her to, she ends up in the s... More

Character Analysis: Akane Akikawa
First Meeting
A Ride
Endless Hallways
The Woman
Ruki's Stress
Blood Calling
Death Is Rebirth
Be My Eve

Her Sorrows

214 6 1
By RandomRedRidingHood

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed that last chapter, because boy have I got another for you. Don't you think Ruki and Akane's relationship is progressing? I don't want it to be like a speedy gain, you know. Like BAM they're in love. I want it to take a while. Well, anyway, the theme here is When She Went Away-Max Richter. Enjoy~!

Thanks for reading!



Akane bolted up in bed, gasping loudly. 

"Awake, are you?"a voice murmured. Akane turned in surprise, spotting Ruki sitting in a chair. He had his usual book in his hands, his eyes tracing over the words inside. Akane stared at him. She looked away. "Kou says to give you his regards. He's gone away on Idol work for the rest of the weekend." 

"Right...I forgot he was an idol..."Akane murmured. Ruki looked up in surprise, lowering the book. 

"You're not a fan?"

"I didn't even know he was the idol named "Kou" until a few days ago..."Akane told him. Ruki hummed once, looking away as he bookmarked the page. He sat the book on the chair, moving and walking over to her. Ruki sat down where her legs weren't, on the edge of the bed. He reached for her. Is he going not again! Please don't take my blood again so soon after Kou-! Akane squeezed her eyes shut. Ruki ignored her reaction, gently brushing her bangs from her forehead. Akane's eyes shot open in surprise as he pressed his palm to her forehead. 

"Your fever's gone,"Ruki told her. Akane blinked at him. Ruki moved, lowering his hand. "What's that look for?"

"I...I thought you were going to...." Ruki sent her an annoyed look. 

"You honestly expected me to drink from you after you've just awoken from Kou devouring you?"Ruki asked her. Akane looked away, sighing. Ruki rolled his eyes. "I'm not that heartless. I do believe you should be punished thoroughly for being so weak, but that can wait until you've regained your strength. You should eat something." Akane gave him a surprised look. She hummed at him and moved, pulling her legs out from behind him. She wobbled, moving and bending over to grab her long-sleeve t-shirt that was on the floor. She pulled it back over her head, closing her eyes. "You always wear long-sleeves."

"I'm cold natured,"Akane told him. Ruki hummed once. After a moment, he spoke again. 

"You...Kou saw you use your ability. What exactly is it?" Akane stiffened. She sat still beside him, looking away. 

"I can see things..."Akane told him. She sighed and closed her eyes. "Like...before they happen."

"You mean premonitions." 


Silence hung over the two. After a moment, Ruki frowned. 

"So you saw Kou's future?" Akane paused. She looked at Ruki, her brows pinching together. She shook her head. Ruki gave her a confused look. "Then what was it earlier?" Akane sighed. She moved, crossing her arms around herself. 

"I'm not actually sure."

"Well...I won't ask you about it. It involves Kou, so you should speak with him." Ruki moved, standing from the bed. "You missed a call on your phone. Your Mother." Akane's eyes went wide. 

"You didn't answer it, did you?!"


Akane sighed in relief. She moved, grabbing her phone and clicking it on. She moved, unlocking it and scrolling through her contacts. Ruki went and sat back down quietly in his chair. My Mother called...I wonder if it's good news or bad? She smiled and moved, clicking the button to dial. Akane rose the phone to her ear. Ruki glanced at her. So happy to speak with her family, he thought. 

"Hello? Mom?"Akane asked. 

"Akane. Where have you been? I've called you." Akane stiffened at the angry way her mother said her name. Ruki paused, looking back at her, his hands not having opened the book yet. Akane laughed gently. 

"Yes, I'm sorry...I was trying to study with some friends,"Akane told her mom. An annoyed sigh came on the line. After a pause, her mother spoke again. 

"Tell me, Akane, how are your studies coming? What number are you in the class?" 

"Ah--I think I'm third? But you know, it's only been a week! I'm sure by the next test I'll--"

"Third. You're not first?"Her mother asked in disappointment. Akane's smile dropped slightly. Ruki frowned at the sad look in her eyes. Her mother sighed over the phone. "How expected of you. I thought sending you to that school would help you get better, not sink to the bottom. You remember our agreement don't you, Akane?" Akane swallowed. 

"Yes mother, but--"

"We will cut you off if you can not rise to the top as I ask of you. I have given you everything you've ever asked for and all I ask is that you be number one, and you can't do a simple thing such as that? Disgraceful. I fully expect a better report the next time I call." 

"R-Right...Of course mom..."


Akane held still, the phone pressed to her ear as the click indicated her mother hanging up on her. Ruki gazed at her silently. Akane felt the urge to cry tug in her chest. She smiled with a pained look, her eyes drawing down as she lowered the phone. Akane gently placed it on the nightstand. 

"Your mother...has she always spoken to you like that?"Ruki murmured. Akane swallowed, having forgotten that he was there. 

"Y-Yes, but I'm sure it just shows that she loves me,"Akane lied. She closed her eyes, smiling at him warmly. Ruki frowned at her. That expression...why is she being so kind to me when she's just had a conversation like that with her mother? "I'm hungry, but I need to go to the bathroom first. Hm, I wonder if I could make pancakes after?" Akane turned, standing. She started to the bathroom. "With bacon? Lots of bacon--" Ruki moved, his hand grabbing hers. Akane didn't turn to look at him. He gently drew his arm across her front, holding her back to his chest. His hand that held hers squeezed gently. Why am I doing this? Ruki wondered, slightly confused at himself. I just did what I felt like doing, but.... "W-What is it? You want my blood? I thought you would--" Tears dripped from her eyes, rolling down her face. Her chest jumped with a sob. "I'm..."

"Stop talking,"Ruki murmured. Akane let a shaky sob out. Ruki moved, turning her around. He pressed her into his chest, holding her still. Akane gripped onto him, crying hard. He sighed. "Why put on a happy smile if this is how you are in the end? I don't understand you." Akane shook in his arms. He stared down at the top of her head. Her Mother sounded so cruel on the phone... He remembered his own mother, frowning to himself. After a moment, Akane pushed him away lightly, her hand on his chest. She didn't look up at him, moving to rub at the tears on her face. She sniffled. 

"Sorry..."Akane muttered. Ruki stared down at her. Her hand curled into a fist on his chest. "I'm sorry..." Ruki frowned. Why is she apologizing? For crying? Or is it something else? Akane swallowed. She looked up at him and smiled happily. He could still see the sadness etched in her face. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cry on you..." Ruki didn't respond. Akane turned, moving and walking into the bathroom. She closed it and locked the door with a click. After a moment, Akane slid down the door, more tears falling from her eyes. She wrapped her arms around herself, crying silently. Ruki stared at the door, hearing her. He sighed. She pushed me away before she was done crying. Maybe I should just leave her alone for now. 


Akane hummed to herself as she sat down at her desk in the classroom, Ruki taking his usual seat beside her. Akane quickly pulled out her notebook and pen. She turned to her notes, looking up at the board that said "SELF STUDY" in big letters. Akane turned her attention to her notes again, reading over the words. Ruki rested his chin on his hand, frowning to himself. She hasn't said much since her mother reprimanded her. As she sat looking through her notes, she paused. 


Akane stood up quickly, looking around and surprising Ruki. 

"What?"Ruki asked her. Akane looked down at him in surprise. She swallowed and looked away. 

"'s nothing..."Akane murmured. She moved and sat back down. I know I heard someone say "Eve". It was clear as day... Akane's mind trailed back to the dream she had the previous night. That time, the woman had warned her about Adam. She'd said Adam was dangerous...even though she'd been crying previously about Akane "taking" Adam from her. Akane hadn't talked to anyone about this, though she'd been curious. She glanced at Ruki, seeing he was reading in his book like usual. Should I ask him about this whole "Adam and Eve" thing? It's really confusing when I don't know anything about it... Akane frowned. She turned back to her notes. No...I shouldn't bother with it. Just focus on my studies... She suddenly winced as her finger grazed a page in her notebook. Akane hissed in pain at the sudden paper cut. 

Ruki immediately leaned over, grabbing her hand. Akane pulled from him. 


"Shut up, Livestock,"Ruki sighed. He moved, gently pulling her finger towards him. Akane looked around nervously but paused, spotting they were in the room alone. She blinked in confusion. "You didn't even notice we were alone? You really are stupid Livestock." Ruki pulled her finger up, his tongue flicking out over the paper cut. Akane stiffened at the strange feeling. Warmth shot through her, her cheeks immediately flushing red. Ruki opened his eyes. He stiffened at the look she was giving him. He frowned and turned her finger to the side, biting down and drawing blood. Akane squeaked in surprise and slight pain as he did this. He swallowed her blood, closing his eyes. After a moment, Ruki stood up. "I want more. Give me your blood, Livestock." 

"Ah--wait, we're in public--!" Ruki rolled his eyes and moved, picking her up. He sat her on her desk, moving and undoing her shirt collar. "Ruki-kun--" Ruki stiffened at hearing her call him by his name. She hadn't done so since he'd met her, only calling him "Mukami". He paused, pulling away slightly. "I-I understand...that you want my blood but we're in the classroom..." Ruki sighed at her. 

"So if we were somewhere private, could I?" She blinked at him. Ruki moved, grabbing her under her thighs and lifting her up. He sat her down again and Akane blinked in surprise as she felt cushion. They were now back at the Mukami mansion, sitting in the living room. Akane looked around. Ruki turned her back to face him, dragging her down beneath him on the soft couch. 

"W-Wait I didn't--"

"Shut up." Ruki moved, forcefully turning her chin to the side so her neck was bare to him. He lowered down to her neck, glancing up at her and pausing. She had her eyes squeezed shut, not moving. He hummed in slight amusement. "Good. Submit to me like that." Ruki forcefully sank his fangs into her hard, and Akane let out a yelp. Ruki slid his hand over her mouth to cover it, sucking hard at her neck. Akane's hand gripped his sleeve tightly, her eyes squeezed shut as she made pained noises that Ruki effectively muffled. Ruki pulled away and drew his hand from her mouth. Akane breathed hard, panting now that her mouth was finally uncovered. She swallowed, furrowing her brow. She opened her eyes, looking up at him in confusion. "What's that look for?"

"N-Normally..."Akane breathed. She swallowed. "Normally, you drink until I pass out..." Ruki stared at her. 

"You want me to do that? You're a Masochist?" Akane blushed. 

"What? No!"Akane told him. Ruki gave her a doubtful look. Akane stared at him. Her brows knit together. "W-What's a masochist?" Ruki paused, blinking at her. He lifted up from her in slight surprise. 

"You don't know?"


He gave her a slightly bewildered look. He laughed sightly and sighed, sitting up. 

"Well, damn. Who would've pegged you for an innocent one?"


Ruki sighed in annoyance. He leaned back on the couch. Akane pushed herself up, her hand touching her neck. Ruki watched her as she moved, turning to fix her collar. His eyes stared at her hard. What is it about her? He wondered. He frowned to himself. Akane isn't like other girls I've met. Akane paused, noticing him looking at her. She stiffened. 

"W-What?"She asked. Ruki rolled his eyes, looking away. He pushed himself up from the couch. Akane watched him as he turned and started away. She frowned and sighed, sitting still. Ruki left her alone, not telling her where he went. I wonder if he went back to the school... Akane's eyes fell to looking out the big window of the living room. Her eyes danced across the night sky outside. A nice view of the stars clouds or anything. Akane sighed to herself. She leaned back on the couch, closing her eyes. 

"You're awfully comfortable for someone who's living in a house as a snack."

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