My Eve(Ruki x OC)(Book 1: Muk...

By RandomRedRidingHood

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When Akane Akikawa transfers to a school her aristocratic family decides to send her to, she ends up in the s... More

Character Analysis: Akane Akikawa
First Meeting
A Ride
The Woman
Her Sorrows
Ruki's Stress
Blood Calling
Death Is Rebirth
Be My Eve

Endless Hallways

272 5 2
By RandomRedRidingHood

(A/N: Hey hey! So Ruki's forced her to go with him. What's gonna happen next? So do you think I should keep it as the Mukami's calling her as they did Yui? I couldn't exactly think of a different nickname for each of them. I blanked, but they'll probably develop overtime tbh. The song I picked here is Prelude in C Sharp Minor-Rachmaninov. Well, I hope you've enjoyed!

Thanks for reading!



Ruki walked forward up the steps of the mansion. Akane reluctantly followed after, looking down at the bag she held. I made sure to bring enough clothes that I could tie together if I wanted to go out the building through a high window. Akane's eyes slid up. I wonder if he'll chase me if I leave. Is he that insane? What is he even taking me for? Ruki turned, as if sensing her thoughts. They were stopped on the top step of the mansion entrance. He gave her a hard look. 

"You will not escape, so don't try it,"Ruki warned. Akane stiffened. He frowned at her. "If you try, I'll punish you." Punish me? What the hell? Akane nodded slightly and he turned, opening the mansion door. He held it, allowing her to walk past him. He stared down at her as she passed. I can still sense something about her that's off...but I'm not exactly sure she's "Eve". He closed the door behind them. 

"Ahhh! Welcome home! I see you brought the little Kitten!"a voice chirped. Akane frowned. It's that guy...she thought. Ruki moved, taking her bag from her. She stiffened and went to reach for it, but he sent her a hard look. Ruki disappeared, leaving her standing there alone. Akane frowned and stuffed her hands nervously in her hoodie pouch. She started forward in the house, surprised to find the living area close by. She spotted the blonde haired Kou Mukami, and he excitedly turned to face her. He closed his eyes. "Hey, hey, Kitty!" Akane looked away from him, spotting Yuma slouching in one of the chairs. He looked at her before tsking and looking away. 


Piggy and Kitten, huh? Akane thought in slight annoyance. And Ruki calls me--

"Livestock. Your room is the first at the top of the stairs on the left,"Ruki spoke. Akane turned in surprise as he came walking past her. "I went through your bag and found nothing suspicious except some of your underwear choices." Akane blushed hard. 


"Ooh, find any thongs?"Kou asked teasingly. Akane turned and glared in embarrassment. As she went to open her mouth and yell at the boys, she suddenly remembered her teachings. Akane steamed in anger and looked away from him with a huff. I can't lose my temper...if Mother saw me like that... Akane looked down. She turned, heading towards the stairs. "Aw, holing up in your room already? But I wanted to have fun!" Kou was suddenly in front of her. Akane bumped into him. Her eyes went wide and she stepped back. Kou grabbed her wrist. "Say, Kitten, can I have some blood now?" He smiled, showing her his fangs. Akane froze in fear. She tried to pull from him. 


"Kou,"Ruki spoke. Kou looked up, his hand tightly holding onto Akane's wrist. Akane swallowed, looking at him. Is he going to stop him from drinking from me? "Stay home with her today." Akane's eyes went wide. 

"B-But I have school-!"Akane started. Ruki sighed at her. 

"Missing a few days should be fine."

"Please don't!"Akane suddenly protested. Ruki stared at her. Akane managed to pull free from Kou, turning and hurrying to Ruki. "Please don't make me stay here! I have to keep up with my schooling, and my lessons or--" Akane stopped. She swallowed and looked down. Ruki stared at her troubled expression. He frowned. His eyes slid to look at Kou, Yuma, and the ever so silent, but creepy, Azusa. They all stared at him, waiting for him to make the choice. Ruki sighed and closed his eyes. 

"Fine. You may go to are in my class, so I should be able to keep an eye on you and make sure you don't try to run away,"Ruki spoke. Akane looked up at him in surprise. He moved forward, his hand falling to her hoodie. He grabbed her and pulled her up so her face was close to his, giving her a dangerous look. "But if I catch you trying to escape or asking for help, you will be punished. Do you understand?" Akane stiffened. She swallowed and nodded, fear gnawing at her. He released her, turning away. "Good Livestock." 



"Akikawa-chan are you busy this weekend?"

"Akikawa-chan, I need help with notes!" 

Akane smiled at the students nervously, her gaze slipping to see Ruki watching her closely. He's making sure I don't ask for help or make promises to visit somewhere with them. Akane turned back to the awaiting students and smiled, closing her eyes. 

"Sorry, friends, but I can't help you today...I've got business this weekend that I have to take care of too!"Akane told them. They all pouted. Suddenly one perked up. 

"Ne, Ne, I heard rumors that said Akikawa-chan was a model! Is that true?" Akane blinked. 

"A model?"Akane laughed. She closed her eyes and smiled at them. "I'm not pretty enough for that." A gasp rang out among the students as she insulted herself. Ruki frowned. Kou was right about that inferiority complex. Maybe that's a good thing though, he thought. He moved, resting his chin on his hand. His eyes turned to the book in front of himself. If she has low self esteem and little confidence in herself, she won't try to escape from us. Maybe even of us can become Adam. Even if we failed to do so with Yui...

"Akikawa-chan, you're gorgeous though!"

"Yeah, yeah! You could totally be a model!" Akane looked down. Stop complimenting me...she swallowed and moved, standing up. "Hm? Akikawa-chan?"

"Thank you for your compliments, but I'm afraid it's not true,"Akane told them. She smiled softly. "I have to go to the apologies." Akane turned, walking out of the classroom. I'm just not pretty enough for something like that...if I were, my mother would've let me become one. She would've made me. Akane left, heading to the bathroom. 

When she came out, she squeaked in surprise, spotting Ruki there. She looked away from him. 

"Did you forget you would be staying by my side?"Ruki asked. Akane looked down. His eyes spotted the slight red tint to her skin under her eyes. He moved, tilting her chin up. She stiffened, her eyes widening. Ruki stared at her for a moment before he released her. "Crying. What a pitiful bit of Livestock you are..." Akane looked down. I know, she thought. Her brows pinched together. "If you're done, let's return to the classroom. I'm tired of standing here." She followed after Ruki silently. He glanced back at her. After a moment more he moved, pulling her and slamming her to the wall. Her eyes went wide as she looked up at him. "Wipe that pitiful look off your face!" Akane stiffened. She huffed and looked away. 

"I can't help it..."

"Why do you think so little of yourself? You're of a rich family and yet you act like you wish you didn't exist and you don't deserve compliments. What's with that?"Ruki hissed at her. Akane winced against the wall. He ground his teeth. "I don't see how you can be Eve." Akane looked up. 

"What the hell are you talking about when you say "Eve" and "Adam" and all of that? I don't understand!"

"Don't ask questions!" Ruki moved, turning her head to the side. He held her hair out of the way and bit her, his fangs sinking into her soft skin. Akane let out a gasp, wincing in pain. She shook against him, her fingers curling against his uniform. She tried to push off. He lifted away from her, slightly surprised at the taste that had burst into him. A different taste from Yui...if that's the case...then maybe she is... Akane tried to fight against him still, though she was weak. Ruki grabbed her hands in one of his before returning to her neck. 

"S-Stop-"Akane choked out, tears welling up in her eyes. Akane struggled against him. After a moment, she stopped, feeling herself growing weak. She let out puffs of air, panting. He pulled away just as she slumped against him. Akane fell to her knees as he stepped back. She weakly held herself up on her hands, shaking. One of her hands flew to her neck, touching where he'd bitten. Blood leaked out between her fingers, dripping over her hand. She looked up at Ruki, who seemed to glare down at her. "W-Why...what's the point?"

"Your blood. That's the key to all of this,"Ruki muttered. Akane blinked up at him slowly, her eyelids feeling heavy. She tried to push herself up, wavering as her vision went black. Ruki crouched down catching her as she fell forward. He turned her in his arms, sliding his hand under her knees. Akane slumped back in his arms, her hand falling limply to dangle as he started off. He sighed. "Weak Livestock. Yui lasted through it better than you did." 

"Don' me..."Akane breathed at him. He looked at her in surprise. Her red eyes were opened and narrowed at him. After she said that, she truly did pass out, leaving him slightly stunned. He huffed and moved, pulling her arm back up on her torso. Just what is with this girl...she's different from other nobles I've met. 


Akane finally came to, her head pounding heard. Her eyes blinked open repeatedly as she stared up at the ceiling. After a moment, she shot up, her eyes wide. She was still in her school uniform, she noticed, with her bow laying on the nightstand by the bed. Akane looked around the room, seeing that it was decorated with black decorations. Her eyes slid to find a window in the room. She saw the sun just barely coming up outside, the light of the sky indicating it was just barely dawn. I'm in the mansion, she realized. She sat stiffly, staring out the window, her hands on the covers of the bed. Her neck throbbed slightly and the memory of what had happened ran through her mind. She touched her neck. 

Damn...he bit me! Akane stiffened. She frowned, feeling the small circles at her neck. She huffed in annoyance. That jerk... Akane paused. It actually didn't hurt as bad as I thought it might, she thought. She frowned hard and sighed. Akane drew her hand back towards her lap, confusion tugging in her. For some reason... Akane looked over at the window again. I think I enjoyed it... After a moment, Akane jolted. NO. I can't enjoy that! That's weird and gross...I need to get out of here! Akane moved, climbing off the bed. She hurried to the window, trying to figure out how to unlatch it. No way! Why won't it open?! Akane pulled at the window, and pushed at it. She let out a defeated huff. Akane turned, spotting the bedroom door. She rushed to it and carefully twisted the knob. The door opened, revealing that her room wasn't locked. He's not locked me in....I can run. 

Akane took off, running through the halls. She turned every corner, breathing hard. Akane looked around, her eyebrows pinching together. Where is the exit? Surely there weren't this many hallways...! Akane turned the next corner. She frantically ran through the hallways, hysteria bubbling up in her throat. Have to escape, have to escape--! Akane slammed into someone. She landed on top of whoever it was, pausing. Akane blinked in surprise breathing hard. She lifted up, swallowing. Her eyes went wide as she saw it was Ruki, staring up at her. He gave her a bored look. 

"Are you that eager to have me drink your blood?"He murmured. Akane stiffened. She scrambled off of him, bouncing on the floor away from him. He sat up, staring at her. His eyes narrowed. "You were trying to run." Akane's eyes went wide, remembering his words. 

"You will not escape so don't try it. If you try, I'll punish you." 

Fear lanced through her. As she sat there, she paused, her eyes spotting someone standing beside Ruki. Her eyes trailed up, spotting that it was a woman. Akane's eyebrows pinched together. The normal sense she got that this person was a ghost pulled in her chest. Her eyes went wide slightly, as the person gave her a creepy looking smile. As if in time with the sound, a loud noise suddenly sounded in her head. Akane jolted, her hands flying to her head. She cried out, folding over on the floor. 

"Oi,"Ruki muttered, moving and reaching out to her. Tears flowed from her eyes as the noise reverberated inside of her head. Akane shuddered, pressing her forehead to the floor. Ruki moved, touching her back. "Hey, Akane." 

"It hurts,"Akane cried in pain. Ruki gave her a troubled look, unsure of what to do. After a moment of her remaining on the floor, curled up in a ball on the floor and his hand resting on her back, Akane let out a breath of relief, her head throbbing dully. Ruki's hand stayed in its spot as Akane shook on the ground. She slowly rose up, quivering in front of him. Ruki frowned. 

"What was with that?" Akane blinked in confusion, looking down. She stiffened, feeling Ruki's warm hand resting on her shoulder gently. She looked up at him. 

"I don't..." Akane stopped her words short. She looked away. "I'm not sure." Ruki stared at her before moving, his hand sliding off her shoulder. He stood up. 

"Get up. You're going to be punished for the escape attempt." 

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