The Last Mission - Naruto Und...

Par kAizEr_eD

88.1K 2.3K 1.7K

A genius. An Anbu. A child. Naruto didn't have much of a choice about his birth, nor did he have a choice abo... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 3

7.2K 206 278
Par kAizEr_eD

This is an edited chapter, so some things may be slightly different.


If you were to be at Nagareboshi hill at noon, you would have seen a mismatched pair sitting their hair occasionally. One of them being the kyuubi brat, the other a famed Anbu. Every now and then, the blonde haired one would suddenly jump up from his seat, arms waving around enthusiastically as if trying to prove a point to the other man. Then, the one with the gravity defying silver hair would say something to him and ruffle his hair gently. This cycle continues on and on. By the time they decided to leave, they were decidedly closer to each other.

"Why did you choose to become a ninja at such a young age? " Kakashi asked, curious. He didn't peg Naruto as a prodigy, or someone special. He wasn't even born in a clan.

" I wanna become a hero. " Naruto said absentmindedly, focusing on his ramen. " A hero is loved by everyone! I want people to accept me too. "

" A hero is not necessarily loved and respected by everyone." Kakashi mumbled, but it didn't escape Naruto's sensitive ears. The blonde looked at Kakashi concerned. Kakashi smiled reassuringly back, "What I mean to say is, you are a hero, because you are respected and loved by everyone, not the other way round." Naruto fell silent, for the first time throughout the span of their meal.

Kakashi sighed to himself. What was he thinking? Telling a young child something like this. But it just slipped out, he couldn't stop himself from saying it, and one part of him didn't want to. Maybe it was because of Naruto's resemblance to Minato, but Kakashi suddenly saw Naruto standing infront of multitudes, citizens of konoha in fact. And they were cheering for him. And it didn't feel so far fetched, if he tilted to the right angle, just where the sunrays reflected off the bright yellow hair of the Uzumaki and created a long shadow behind him. Kakashi could almost see a grown up naruto, but that vision was destroyed almost immediately when Naruto tripped over nothing and fell face flat on the ground. Kakashi chuckled. Maybe it was himself that he saw in Naruto.

And the afternoon was warm, warm and comfortable. The best he felt since the day he joined Anbu. Maybe it was because of how at ease he felt with Naruto, that he faltered for a moment. The space deep inside him that he kept locked up with the strongest lock grew weak.

(With a start, Kakashi realised that he was starting to miss his father)

And he shook that thought out of his mind.

"Are you done eating? Yes? Alright then, let's go to the training grounds and see that you can do eh."

Naru's eyes literally shined so bright that it almost, almost resembled Guy's when he was in his youthful mode. Kakashi felt a shiver run through his body. How scary. Naruto better stay away from Guy.

" We are gonna start my training like right now? Oh my Jashin I love you Kaka-nii! "

" Maa, Maa. I know I'm very lovable  but don't go around confessing to others like that. Come on come on, let's get going before we lose daylight."

Naruto rolled his eyes before running after Kakashi.

The duo ended up training ground 10. A huge area of even ground, perfect to test Naruto.

"Alright Naruto, let's start with some endurance training. Run laps around the training ground until you can't move anymore. And....go!" One lap was almost a Kilometer, Naruto should be able to manage, with that stamina if his.

Naruto immediately took off in a sprint, and Kakashi settled down beneath a tree with a light chuckle. He whipped out a bright yellow book started to engross himself in the literature.

Naruto collapsed on the ground, sprawled out in front of Kakashi.

"Hmm... Around 25 rounds give and take, pretty impressive."

Honestly, Kakashi was surprised by his stamina. Even with the tenant inside him, it's not normal for an untrained kid to run for almost 25 kilometers straight. Maybe it was because he was chased by the villagers so frequently. Kakashi got up to his feet lazily. Maybe he should move Naruto out of the red light district, it's no place for a child of 5 years old. Kakashi filed that thought away, he'll bring it up the next time he sees the Hokage.

"How are you feeling?"

"This. Sucks. So. Badly. Da. Tte Ba. Yo. I feel like a swallowed a thousand needles and it went through my digestive system before it decided to come out through my butt. " Naruto lifted his head up and said it all in one breath before flopping onto the ground again. Kakashi squat down in front of him cheerily. Way too cheerily for Naruto's comfort.

" Well, we'll have to work on your stamina. For now, put on these weights on your hands and feet. Tell me when you are so used to them that you can't feel them there."

Naruto groaned in response before his eyes closed and his body went slack. Kakashi eyes widened in suprise and he lunged forward to check his pulse. 

This kid, scaring me like that...

I shook my head with a dry chuckle, he was only asleep. Lifting him up bridal style, I lept through the buildings, towards Naruto's home, no. House. Kakashi didn't feel good calling that place Naruto's home.

Kakashi entered Naruto's house through a opened window and gently set Naruto down on his tattered mattress, before leaping out the same way he entered. The silvered hair man was heading towards the Hokage tower to report about Naruto's first training and about moving Naruto out of Ajisen.

After everything was settled, the Hatake prodigy settled on top of the Hokage tower contentedly, enjoying the warm evening breeze. It wasn't often that he could have some time to himself since he joined the Anbu black ops. Hokage-sama said that he'll move Naruto to the Shinobi district, near where Kakashi was staying. Everything seemed to be going along really smoothly, perhaps in a few years, Naruto can become a full fledged Ninja.

2 years later

" Ji-san! Ji-san! You promised to get me a kodachi* for my birthday! And don't forget the explosive tags. "
Naruto added as an afterthought.

Sarutobi sighed. He was hoping that Naruto would forget about it, he was not worried about the kodachi, he knew that Naruto was responsible enough to handle the weapon. Plus, he already had prior weaponary training with team Scarecrow. No, the great Sarutobi Hiruzen was worried, scared regarding the explosive tags. Naruto was already cheeky enough without those explosive tags. The pranks he pulled caused Sarutobi mountains of extra paper work, he even had to dispatch an Anbu team to detain the blonde hair boy. Sarutobi was starting to regret the Shinobi training he provided Naruto with.

Naruto was, as Kakashi found out through the hard way, a prodigy. It wasn't that he picked things up quickly, sure the blonde was good in that aspect. Naruto's prodigious strengths lies in the fact that he could make and modify everything taught to him, his.

Take for example, Guy's taijutsu. After much contemplation, Kakashi reluctantly agreed to let Guy teach his favorite little brother taijutsu. Of course he warned Naruto to shield his eyes from the pathetic sight when Guy burst into bouts of cries, while screaming how youthful Naruto was. It took a year for Naruto to completely master Guy's complete set of taijutsu. After which, Guy decided to go all out and fight Naruto, as a celebration and to congratulate the blonde. It was through that fight did they witness the prowess of Naruto. Naruto somehow unconsciously tweaked Guy's taijutsu style and incorporated a little of Kakashi and Itachi's taijutsu style (Those two were the only ones teaching Naruto then). Upon this discovery, Kakashi and Guy immediately reported it to Hokage-sama. Following this incident, Sarutobi decided that it was time for Naruto to explore different weapons and styles. Naruto ended up training under not only Kakashi and Itachi and Guy but Anko, Iruka and Shisui as well.

Naruto quickly picked up the different weaponary styles shown and taught to him before choosing a weapon he wants to fight with, the Kodachi. After his teachers made sure that Naruto's kenjutsu and taijustu were all set and ready to go, they started him on ninjutsu. There was, of course a reason why they waited for a few years before teaching him ninjutsu. Before 7, the chakra coils of children won't be fully developed, excessive training using chakra can cause permanent damage to the chakra coils. Now, back to the story.

Sarutobi regretfully handed Naruto the kodachi and the explosive tags hoping to kami-sama that this wouldn't be the start of his extra paperwork from Naruto's pranks.

" By the way Ji-san, when can I join Anbu? "

" Huh? Didn't I tell you you're too young? "

" Kakashi-nii also joined when he was young. "

" He was 13, and Naru-chan, you are only 7."

" Itachi-nii became a captain at 13 ji-san, and Kakashi was already a chunin 6! I'm not even a full fledged Ninja yet! I wanna go on missions!" The blonde starting whining.

" Kakashi-san told me that you can match a jounin in terms of power. Just be patient and wait a few more years."

" How many? You told me the same thing when I asked last year! "

Sarutobi let out a sigh. He was too old to be dealing with all this.

" Fine fine fine. Next year. You can take the Anbu exams next year."

Hearing that, the Uzumaki brightened considerably. He yelled a thank you before leaving via the window.

" Use the door-" Sarutobi attempted to say but Naruto was long gone.


1 year later

Sarutobi Hiruzen stood in front of the kneeling blonde Uzumaki, regret well hidden in his stoic features.

" Uzumaki Naruto, you are now officially admitted into the Anbu black ops. From now on, you will be given the code name 'fox'. Do you swear to serve and protect the village? "

" Yes sir. "

" Do you pledge your loyalty to Konoha? "

" Yes sir. "

" Very well. Welcome to the Anbu black ops then, fox. "

" Thank you sir. " Naruto said as he slipped on his mask. Beside him knelt dog, falcon, lion, snake and weasel.

At least 3 nominations were required for one to take the Anbu exams, Naruto got his from Kakashi, Itachi and Guy. After passing the exams with flying colours, Naruto was placed on Anbu team 7, code named 'scarecrow' as 'fox'. After Naruto was placed on the team, they rose up on the ranks and soon team Scarecrow was labeled as the greatest Anbu team in history. Naruto became an Anbu captain and replaced Kakashi as the captain of team Scarecrow. Kakashi willingly gave up that position because it was 'too troublesome'.

The blonde never once regretted his decision of joining Anbu, until that stupid moment. The Uchiha was planing a coup, as reported by Itachi himself. Danzo came to a conclusion that the best way to avoid too much bloodshed would be to kill off all the Uchiha. Danzo ordered Naruto to carry out the order of the uchiha massacre. To kill all the Uchiha, making a promise to spare Sasuke and Itachi's life.

Naruto's POV

It was raining. The heavens were crying. It never stopped raining since Shisui's death. I stood in front of Itachi, grateful for the mask covering my face, hiding my tears.

" I don't have to do this. There has to be some other way. "

" Taichou, Shisui has already died. Danzo won't stop there. Please. I rather you be the one to kill my clan. "

I clenched my fist. " I can't. I already lost Shisui, I can't lose you as well! "

" Taichou! You were the one who wanted to be an Anbu for the sake of the village. Have you forgotten? This is the choice we made, we are responsible to see it to the end. "

" I know. I know that. I know that we are supposed to ignore our personal emotions and place the mission and village first. But.. But I just can't." Naruto clenched his fist, his voice held the slightest tremble.

Itachi was silent for a moment.

"Then I'll do it. I'll kill the Uchiha for you." Itachi slid the mask off his face. " This is the least I can do for you Naru-chan. You don't have to bear the guilt, I'll carry it for you. Sorry Taichou. "

My eyes widened as Itachi flickered behind me and hit my pressure point, paralysing me.

" Take care of Sasuke for me. "

It was raining. And if I wasn't wrong, Itachi was crying as well.

" Taichou. Let him do it, it's his own decision." Kakashi spoke, landing on a squat behind me and scoping me up. I closed my eyes, willing my tears to stop flowing. I never regretted becoming an Anbu until today.

I should have been the one to kill the Uchiha clan.

Kakashi carried me back to my house and stayed with me for the whole night.

I hate this feeling. Where you feel so empty, you are not sad, you are nothing.

The next day everything went back to normal. As normal as it can get, with the disappearance of the Uchiha clan.

When your mind is spinning but you can't feel anything.

Civilians went about their day as per normal, ignorant about the massacre. That evening, Hokage-sama summoned team Scarecrow, or the remnants of team Scarecrow.

" Team Scarecrow will be temporarily disbanded. "

This didn't come as a surprise. All of us were expecting it, we even discussed about it briefly.

" Falcon," Hokage-sama called and Iruka stepped forward, kneeling down directly in front of him. " Your request for transfer has been approved. From now on, you will be an academy Sensei. If there are no questions, you are dismissed. " Iruka nodded, handed Hokage-sama his falcon mask, bowed, and shunshined off.

" Snake, as I have already informed you, you will be working in the T&I. Ibiki is waiting for you." Anko took off her mask and donned a sadistic grin before shunshining off as well. There was only Kakashi and I left in the room.

" I have a mission here for you fox, since you didn't apply for transfer. As you know, Sasuke is the only Uchiha left in the village. I want you to protect him, ensure that he won't go rouge. Do you accept this mission? "

Sometimes, I wonder if life's a nightmare

" Yes sir. "

" Oh right, I enrolled you into the academy. You'll be going undercover.l

I frozed. Ji-san, out of everyone knows me the best. How can he think that I would be suited for a mission like this. My hands were covered with blood of the people I killed, I was carrying mountains of guilt from the Uchiha massacre. How is interecting with kids a good idea?

" What do you mean?" I growled.

" Go undercover, your height and build is most suited for the job. Plus you didn't graduate from the academy, this is a good chance for you to do so. "

I forced down a snarl. Ji-san must be crazy.

"Fine," I huffed. Itachi did entrust Sasuke to me before he left, I should keep my promise. "I'll do it."

" Great, you are dismissed. " I immediately Shunshined away.

Sarutobi's POV

Kakashi glanced at the me.

" Why did you send him undercover?" Kakashi knew for a fact that everything I told Naruto was utter bullshit. I could have ordered an Anbu team to follow Sasuke 24/7, that would be a whole lot more efficient than having Naruto go undercover.

" He blames himself for it." I started. "I know that he was the one ordered to kill the Uchiha, but he couldn't do it. Anko and Iruka has ways to deal with their guilt and sadness, but he doesn't. Maybe sending him to the academy can help him, plus he doesn't have many friends of his age."

Kakashi fell silent for a while before letting out a shit eating grin. "Knowing Naruto, he's gonna have a hell of a time in the Academy."

" I'll suggest that you wipe off that grin. You have a mission as well. "

Kakashi pouted before straightening in attention.

Perhaps You don't realise, but you are really similar to Naruto, Kakashi. You ignore your sadness, it's not healthy. Maybe putting you on a team will help you.

" I'm taking you off active duty, I'm transferring you to another post immediately effective. From today onwards, you are gonna be a Jonin Sensei!"


" Huh? "


Naruto stood hidden on a tree, looking at Uchiha Sasuke. He was a splitting image of Itachi, it hurts to look at him. Naruto was reminded of his weakness, of his incompetency. It hurts so badly.

If life is a nightmare, will death wake me up?

*Kodachi is a short sword measuring around 50cm long

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