Booth unknown daughter

By artemis201

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What if Parker, Christine and Henry (Hank) Booth II weren't his only children but the eldest was actually a g... More

Chapter 1: Meeting the 8
Chapter 2: Car rides and antics
Chapter 4: Lance meets Jac
Chapter 5: The last pieces
Chapter 6: In the lounge
Chapter 7: Parker meeting his sister

Chapter 3: Meeting Jac Booth

590 10 0
By artemis201

Ethan POV:

"Okay here what's going to happen. I'm going to do a blood transfusion from me to her while I'm doing that I'll talk you through what you will have to do." She looked to me "Don't worry you'll do good."

"What happens if it doesn't work, you already bleeding!"

"Then the both of us died. This gives us a fighting chance." She replied before walking me through fixing my sister injure as she spoke she began drift off and it was harder for her to stay awake


"Don't call me miss, it's Jac." She replied just as we heard the cars pulled up "Hand me the gun."

"Can you shot?"

"Can you?" She asked and I shook me head "Exactly, handed it over."

Cam POV:

"We're here." Booth stated as the car in front slammed on the breaks "Thank God for that."

"They really need to learn how to drive." Angela groaned before jumping out of the car "Oh sweet ground."

"Come on!" Rebah yelled as they raced into the shed pushing the door open to find two woman laying side by side"JAC!" Kira yelled as they rushed towards one of them "GET THE KITS! NOW!"

At the hospital

Jac POV:

I woke up to yelling and screaming coming from the hallway and listening close I could hear my siblings voice

"Now again." I groaned rolling to get up only to realize I had something in my arm "What the hell? Where the hell am I?"

Looking around I realized I was in the hospital

"Oh this is just great..." I groaned

Cam POV:

"You lied! You knew who she was!" Seeley yelled

"Your point?"

"Don't get smart!" Seeley replied "My daughter is in a hospital bed because you lot wanted to play your games!"

"Excuse me?!" Kira yelled whipping around "How fu*king dare you?!"

"Temper." Eli warned

"Hell no, you don't get to pin this on me." Kira screamed "Your the one she never knew you son of a...."

"Enough!" Jac yelled as she leaned against the doorway "Who's a girl gotta kill to try and get some sleep around here seriously?"

"Jac...." Ethan asked looking at their sister "JAC!"

In a sudden rush all of the siblings ran over crowding her in a group hug

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Jac complained as they quickly let her go "Seriously, the stitches guys come on."

Within seconds everyone let go moving back quick to call out apologizes for the incident

"It's fine, just no dog pile alright." Jac laughed as she swag her arm around Eli in a side hug "Now someone wanna tell me what's going on?"

"Yea of course." Kira smiled after greeting her friend "Meet Dr Camille Saroyan, Dr Temperance Brennan, Angela Montenegro, Jack Hodgins, Agent Seeley Booth and...."

"Dr Lance Sweets." She smiled "It's nice to see you again."

"Oh, you tried killing me."

"Your still upset about that." Jac replied

"You pushed me into the foundation."

"I made sure you didn't hurt yourself, plus I need to distract them from following me." Jac replied "But for what it's worth, I am sorry."

"Wait you've meet my daughter?!" Seeley yelled "You didn't tell me!"

"She didn't use her name." Lance replied "She introduced herself as Delphine Berger."

"Well couldn't have you tell him...." She replied with a smile before holding out her hand "How about a redo?"

"Lance Sweets." He replied holding out his hand

"Nice to meet you Mr Sweets, Jacqueline Booth." 

"Okay what just happened." Hodgins asked "Seriously."

"Okay, what happened between you two..." Angela asked gesturing between them

"Nothing." Lance replied "We met she pushed me and ran away."

Jac just smiled before walking over to Seeley

"So your my dad."

"Yea, I am." Seeley smiled

"Well it looks like one of my siblings give you a little something..." She replied gesturing to a spot on her face as a guide for his "Wanna tell me which one?"

"It came from Eli, a greeting."

"Well on the brightside at least you won't forget meeting him." She replied high five Eli "Nice hit."


"So how did Eli get the drop on an FBI Agent."

"If it's any help, we got the security guards good." Kira smirked "Now as fun as this conversation is, It get uncomfortable around here."

"Yep that's true." Eli replied "Can we go."

"Alright, let's go."

"Wait, I'm not losing you." Seeley replied grabbing his daughter's arm "Not again."

"I'll meet you at the Jeffersonian." She offer and Seeley looked unsure "Don't worry can't disappear, you've got my name."

At the Jeffersonian

Hodgins POV:

Booth paced up and down and hall way

"They should be here by now." He replied "Why aren't they here."

"Calm down Cherie." Caroline replied "Traffic...."

"Lance why don't you tell us about her while we wait?" Angela asked startling him as he also paced around "You seem to know her."


"I don't know much about her actually." He replied trying to escape questioning "Not really."

"What do you know?"



"I know her as Delphine." He replied "We meet in Rome."

"When?" Angela asked

"A few years ago."

"3 years actually." Jac replied as she walked in "Don't tell me you don't remember."

"Of course not, we meet at Trevi fountain and you told me you were studying history." He replied "Was that true."

"True enough." She replied

"What were you doing there?"

"I was tracking the grave digger." She replied "But you escaped me so I followed her back to the states, after she tried to kill me using a hit man."

"Not a very good one either." Eli smiled as Kira high five him

"What happened?" Cam asked

"I got to him before he got my sister." Eli retorted "We learn pretty quick he couldn't swim."

"You killed him?!"

"No, of course not. We suggested he get arrested or...." Eli shrugged his arm wrapped around Nik shoulder "You know he drowns."

"Go news, he decided to turn himself in."

"We'll you both sat across from the station, forcing his hand." Lance replied

"Oh right, you came walking down the road and spotted us."

"How'd you do that by the way?" Nik asked


"Don't believe you." Bekah replied "Try again."

Lance smiled "I had seen you the day before when I met Jac at the foundation and then when we walked to lunch I could see you following us but I didn't see you and Eli till the next day."

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