Strange Vibes

By Sonic_little_sis

70.1K 1.5K 1.2K

read and find out why sonic have strange vibes for a certain black and red hedgehog!! Come find out on this w... More

ch. 3
Ch. 10
chapter 11


2.2K 57 40
By Sonic_little_sis

⚠Warning⚠ this chapter may include
Small sexual activity (keyword 'small')
And of course misspelling (I'll try my best to clean up as much :D)

You have been warned so now enjoy!!

⚠ viewers Aggression is advise ⚠

Shadow ear twitch as the sound of the phone buzz making sure that it got it got his attention. The black and striped hedgehog look at his phone wonder who could it. Could it be sonic....or.... G.U.N.......?

Shadow move his hand from the cat as he reached for his device, praying and hoping that it was sonic this time texting him. The black hedgehog pick up his phone and trun it's on, making sure to read the name of who ever texted him.

Lucky for shadow, he signed in relief to see that it was faker name that pop up........ Thank god.

Shadow smiles as he unlocked his phone and went to his messages and open up the text, reading the words carefully as his eyes widened a bit. Shadow trun his phone off as he open the blinds behind him to see the blue hedgehog outside waving at him as he wag his tail a bit.

Shadow close the blind as he got up and unlock his door while texting the other to come at 'room 204' where he stay at.  Shadow didn't really mind company at all these days, but today maybe he wanted just a bit of time to himself. But I guess today wouldn't hurt him today at all.

As shadow waited by the door, his right ear started to twitch at the sound of someone footsteps outside his room. It wasn't long till he heard a soft knock at his door knowing that it was sonic.

Shadow unlocks door and opens it for the blue hedgehog, but what shadow didn't expect to see sonic...... Soak up in water from head to toe.

"What's happened to you? The last time I checked was that you was dry and not all soaked up." Shadow said as he walk over to him closet and grab a light blue towel for sonic to dry up himself.

Sonic took off his red shoes and place them by the door where shadow boots  was.

The blue hedgehog smile as place the gift box on shadows coffee table. "Well when I got your text and read it, out of the blue..... Rain just fall on my like water in a bucket. " Sonic said as the black and red hedgehog had him the towel and smile. Sonic took the towel and dry himself up fast while look at the other walking back to his couch, and taking a seat.

When the blue hedgehog was done drying himself off, he too when over to shadow and took a seat by him as the to had small blushes on they faces.

Sonic move over to the other and pull him closer to him as the two shares a sweet hug whiles purring. Shadow was a bit shocked, but in the end he embrace the hug and purr right with the other... Enjoying the moment while it lasted.


You know what's crazy?" Shadow asked as he pull away from the hug a bit and look straight into a emerald green eyes. Sonic smile as he still hold onto shadow and wag his tail.

" What's crazy?"

"Remember when I always tell you that I don't need you around or to stay outta my way 'Faker'?, well look at me now... Wanting you close by me as possible..... and I'm not even mad. " Shadow said as his ear went down a bit while he gave out a low chuckle.

"Well....... What can you say gotta love a guy who loves Adventure" Sonic said which made shadow roll his eye playfully while he wrapped his arms around sonic.

"Don't get too cocky hedgehog." Shadow said as the blue hedgehog laughed a bit a pull him close again, but this time for a small sweet kiss on the lips.

( A/N :Aye don't fangirl or fanboy on this yet lol { nah go ahead lol} )

Shadow gave off a small smile while they shared a small kiss. He felt loved for the first time. Yeah sure cream, Rouge, and Omega love shadow; but this kinda love felt different, like heart melted with butterflies flying around in your stomach. Shadow didn't mind the feeling cuz deep done... He love the feeling so much..

Maybe this is Maria wanted for shadow.... Maybe..

The kiss went from sweet and passionate to spicy. It got to point that the kiss was getting heated up making the blue hedgehog slowly pushing the other on his backside. Sonic pull shadow light blue shirt collar down a bit making his neck and a bit of fur exposed a bit.

Sonic pull away from the kiss and sarted to place soft kisses on the black and red hedgehog. Shadow close his eyes as he felt a Bliss of pleasure dance around his body, but at the same time he didn't wanted to fell more of it at the moment.

"Sonic...... " Shadow called out as he started to push sonic off him a bit which made the blue hedgehog snap back in reality. Sonic got off the black hedgehog and trun red a bit.

"Sorry if I went to fast on yah, I didn't wanted to do that to soon." Sonic stated as shadow sat up and place a small kiss on the other cheek and smile.

"I know, just....... promise me your wait one day when I'm ready." Shadow said as sonic place a smile on his face and once again brought him into a hug as the rain started to get more heavy outside.

"I promise that I'll wait for you when you are ready shadow the hedgehog." Sonic said as him and shadow hug each other on the couch while the black cat jump in between then and purred.


"So what's in the box hedgehog?" Shadow asked as he started to tear the wrappings off the box.

"Just open it and find out." Sonic said as shadow lifted the top off seeing a black egg with white spots on it.  Shadow picked up the egg and places it in his lap.

"You got me a egg..... I wonder what you got me this time." Shadow said as the cat sniffed the egg a bit and rub up on it and purred.

"Yeah..... Me too.. " Sonic said as him and shadow looked at it. But then outta the blue the egg started to glow on and off as it started to shake a bit making sonic and shadow jump a bit at movement. The cat jump off the couch and onto the table.

"Well looks like we about to find out what we got." Sonic said as the egg started to glow more brighter making the room going to a big flash of light...........


I HOPE Y'ALL ENJOY THE CHAPTER!!! I'm sorry I took long it just I'm so caught up in school and drawing lately, but I hope this doesn't disappointed y'all.


Shadow is uke on this story :D hope y'all still enjoy

So what Pokemon y'all think will join them (I'm pretty sure y'all read the tags of this book so oof) lol

Till next time SLS OUT!...

Btw... Next chapter is all about the forms, so maybe a backstory about DSS will come into play.

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