By halymahxoxo

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"She is spoilt rotten, she has absolutely zero manners. A rich spoilt brat is what she is. I don't like her... More



609 34 0
By halymahxoxo


"Whoaa. I think you are even getting better at this than I am" Eric said as he scored my math quiz.
I grinned widely.
"I think that's impossible, but thank you"

We sat on the floor of his room doing our daily lessons. We had stopped going to the library for lessons ever since we went on our first date three days ago.

Studying in Eric's room gave room for a lot of distractions since we couldn't seem to keep our hands, and tongues off each other. But Eric said he was confident I was ready for the exam.
So according to him 'we can make out as much as we want and I'd still ace the exam'

The exam which was coming up in four days by the way.

"You got an A+ on this one again. You deserve a kiss as a reward " Eric said with a smirk as he stared at me, his eyes displaying how proud he was of my score.

"And you deserve an award for making up silly excuses just to get a kiss" I replied.

Eric gasped dramatically.
"I do not need an excuse to kiss my girlfriend!" He exclaimed.

I know we had gone on our first date, and kissed several times, but hearing him call me his girlfriend for the first time, gave me huge butterflies in my stomach. And I realized, I did want to kiss him at that moment.

He moved towards me and wrapped his arm around my waist. I was immediately consumed by the overwhelming warmth I always felt whenever he was close.

He moved his face towards me, but stopped just when our lips were only inches away.
I was hyperventilating with anticipation.

Why was he stopping?

Why the hell was he stopping?

He cocked his head " Admit it. You want this reward badly"

My mouth flung open ready to deny it, but my voice was completely lost as my breathing sped up from how close he was.

"I ..."

"Go on. You can say it. Eight simple words. Eric I want to kiss you so badly" he muttered with  a smile.

I narrowed my eyes.

He was actually enjoying teasing me like this.

I'll show him!

"You narcissistic.... pompous..." I started to call him names but gasped as he pulled away from me abruptly and moved to his former sitting position.

"Fine. I'd keep my reward then" he said smugly.


I opened my mouth in shock and frowned.

Oh my God! He was so annoying!

And the worst thing was....

I still really wanted to kiss him right now.

So, I lunged forward and pounced on him, pushing him to the floor. He yelped as he went backwards and landed on his back.

As we lay together on the floor, with me on top, both breathing heavily from the closeness, and staring into each other's eyes. I said what he told me to say, but in the way I knew how to say it best.

"Kiss me right now you idiot" I whispered

Instantly his hand moved to the back of my neck and pulled me in for deep kiss.



Yes. The day Had finally come .

The day I had been preparing for, for a long time now.
The day that would either make me or break me completely.

"Calm down. It's going to be fine" Eric said holding my shoulders reassuringly.

"Don't fcking tell me to calm down! My exam is in three hours. And..and ... I'm not ready!... I need more time.... can I have more time?....may be I should move the date"

"Danielle!" Eric exclaimed " You are fine. Relax please" his voice was firm enough to make me calm down.

A little bit.

I sighed, and pinched the bridge of my nose to calm myself.

"You have more faith in me than I have in myself" I muttered shutting my eyes.

"Well you should start having faith in yourself. Because you have worked so hard for this. You are smart Danielle. All you need now is to believe" he said calmly and placed a palm on my cheek.

"- and no matter what happens, I love you and would always be here for you. Remember that"

The way he spoke brought me a wave of confidence that made me relax even more.
So I nodded, and he pulled me in for a hug.

"Thank you Eric. For everything" I muttered, shutting my eyes as I enjoyed the warmth of his embrace.

He tightened the hug for a second and then released me.

"Ready?" He asked staring straight in my eyes.

"Ready" I replied


"Wish you all the best in the exam" Mrs Lopez said giving me a warm hug "you deserve it. You have worked so hard"

I smiled " Thank you Mrs Lopez. For all the support. You have been wonderful. I owe you so much "

"No way Danielle. I should be thanking you.Cos even though it seems Eric has been the one teaching you a lot, the truth is you have taught him a lot too. You have helped him be a better man, and that my dear is priceless"

She hugged me a few more times before Eric cleared his throat.

"We should get going. If we don't want to be late" he said and I pulled away from the hug reluctantly.

"Drive safe" Mrs Lopez said as we walked out of the house.

My father had also called me earlier that morning to wish me good luck.
"Don't be nervous.I know you can do this. You have worked so hard for this and this time, I'm very confident you'd make it" he had told me but it only made me increasingly nervous about how many people I would disappoint if all didn't go Well.


"I'd be waiting for you outside the examination room. Just remember that while you take the exam. I'm here. And I wouldn't go anywhere until you are done". Eric said as he parked the car in front the SAT center.

I nodded, feeling too emotional to speak.
Slowly, he moved and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Go Ace that exam!" He cheered, and I chuckled, getting out of the car to head into the examination center.

Four hours later, I stepped out of the exam room with an expressionless face.

I met Eric sitting in the lobby talking to someone on his phone. He had a frown on his face as he spoke, but when he looked up and saw me, his face brightened.

"I have to go" he said to the person he had been talking to before he hung up.

He rushed towards me, his eyes searching mine for any signs of how the exam went.

"How did it go?" He asked when he couldn't find any.

A smile slowly creeped across my face.
"Not as bad as I thought it would be" I replied.

He grinned widely.
"I guess it's time to go home and wait for the results then " he said.

I nodded.
"It's going to be the hardest three week wait ever"

He held out his hand to me and I took it.

"Don't worry. I'll be by your side the whole time" he squeezed my hand reassuringly and a familiar wave of confidence rushed through me as we walked out of the building hand in hand.

Eric's phone rang for like the seventh time since we got into his car and started driving home. And just like before, he ignored it.

"At least answer the call and hear what she wants to say. Might be an emergency since she keeps calling" I said with a frown.

I was getting upset.

Ana had been calling continuously ever since we started the drive home.
I knew I was wrong to get upset over it.

It wasn't Eric's fault.

I just had a strong feeling Ana had absolutely zero intentions of accepting the break up. She was going to cling to Eric no matter what.
And that thought alone upset me.

Eric ran a hand through his hair.
"I spoke to her already. I was on the phone with her when you came out of the exam room. She just kept crying. Telling me her life is over without me. I told her to get a grip, but it only made things worse." He exhaled forcefully


The annoyance I had felt before suddenly turned into pity.
Ana's actions seemed pathetic, but I knew it was more complicated than that.
She had a mental and emotional dependence on Eric, and needed professional help getting through this break up.

So, in spite of how much I really didn't like Ana, I found myself saying.

"She needs help Eric. This sounds like a mental breakdown and I think you should get her professional help before it's too late" I shuddered at the thought of Ana ending her life over this break up.
I would never be able to forgive myself.

Eric gave me a look that showed how surprising my words were to him.

He smiled and bit his lower lip. " Have I ever told you how incredibly amazing you are?" He said.

I chuckled softly "Not enough times, No" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Well you are" he said "You are the most amazing girl ever. And you surprise me every day"

He reached out with his free hand and took my hand in his.
"I'm so glad you gave me a second chance. It would have been my loss if you didn't" he said, and I felt the goosebumps start to erupt on my skin.

The house was an hour drive from my exam venue, so we decided to get lunch at a small restaurant on the way home since we both hadn't eaten anything all morning.

Eric ordered a cheese burger and milkshake while I ordered a chicken salad and a diet coke.
"You haven't eaten anything today and you order a salad?" Eric said disapprovingly "you need to eat more,you'd be skin and bones if you keep eating like this"

I roll my eyes "Okay dad"

He chuckled, but shook his head. "Really, after all that hard work , you deserve a feast" he said.

I was about to reply when I noticed Eric suddenly stiffen.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Ana" he said simply, his face hardening as he stared at someone sitting behind me.
I turned around and followed his gaze.

Ana sat alone at a corner in the back of the restaurant.
She looked like a mess. Her hair which used to be perfectly styled looked like it hadn't been washed or combed for weeks. She looked pale,and I couldn't stop the pang of guilt I felt when I saw how miserable she looked.

I turned to face Eric, whose face had hardened as he continued staring in her direction.

I was silent, waiting for him to say something. But when he didn't, I spoke;

"I think you should go talk to her"

Eric was still. He continued staring in her direction, and I was about to repeat myself thinking he must not have heard me, but he finally spoke.

"Not necessary. She saw us. She's coming this way" he said, his voice sounding very cold. I could tell he didn't like what was about to happen.

Well, neither did I, but the sooner we help her come to terms with things, the better for us all.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the slutty brat and her victim" I heard her broken voice as she reached us.
She smelled of alcohol, and stale food. She had dark circles under her eyes and all I could do was watch in surprise as this formerly well composed girl, lost her cool.

"Ana this is not the time nor the place" I heard Eric say in a harsh tone.

She gave Eric a confused look. " Not the time or place? You have no right to decide that Eric !Not after you've ignored my calls all day! Plus.." she turned to face me and poked my shoulder with her finger " I can talk to this bitch however I want!"

I was surprised at how calm I was being. People were starting to stare, but all I could think about was how we needed to get her out of here and get her help.

Slowly, I got up and stood in front of her.

"Ana, you don't look well. You need help. We can.." I started to say but she cut me short.

" You are the one who needs help you man stealing whore!" She screamed " You are pathetic. A sorry excuse for a woman! Throwing yourself shamelessly at my man just because no one else wants you! No one wants a dumb, indiscipline, disgrace like you who cant pass a simple entrance exam!" She shot back and I wouldn't deny that her words stung, a lot.

I was starting to get upset. But apparently not as upset as Eric who slammed his fist on the table instantly, and stood up.

"That's enough!!" He yelled, his eyes blazing with anger "It is over between us Ana. You need to understand that and stop calling me or insulting my girlfriend! If you cannot grow up and move on after this break up, then I believe you are the pathetic one!"

Everyone's eyes was on us now, and the whole place became completely silent. Even the waitresses just stood at a distance, shocked at the outburst.

Tears slowly trickled down Ana's eyes as she stood stiffly, clearly startled by Eric's outburst.

"Goodbye Eric" she muttered after a moment of stunned silence,and stormed out of the restaurant.

I blinked several times and cleared my throat uncomfortably. Eric shook his head and sighed.
We both avoided the gazes that still seemed to be on us.

"We should go home" Eric said in a defeated tone and I nodded briskly.

We paid for our half eaten meal and hurriedly walked out of the restaurant.

Eric was still furious.

"She had absolutely no right to insult you like that. I broke up with her. She should be mad at me! Not you! damn it!"

It was weird seeing him so upset while I was still calm even though I was the one who had been insulted.
We reached the car and he was about to hop on the drivers seat when I stopped him.

"I think it would be better if I drive. At least until you can calm down" I said and moved to get the keys from him.

He frowned, and I could tell that he was about to protest. But thankfully, he sighed and handed me the key.

He walked over to the passenger's side while I got in the driver's seat and started the car.

"You don't need to be upset Eric. I know She was rude, but I really think she just needs help" I said as I pulled out of the parking lot.

Eric rubbed his face with his palm with a frustrated sigh " I know, it's just....I just hate to see anyone hurt you" he said and looked out his window.

I smiled, feeling the warmth from his words rush through me.

Eric was so cute when he defended me.

I was silent and just replayed his words in my head, enjoying the feeling it gave me.

I was about to join the freeway when it happened.

One moment I could see that the road was clear and safe for me to join,

The next moment,  just as I drove into the road, a car appeared from another corner driving with full speed towards us. The drivers eyes were focused on us and it was obvious she could see us, but had every intention of hitting us.

I let out a loud scream and Eric cussed loudly as the car slammed into the passenger side of our car, sending us flying to the opposite side of the road with full force.



The impact almost took the life out of me.

I tried to stay awake. My vision was blurred but I forced myself to look over at Eric.
He was bleeding profusely and was already unconscious. The car had smashed into the side where he was sitting and had hit him so hard, he was flung sideways towards me. His sit belt was the only thing preventing him from being thrown completely to the driver side.

Oh my God!

So much blood. He was bleeding everywhere!
I couldn't take it. I was overwhelmed with shock and my mind was spinning uncontrollably. I was gradually loosing consciousness. I wanted to stay awake to save Eric, to get him to the hospital before he bled to death, But my head was pounding so much I could barely move. I looked up through the window at the driver of the other car, our eyes met just for an instant before I drifted into unconsciousness, and as I saw the extreme shock and regret in her eyes, I realized,

I recognized the driver, and I knew I had been her main target,

not Eric.


About 2 to 3 chapters to go .... yaaay ❤️❤️❤️

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