Not Alone

By tsimpson1992

45.6K 1.4K 56

Jordan Donovan is a 24 year old mother who has been on the run for the last 6 years. She is accompanied by he... More



3.3K 123 1
By tsimpson1992

I signed the agreement papers, put the pen on top of it and slide them back across the table to Dustin. Before I could lift my hand up off the papers his hand rested on top of mine, making my attention go from his hand and slowly up to his face. He looked at me with so much sincerity and said " You can trust me and my MC! Just give me a second." And with that he stood up, walked to the door and opened it. He was half way out the door looking out toward the bar, pointing and beckoning for someone to come to him. Then he walked back in and sat back in his chair at the desk, not much long after I heard the door behind me shut and the chair next to being pulled out and screeching against the wooden floor. I looked to my left and there he was, The Vice President of the Saints and brother to Dustin, Bullet. 

I looked at bullet giving him more or less a expressionless stare and asked "Did you know who I was the other night?" He looked confused at what I asked him, then looked to his brother, then back at me. "I'm a little confused, what do you mean did I know who you were the other night?" He had asked as if he didn't know anything. Dustin spoke up before anything else could be said. "Jordan, My brother doesn't know anything." he said then raising his hand up before I could respond and said "I brought bullet in here as he is my VP, and he needs to know who you are. I also brought him in here because I want you to tell us what happened and everything you know up unto this date with the Chicago Reapers." I quickly looked beside me looking at bullet then looking to Dustin and sighed while moving my chair in a way where I could see both their faces. 

  Bullet leaned forward in the chair clasping his hands together looking very confused. I looked right into his eyes knowing I had to catch him up with the information of who I am first. "Bullet, My full name is Jordan Elizabeth..." I take a deep breath in and let it out as he stares through my soul. "DONOVAN" I finish saying, nervous what he was thinking I bite my bottom lip. He looks to his brother, Im sure to confirm true of what just came out of my mouth. Dustin gives him a nod and Bullet looks back at me, cupping his hands and bringing them down his face then saying "You are a Donovan? There is only one living female Donovan, that know one for sure knew if she was actually still alive. You mean to tell me that you are Donny Donovan's Daughter? The run away niece of that reaper shit bag Duke Donovan?" I had no idea what to say next to him so I just nodded.

Bullet stood up and tarted pacing  back and forth the length of the room behind me, then stopped and looked passed me to his brother, I assume waiting for him to say something. So I finally decided to speak. "Bullet" I said nervously, making his angry eyes shift to me. " Let me tell you my story, The both of you!" I said while looking back and forth to both of them. Looking at Bullet I said "Please sit!" With bullet sitting down again I had both their attention and I started to tell them my story.

"As you probably know My dad was put in prison 15 years ago, he as you also probably know was the president of the reapers before that happened. After he was put in prison my mother took me away to Nevada, I was 9 years old. She filed for divorce and sent him the papers to sign. My mother married 3 times after my father. One thing I can admit is I hated my mother, She took me away from the family I was raised with, the reapers. My father was my everything, so her not telling him where she moved me too, and her not allowing me to contact him was just the nail on the head." 

"Every husband she had, she was only with them for their money, the last one she was married to was the co owner of the grand casino. Max Deluka was his name and my mom played him good, got a hold of his bank information. Well to make things short, It was a joint bank account with the other co owner Lance Golotto. He I assume found out and had someone looking into the missing money..well one night when I was 16 I was In my room, watching a movie and I can remember it as if it just happened. I heard the loudest crashing sound, and some screaming, It was my mom screaming. I opened my bedroom door just enough that I could poke my head out and what I saw was 5 huge men, but no longer than it took me to look there was a 6th man who slammed my door open the rest of the way, with the door throwing me to the floor. He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out to the kitchen where my mother and her husband were being held at gun point."

"Well to make things short, they pointed there guns at me leaving just one pointed at my mother and her husband. They told them they would kill me if they didn't hand the money over. well Max didn't even know the money was going missing and that is what he kept telling them, and my mom told them to go ahead and kill me, that I was Just a useless kid that she'd be happy to not have to spend money on. Well that told them right there what they wanted to know.. a man shot her right through her temple, right in front of my eyes. They took Max with them and left me there with my dead mother.

"I was put into foster care for 3 weeks, they got a hold of my uncle Duke after that and well I was being flown back to Chicago, I was sooo excited, I didn't think things would have changed so drastically in 7 years, but it did! The only familiar faces that were once close with my father were Rage who my dad took under his wing when he was just a young boy and Bear who was my fathers lifetime best friend. There were others that I recognized, but they were different. I was there only a week when my uncle..... he...." I felt the tears fall from my eyes, I looked down at the floor while I try to wipe my tears away and take in a deep breath but before I even realized my hands were being pulled into much larger hands beside me.

I looked to see bullet looking at me almost as if he knew where this was going. I quickly looked across the desk at a very angry looking Dustin. " What has that piece of shit done to you?" Dustin growled out. As I looked back up to Bullet I had continued telling them "He Let his Vice claim me, with out of course I having any say in it. The whole club celebrated that night resulting in most of the club being drunk, that night I had snuck back to my bed, locking my door behind me." I had to take a couple deep breaths again, while squeezing bullets hand, his other hand came up as he used his thumb to wipe away some of my tears. "We know where you are going with this. You don't have to repeat it darlin." Bullet had said to me with so much, how do I explain it... heart, meaning,care. I sucked it up and continued " He knocked and I was stupid enough to open the door. I put up as much of a fight as I could but he beat me till I couldn't even walk, and, and, he uh.... SNIFFLE, SNIFFLE, He stole my innocence."  I cried out now sobbing into bullets shoulder, as I hear something smash across the room.

It took me a moment to realize I made my way into bullets arms. I looked up and placed my hands, one on each shoulder and gently pushed myself away. I looked at the desk which no longer had anything on it, then gazed up to look at Dustin. His hair was a mess like he ran his hands through it over and over and his hands were closed into fists. "If you were 16 when that happened... Did..." Dustin started but then I cut him off saying "Yes, I delt with his assaults. Though Bear Had started training me in martial arts and boxing, and I had Rage watching over me though he couldn't do much when it came to Jack, the VP. When it came to my uncle I tried to stay on his good side, though he has smacked me around a few times. Though his favorite thing to make me do was force me to watch people be tortured and murdered, along with making me kill a few people."

"Just before my big escape I had ran away 3 months prior to that,But I was found just a few towns over. After that they had members and prospects watching me 24/7. When Rage was on my watch I'd pack things I would need and hide it away, I felt guilty not telling him but I never wanted anything to fall back on him. Jack came home  in the early morning and tried to make me have sex with him and I had just had enough and fought him, I can remember grabbing his gun, my bag and took off down the stairs. When I just got out the door he pulled my hair... and well long story short I shot him and took off running. I drove to Bears house and told him I was leaving.. His daughter, my best friend came with me. He sent us off with money and burner phones. Not long after that I found out I was pregnant..We have been on the move jumping from town to town. When we came here we thought, this was a new start, that maybe we can stop moving around, I want a life for my child." I said looking between the two 

"Jordan, you may be a reaper by blood, your father was a great president and when our father was president the two clubs were allies. Again you are a reaper by blood but you are now a Saint by contract, and will be under our protection!" Dustin says with a grin then looks to his brother and back to me. "Welcome to the Saints Sweetheart, Every Saint will know you are in the club after you leave this room! Now, I have a sister to go check on and a club to Inform. If we don't talk before Saturday meet here at the clubhouse for 5:00 p.m" He says while gathering the few things he flung on the floor just a few moments ago and then opens the door and exits. 

Bullet stands up and offers me his hand, I take it as I tell him thank you though giving him a questioning look, which makes him raise his right eyebrow. "Can I ask you something?" I asked. "Well darling to be technical, just by asking that you are asking me a question, but shoot go ahead." He said with this smile that went from ear to ear. "Can I know your Birth name?" I asked a bit shyly. The smile slowly left his face,but he didn't frown. "Of course you can beautiful, Only because I will marry you one day" He said with a wink, which made me choke, left me in a coughing fit. "Cocky" I grunted. He chuckled and said " My name is Spencer, Spencer Alan Black"


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