
By Nihon-Teikoku

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I think you're pretty interested in this Manga/Anime. I will tell you a few things about it. Admin's note: O... More

Prussia #1
Belarus #1
Veneziano #1
Japan #1 (Myself)
Everyone #1
Germany #1
Veneziano #2
Everyone #2
Prussia #2
Germany #2
Lithuania #1
Lithuania #2
Prussia and Germany
Prussia #3
Russia #1
Axis Trio #1
Prussia #4
Everyone #3
Sealand #1
Sweden #1
Everyone #4
China #1
Russia #2
Prussia #5
Canada #1
Prussia #6
2P Italy #1
UK #1
UK and Russia
Kuro and Kiku #1
Everyone #5
Germany #3
Everyone #4
Everybody #5
Some country's ringtones.
Spain #1
Veneziano #3
Sweden #2
Prussia #7
Veneziano #4
Japan #2
Veneziano #5
Prussia #8
China (A lot of headcanons...in one chapter) #1
100 Facts about Author-kun
Japan (Myself) #3 (and other countries too)
Prussia & Austria
Everybody #5
Japan #4
China #2
Prussia #9
Japan #5
China #4
Russia #3
Prussia #13
Prussia #14
Germany #4
Prussia #14 //Triggerwarning//
Norway #1
Denmark #1
Romania #1
Prussia #15
2P Prussia
2P Nyo Japan
2P Japan and 2P Nyo Japan
Hong Kong
Teutonic Order
England and Scandinavia
Again Prussia
Germanic countries~


34 2 18
By Nihon-Teikoku

Once a nation falls (Prussia, Rome, Ancient Greece etc.) the personification stays for a bit longer in our world, before disappearing.
That's because of the reason that the nation may come back a few years later.

That's why Prussia didn't disappeared directly.
When we can't personify a country...
Our mentality immediately gets weaker and all of our experiences and memories hit it at once.

Just imagine, you just lost an important thing in your life, and suddenly the whole memories hit you.

It shoots through your soul, leaving deep scars.

Through this way, most of us get their mental problems. Mental and physical.

When a 2P replaces us, this happens too.

Imagine Prussia, being there and gets to know that his country is dissolved.
Every memory will be replayed in his head.
But this time, he can't shrug it off.
He will feel extreme empathy and he can hardly breath.

Once it is over, the nation will certainly get depressed.
Most of us get PTSD.
This continues for...Maybe 10-15 years.
If the peoples of the former country are strongly for their country and still identify with it, this lasts for even longer.
That's how Poland managed to live through 123 years of not existing.

I, personally, never really experienced it...that harsh.

Prussia, however, nearly died from it.
It was apparently so bad that his 2P was created.

You know...2Ps are born, when the nation got to the most damaging and destructive part of it's history.

Again, back to the topic with Prussia as an example.
Imagine him, crying for weeks, depressed, suicidal, PTSD, Kluver-bucy syndrome (which he actually has because of a former event) and absolutely destroyed.

You guys can't imagine it... He would've died. Really died.
His 2P saved him.

After the partition of Germany and Prussia getting a nation/region he starts feeling better.
He can hide it. He can defend himself while his poor 2P still struggles.
However, during the time with Russia, he broke again.

I pull it way to long.
You know what I mean, right?
It's destructive.

Apparently, China never made through it, and if so, he's going to die.


No worries. Your husband never made it through this. I think.

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