The Alpha Saved Me (Editing A...

By ChocoholicLover

847K 16.4K 907

Sometimes life doesn't go as planned. At times, you get dragged down to the deepest pits of your mind, the un... More

Chapter 1 (Pic Of Blake)
Chapter 2 (Pic Of Alexis)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (Pic Of Isabella)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 32

13.1K 283 26
By ChocoholicLover


“Well it’s not much of a secret anymore so...tell me!” I jokingly threatened, feeling a bit excited. He grinned, pretending to think about it, eyes lighting up. “Okay, okay.” He laughed as I got ready to tackle him. “For this weekend, we’re going on a trip!” 

“Just the two of us?” I whispered, happiness bubbling in me. ‘Yeah, just the two of us.” He promised. 

I squealed, swinging my arms around his neck. Yes! It would be like a romantic getaway! Just us. It sounded amazing. I couldn’t wait! Although it may not be the best time, it was important to spend as much time as we could together. This was perfect. 

Chapter 32:

I gasped, the bag in my hand colliding with the floor as I stood there in shock. This morning, it was hectic. I rushed around packing my bag, not really sure what to bring as it was my first time ever going on a trip. Blake just stood there, laughing, as he watched me. 

But I had finally finished packing my bags--satisfied with the amount I brought. We had climbed into Blake’s shiny, sleek car and set off. But of course not before saying goodbye to everyone. It had taken us a few stops, and hours to finally reach our destination. And it was definitely worth it. 

It was in the woods, but also it wasn’t too secluded. Sunshine peaked out from the trees, the big branches covering the sky. The trees were gnarled, old from age. History woven in every sway, the quiet chirping of birds. It was a house, made of wooden logs. Small and cosy. A door was carved in, with a small chimney at the side of the roof. 

It was the type of house that I would love to live in when I got older. Beside the cabin, there was a lake. Sunlight reflected on it making it seem like glass. It was surrounded by trees. Everything was so...beautiful. It was magical.  

“Blake..” I whispered. He looked at me nervous, like a little boy. I giggled, he looked so cute. “It’s wonderful.” I say softly, with a small smile. He grinned, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to his side. 

“Yeah it is, isn’t it.” He said gazing around. 

I lightly stepped forward, feeling like those princesses in stories. Where I’ve come and hid in a magical place where my Prince Charming will come and rescue me! I chuckled. Well there is one flaw in that story, I mused. My Prince Charming...has already come for me. Speaking of that, this certain Prince Charming was already at the footsteps of the house, while I was daydreaming! 

Running forwards, I jumped up and he just manage to slide in the keys and quickly turn around to catch me. My legs hugged his hips, my arms laced around his neck as I nuzzled his nose. Blake smiled at me lovingly, holding me up with one hand as he picked up the bags with the other. Kicking the door open, he stepped inside and my eyes widened. Wow...

It wasn’t like a 5-star hotel or anything as extravagant as that but it was unlike anything I’ve ever seen. It was small, divided into three different parts and connected by the living room. On one side there was a small kitchen, in the middle was the living room which consisted of a TV, a couch and a few sofa chairs. On the other side there lay a big King sized bed with a small desk on the side. It was perfect for a short holiday get-away. 

Cheekily smiling at Blake when he turned his head to look at me, I hopped off his back and went flying towards the bed. Take a huge jump, I soared in the air before landing on the soft bed with a thud! Giggling, I rolled around, hugging the comforter closer. 

I sighed happily, now this was heaven. Heaven... Bolting up right, I shook my head. Now was not the time to think these thoughts...but what is the right time? “Blake!” I shouted. “We have to go back... I can’t believe I actually left, and at this time! They need us!” I ranted as the full consequences of our actions head-butted me. What kind of person was I to leave Hayden and Alec at their time of need! How could I be so selfish?! And I promised, I promised I’d be by their side! 

I slid off the bed, calling Blake’s name, my head in a panic. “Hey,” Blake put his hands on my shoulder, stopping me in my tracks. “Bella, they’ll be fine.” 

I gaped at him, “What?! No! I should be there!”


“We have to go!” I interrupted him. There was no time to waste! Any second I’m gone, something could’ve happened! I-I... I can’t!

“Bella!” Blake shouted, causing me to pause. This was the first time he’s ever yelled at me. “Calm down! They’ll be fine! I have people guarding the house and if any problem arises they’ll call me immediately. And plus, you needed this. I love you, I don’t like seeing you this stressed.” He said worried. 

“...Yeah b-but, I-I can’t!” I felt guilty that I made him worried, but this. I couldn’t ignore this, I had to make sure!

“Bella...? What’s wrong? This isn’t like you?” He questioned, worry clear in his eyes. I looked away, tears building up. My chest felt tight, suffocating. A dark feeling coiling in my gut. 

“I’m...scared.” I whispered softly. “I’m so scared.” 

I crumpled to the floor, a torrent of emotions pouring out of me. Kept in me for that long, I just couldn’t handle it anymore. I was too weak, I didn’t want to feel like this. I just wished everything would disappear. I wanted it to be easy. But I guess that wasn’t possible, and I had to fight past these walls that life had shoved in front of me. The thing is, I didn’t want to. 

“Blake, I’m so tired.” I whispered brokenly. Something dark flashed through his eyes, and his face turned blank. 

“Bella, get up.” 

Confused,  I did as he asked, wiping the tears away. “Well too bad,” he said harshly but I could see the pain in his eyes. “Your not the only one who’s tired.” I was shocked, and hurt. Was I really acting like everything was about me? Looking back at my actions, I was being selfish. This wasn’t about me, this was about Hayden and Alec. Just because I was tired, it didn’t excuse my thoughts. Did I think about how this was affecting them? No! I thought about myself and how it only affected me. 

“You’re right.” I said softly. “I haven’t been considering how any of you guys feel and it was wrong of me to do so. I’m sorry.” 

“It’s okay. I’m sorry too Bella.” He opened his arms and I gladly snuggled into his chest, breathing in his scent. “Come on, I’ve prepared dinner. I’m really sorry.” 

“It’s fine.” And I truly meant it. I was glad that he had shown me how I was behaving. I never wanted to act like that again, I guess it all just got to my head. 

I went towards the dinner table, thinking it would be all set up but was surprised to find out there was nothing but basket laid out. “I thought we could sit by the lake.” Said Blake. Nodding, I loved the idea. The lake seemed so peaceful, it would definitely be nice. 

With Blake behind me, I pushed the door open and stepped outside. Suddenly stopping, I gazed around in awe. It was early night, the sun setting over the horizon, casting a fire across the sky’s blue canvas. Hints of the night all around, the soft sound of the crickets starting their chirping. Peaks of bright lights in the sky showing. 

Who knew the wild could ever be so beautiful? Setting the basket down, we sat by the lake, my feet splashing in the water. Clapping my hands together, I wondered, “So what food is there?” I could hear my stomach grumbling slightly and I blushed as I saw Blake laugh. 

Opening the basket, I nearly drooled. The first thing I saw was a chocolate fudge cake! Delicious creamy, sweet chocolate! I licked my lips but just as I was about to grab it, it disappeared from my view. My head snapped up and I reached for it but Blake leaned back, keeping it away from me.

“Blake!” I moaned. “Give it!” 

“Nope.” He grinned. 

“Why?” I wailed. It was so close, I leaned forward even more. 

“After the food.” He promised, pushing me away. I pouted but sat back, grudgingly. Digging even deeper, I found some pasta and drinks. 

“This really reminds me of our first date.” I reminisced. 

“You were beautiful. Still is.” Blake added, looking at me lovingly. I blushed, looking down. 

“Alright, alright. Enough about me!” I declared. “Time...for the food!” Blake laughed, a deep sound that washed over me soothingly. I smiled, happy I had made him laugh. Grabbing a plastic container, I started eating and we talked. About everything and anything. 

Sitting up with a start, I gasped. “Blake! I don’t even know what’s your favourite colour is!” 

He thought about it before answering. “It’s brown.” 

I blinked, “What?” 

“It’s brown.” He repeated. 

“Why?” I stared at him as if he was crazy. Why brown? I had never heard anyone’s favourite colour being brown. He leaned forward, and suddenly stuck the fork into my opened mouth. Instinctively closing my mouth around the fork, I pulled back chewing on the pasta. “Yummy,” I commented.

“Its the colour of your eyes.” He said, staring at me. 

...Brown? That’s why? A powerful feeling bloomed in me. That was just too sweet. I crooked my finger towards Blake, and he moved closer. Quickly swooping down a placed a kiss on his cheek. “You’re just too sweet aren’t you.” I whispered. 

Finally finishing my food, I gave Blake the puppy eyed look. “Please!” 

He pretended to sigh, though his eyes were bright. Taking the cake out, I grabbed it. “My precious” I imitated Lord of The Ring. “Mine.” A second passed of silence, before we both burst out laughing and I dropped onto the ground next to him, staring at the sky. A few minuted passed as we just observed each other. 

“It’s grey,” I confessed. He gave me a questioning look. “My favourite colour.”

He smiled at me, and moved slowly towards me. Blake placed his soft lips on mine and I moaned. Although it hadn’t been long, I had missed this feeling. He shifted above me and slid his arm beneath me before standing up, carrying me bridal style and yet never letting go of my lips. 

We kissed hungrily, desire burning in me. A fire that needed to be quenched. Blake walked toward the house, kicking the door open before leading me towards the bed. Feeling the soft cushioning, I pulled my lips away from Blake and looked around. 

The room, surprisingly, had rose petals all around it, candle light burning. Blake was above me, lust in his eyes. “Who did all this?” I wondered, feeling touched. 

“I had someone prepare it when we were outside.” He replied, placing kissed down my neck. I moaned, gripping his shoulders in my hands. His lips made their way down as he unbuttoned my shirt one at a time, as if opening a present. His eyes were dark, desire, lust and love showed through. He placed kissed everywhere on my body, taking the time to show attention to every spot and soon I was writhing and moaning with desperation. “Blake! I need you,” I begged and he looked at me intensely, barely holding onto control. 

“Are you sure?” I hesitated for a second, tensing, fear rushing through me. Was I ready? I-I... This was Blake, the love of my life. The person I would spend the rest of my life with and I love like no other. Relaxing, I smiled. “I’m ready.” 

I smirked deviously and got up, pushing him down. Running my hands down his chest, I started kissing down his neck, ripping his shirt off. I tried not to stare at his muscular chest, oh who was I kidding. He had the body of a Greek God. Feeling the urge to taste his skin, I kissed down his chest and gripped the top of his jeans before hearing him growl and found myself underneath him, my hands above my head. 

“Bella,” he groaned. I could feel so much. The passion, lust, heat. 

When we finally became one, it felt perfect. It felt amazing. I was meant to be with him, I was made for him. I loved him so much and he was the best person in my life. The reason for my existence and I was his. His loving gaze and touch, taking me to a place I had never known existed.

It was perfect. 

Skin against skin, love and passion overriding our senses and making me feel so wonderful. So loved. And this feeling was just the two of us. As he marked me, I truly felt his. And in that moment, I knew that what we had was real and I would never trade it for anything. He was mine. 


There really are no excuses for not uploading for that long, and all I have to say is I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have abandoned this story like that, no matter how busy I was. I hope you’ll forgive me and enjoy the chapter. Onto happier notes, *wiggles eyebrows* they had their first time! Yes, I know it’s not sexual or R-Rated but more romantic and sweet as well, I can’t write that way. So I’m wondering if any of you are willing to write an R-Rated version just PM me and I’ll tell you the details OR if you guys really want to and no one volunteers I guess... I can write it? Anyway once again sorry! Also, THIS CHAPTER HASN'T BEEN EDITED!




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