Chapter 12

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And for the first time in a long time.

I cried.

 I never cried when I was in front of him. It showed him I was affected by what he said. As the reason he did all this, was to inflict the same pain I did to him when mom died, to me. 

As it was my fault. 

I killed my own mother. 


Chapter 12:

I groaned in pain as I sat up from the bed. He had really given me a hard beating, but I guess I deserved it.

I was not looking forward to going back to school. Seeing Adam was horrible. I shuddered as I thought again of what he had done. It may seem to actually be not such a big deal, but after being broken again many times, there’s so much only one person can take.

I quickly grabbed my stuff and practically ran out of the house.

Which did not help at all for my pain.

 Usually it was easy walking to school, but it was very painful this time. I was about halfway to school when I heard a car beep at me.I turned, and saw Blake in a green Lamborghini waving at me. I slowed down, and waited for him. He asked. “Do you want a ride?” I thought about it and decided, what harm could it be. “Sure.”

 Butterflies were doing flips in my stomach as I got in the car. Electricity hummed between us, it was hard not to just grab his face and kiss the daylights out of him. Which I didn’t know how to do as I’ve never been kissed before.

Yes, I’ve never been kissed before. You’re probably quite shocked.

When Adam was going to rape me, which he didn’t do. He didn’t kiss me, he was too busy ripping my clothes off. Before this, I wasn’t ready to kiss him yet either. Actually the day he broke my heart, was the day I was going to let him kiss me for the first time.

 I was too lost in thought, and trying to ignore the electricity to realise that we were in school.

 “Isabella.” Blake called softly. I loved the way my name rolled of his tongue. Oh my god what the hell is this boy doing to me, I thought distressed.

 He must have seen my distress as he asked concerned, “Are you alright?” I shook my head. ”I’m fine.”

 He got out the car then went over to my side to open my door for me. I blushed, while he just smiled. I got out and he closed the door behind me acting like a true gentlemen. It was so amazing, seeing the different versions of him when he was with me.

 I snapped out of my daze, as we were both in our little world and looked around.

The Alpha Saved Me (Editing And Revising!)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt