The Forest and The Ocean (Les...

By AmyliasElden

322K 4.4K 673

The Story Continues from, To Define Love. Jenna and Laura have gone away on vacation to finally explore their... More

The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story)
The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story) Ch. 2
The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story) Ch. 3
The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story) Ch. 4
The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story) Ch. 5
The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story) Ch. 6
The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story) Ch. 7
The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story) Ch. 8
The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story) Ch. 9
The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story) Ch. 10
The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story) Ch.11
The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story) Ch. 12

The Forest and The Ocean (Lesbian Story) Ch. 13

21.2K 556 195
By AmyliasElden

Here is the last, and final chapter of Laura and Jenna's Fictional Life :) I hope you guys enjoyed this story<3

Chapter Thirteen:

What I See In You Is Beautiful

Laura’s Point of View:

“Oh my god…. Look at you!” I heard my mom scream as she saw Jenna walking into our house. Jenna smiled as she wrapped her arms around my mom, my mom wrapping her around Jenna. I felt rather awkward at this… strange Brady bunch moment.

“Look at you!” Jenna said as she smiled at my mother’s sun dress and hat that she had chosen to wear for my graduation. My mom laughed as she twirled around. I laughed at the silly scene.

“My god mom, you’re embarrassing me.” I laughed again as I watched Eric bring in our suitcases with Luke in Tow. I tried to swallow the dryness in my throat as I turned back to my mom and Jenna.

“Oh don’t be silly, Monkey.” My mom said as she messed up Jenna’s straight hair.

“Hey now…” Jenna smiled as she tried to fix it. I felt my cheeks burn when Luke draped his arm around me.

“Hey, Mrs. C. Do I get to stay for dinner after her graduation?” He asked. My mom looked up at him then down to me. I looked at Jenna, hoping that my mom got my meaning.

“I’m sorry, Luke, but I think it should just be a family night tonight. Maybe tomorrow, alright?” She said as she directed Eric to carry Jenna’s bag up the stairs, following him. I felt Luke squeeze my arm as he turned me to him bringing me into a hug.

“Oh well, I’ll see you at the gates okay?” He asked as he leaned down to kiss. I averted my eyes from Jenna as his lips brushed against mine. He pulled away with a smile on his face then looked over to Jenna to say goodbye to her as well.

“See you in two hours.” I said as I showed him the door. I turned around to see Jenna staring at me. “What? I can’t not do it… I’m not going to break up with him on a whim, I have to have a-.”

“Reason?” Jenna laughed as she went up the stairs, after where my mom and Eric went off too. “Where have I heard that before?” I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose as I ran up the stairs after her, gabbing her arm and spinning her around. My hand slipped down to hers, lacing our fingers together.

“Don’t say that, please? I’m sorry okay? It’s not like you don’t know that’d I’d rather kiss you…” I said as I looked her in the eye. “I know that this is extremely repetitive right now, but bare with me okay?” I said when I leaned up against the hallway table, pulling her into me. She smiled as she rolled her emerald eyes and brushed the hair out of my face. She leaned in and kissed me once before letting our foreheads touch.

“How did I know?” I heard a deep voice say to our right. I felt my back stiffen as I turned to see my dad dressed up in casual, yet informal, attire. Jenna pulled away from me as she looked over as well. “Couldn’t even wait till after grad night, hm?”

“Dad….” I started to say, but he held his hand up to silence me. Jenna moved away from me as she looked at him.

“We’ll talk about this at dinner, alright?” He said as she offered us both a small smile. I chewed on my cheek as I looked over to Jenna. She looked extremely nervous as she tensed up. I looked back over to my dad who just laughed. “It’s fine, Jenna. Like I said, we have things to discuss at dinner. In the mean time, Laura you really need to go get ready, we’re leaving in 20 minutes.” My dad said as he went back into their room. Jenna pulled away from me, her head looking back and forth from me and to my parent’s door.

“Am I on drugs? You drugged me right? Or did we die?” I couldn’t help the giggle as I pushed off the table, walking into my room now. Jenna followed me closely, shutting the door and turning to face me. “I’m serious… what’s wrong with your dad…? That’s him right? He’s not possessed right…?”

“Don’t you think you’re being a bit silly now?” I asked as I walked over to my closet, pulling off my shirt and sliding my skirt off. I knew she was thinking about other things now, as I leaned up to reach for my dress. I smiled and closed my eyes as her arms found their way around my waist; her teeth nibbling on my ear.

“Isn’t that the dress you wore last year…” She whispered in my ear as her lips kissed up my neck, her hands rubbing on my hips. I felt the warmth run through me as I leaned up against her.

“Yes, is it weird that I kept it…?” I asked as I turned around in her arms. She looked me in the eye, smiling as she moved away from me. I hated the loss of heat from her, but I almost couldn’t stop the smiling as I noticed the ocean blue dress she pulled out. “Do you know, how lame we seriously are, Jenna? Wearing each others colours… can we get any cornier?” She smirked at me as she took a seat on my bed, pulling her shirt off as well.

“Corny? Lame? No, I don’t think we’re really either of those.” She said as she slipped off her pants. I stood there, gawking at how amazing her body really was… I shook those thoughts out of my head as I turned around to slip on my dress.

“Then what would you call all of it? Creepy?” She laughed at my choice of expression. “Can you come zip me up then I’ll do yours?” I asked as I turned my head to look over my shoulder.

“Yeah, sure.” She said as she walked over to me. “And it’s not creepy, sheesh way to make us seem strange. I like it…” She said as she zipped up my dress. That’s when all my emotions that I’ve hid from myself, just came crashing down. I turned to look at her, tears running down my cheeks. Her brows furrowed as I wrapped my arms around her, clinging onto her, hoping she’d never let me go. Her hand rested on my lower back as she kissed the top of my head. “Was it something I said…? What’s the matter?” She asked as I pulled away, shaking my head at my patheticness and wiping away my tears.

“Nothing, I’m just being a girl is all.” I said as I went behind her to zip up her dress. She turned around, grabbing my shoulders and lifting my chin up so that we were eye level.

“Really? After everything you and I have been through I know it’s more than that. Now come on, tell me what’s bothering you, please?” She asked in a whisper. I smiled as I shook my head again, wrapping my arms around her waist.

“Thank you…” I whispered as I laid my head on her shoulder. I could feel her body tense up slightly as she squeezed me.

“For what?” She asked as I looked her in the eyes again. I bit my lip as I leaned my head up to hers, kissing her lips once. She raised her eyebrow in question and I smiled a sad smile.

“Thank you for coming back in my life. Do you have any idea how much I’ve… missed you?” She smiled kindly and squeezed me more.

“I’ve missed you just as much… now… your dad on the other hand…” She looked puzzled as she pulled apart from me. I rolled my eyes, smiling still as I grabbed my hand bag and exited the room with my heels in my other hand. “Don’t give me that look! You know it’s strange…” She said as we closed the door behind us.

“I guess… but I think it finally made sense to him? I don’t know; let’s just make the best of it?” I suggested. I smiled as she wrapped her arm around my waist, walking in step with me.

“Well, let’s go see you walk across that field, ya?” She smiled as she kissed my temple.

“Oh, it’s not on a field, it’s at the Ritz.” I laughed at her blank face. ”I love you?” She just rolled her eyes, kissing me again.

---------- Twelve Years Later----------

Lily’s Point Of View:

“I’m not really sure why we’re even doing this, Lily.” I heard Aaron complain as she parked her Porsche. I rolled my eyes as I unbuckled my seatbelt, getting out.

“I already explained this to you. Yes, you hate hospitals, but we’re here for Laura and Jenna, remember? This isn’t about you.” I said as I held her hand. She made a frown as she move her now lengthy bangs out of her face. I smiled as I looked up at her. She grew out of the high school phase a while ago; her lip rings long gone and her hair a soft brown, now shoulder length.

“I know that… god what do you take me for? A five year old?” She asked. I stopped walking as I pulled away from her. She turned around and glared at me. I giggled as I slipped under her arm again and cuddled up with her as we walked to the entrance. “You’re so mean to me… what I meant is why do we need to come here now?”

“Jenna… needs moral support.” I smiled as I gave our names to the nurse at the front desk.

“For what? Last I checked they’ve been through this once already…?” I elbowed Aaron in the ribs lightly as we came up to a worried messy haired Jenna, who seemed to be pacing around the room. I looked over to see Laura’s mom sitting next to a small child, no older than three years. I smiled as I moved away from Aaron as she went to stand next to a worried and stressed out Jenna. I smiled at Mrs. Cardoza as I took a seat next to the little guy.

“Hey Liam, how are you?” I asked him as I watched him play with his toy Rocket ship. He looked up at me with curious eyes and a smile on his face.

“I’m kay… mommy is making me sad though…” He said as he pointed over to Jenna. I looked over to Jenna and noticed she was pacing again as Aaron stood there and watched her. “And Momma is still in that room…”

“How long has she been in there?” I asked as I wrapped an arm around him and kissed his blonde hair.

“She’s been in there for about five hours, right grandma?” He asked as he tried to count on his fingers. She smiled down at him and nodded.

“That’s right, little man.” She said as she looked back to Jenna. “Dear, why don’t you sit down?” Mrs. Cardoza asked. Jenna turned and noticed me, a look of relief on her face. She walked over to stand in front of Liam, his one blue and one green eyes staring back up at her. She smiled as she picked him up, and taking his seat. She sat him down on her lap, hugging him tightly as he rested his head on her shoulder.

“Sorry I didn’t say hi earlier. I guess I’m a bit nervous, ya know?” Jenna said as Liam cuddled up into her. I smiled at him as I looked back to Aaron who just looked at the boy too.

“It’s okay. How come you’re not in there with her?” I asked Jenna. She tucked her head down as I looked at Mrs. Cardoza.

“When Liam was born, Jenna… couldn’t really handle seeing all…. The well….”

“Thanks mom.” Jenna laughed. I couldn’t help but laugh at Jenna’s Blush. “I feel bad enough for it, but this time she’s having the baby surgerlically removed.”

“Do you not know if it’s a boy or a girl this time?” I heard Aaron ask as she sat across from us. Jenna looked over to her and shook her head no.

“Laura wa-.” Jenna was cut off though as we were interrupted by a nurse.

“Mrs. Amora?” She said as she walked over to Jenna. Jenna handed Liam over to me, who seemed to be half asleep already.

“Is Laura okay?” She asked quickly. The nurse smiled as she looked at Liam.

“Laura and your new child are just fine… would you like to see her?” She asked as she started walking back into the room. Jenna started to follow, but turned towards me with a small smile on her face.

“Will you come with me?” She asked me. I looked at Aaron as she smiled and nodded, grabbing Liam from my arms as I followed Jenna and the nurse. Jenna held onto my hand strongly as we walked into the room. There laying down was Laura who obviously was still very tired and woozy from the medication she was under. “Hey baby…” Jenna said as she went to her side, squeezing her hand. Laura looked up at me and smiled even more.

“Come here Lily… I want you and Jenna to both meet our new daughter… Kelsey.” She said as the nurse came over and handed Jenna her new baby girl. I smiled as I leaned over, looking at the cute new baby.

The day went, as it was morning when Laura had the baby, and after hours of spending time with the new child, Liam actually finding a liking to her; Aaron and I finally left the new family member be alone with her family.

“That was cute, don’t you?” I asked Aaron as we pulled into our driveway. She looked at me with a small smile as she nodded.

“What do you think?” She asked me as we walked up the pathway her father had created for us. I turned my head slightly as I unlocked the front door.

“About what exactly?” I asked as I dropped my purse on the table next to door. She grabbed my waist, pulling me into her with a smile on her face. I gave her a curious look as she grinned down at me.

“About start a family of our own?” I couldn’t help the butterflies that flooded my stomach.

“I’d love to…” She smiled as she leaned down and kissed me.

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