Falling in love with a profil...

By Achievement-Huntress

24.8K 370 74

What is it like to falling in love with a person who can guess you next few moves before you can even think a... More

Undercover parteners
Dr. Skylar Reid
First night together
Pre-Date night
Am I in love?
Date night
This cant be happening
What happened
Trial and error
Have to find them
Authors Note
Hospital Confession
Authors Note
Anniversary? I forgot
She is my everything
Please stop
Stay awake
Ask me?
The end( Authors Note)
Wedding day (The ceremony)

Im Sorry

504 11 8
By Achievement-Huntress

Skylars POV

My eyes dried of their tears, and the girls by my side we exit the restroom. Derrick is there waiting for me. 

M- hey girly 

S- hi

M- come here..

I walk into his waiting arms, he hugs me and i feel safe just not as safe as i do in Spencer's arms.

M- He is stupid, i dont understand how he...

S- leave it derrick, i am going to give him one chance to explain, if it isnt a good answer we are over, and i am leaving the BAU. 

 M- Sky 

S- dont please, the girls have already tried. Please understand 

D- Alright, does Hotch or Rossi know

S- no i have t go tell them, just i have to deal with spencer first, please stay with me. 

D- Always, your family 

With that Derrick joins in the train of people following me to our office. When we get back to the desks spencer is sitting at his desk reading one of his books that i just got him, the picture of his mom is on his desk, but the ones of us are no were to be seen. I can tell the rest of them notice this as well, they were all fuming but were holding back for me.  

S- Spencer

R- skylar

S- one chance to explain one, if it isnt good enough for me then....

R- i see... um all of these cases... they took my mind off what date it was... and i just forgot. 

S- you forgot, just like you forgot my birthday, or were i went when i went to visit my mother. You forget all about the things i care about, unlike me. I remembered when you went to visit your mother, and lets not forget your birthday.  I remember a lot, and i will always remember you, but right now i cant. I cant be together with someone who forgets about me the second i am not in his view. So as of right now i am done. Hotch, Rossi it has been an honor working here at the BAU but i am turning in my gun and badge. 

With that i sent my badge and gun on the desk and walk out. I stop at the door, and say

S- i love you all, i will never forget you. Hey girls can you...

J- We got it, come by later and get your stuff from my house.  

With that i left. 

Spencer's POV

She left, she is gone. i sat at my desk looking at the door hoping she would walk back in, but deep down i knew she was not going to. I screwed up and i knew that. I knew the team blamed me for what happened, but i couldn't think about that right now. Right now i had to focus, focus on getting her back. i turn back to my desk and pull out my wallet where i put our pictures so that way i could always carry our memories with me at all times. i sat there for what felt like hours staring at her face, that was until someone smacked my head. 

P- you are the biggest dumb person i think i have ever known. If you loved her you would have forgotten everything, you wouldn't have even let her walk out that door. you.

R- I KNOW.....sorry, look i know i messed up big time, she was the greatest thing to ever happen to me, yet i let her slip through my fingers. I forgot because i am not used to someone being in my life were i.... i just. help please help me get her back, i need help

my eyes were already red from the silent tears running down my face, and Garcia could see that she could see how broken i was in that moment, she could see how i knew i messed up and how much i wanted skylar back. 

P-Okay, lets get the team, cause i know it will take all of us. 

Skylars POV

Sitting in my car after i left the building crying my eyes out, man do i feel pathetic. I wipe my eyes, but not before i feel the cold of a pistol up against my neck.

?- Hello skylar, it sure has been a while, hasn't it. 

S- jasper, what, how...

Jasper is my ex-boyfriend who was at one point my fiance, i broke it off when i found out he murdered his entire family and a few of his ex-girlfriends. I turned him into the cops, he was the main reason i became an FBI agent. 

J- oh it was easy, i got out on good behavior. Tracking you down wasn't that hard, you made a name for yourself here at the FBI, you and that spencer guy. you see i want you, your mine and only mine. So you will drive and not stop till i say. 

S- jasper please

J- Begging man that is low even for you. i though you FBI guys weren't scared of people like me.

S- we aren't

J- well you seem pretty scared, so how about you turn on the car and lets take a drive shall we. 

With that i was kidnapped all over again. Please guys find me... 

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