Rosalie & Emmet's daughter

By LuckyKissNo14

15.6K 372 17

Zoey Mae-Bella Cullen is the unknown daughter of Rosalie and Emmet. She was created by a vampire who knew of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Author's Note
Chapter 5
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 3

2.2K 40 5
By LuckyKissNo14

A week later

After around 11 Carlie and I crashed so we basically went to bed as we were so tired. Good thing was Carlie loved her present she basically loved them all especially because Jake is her imprint, but shh I'm not supposed to know that. It was morning and I woke up in my giant room, like there was a luxury bathroom, walk-in wardrobe, flat screen TV, king sized bed, balcony with a large glass window/balcony door, desk and chair, Mac laptop, bean bags (3), 4 shelves with books and 4 more shelves for random things, built in stereo plus music player and basically anything else I wanted.

It was the day the Volturi were visiting so I had to go to Jake's to change my smell and appearance my disguise is Natalia Romanova, I'm from the Russian Pack and was Luna plus I'm to be 2nd cousins with Jake. I'm visiting as a holiday slash birthday present, this fake pack is different we don't rip our clothes in fact they stay on when shifting also we come with a power each mine is chameleon or illusion some might call it. Also that I'm transferring to Jake's pack as my mate is Seth and he is classified Alpha of my fake pack, who have been recently killed by normal rogues.

As I'm at Jakes I change my appearance to short red hair, blue eyes, and my height 5'8 sounds good enough and my age is 17. There, we quickly shift and race towards home or the Cullen's as the wolves say in my white wolf form wait patiently for Jake and Seth to shift and put clothes on. We then travel into the house where we see Jane, Alec, Felix and Demetri standing in front of my family I shift into my disguise. "Jane this is Natalia Romanova she recently joined the wolf pack and is 2nd cousins to Jacob also Seth's mate. Natalia comes from a different type of wolves these wolves can shift and keep their clothes on plus each have a power. She is the last of her kind and her power is a chameleon or illusion: meaning Natalia can fit into her surroundings, change appearance and smell, turn in invisible, shape-shift into anyone or anything and possibly more. Natalia this is Jane, Demetri, Alec and Felix." uncle Ed explains the first part in vampire speed making it quick but normal for introductions.

Jane unfortunately speaks "As this is very intriguing to hear when we arrive back in Italy Aro will be informed of this new creature, and will be glad to hear Reneesme is still no threat to our kind and has blossomed well, we will now depart." We all secretly showing signs of relief that they were leaving but have a feeling they will be back and most likely with Aro too.

~ Volturi Castle ~

Third Pov.

Mean while the Cullen's and wolves were celebrating and discussing about Zoe, the guard had just arrived back in Volterra, Italy to inform Aro of their mission. "Aro we are back she still remains no threat but there is a new species in Forks, a wolf with a power you could say." Jane explains the quick version with Reneesme but was easier to show Aro about this new wolf then explain. "Show me my dear, if it's easier." Jane shows Aro the explain atom Edward gave her along with whatshe say of the girl in both normal and wolf form. "My dear brothers and children there seems to be something they're hiding from us with this young girl, as she looks am awful lot like dear Rosalie and Emmet Cullen plus I believe that is not her true form as her power seems to allow her to change appearance and smell, we will need to send in a spy." "Alec go get young Lucy and you'll both go and watch over Miss Romanova as she claims, also Lucy you will go to school there as an exchange student from Spain and learn as much as you can about her, Alec find out what the girl is and why the Cullen's tried to hide her."

Both Alec and Lucy hurry off back to Forks using Lucy's power to hide vampires scents and make them smell like they're not there. Aro sends the rest away while sitting back in the throne thinking why is the girl so special and if so we must have her no matter what.

~ Forks, high school ~

Third pov.

Alec and Lucy arrive at Forks and travel to the highschool to enroll Lucy as an exchange student from Spain so they can undergo Aro's plan and their mission on finding everything about Miss Romanova or so she says that her name. They walk into the office, the lady at the desk looked up "Ah, you must be the new exchange student from Spain Miss Lucy Gonazales I presume?" Alec and Lucy look at each oher speaking at vampie speed so the human wouldn't notice, both wearing coloured contacts. "Yes, and this is my uncle Alec Gonzales, I heard there was someone to help me around if you don't mind, and if so she happens to be related to the Cullens?" both Alec and Lucy hoping that if they were right, Lucy would end up finding out the true identity of Miss Romanova.

"Let me see, hmm yes Miss Zoe Cullen she just recently arrived here, Zoe happens to be the younger sister of Miss Rosalie Hale, I'll email the Cullens saying Zoe has beeen asked to show around a new student tomorrow, we will see you tomorrow, have a good day." Very happy with the result of knowing that Natalia Romanova is actually Zoe Cullen, and a hunch she is Rosalie and Emmmet's daughter somehow.

Zoe Pov.

~ Next Day at school ~

"Aunt Alice, do you know anything about this new exchange student?" we just found out I was to be a guide to this new exchange studnet named Lucy Gonzales for the rest of the semester which is like 2 months, before she goes back to Spain, so we are all a bit supicious as there wasn't news of exchange student coming before. "No, all i can find is that you'll become good friends like your Aunt Bella and her human friend Jessica."

"Okay" i'm still not completely satisfied with the answer and was to lazy to see for myself, being able to copy powers I can see the future too. I hop into mum's car as mine is still arriving, since it was time for school and only takes like a second as mum is a fast driver. We hop out the car grabbing Carlie as we walk to the office, waiting for this exchange student named Lucy.

After like 5 minutes, Lucy walks into the office and over to the desk not knowing it was her until she recieved all the stuff for a new student. We walk over to her and introduce ourselves, "Hi your Lucy right, my name is Zoe and this is my sister Renesme, we are both 15 (or 5) we are Sophomore's here my sister Rosalie is a senior and Reneesme's sister Bella is a Junior." Lucy quietly nods, so she understands us but probably can't speak much english guessing until she spoke with a heavy spanish accent, "Ah, yes I'm Lucy it's nice to meet you both i seem to be a sophomore too? and I'm 15 as well." we nod this time acknowledging it was nice to meet her as well.

Carlie and I walk with Lucy to our other friends Nina and Raven (both human) but as we near closer Lucy seemed to be holding her breath.
"Are you alright Lucy?" Carlie being the caring person she is obivisously asks, "what? oh yeah I'm good, I was thinking about how great it's going to be staying here learning new things i may even teach you all some spanish maybe." I thought it over in my head but she seemed exactly like a harmless human, so " i would love to learn more spanish then what we learn here, come on class is about to start." We walked to English/Spanish, I have that with Aunt Bella and uncle Edward Carlie's parents, then was Trigonometry with Aunt Alice and Mum, Chemistry and physics with Dad an finally Gym and History with Uncle Jasper. All four of us have the exact same scheduele, which Lucy now has as well.

~ After School ~

"Um Zoe, would you like to come over to my home so we cold get to know each other more?" Well let me see Seth is on Patrol today, Carlie is going out with Jake and Raven and Nina are busy so why not, "Yep, I'll just text my mum saying I'll be at a friends house and will be home by 5, so let's go" Lucy and I walk to her house which happens to be on the edge of Forks but not far from school, so it only took about 10 minutes. Lucy checked if her Uncle was home yet but there was a note saying he'll be home at 5:30 which is good. "So tell me about yourself?" she's a harmless human so why not answer truefully with a little lie.

Lucy's Pov.

Zoe thinks for a bit then starts to tell me almost everything, "Well i live with my adoptive parents Esme and Carsile, my brothers Emmet, Edward and Jasper, my sister Reneesme, Bella, Rosalie and Alice. I'm dating Seth who lives at La push, my sister Carlie has been dating Jacob who also lives at La push, my family and I don't like the sun so whenever it's sunny we leave to the mountains where there is no sun, I'm a vegeatarian so is the rest of my family. We have cousins who live up in Alaska called the Denali's, we have special ability's like we are fast, strong, but Carlie and I are only half fast and strong as the rest of my family, a friend of my parents basically created me for them as they can't have children so they took an egg from mum and a sperm from dad and she created me i was born a month before Carlie. My ability is that i can adapt to other ability's like copy them, um create and get rid of ability's and change my smell, appearance and voice, so yeah. Oh look it's 5;15 i better go great talking to you Lucy." and Zoe left thinking that they talked about school and Seth not knowing Lucy had used her power of manipulation and disguise.

Alec arrived home bring back blood for me, " So did you find anything?"

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