Fever💫~(GokuxFrieza Fanfic)

By friezass

8.8K 229 94

As Frieza's and Goku's bond grows stronger after fighting together in the ToP. Frieza learns to realize the f... More

💫~Frieza's Invited?
💫~Party Pooper
💫~Stay The Night
💫~Another Date?!
💫~Breakfast and Wine

💫~Dinner Gone Wrong

1.2K 33 13
By friezass

The Saiyan's eyes seemed to be glued shut as he began waking up. Goku let his right arm pat the bed all around in an attempt to locate Frieza, but the icejin was nowhere to be found. Goku finally jolted up from the bed and opened his eyes as he heard a faint sound of pouring water coming from another room. The Saiyan then flopped back to the bed with a sigh, since the tyrant wouldn't be out of the shower anytime soon.

Goku couldn't keep still and wait for any longer, so he decided to snoop around in the ice-jins triangle-like cabinet, which was overflowing with bottles of creams, lotions, and other self-care items. Goku was confused as to why Frieza needed so many different products, but it's probably something he'd never question the tyrant about since Frieza would then know about how Goku had been snooping around his belongings.

"What do you think you're doing?" The Saiyan quickly turned his head, his eyes growing wide as he saw Frieza standing outside the bathroom door with his arms crossed. Goku could spot the water droplets on the icejin's body, confused as to why he didn't wipe them off. "If this was an attempt to find that photograph of me..." the tyrant let out a growl, trying to maintain as calm as possible. "Then you truly disgust me."

"N-no I swear it wasn't! Why would I even wanna see that photo again! I- I just got bored that's all and wanted to look around!" Goku exclaimed, his voice shaky. He shut the drawer and sat back onto the bed. The Saiyan couldn't get his eyes off Frieza, who stood in front of him, the tyrant's arms still crossed. They exchanged a short stare before Goku awkwardly turned away, scratching the back of his head. "Do you mind if I take a shower? I promise I'll go home after, I'm sure Chi-Chi is going to have a lot of work for me to do, haha! Especially since she's angry with me."

"Do as you please." Frieza paused as a more serious look formed on his face, "But if I spot a Saiyan hair anywhere in my bathroom, you'll pay dearly."

"Alright! Alright! Don't worry! I'm not gonna get anything anywhere!" Goku assured the icejin as he stood up. Frieza hadn't noticed that the Saiyan was shirtless until now, which made the tyrant's cheeks turn a light pink at the sight of Goku's toned body. He absolutely despised the way this sight made him feel, but he couldn't help it, he couldn't help but stare at the Saiyan as he made his way to the bathroom, the metallic door closing behind him.

Frieza rolled his eyes as he sat down on his bed, pulling out yet another fancy container of lotion, this one having a smell similar to that of lavender and roses. He squirted a dollop into his palm, dabbing it all over his legs, then rubbing it in with soft circular moments. He had seemed to lose himself In thought. The feelings he had for the Saiyan finally began to bother him daily.

And he did not like it.

Frieza couldn't help but let out a smile whenever he saw Goku, which made the tyrant absolutely sick. He hated feeling excited or joyful over some ape he so deeply hated a couple of years back. But he had started to enjoy the Saiyans presence, as crazy as that might seem, and he wished for this feeling gone as soon as possible.

Ah yes, I do have quite a plan. The tyrant thought to himself as he began applying the lotion onto his arms. I'll invite the ape to dinner tonight...Yes, I'll even get us a secluded ship...and once the monkey is done with his food, I'll rid of the air in the vessel, and return back to my quarters, while Goku suffers his last few moments of life alone...my my, I'm quite the genius. And oh, I'm sure that ape would not decline such an offer, especially since food is involved. He'll be gone for good and my feelings for this brute will disappear once and for all.

Frieza set the strange-looking tube back on the counter as he spaced out in thought once again. How could he ask The Saiyan to dinner without making it seem like an invitation to date of some sort?

The tyrant no longer had any time to plan his question, since the door to the bathroom had been opened, a slightly damp Goku standing in the doorway. He had already slid his Gi on, but his hair still seemed slightly wet. The Saiyan walked up to the emperor, plopping down next to him on the bed. The sat in silence for a couple of seconds before the tyrant let out a sigh, and finally opened his mouth.

"Goku, I would like to know if you'd accompany me during my dinner tonight?" Frieza glanced at the Saiyan for a brief few seconds, before quickly turning away, focusing his eyes at the floor as his face turned a soft pink.

"Sure! I mean... do you mean like a date?"

"N-no absolutely n-not! The tyrant scoffed, his cheeks now a deeper shade of red. Goku was right, the way Frieza had phrased it surely made it seem like a date, the emperor simply hoped he could convince the Saiyan otherwise. "See it as you like, but I am simply inviting you to dinner."

"Alright, I'll come." Goku scratched his neck as he flashed a grin. That exact smile gave Frieza an idea. He could begin acting flirty, to make the simian believe it was planned to be a date. Then the Saiyan would be easier to trick once the so-called "date" begins.

"Although I'm sure you would just love to go on a date with me, wouldn't you? You sounded quite excited when I first asked you. Any particular reason as to why?" Frieza gazed up at Goku, fluttering his eyes as he spoke with a small grin spread across his face, which got wider as he noticed the Saiyan's face shift to a hue of pinks.

"Well, haha, I guess the food is a big reason." Goku let out an awkward laugh as he broke his eye contact with the tyrant, now staring at the floor and fidgeting with his fingers. "And you know, seeing you. I feel like we've gotten closer these past couple weeks. I think we're starting to become really good friends Frieza! Well, more like frenemies, but you get the point."

The tyrant was frozen still, unable to respond. He was unable to come up with anything to say, he was simply flattered. They were both silent  for a couple of seconds before Goku finally stood up,

"I gotta get going. But what time should I come back for dinner?" The Saiyan looked down at the sitting ice Jin, flashing a warm smile.

"In a few hours, maybe in 4 or perhaps 5, I suppose. Is that a good time for you? I could always change it..." Frieza calmly replied, closing his eyes.

"Yeah, that's fine! I'll be there don't worry!" Goku smiled as he put his two fingers onto his forehead. "Oh yeah. Sorry, I gotta go so early, but I'm guessing Chi Chi is going to make me do a ton of work! I wanna get it done quickly so I can spend more time with you."

Before Frieza could say anything back, the Saiyan disappeared into thin air. The tyrant let out a cheerful sigh as he laid down on his bed, letting himself let out a flashy grin he had been keeping in for so long.

He had fully forgotten about his plan to kill the Saiyan, all he could think about was how this "date" was going to turn out.


"Where have you BEEN? I was worried SICK!" Chi-Chi yelled at Goku's face as she angrily began folding the laundry.

"Well, you were mad at me so I figured I'd give you a little break from me." The Saiyan shrugged, praying that his wife would stop yelling. His prayers were left unheard.

"So where did you sleep? Huh? I was so WORRIED about you! You can't keep disappearing like this! You just keep on randomly leaving for long periods of time and expect me to be fine! Where did you even sleep?"

"Oh uh. Just outside..." Goku slowly replied, hopefully, his lie sounded convincing enough.

"I honestly can't believe you Goku. You'd rather sleep outside than with me, your wife! on a comfortable bed! Am I not good enough for you? Am I getting too old?" Chi Chi cried out, her voice still loud. "You know what, I'm watching you work all day today. I'm tired of you skipping your work!"

"Alright. I'll get started now then!" Goku exclaimed as he swiftly walked out the door, accidentally slamming it behind him, forcing Chi-Chi to jump.  She groaned and followed her husband outside with her arms crossed.

"Is Goten not coming?" Goku cocked his head as he stopped in his tracks to glance at Chi-Chi, who had a sour look on her face.

"No. he's at Bulma's. Now GET TO WORK!  Let's go!" The black-haired woman yelled as Goku got in his tractor, letting out a deep sigh.

He knew he wouldn't be seeing Frieza anytime soon.


The tyrant had spent all day at his workplace, doing paperwork, it was taking a little longer than usual, since all he couldn't focus very well. The only thing floating around in his mind were thoughts about the "date" the ice Jin set up with the Saiyan later tonight. Frieza had zoned out as he fell into deep thought again, making his subordinate call out his name once again.

"Lord Frieza. I don't mind finishing the rest of the paperwork myself." The blue woman spoke softly as she floated towards the ice-Jin, freeing him from the dozens of papers. "You go and relax. Maybe even begin getting ready for that date of yours."

Frieza raised an invisible eyebrow, a slight shock on his face.

"How are you aware of what I've planned with the Saiyan?" The tyrant raised his voice quite a bit, mostly out of shock.

"There's no need to get loud, Lord Frieza. I simply overheard you and the Saiyan while I was walking past your quarters. I couldn't help but toon into the conversation you two were having, it was quite adorable."

"Please, do consider being quiet before you get me angry." Frieza grumbled as he stood up, his cheeks a light pink from slight embarrassment. He began to walk towards the exit, looking over at his blue-skinned subordinate who was starting the paperwork. With an eye roll he exited the room, strolling through the twisted hallways before getting to his quarters. The tyrant let a smile rise across his face as he thought about the date, mostly just thinking about the simian he had invited on said date.

Frieza let out a soft sigh as he got to his room, letting the metal door creek open as he typed in the password on the glowing keypad to his left. Looking over at the triangular shaped clock, he felt disappointed. It has only been 3 hours since Goku left, but to the emperor it felt an eternity.

Despise all the hatred Frieza thought he had for the monkey, he had grown respect for the simian, as well as strong feelings. Even Goku's presence alone made his cold little heart flutter with joy. But of course he's too stubborn to admit to it, or even show his emotions towards the Saiyan in that case.

With yet another long sigh, Frieza sat on the corner of his royal bed, pulling out a nail kit from his bedside drawer. He noticed his nail polish had been chipping while he was doing the paperwork, and now was the time to fix his manicure.

Still, it was mostly to impress the Saiyan.


"Oh cmon Chi-Chi! Are you really gonna watch me all day?" Goku groaned as he began to plow the ground, his tone of voice sounding annoyed.

"Yes Goku, I'm going to sit here all day and make sure you do your job like you always promise me!" Chi-Chi yelled, crossing her arms as she did.

"Oh cmon! I've gotta head to an important dinner!" The Saiyan paused, trying to think of something else to add on, silently gasping when that idea came to his head. "Our planets fate depends on it!"

"Liar! You're just trying to trick me so I'll let you go train somewhere! You can't trick me Goku! I'm not stupid!" Chi-Chi scoffed, turning away from her husband in a rude manner.

"Cmon Chi-Chi I'm not making anything up!" Goku cried out.

"Just get to work! You've already wasted enough time!" The Saiyans wife did a "shoo" motion with her hands as she sat on the bumper of the truck, watching as her husband resumed plowing the ground.

She started off into the distance with her hands crossed, trying to figure out where Goku could possibly be leaving every single day.

She was going to get to the bottom of this, no matter what it takes.


Minutes felt like long, dreadful hours to the tyrant as he sat in his quarters staring at the time. He was quite excited for the so called "date" tonight, a little too excited.

He had taken two showers, repainted his nails and to pass time he even reorganized his belongings without anyone's assistance.  Frieza now laid comfortably on his silky smooth sheets, still watching the clock, unable to pull his gaze away from it.

There was no possible reason Goku could ever come late, The icejin thought, buried deep in his thoughts. He was sure the Saiyan would never decline anything if food is involved, and to be honest, Frieza was expecting Goku to show up early.

Oh the tyrant was in the wrong.

The icejin waited in his room for another half hour before finally getting off his bed, and began walking to the door with his arms behind his smooth back.

Frieza was now headed to the miniature spaceship he had set up for the night. It was attached to the main ship by a tube-like hallway, similar to the extendable hallways at airports. Inside the spaceship, an elegant glass table sat by the window along with two chairs facing each other. Snacks and cold appetizers already laid out by the table, and a glass of wine already poured for the emperor, waiting for him on the table. He flashed an icy grin to the soldier who now stepped into the shuttle, placing down ever more appetizers along with a bottle of the finest wine.

"Ah yes, you." Frieza paused, waiting for the soldier to turn and look at him, continuing when the man did. "Will you be oh so kind to locate Berryblue or Kikono and inform them that if they spot the Saiyan in my quarters, tell him to meet me in here, since I won't be returning to my room anytime soon." The tyrant spoke ever so softly, sending shivers down the soldiers back.

The green toned soldier gave Frieza a nervous bow. Frieza grinned as he noticed how scared the man was.

"Of course my lord, I'll inform them right away" the green soldier spoke as he practically ran out of the small ship and into the temporary hallway. Frieza sighed as he took a seat, he was truly getting bored of waiting. Unsure why Goku was taking so long, he focused on the swaying red flame of the candle which sat in the middle of the table, quickly getting bored of it he began observing how the candle lit up the room. Since this tiny flame had been the only light in the ship, the walls were colored a dim red, reminding the emperor of the lights in his own quarters. He sat alone with his hand holding up his head, now staring out of the circular window, slowly losing his patience with the Saiyan he had invited for dinner.


The emperor stood up from his seat, his patience now fully drained. He had waited almost three hours in this room alone waiting for the damn Saiyan never showed. Goku's missing presence was causing Frieza's blood to boil in anger and, mostly disappointment . He had tried to stay calm for quite a while, but Goku standing him up caused something to snap in his head. He jerked open the metallic door, and stomped out of the small ship, the floor seeming to shake under the emperor's feet.

He could not control his emotions in such a heated state of mind Frieza knew if one of his soldiers came up to him, he would not hesitate to murder them.

He couldn't quite understand the feelings he was experiencing. Yes, the tyrant was quite mad that he'd wasted almost half his day waiting for the Saiyan, which did make him angry. But it was almost like he was hurt. Hurt since he was promised a date, which never really happened.

The emperor felt his lips start to tremble, quickly forcing them to stop when he noticed. He wouldn't let himself get upset over some brainless monkey, he wouldn't.

But he could no longer control his emotions.

A single tear began to roll down the tyrants white cheek, he swiftly wiped it off and picked up his speed with his head pointing to the ground, so none of his soldiers could see his pained expression.

Once he finally reached his quarters, he stood inside his room, leaning up against the door, not daring to gaze up. He felt more tears form at his eyes, the cold teardrops ran down his face. Frieza then proceeded to cover his face with his pale hands as he slid onto the floor.

With the tyrants face now buried between his hand, with his head resting on his knees, Frieza was no longer paining attention to his surroundings as he tried his very best to calm himself down, thinking of anything that could make him feel better.

But nothing helpful was coming to mind.

The tyrant jumped when he felt a warm hand touch his shoulder. As he slowly lifted his head to see what possibly could've touched him, his heart stopped as his eyes widened.

The tyrant had really embarrassed himself this time.

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