Fireflies // Peterick

By intocooperstown

6.2K 439 299

"Hey, you know you can talk to me, right?" "There's nothing to talk about." Peterick summer camp au. Inspire... More



267 29 9
By intocooperstown

Want to experience Extra Ouchie Feelings? Listen to "West Coast" by Imagine Dragons. :)

I just want to thank everyone really quick for riding the roller coaster with me. You have no idea how much your comments and votes mean to me.

Four months later

Pete's leg wouldn't stop bouncing. He stared out the coffee shop window and wondered if getting a drink now would make him feel better, if the warmth against his hands would help him calm the fuck down.

"No," he thought. "Not yet. I have to wait for Patrick."

He pulled his jacket around himself tighter, then adjusted the green beanie for what must've been the thousandth time in the past hour.


Pete almost broke his neck looking up.

"Hey, chill man," Kevin said with a laugh. "You look like you're being hunted."

Pete sighed, relaxing into his chair a bit. "Sorry, Kevin, you just snuck up on me." He cleared his throat. "How are you?"

Kevin gave him a lopsided grin. "You can spare me. I know you don't give a shit. Patrick's outside."

Pete froze. "He is?"

Kevin nodded. "He was worried you wouldn't be here, or that you would have second thoughts, so I offered to come in first."

Pete stood up. Kevin turned to walk away, but Pete grabbed him in a hug before he could. "Thank you," Pete said into his shoulder. "For helping him. Or us, I guess."

Kevin hugged him back. "I've never seen Patrick happier than when he was telling me about camp, and you. He kept telling me that you guys weren't serious, but I know when my brother's bullshitting me."

Pete chuckled. He let Kevin go. "You have no idea how grateful I am."

Kevin smiled, nodding to the door. "He's waiting for you."

Pete couldn't get out the door fast enough.

The street wasn't very crowded for a Saturday afternoon. A few people were out walking, but it was easy for Pete to spot Patrick a few feet up the block. Then again, he would've found him if the city were underwater.

"Patrick," Pete called, much calmer than he felt.

Patrick turned around. Pete recognized the sleeves of his hoodie hanging over Patrick's palms. "Pete."

They grinned at one another, rushing forward at the same time. As soon as he had his arms around him, Pete picked Patrick up and spun him around. He didn't realize how much he had missed Patrick's laugh until he heard it again.

He put Patrick down, touching their foreheads together. Patrick's arms were wrapped around his neck.

"You're wearing my beanie," Patrick pointed out, playing with a lock of Pete's hair.

"You're wearing my hoodie." Pete continued to grin as he tugged at the hem. Patrick cheeks turned pink. "God, I missed this." Pete pecked his cheek, then took his hand to lead him into the coffee shop.

They ordered their drinks and paid for them and grabbed a booth to sit at. They sat on the same side, allowing Patrick to lay his head on Pete's shoulder. Pete wrapped an arm around him.

"How are you? I mean, I know we only talked a few days ago, but still."

"My dad's still an ass," Patrick said. He pressed his face to Pete's neck and took a deep breath. "He threatened to cut off my phone service again. Other than that I've been good."

"Keeping your science grade up?" Pete joked.

Patrick laughed. "Don't make fun of me. I have a B right now, and I want to keep it that way." He paused. "What about you? How've you been?"

Pete shrugged, trying not to jostle Patrick in the process. "Fine. I've been writing pretty regularly, which is new." He swallowed. "I've missed you a lot when you've been gone."

"I know." Patrick pressed closer. Pete wanted to pull him into his lap and hold him tight and never let go. "I'm looking for a job. I'm going to save for a car of my own so I can tell my dad 'fuck you' and come see you whenever I want."

"I could always come see you, too. I will gladly fist fight your dad."

Patrick pulled away. Pete looked at him. "Do you love me?" Patrick asked quietly.

"Yeah," Pete whispered. "I think I do."

Patrick kissed him, hard, and Pete wished they were somewhere more private.

"I think I love you too," Patrick confessed when the kiss ended. "Pete, fuck, I've missed you."

"We'll figure something out. I promise." Pete laced their fingers together. "I would run to your house, naked, in the middle of winter, if it came down to it."

Patrick bit his lip, wincing. "Pete, don't day that. We're in public."

"I thought I was the one with a creative mind?" Pete teased. Patrick scowled at him. "Seriously though, if you want us to be more than this weird long distance thing, we'll come up with something."

Patrick nodded. "I wish we could just go back to camp. Things were so much easier when we were sharing a room." Pete smiled. "I want to be your boyfriend again."

Pete kissed him softly. "Boom. We're boyfriends again," he whispered, warm at the sight of Patrick's grin. "We'll be okay. We were fucked when camp ended, but I swear to you that nothing, nothing, will come between us."

Patrick kissed him again. "Good, because I already know what I want to get you for Christmas."

Pete grinned at him.

They'd be just fine.

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