Stardew Valley OneShots

By Bizzbell

153K 2.2K 2K

A small collection of oneshots I made a long time ago during my humble writing beginnings :) More

Sebastian-Heres a scarf!
Elliot-Huzzah! My inspiration!
Leah-How I feel about you
Harvey-you can trust me
Harvey-The right words
Shane-We're a family
Abigail-Dynamic Duo
Shane-I know how it feels
Sam-I win! Now go out with me!
Alex- Opposites Attract
Poll winner!
AO3 is here
New stories are here!


7.7K 110 47
By Bizzbell

While this technically is a poll result, I still want to dedicate this one shot to Jazzmine_Taylor  since they asked for a Haley one shot. This ones for you!
Also I was listening to the song speechless, hence the idea.

If you told Y/N that they would be getting married, they would have just laughed the thought off. Marriage was the last thing they ever thought they would do.

     And yet here Y/N was, preparing for the first day of the rest of their life. Y/N was about to tie the knot with, their in opinion, the most beautiful girl in the valley.

"Y/N! Are you ready yet?!" Y/N heard them future sister in law say from behind the door.

     "Uh...maybe?" Y/N answered through the door.

     "What kind of answer is that?!" Emily the bursted through the door, startling her new family member.

     "It's...really hard to get this outfit together." Y/N said slightly embarrassed.

     "Oh Y/N. Here, I'll help ya." Emily walked over and helped Y/N get their outfit together. Y/N had picked the wedding outfit themselves, making Emily slightly annoyed at the fact they got their formal wear from someone that wasn't her.

     "Just a little more...there! Perfect!" Y/N stepped back to give Emily a view of them.

     "Yup, my sister is a lucky lucky lady." Y/N look at themselves in the mirror, taking in the sight of themselves in a wedding outfit. They still couldn't believe this was happening.

Emily and Y/N made their way to the outside ceremony, where the marriage between Y/N and Hailey would be made official. The event was beautifully decorated in white, with the assistance of mayor Louis. I guess all that time smuggling the towns funds came in handy for once!

"I'm gonna go mingle with the others, maybe you should too." Emily suggested.

"Sounds good, it might help get the massive knot out of my chest." The two soon to be in laws parted ways. Emily went to talk to Abigail Shane and Penny, while Y/N approached the first group of guests, that was made up of Elliot, Maru and Sam.

     "Yo, it's the the most important farmer of the hour!" Sam said enthusiastically.

     "Indeed it is. I suppose congratulations are in order Y/N." Elliot stated.

     "Yeah, it seems like only yesterday you moved into town without a gold coin to your name. Now look at ya, about to get married and officially join the community!" Maru said with a smile.

     "Thanks guys, though I have to admit, I'm extremely nervous." Said Y/N.

     "You have every right to be my friend." Answered Elliot. "Marriage doesn't happen to everyone and when it does, it supposed to be the most important and romantic day of your life." Sam put his arms behind his head and flashed a toothy grin.

     "Yeah, especially the honeymoon~" Sam joked. Y/N slightly blushed at what Sam was implying but quickly brushed it off and excused themselves from the group, hearing the faint sound of Maru disciplining Sam as they left.

Y/N spotted a second group of people, which was made up of Harvey, Leah and Sebastian (calm yourself author this isn't a Sebastian one shot.)

"Hey Y/N! How're you feeling?" Leah asked.

"Like my stomach got hit with a mallet and started eating itself from the inside." Y/N stated.

"Oh, that could be a case of Hittus in the colonus-" Harvey started to rant until Sebastian stopped him.

"...Or could be that Y/N's just nervous doc." Sebastian turned to Y/N with a puzzled look.

"That being said...I don't think you really have anything to be nervous about."

"What makes you day that?" Asked Y/N.

"...because Haley is probably just as nervous and excited as you." Y/N smiled at Sebastian's comforting words and was about to relax, when someone's hand gently laid on their shoulder.

     "Hey Y/N, can we talk?" It was none other than Alex.

     "Uh, sure man."

     "Don't worry, I'm not gonna hit ya or anything, just want to have a quick chat." Alex pulled Y/N aside and took a deep breath.

     "Y/N, you love Haley right?" Y/N was taken aback.

     "Of course I do!"

     "You want to spend your life with her?"


     "...till death do you part?" Alex asked. Y/N gulped.

     "Yes." Alex then went from a rough demeanor to a soft one.

     "Great! That's all I wanted to hear. As long as you too are happy, that's all I care about."

     "Alright everyone! She's gonna be here soon, so take your seats!" Marnie announced to the guests.

     "Now go get Em champ." Alex smoked with a wink. Y/N nodded stood at the front of the audience, waiting for their bride. A few minutes passed until everyone turned and some people gasped in awe.

Y/N turned and their eyes widened. Their before them, at the end of the aisle, stood Haley, in a pure white dress and a hand made flower crown, no doubt done by her sister. They're eyes locked and all they could see were each other.

Haley walked down the aisle to the front of the audience and to Y/N, never breaking eye contact. Y/N couldn't move, nor did they want to. Before Y/N knew it, Hailey was but a few inches away from their ready to seal the deal.

Mayor Louis said the opening speech and handed the newly weds their mermaid pendants, a symbol of their love and admiration.

Y/N turned to Haley, who wasted no time pressing her lips to Y/N's. They whole crowd whistles and cheered and Haley didn't say a word for the whole ceremony. She didn't need to. Y/N could understand her emotions clear as day.

They were both speechless. Speechless and in love, ready to tackle the world head on together.


IM BACK! And. I'm sorry I didn't give any indication that I was leaving. To be honest, I had lost inspiration for writing for a while, but didn't want to stop either.

I took the time to think of some stories and gather the remaining requests I had.

Don't worry, I'll try to get at least one story out a month.

Never fear fellow stardewers, I'm not going anywhere.

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