The Thorns Between Us

By LydiaSun6

52.8K 1.2K 45

We grew up in the same place. At the same time. Yet, we are complete opposites. He is Xavier Black, the Pri... More

Chapter 2: You Are Not A Prince
Chapter 3: She is My Princess
Chapter 4: How Hard Could It Be?
Chapter 5: He Did Not Even Say Goodbye
Chapter 6: That Girl
Chapter 7: Sick To My Stomach
Chapter 8: Where Is She?
Chapter 9: Life With The Witmens
Chapter 10: Make Her Mine Again
Chapter 11: Happy Birthday To Me
Chapter 12: Work Comes First
Chapter 13: Your Usual Servant
Chapter 14: That Big Heart of Hers
Chapter 15: Revamp Camp
Chapter 16: So Close
Chapter 17: Not My Rose
Chapter 18: Just Not Me
Chapter 19: In Position
Chapter 20: Taken A Turn
Chapter 21: Lifeline
Part 22: Together

Chapter 1: My Names Roselyn

3.6K 84 2
By LydiaSun6

Prince Xavier and I are only three years apart. When we were younger, we did everything together. I can still remember the first time we met. It was my sixth birthday and mother had let me go outside to see the garden. I had been begging her for months to finally go see all the beautiful flowers in person. To be able to touch the soft petals for the first time. I had convinced my mother to ask the Queen for permission to enter the castle's private garden.

"Okay my little Rose, you need to remember the rules. I can't go with you, so you will have to be on your best behavior. You can explore for as long as you want, until I take my lunch break. Make sure you don't pull out or damage any of the plants. Queen Amber was very kind to let you explore her garden." My mother said, while petting my head. "I love you very much, and I know I can trust you to be your sweet self."

"I will mama, you can trust me." I squealed, excited to go out to the garden. I yelled a quick 'love you,' as I ran out the door.

I had spent hours outside. Exploring every magical twist and turn. All the flowers were amazing, but I still had not found roses. They were my favorite flower, after all I was named after them. Out of nowhere someone came running out of some bushes and ran right into me. We fell into prickly rose bush, but all that was running threw my mind is how mad mama was gonna be.

I was hiding from my Governess, Madam Bloom, out in mother's garden. She had been getting my bath ready, when I snuck away. Just as I was getting comfortable, I heard her yelling my name in her scratchy voice.

"Xavier! Get back here right now! You need to get ready for your tutoring! Xavier Black!" Madam Bloom commanded.

Just as I was racing to my next hiding spot, I slammed into something. Looking down, I realized I had landed on the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She had long brown hair that was in a, now messy braid after our tumble. Her big chocolate brown eyes widened, as if she just realized something. She was wearing a pink dress that matched her round, pink cheeks. I then noticed some scratch marks on her arms and legs. My brain finally registered what was going on and I remembered that I was still squishing her on top of a prickly rose bush.

"Oh, my bad. I was running from Madam Bloom, and then you came out of nowhere." I tried to explain myself, but then I noticed her big, beautiful eyes start to water. "No don't cry. It's alright, I will take you to my mom. Whenever I get hurt, she always kisses me and makes it all better."

"Mama's gonna be so upset with me." She whispered as she looked down at the broken rose bush.

"Why is your mom gonna be mad? I am the one that caused you to get scratched up." I stared at her in confusion.

"Mama said not to mess up the flowers." Her broken face, as she said these words, broke my heart. "I am so sorry for bumping into you. Mama always tells me to look where I am going, but the pretty flowers distracted me."

"Oh, it's all right. I was the one not watching where I was going. My name is Xavier, what is yours?" I'm not really good at apologies. Being a prince, people usually were the ones apologizing to me. However, this little girl was making me feel more guilty then the time mother caught me sneaking some worms into my older brother, Xander's room. It was just a harmless little prank, but the disappointment in her eyes made me feel like I had just committed a huge sin.

"My names Roselyn." I almost did not hear her soft voice replying to my question. Her name fit her perfectly. She was as beautiful and soft as a rose.

"Well Roselyn, would you like for me to help get you cleaned up, and then I can show you the rest of the garden?" I could hear the hope in my voice. Roselyn was the first person, besides my brother, that I have wanted to play with.

"Really? That would be great!" The excitement in her voice made my heart skip a beat. For the first time since we met, our eyes met. Her soft brown eyes captured my ice blue eyes and I found myself not being able to look away.

Little did I know this was just the beginning of me failing hopelessly in love with my little Rose.


End of Chapter 1!!!
Word Count: 807

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