A Future From Hell

By Shinedownlover560

57.1K 1.3K 263

When Goku died of the Heart Virus, his only daughter, Rosamoona, was only one. Six months later, the Androids... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty-One
Back From the Future

Chapter Thirty *Bonus Chapter!!!*

1.6K 40 2
By Shinedownlover560

So, as the title says, this is a bonus chapter!! It's really nothing special, but I wanted to add this. Since it's a bonus chapter, it's not gonna be very long. At least I don't think it will be... Lolz

Next chapter is the last!!!! I'm excited yet sad!!!! I actually can't believe I'm almost done with a book!!!! It'll be my first one!!!!


Slowly, the aftermath of the Androids was cleaned up. Rubble was cleared away and new buildings replaced the old ones. Trunks and I seemed to become famous over night. It turns out that the old man I saved from 17 went and told everyone what we did. Now we can barely walk out of the house without being surrounded by people. But not all days were like this. Though there was one day I'll never forget for as long as I live...

It was about six months after the demise of the Androids. We were at a newly restored park and Vegeta was running around, having fun being in the real world for the first time in his life. Trunks and I were sitting on a bench, just enjoying the freedom. Cell still hadn't shown his ugly face, but we weren't concerned. We both knew that we were stronger then him.

There was suddenly a loud snap! Trunks and I quickly turned to the sound to see Vegeta standing next to a broken tree limb.

"Veggie..." I say, sighing.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to!" he protested.

"It's alright, but don't touch anything. I think that's poison Ivy on that branch. Go with Daddy to wash your hands," I tell him.

Trunks smiles. "Yeah. Let's go wash your hands," he says, teasing me.

I roll my eyes. "I thought we got over this when we were fourteen. I can't help the fact that I pronounce it with an "R"."

Trunks laughs and stands up. "I know," he says. Leaning down, he quickly kisses me. "We'll be right back."

"And I'll be here. Remember Veggie, don't touch anything."

"I know, I know."

I smile as my boys walk off. Closing my eyes, I lean my head back against the bench and sigh. Though it was February, today was a nice day. There wasn't any snow on the ground and the sun shone brightly. It was probably about fifty, which was rather warm for this time of year, but we weren't complaining. We were enjoying every minute of it.

"Rosamoona," I hear a voice say. It sounded like... No, it couldn't be.

Opening my eyes, I see figures walking towards me. Three of them. Two of them were clearly male while the other was female. They all had the same black hair and ebony colored eyes. No... It... How...?

"Rosamoona," Goku says again, a goofy smile resting on his lips.

My eyes widened as I looked from him to Gohan to Chi-Chi. How are they here?

"Relax, Moona. You look like your gonna have a coronary," Gohan teased.

"How... How are you here...?" I asked, finding my voice.

"King Kai let us come visit you," Chi-Chi explained. "To congratulate you."

Slowly, I got up. Walking towards them, I extended my arm, checking to see if I was imagining this or not. But when Goku took my hand, I knew I wasn't. They were here.

With tears in my eyes, I threw myself into my fathers arms. They wrapped around me as I cried into his chest. I was so happy that he was here right now, even if he wouldn't be able to stay for long.

"I've missed you so much," I tell him when I'm finally able to calm down. "I've missed all of you so much."

"We've missed you as well, Moona," Gohan says, placing a hand on my shoulder. I pull away from Goku and give him a hug. He has both of his arms again and he doesn't have that nasty scar on his face anymore.

"I'm so sorry about that night," he tells me. "I didn't mean to leave you and Trunks alone like I did. I really didn't. I just didn't want you to get hurt."

I shake my head. "I know. I know why you did what you did. I just wish the outcome was different."

"So do I," he sighed.

After a few minutes, I pulled away and hugged Chi-Chi. "It's my fault you're dead," I tell her. "I should have stayed with you, not gone back to West City."

"Honey, if you would have stayed, then Bulma and Vegeta might be dead. You don't know what would have happened. Don't blame yourself."

I nod. There was no point of arguing. She was right. There is no way of knowing.

"Where's Grandpa?" I asked, just noticing that he wasn't with them.

"He stayed back. Only four people could come," Goku explains.

"Four? But there are only three of you..."

"Vegeta is here," Chi-Chi informs. 

My eyes widen in surprise. "He really came back? To see Trunks?"

Goku nods. "Yeah. And Bulma. He'll stop at Capsule Corp after he's done talking to Trunks."

I smile. Bulma will like that. It'll be a nice surprise for her.

"Granny!" Vegeta exclaims. I turn around to see him running towards us, Trunks behind him. I catch a glimpse of Vegeta. He's standing off to the side, his arms folded across his chest. When he sees me looking at him, he gives a small nod and wave before taking off towards Capsule Corp.

"Veggie," Chi-Chi says, picking the boy up when he reaches her. He hugs her before looking over her shoulder at Goku and Gohan.

"Hi Grandpa. Hi Uncle Gohan," he greets. I'm unsurprised when Goku and Gohan smile and say hi back. Chi-Chi told them about the pictures.

"Hey, Trunks!" Goku says as Trunks wraps his arms around my waist.

"Hey Goku, Gohan, Chi-Chi," Trunks says, nodding at each in turn.

"You have no idea how proud I am of you two," Chi-Chi told us, tears sparkling in her eyes.

"How proud we all are," Gohan corrects. I smile

"Thanks," Trunks and I say at the same time. I smile up at him and quickly kiss him before turning my attention back to our family. 

Gohan, Goku, and Chi-Chi stay for about an hour. We mostly talk about nothing and just have a good time. When the hour is up, we say goodbye one final time before they vanish right before our eyes.

"That was nice," Trunks says. 

I nod and pick Vegeta up, who was currently laying on the ground, sleeping.

We walk through the park, looking at the Cherry blossoms. I was surprised that they were even still in bloom, but then again, with the way the weather has been lately, they probably think it's spring.

As we cross over a small bridge, Trunks suddenly stops.

"What's wrong, Monkey Boy?" I ask.

"Nothing's wrong. I just have to do something."

"What?" I ask, curious.

"Something I should have done two years ago," he says, getting down on one knee. I gasp and my free hand goes to my mouth as Trunks pulls out a small, black velvety box. Opening it, he reviles a Peridot, our birthstone, on a silver band. Smaller versions of the green stone are encrusted all over the ring. It's beautiful.

"Rosamoona Leeanne Hokusai. Will you do me the honors of being my wife?"

"Yes!" I exclaim, nodding. Trunks breaks out into a huge smile as he stands up. I throw my arm around him and kiss him. When we break apart, Trunks slips the ring onto my finger. I stare at it as Vegeta starts to wake up.

"I love you," Trunks whispered in my ear.

"I love you, too," I whisper back before I kiss him again.

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