The Batfam: Starring Richard...

By AriesReaper

9.6K 323 797

What happens when Bruce Wayne kicks his oldest son Dick Grayson out of the Manor and he's forced to turn to h... More

Chapter 1: The Fight
Chapter 2: Uninvited Guest and Back Massages
Chapter 3: Screaming Through Walls
Chapter 4: Relationships?
Chapter 5: Follow the Rules; Rules Were Made to be Broken

Chapter 6: Kicked Out

1.4K 48 168
By AriesReaper

Warnings: Jason Peter Todd........that right there should be enough of a warning in and of itself

Enjoy some brotherly bonding and Jason singing.


**Dick POV

Jason walks over to the open window and sticks his head out it. "Hey, Dickie-bird! I know yer out there man! Come back inside so we can get out of this shithole already! I'm gonna take ya to one of my safehouses! You can stay there until you get this whole shitfest figured out okay! So get yer pretty boy bendy acrobatic ass back in here already!"

Jason growls a bit angrily when he only gets silence back. "Richard I swear to god do not make me come up there and get you myself!" He starts banging on the edge of the roof with his fist.

I roll my eyes and look out over the city. "Leave me alone, I don't need you."

"Bullshit Dick. Everyone needs someone. Even if that someone is a deranged murderous guy like me. Come on down here and let me help you for once. I'm actually trying to be a decent brother, you ass." Jason's head suddenly pops up over the edge of the roof and he throws a glare at me. "Don't make me drag you off of this roof. You know I'll do it too and it will not be pleasant Dick."

I roll my eyes again and let out a groan. "Oh shut up. I may need someone but I don't need you."

"Well I hate ta tell ya pretty boy, but you don't exactly have anyone else right now. And besides, weren't you the one who is always sayin' that we need to be more "brotherly" to each other or some shit like that?"

I turn sharply to look down at him. "For the love of all things holy will you stop calling me pretty boy? Only Wally gets to call me... that..." My voice fades a little and I look at my hands.

Jason snorts. "And why the hell should I do that? I mean it is accurate after all, you are a pretty boy." He looks at me with amusement. "So, ya coming or not Dickie-bird?"

I feel my face get warm. "I'm not pretty, what the hell..."

"Well according to almost the whole world, ya are.

My face is most certainly visibly red. "W-What?" I look around a bit embarrassed. "I'm not pretty, why do people say that?"

"Oh my god where have you been for most of your life? I mean come on, you ARE "Richard Grayson, the rich pretty boy, Gotham's Golden Boy, First Ward of The Billionaire Playboy Bruce Wayne" least that's what a lot of people use ta call ya when you were younger." Jason shrugs his shoulders a bit.

I sigh, "Just because Bruce has money doesn't mean that I, myself, am rich... And why pretty?"

'If I was rich then I wouldn't have to worry about finding a place to live..'

I shuffle my feet and step toward him, making my move to come down from the roof.

"Weeeeeelllllll, from the things I heard from Babs in the past you kind of acted like a rich pretty boy, and a nerdy kid, when you went to Gotham Academy. And pretty because apparently a lot of people find you attractive which frankly I don't understand since I am clearly WAAAAY hotter then you Dickie." Jason waggles his eyebrows and smirks teasingly as he moves to climb back into my room.

I look off to the side. "I was misunderstood in that time, I've changed, made friends. And I have no place in that argument, but I know for a fact that you aren't pretty either."

Jason scoffs and holds a hand to his chest in mock hurt as he looks offended. "How rude! I can't believe you Richard! I am so pretty and hot that the chicas[1] can't even keep away from me! One look at my gorgeous body and they are dripping wet." He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

'Talk about a real Casanova huh?'

I roll my eyes and let out a dry, sad laugh. "Very funny, now what do you want from me?"

"Pfft. What do I want, he says." Jay laughs and smirks at me. "I want you to finish packing so we can ditch this dump, head to one of my places, and then I want you to let me take you out drinking."

I look at him a bit surprised. "Wow, what is this, some kind of date? Get me drunk and take me home with you? How cute." I shake my head losing interest and wondering why I ever asked. I turn on my heel and go to leave toward the city on my own.

"What? Am I not allowed to actually be a decent younger brother for once in my life? Come on Dick, just let me help man." Jason surprisingly looks genuinely concerned for once.

I turn and look over my shoulder at him. "I'm not interested in dabbling in your stupid adolescence and reckless behavior. I happen to enjoy being sober and in control of myself. I don't need your influence, besides, I have work to do." I walk toward the edge of the roof to jump off.

Jason rushes forward and grabs my arm. "Come on Dick, you have nowhere else to go. What are you gonna do, huh. Live on the streets?"

I tug my arm away. "I'll be fine on my own, besides, you'll just get in trouble with Bruce. You don't want to be kicked out for helping the traitor do you?" I growl more than I expected.

"Ha! You seriously think I give a fucking shit about what the viejo[2] thinks of me! Screw him and screw this house! I grew up on the streets Dick, I know how to handle myself and besides even if he did kick me out I would have multiple places that I could go. You on the other hand though, ya currently got nada. I mean sure I guess you could go back to Blüdhaven, but then what, your apartment burned down 5 months ago in that serial arsonist case."

'Yeah......thanks for reminding me about that Jason. It's not like I don't already remind myself enough...'

I grit my teeth some and rub at my temple. "All of us lived on our own on the streets for a while, except for purebred Damian. I love the kid, but he is dad's favorite for a reason. I'll be fine, better off maybe. Just please, give it a rest Jay." I sigh and wave him away with my hand.

"Bullshit. You ain't lived a day in your life on the streets without someone there to support you or at least keep an eye on you Dick. Hell, even little Timmy has more street cred then you, and he started out as a rich boy. You always had someone though. So let me be that someone right now. Look, I know I don't act like it and I know I'm a huge asshole, but I do......" Jason lowly and quickly grumbled out the next part, a light flush to his face. "thinkofyouTimandeventhedemonspawnasfamilyeventhoughyouallpissmethefuckoffmostofthetimeandIreallydon'twanttoadmititbutIdoseeyouthreeasmybrothersandcareaboutyouguys..."

I stare at him, blinking for a moment, before a small smirk crosses my face. "I know." I sigh and look up at the rising sun, feeling the warmth on my face, the breeze brushing my dark hair around a bit. "Fine, lets go. I want to get my mind off of Wally, I miss him..."

Jason slumps in on himself and groans in relief. "¡Gracias a Dios![3] It's about time. Jesús, I thought I was going to have to go all sob story on ya or some disgusting shit like that." With that Jason climbs back into my room then leaves and walks out into the hallway as I begin my descent off of the roof and back into my room.

He returns several minutes later with a stack of empty boxes in his hands and a duffel bag over his shoulder. Jason then dumps the boxes and the bag onto the floor in a pile right in front of me. "Here. Start packing so we can leave this place sooner rather than later." He takes an empty box and starts putting some of my things into it.

I nod slightly and look out the still open window at the city I've missed. "So, you have multiple places? Then why do you even come here?"

He shrugs and keeps packing up my things. "Eh, I mainly come here for the free home cooked meals honestly. Gotta love Alfred's cooking, am I right?" He looks over at me. "Ya gonna just keep standing there and leave me to do all the dirty work or what?"

I hum quietly in response. "Well at least you are honest about being really selfish." I smile lightly, making myself laugh a little. I crouch down and gently shove a few things into a box then grab the duffel bag to start putting my clothes into it. "So are you on the west side, east side, south side, north side? I feel like you are a south side kind of guy, where all the crime and cheap housing is." I look far into the city, past the shiny new buildings into the smoggy dark area almost magically hidden from the sun.

"Me? Selfish? You wound me Dickie, you wound me!" Jay smirks back at me. "As for your question.... Yes, yes, yes, yea, and yes."

I chuckle and stand up, taking the box under my right arm and holding it to my hip with the duffel bag slung over my left shoulder. "Well then, do I at least have a choice of which of your couches I will be crashing on? Preferably the one without bedbugs, or dried semen." I gag a little.

He stands up as well and adds the box he was just packing to the ever growing pile of boxes containing my belongings. "Well I mean I was gonna let you stay in one of my two bedroom safe houses and let you sleep on the guest bed.... But I mean if ya really  want to sleep on a couch then who am I to stop you?"

I laugh. "I'm only joking, I know you take pride in having excellent furnishings for your... homes..." I smile, picking up another box to tuck under my free arm.

"Awww well thanks Dickie-bird."

"Can you stop calling me Dickie... Dickie anything? It sounds so adolescent. I was going to suggest DB but I suppose that isn't any better..."

"And miss out on teasing you like the annoying younger brother I am? Nah, I don't think so Dickie~." He looks way too amused.

I sigh and shove a box at him. "You're such an ass."

He takes it and adds it to the pile all while wiggling his eyebrows at me. "Yeah, but you know you love me."

I smile lightly. "I do, surprisingly." I give him a wink and ruffle his hair which earns me a frown. "You're family, I'm glad I'm not the only one that still values it, I guess Bruce doesn't."

I hear my cold, icy tone pass between my teeth, my eyes hardening as they were before. "Let's just get out of here already...Please."

A sad expression briefly passes over Jason's features before it changes into a small smile. "Eh, screw the viejo[2]. Who cares what he thinks."

I look up at him, from under my brows and thick dark hair. "I know you care, you don't have to side with me just because you want to help me. It's okay to know where your allegiance lies. Mine lies within myself, and Wally."

My mind drifts for a second, thinking about where Wally might be. "Walls..." I mumble under my breath. This is my fault.

Before my mind can drift any further a stack of boxes is shoved into my face. "I thought you wanted to leave already?"

I look at Jason with almost startled eyes. "S-Sorry, lost myself for a moment." I look at my feet. "Yeah lets go..."

Jason snorts at the look on my face. "Wow, you would be so lost without me." He picks up the remaining boxes and starts to walk out of my room....former room. "Come on, let's go."

I see the emptiness and it reminds me of when I first moved into the space years ago... When times were better.

Suddenly I'm stumbling forward as Jason gives a swift kick to my backside. "Let's go Dickie! I don't have all day, not to mention these boxes are kinda heavy!"

I look at him over my shoulder. "You know Jason this could be easier... If you weren't such a dick."

Jason gives me a sly smirk and wiggles his eyebrows. "Nah, I'm pretty sure you're the only Dick around here."

I roll my eyes and feel a small smile curl on my face. "Asshole. Thanks by the way... I really appreciate it."

"Hey, what are hermanos[4] for man." His smirk grows in size as he gives me a nudge with his foot. "Now get a move on would ya? I don't got all day grandpa!"

I shake my head a little. "I'm not old you ass..."

'It's cute how he always adds a bit of Spanish into his everyday speech. Reminds me of me when I was younger, back when I would speak Romanian a lot.'

I smile at the memories as I pick up the rest of the boxes and roll my shoulders back. "Alright bro, where to?"

"Well seeing as how we're both carrying a bunch of boxes, I would imagine your car. Unless of course you planned on walking to my place that is." The sass is real with this one.

I shrug a little. "I don't have a car, but I do have my motorcycle in the Batcave..." I look over in the general direction of the Grandfather Clock.

"..............." Jay stops and turns to give me a blank look. "Yer joking right?" He sighs and shakes his head. "Alright then, I guess we're heading down to the garage. Good thing I still remember how to hotwire cars."

I shake my head. "Dude... Dad.... I mean... Bruce will hate me even more if the last thing I do is steal one of his cars..."

"Pssshhh" Jason waves me off. "I hotwire the guy's cars all the time, I'm pretty sure he's stopped caring at this point. I mean I always bring them back in the end..... Well...almost always at least."

I sigh. "This is why Bruce doesn't trust you..."

"And yet he still continues to let me into the manor"

'He's got a point there Dick...'

I shrug. "I guess he's made a few mistakes over the years." I point to myself a little.

"Eh, nobody is perfect dude." He shrugs back. "Now come on, let's get a move on before the viejo[2] decides to show his face again."

I nod and start carrying my boxes down toward the garage. Taking back halls and stairways, we avoid both Bruce, Alfred or any other brothers.

Jason sets the boxes he was carrying down on the garage floor and looks out among all of Bruce's cars with a pleased grin of his face. "Ahora, ¿cuál de estas hermosas damas elijo?[5]"

I set my boxes down and glance around the massive garage. "Jesus..."

Jason turns to look at me still grinning like an idiot. "So, which one of these sweet babies should we take for a spin?"

I gasp a little. "This is such a disgusting display of wealth..."

"Well..?" Jason gives me a look, craning his neck.

"Oh um... The red one... The Brabus Mercedes... I guess I'm driving...?"

"Really? Out of all these cars and you pick the red Mercedes?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah..? Problem...?" I ask looking over at him.

He stares at me for a few minutes before shaking his head. "Nevermind. Not worth it. Let's just go." He picks back up his stack of boxes and makes his way over to the red Mercedes.

Jason sets the boxes down on the floor again near the trunk then pulls out a small looking tool from one of the many pockets of his cargo pants and proceeds to start picking the door lock of the driver side door.

I nod trying to ignore his haywire moral compass, and walk to the trunk, putting my boxes at my feet again. "If I don't see it, it didn't happen..." I repeat to myself under my breath.

"Vamos estúpida puerta, solo abre...[6]" He mumbles to himself in Spanish as he works.

A few minutes later and an unlocking sound can be heard. "Bingo! Piece of cake man!" Jay stands up and opens the door and pops the trunk. He turns to me, looking way too proud of himself. "Am I good or what?"

I sigh. "Bruce is going to put my head on a pike. God knows he can see us right now with his cameras..." I look up into a ceiling corner above the garage door.

"Of course he's watching us, but if he was really going to do anything to us then he would already be here. I mean hell, the viejo[2] knows I've been "borrowing" his cars and yet he hasn't done anything to stop me."

I look around, eyeing every shadow. "He is here... But he won't do anything... You're right."

I pop the trunk and put my things in, closing it and walking toward the driver's side.

"Of course I'm right! Now stop getting your old lady knickers in a twist." Jay climbs into the car and starts hotwiring it. Soon enough the engine starts and Jason sits up gripping the steering wheel with a smirk. "I'm driving."

I roll my eyes, and open the door. "No way, I'm driving, you're just a kid."

He gives me a skeptical look and a frown. "Jódete![7] Who the hell ya calling a kid, I'm 21! Besides last time I checked Dickie-bird you don't know where it is we're going."

'Nevermind, forget his use of Spanish being cute, I'm pretty sure he just cursed me out....'

I roll my eyes and walk over to the passenger side and get in, closing the door and looking over at his ever-present smirk. "You know sometimes I forget that you are an adult and that I'm not still 18." I smile lightly.

Jason, surprisingly, buckles up his seat belt and starts to pull out of the large garage as he gets an amused shit-eating grin on his face. "Wow, only 25 and your memory's already going to shit. At this rate you probably won't even be able to remember your own name at age 35 and then by the time you're 45 we'll have to put you in a home!" He bursts out laughing.

I roll my eyes, "Shut up asshole. Can we just leave already? I need a drink." I fasten my seatbelt and look out the window at the other sportscars.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm going Mister Grumpy Fruit Cake." Jason drives through the open main gates and onto the main road leading into Gotham.

He turns the radio on but keeps it low for some white noise-to kill the silence.

"Dad loves you, you kno--" Jason starts.

"Jason I really don't want to hear it... Not now especially." I shut him up.

"Alright alright, forget I said anything." He goes back to being quiet.

20 minutes go by in semi silence when Jason turns up the volume on the radio and suddenly starts singing along to the song playing.

"My anaconda don't, my anaconda don't. My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hun." He glances over at me smirking once again. "Boy toy named Troy used to live in Detroit. Big dope dealer money, he was gettin' some coins. Was in shootouts with the law, but he live in a palace. Bought me Alexander McQueen, he was keeping me stylish. Now that's real, real, real. Gun in my purse, bitch, I came dressed to kill. Who wanna go first? I had them pushing daffodils." He waggles his eyebrows as he starts dancing in his seat.

I frown but my smile doesn't stay hidden for long. "Wow... Good try." I chuckle.

"I'm high as hell, I only took a half a pill. I'm on some dumb shit, by the way, what he say? He can tell I ain't missing no meals. Come through and fuck him in my automobile. Let him eat it with his grills and he tellin' me to chill. And he telling me it's real, that he love my sex appeal. Say he don't like 'em boney, he want something he can grab. So I pulled up in the Jag, and I hit him with the jab like. Dun-d-d-dun-dun-d-d-dun-dun..." He's glancing at me again with this expectant look on his face.

Against my will my smile grows at his antics. "I am not singing this song Jason, it's not gonna happen."

He just keeps smirking as his eyes move back towards the road. "My anaconda don't, my anaconda don't. My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hun."

I find myself mumbling the words under my breath. "My anaconda don't...."

Jason suddenly snaps his head in my direction with an idiotic look on his face. "Oh my gosh, look at her butt!!"

I look at him inquisitively. "What? Who?" I don't follow his eyes.

"....Pfffttt!! Hahaha! Dude oh my god it's a line in the song! Seriously Dick stop zoning out on me good lord!"

"Oh sorry... In my own head a little." I shrug and look out the window again.

"Jeez..." Jay sighs and goes back to staring at the dark road in front of him, the radio still playing music. "And here I thought being in the same car with the demon spawn was bad..."

I chuckle out loud. "Trust me, I'm not that bad. Just thinking a lot about what I want from life, not sure what I'm going to do now."

I watch the building's pass by, each minute ticking by. "Dude, you live far away geez."

He snorts. "And you're surprised by that fact why? I mean technically I live all over Gotham."

I roll my eyes. "Of course you do."

"Damn straight. By the way this place is all the way on the south edge so it'll be about another hour give or take, depending on traffic and considering all the twists and turns it takes to get there."

I roll my eyes. "Why can't we stay at a closer place? Or do too many girls come over?"

"Sure, there's a place 15 minutes from where we currently are. There's a kitchen, a bathroom....and a queen sized bed and couch that I've both had sex on multiple times." He snickers and eyes me out of his peripheral. 

I sigh. "Okay ew..."

"Trust me Dick, you'll like the place I'm taking you too."

"Is it clean?" I ask a little too directly.

"No, it's the biggest pigsty you'll ever see. It's even worse then Tim's room when he hasn't slept in 5 days."

I groan. "Dude... Don't do this to me... I'll just find another place to stay."

He rolls his eyes. "Jesus Richard give me some credit here. I may be insane and a murderer sometimes, but I am NOTHING like Tim when it comes to cleanliness. The place is spotless, I was just trying to mess with you."

I sigh in relief. "Thank god..." I slump back into my seat a little.

There is a long silence.

"You know... Even if its far away from the manor... I'd be happy to take the place out of your hands... If I like it of course. I'll take over the lease and pay... I mean, if it's on the south edge, then it's probably the closest to Blüdhaven." I look over at him.

"Hmmm.... Maybe, I'll have to think about it."

I nod slightly and look back out the window. "Thanks for the thought."

"Shit! Dick shut up!" Jason suddenly slams his arm into my chest. "This is one of my favorite songs!"

I choke and look at him like he is crazy, which....he technically is? "Calm the fuck down you shit!"

"You calm down!" He shouts as he cranks up the radio volume as Carry On My Wayward Son by Kansas starts playing.

I smile lightly. Bruce loves this song, but he'd never tell that to anyone.

"Never tell the viejo[2], but this song really makes me think of the relationship the two of us have..." Jason says not taking his eyes off the road.

I smile bigger. "Your secret is safe with me bro."


[1]- girls
[2]- old man
[3]- Thank God!
[4]- brothers
[5]- Now, which of these beautiful ladies do I choose?
[6]- Come on stupid door, just open
[7]- Fuck you!


Another chapter done! Hurray!!

I hope you guys enjoyed the drama, angst, crudeness, and hilarity that is Dick Grayson and Jason Todd. As well as Jason's Spanish.

See y'all in like two weeks, I'm gonna go sleep for about six days straight.

Tim Drake is a BIG MOOD that I currently find myself strongly identifying with.....

Good night readers of Wattpad, until next time

Stay whelmed y'all!!

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