Him, Me

By Morjane_5SOS

432 16 6

"I love you to." He mumbled in my hair. More

Chapter 1 ❤️
Chapter 2 ❤️
Chapter 3 ❤️
Chapter 4 ❤️
Chapter 5 ❤️
Chapter 7 ❤️
Chapter 8 ❤️
Chapter 9 ❤️
Chapter 10 ❤️
Chapter 11 ❤️
Chapter 12 ❤️

Chapter 6 ❤️

24 1 0
By Morjane_5SOS


The next morning I woke up to the birds singing. I quickly got out of my bed because I had just remembered that today I was going to the city fair with Luke and the band. He also told me Ashton's girlfriend was coming, so that's good because for the past few weeks, I've been surrounded by boys.

I decided to not take a shower because Luke told me to meet him at his house around 10 A.M and it was already 9:30 A.M so I had to be quick. He had texted me yesterday. (A/N: I know I didn't mention it in the messages from the earlier chapter, but yeah she had to meet Luke at 10:00 am.) I decided to wear a black crop top with written on it: "So Fresh, So Clean." I also put some high waisted white Jean shorts and my black Vans. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Then, I went to do my make-up and all of that fun stuff. I put my hair up in a messy bun, took my IPhone that I could not live without, and went downstairs. Once I was at the table my mom greeted me.

"So," She started, "What are you planning on doing today?"

"Umm I'm going over to Luke's at 10:00 and then Me, Ashton, Calum, Michael and Ashton's girlfriend Emily are going to the city fair."

"Oh okay. That sounds like fun" She told me.

"Okay well I'm going to have to go now." I told my mom, putting my bowl with cereal in it in the sink.

"Okay be safe."

"Will be!" I shouted slamming the door on my way.

Once I got to Luke's, they were all there and I was the last one.

"Sorry for making you guys wait so long. My mom." I said, because we all know that when we say 'My Mom' it means long talks.

"No worries!" Said Calum.

"This is Emily. My girlfriend." Said Ashton, pointing to his girlfriend.

"Hi! I'm Laura." I said putting my hand out so Emily could take it. But instead of that, she embraced me into a bone crushing hug. Well I was not excepting that.

"I'm Emily! Nice to finally meet you!"

"Finally meet me?" I questioned.

"Well yeah, Luke has been talking non-stop about you! He was saying how beautiful you were and how funny and how s-"

"Okay I think we are going to go now!" Said Luke, cutting Emily in her sentence, obviously not wanting her to continue.

"Yeah okay!" Said Emily.

Once we all got in the car I sat in between Calum and Luke. For some reason, they were all looking at us (Luke and me) and smirking.

"What?" I said finally breaking the silence.

"Nothing, nothing at all." Ashton said whilst smirking in Luke's direction.

"Okay well then let's go!"



Once we got to the fair I quickly got out from that awkward situation in the car. They were all smirking in my direction and looking at Laura and I as we were came from Mars. But I knew why they were smirking. They knew I liked Laura and I was going to tell her today.

"Let's go to the Farris Wheel!" I heard Laura say.

"Okay." I shrugged. I didn't really know what to do in fairs and I was going to let Laura chose the games.

Once we got on top Laura was holding on my arm really tightly. She was so cute, she thaught we were going to fall and die so she just hold on my arm.

Once we were finished Laura asked me:

"Where are the others?" We were looking around but we didn't find them.

"I have no idea. I told them we were going on the Farris Wheel though."

"Oh well, can we get Churros?" She asked me whilst looking in the direction of Churros stand.

"Sure. If you want." I told her.

"Hello young lady!" The women told us when we approached the stand.

"Hi. Umm can I get a medium sized bucket of Churros please?" Laura asked the lady.

"Of course hun. Would you like some Nutella with it or do you want them plain?"

"Nutella please."

"Of course."

"That will be $5 please." The lady told us. (A/N: I'm not really sure if Australia uses Dollars, but since I don't know, I'll be using Dollars. 😊)

"Here you go." Said Laura giving her the Dollar bill.

"Thank you! Have a nice day!" Yelled the lady once we got away.

"Do you want to sit on a bench?" I asked Laura who was looking for a place to sit.

"Ummm sure."

Once we were sitting down Laura took a Churro from the bucket and dipped it in the hot Nutella. I immediately came up with an idea.

"Can I have a Churro and the Nutella please?" I asked her.

"Of course." She told me, flashing me on of her million dollar smiles. Why can't I get over how pretty she is!

When she wasen't looking, instead of dipping the Churro in the Nutella, I dipped my finger and taped Laura on te shoulder. She turned to face me and I smuged some all over her nose.

"Ahhh!" She screamed. "I'm gonna get you back for that!" She threatened.

"Haha! You can always try!"

And with that she snatched the Nutella from my hand and poured the whole cup on my oh-so-beautiful hair that I had spent 1 hour on to make it perfect. By the face I was making, you could tell I was beyond mad.

"You didn't dare."

"Oh but I did." She told me trying to hold back a laugh.

"I will be getting back at you for that!" I told her.

And with that, she started laughing uncontrollably. Of course, she has the cutest laugh and it's one of those contagious laughs that when the person stars laughing, you just have to laugh. So very naturally, I started laughing.

"You-You-You should've seen you-you're face when I poured the Nut-Nutella all over your hair!" She was laughing so much, she started hiccuping.

She truly was the cutest and most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

"Anyways," I said, our laughter starting to lower. (A/N: Can you even say that? 😂) "We have something to talk about." I said trying to pull my best 'serious' face. It was very hard though because whenever I see her, I want to smile. I still don't know how a girl can have such an effect on me. I mean she's just a girl.

"Listen, I have something to tell you since quite a long time now. Well let's just say that, ummm, well," I just had to hesitate and be nervous. Seriously Luke?! Out of all the important moments in my life, it had to be this one? "I really like you. As in like like you. Whenever you smile I just fell the need to smile. Your laugh is the cutest thing I have ever heard, and I'm not kidding. Your eyes are gorgeous. They sparkle whenever you smile or laugh and there the most beautiful shade of blue. No need to mention that you are the most beautiful girl living. And God knows I saw a lot of girls in my life." I laughed nervously. "You are also the best Fifa player ever, even better than Michael, and Michael is a pretty good player." By now, she was looking at me, speechless. "You are also the funniest girl and the most random one out there. You always find the perfect words to say when someone is feeling a little down or when they're sad. You are truly the most beautiful girl there is, in and out." I was really nervous because she was not saying one word and I was getting scared she didn't feel the same the same way or that I had gone to fast. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry, I should've told you all my feelings for you I ju-" She cut me off by... Kissing me. I can' t believe she was kissing me. I was shocked by her action in the beginning, but I quickly started to respond. Our lips moved in sync and I was enjoying every moment of it. Her lips felt so soft and they were so plump on mine. I licked her bottom lip, asking for an entrance wich she gave immediately. Our tongs dancing together and exploring each other's mouths. I felt her smile into the kiss. So did I.

Once we pulled away we just looked at each other's eyes. Her oh-so-beautiful blue eyes.

"What was that for?" I asked her, smirking.

"Nothing. I'm sorry." She said. I could tell she was nervous. But so was I.

"So about what I said," I started. "I also wanted to mention that you are the best kisser. Your lips are so plump and soft and-" She cut me off laughing.

"What do you want Luke?" She asked, still laughing.

"I wanted to tell you that I really like you."

"I... I... I really like you too." She said looking into my eyes.

"Really?!" I asked.

"Hmmm. Well I mean, you were kind of my celebrity crush!" She told me.

"Oh right. Why was I your celebrity crush anyway?"

"We'll probably the fact that you were smocking hot and your voice was the most amazing voice ever and that-" She quickly stopped, realizing what she had said. By now, I was smirking at her. She started blushing. She was so cute when she blushed.

"Smocking hot you say?" I said teasing her. She was getting reder by the minute.


"I'm glad you think so." I tell her, smirking once again.

She looked at me confused before realizing what I meant. Her eyes grew wide and her mouth hung open.

"Ohhh noooo. Not like that!!" She told me laughing.

"Anyways, I wanted to ask you: Will you Laura Jade Tiffany Hamry make me the honour of being my girlfriend?"

"Absolutely. Without a doubt." She smiled, widely.

"Oh and by the way, I hope I got your middle names right, I'm so confused with wich one comes first."

"Yeah, no worries. I'm pretty sure you said right. I also get confused." She giggled.

"Okay. Well do you want to go find the others?" I asked.

"Uhh yeah sure. Let me call Ashton." She told me, reaching for her phone.

"Oh no! I have no more battery!" She exclaimed.

"Well I left mine at home hoping you would have yours fully charged." I laughed.

"Well it's not my fault my brother always takes my IPhone charger because he always looses his!" She laughed.

"Let's go wait for them by the entrance of the fair." I offered.



Hey guys! So here's the next chapter! I hope you like it. I know I'm moving fast, but Like I said, I'm not super motivated.

Thx for reading! 😘



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