โœ“ KILLER QUEENยฒ โ˜พ ๐Š.๐Œ๐ˆ๐Š๐€...

By fantasysteph

241K 7.4K 1.3K

Within the mist of new villains 'you can never truly change your past' seems to be more true than ever. Yet i... More

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3.3K 144 40
By fantasysteph

Odette had woken up in the living room where she had left Hope sleeping. It was still dark outside so when she woke up in a daze she almost believed that what had happened was a dream. Pushing aside the blanket she was covered in Odette touches her forehead wondering if any dried blood would be on the cut she had felt but there was nothing.

The brunette stands to take a look at her daughter who slept silently making Odette smile. Even with all the madness and sadness, Odette just wanted to lay in bed with her baby girl before her two other babies wouldn't allow her to cuddle with Hope. Yet since there was madness in her life, the fantasy was not something she could do. As when she walked back to reality she was met with Hayley heading toward her old apartment in search for Jacksons journal for Klaus.

Cami's corpse still laid on the bed where she died with her body covered by a blanket when Odette makes her way towards the room. Klaus stood on the balcony of the room looking outside a window. Odette stands at the doorway with a book in the back of her hand not ready to interrupt him in his thoughts. Yet Klaus sensing her presence glances at the door before turning his attention back to looking straight forward

"Did you bring it?" Klaus asks with no emotion in his voice, making Odette deeply sigh as she walks closer to him

"Jackson wrote down everything your dad told him about the ancient werewolves. I've read it and Hayley's skimmed through it. There doesn't seem to be anything in there that's gonna help us kill Lucien" Odette says as she places the journal on the dresser between the two

"I'll see for myself." Klaus says turning to take the journal and glances at Odette only this time looking into her eyes before quickly looking away, "You can go"

Odette doesn't move as she takes a look at the bed not liking that Camis corpse was just there rotting away. Odette lightly taps her finger on the dresser before speaking up, "I think we should do something about the body. I know Cami wanted an Irish wake and I can make the arrangements"

"It doesn't matter what she wanted!" Klaus speaks abruptly as he turns to look at Odette rather than reading the words in the journal, "She's gone. There's no time to sing dirges. We're at war"

"Yeah... whatever you say" Odette says bitterly she takes a step towards the door yet before she can walk out of the room she turns around to face Klaus, "Davina's dead. Think you should know that I now have the privilege of knowing what it feels like to be fed dry by a vampire"


Klaus is on his way to his car that was parked outside, he was ready to open the door, when Hayley appears placing her hand on the car door and taking the keys from him. Odette was taking a while longer to make her way towards the car, one of the main reasons being that she was annoyed with the coat she wore.

"Seriously?" Klaus says as he turns around to be met with Hayley

At Klaus annoyance, Odette couldn't help but smile when she reaches the two other hybrids' "Come on Nik, we both know how this is going to go down. You're going to tell me that I can't come meaning Hayley can't either, and then I'm going to tell you that we both love Rebekah, as well. Then you're going to say, we are going to slow you down"

Odette looks over at Hayley who takes the next point, "I'm going to remind you that you're the one who cursed me to be a werewolf for six months, and therefore, I know every inch of the bayou."

"Unless..." Odette says taking the next point and Klaus could swear that the two practiced their speech on the way but they didn't, "that is if you want to be delayed by an angry werewolf grandma with a shotgun, you should just admit that you need us"

Klaus look at the two and with a deep sigh he takes the keys from Hayley's hand, "I'll drive"


The three hybrids trek in the woods in silence. While there was a lot of ground to cover Odette was slightly happier as she was able to take off her coat and just be in her simple long-sleeved loose shirt that slightly stuck to her belly that was more prominent than the days before.

"Klaus, I know that you're angry" Hayley speaks up making Odette's eyes widen knowing this was not the best time for a talk. Especially since it is one that Odette had yet to have with Klaus as she wanted to give him space even if every fiber in her body was telling her not to.

"I don't need advice on healthy mourning from the girl who kept her husband's rotting heart in a box, thank you" Klaus responds making Odette take deep breathes not wanting to get into the middle of what their conversation would get into

"Then maybe you will take the advice of the women you love or are you so afraid that Cami being dead makes you think you will revert to being the cruel bastard that you were. Pretend like Cami was never there and she didn't change you to being the man Odette loves" Hayley remarks making Odette stop walking as she takes a look up at the sky and closes her eyes to control her breathing.

With her hands on her hips Odette blocks out what Klaus and Hayley said after one another as she played in her mind how the conversation would go if she were to speak up and take either side. Since she didn't like the ending of either scenario Odette ran a hand through her hair before coming back to reality.

"Janie, you alright?" Hayley asks as Odette turns to face her, she then sees that Klaus was farther along their path.

Odette couldn't help but look at Hayley and nod. Before she continues to walking to catch up with Klaus, Odette stops Hayley making the two stand facing each other, "Hayley I have let you interfere with a lot in my life and I love you, you know that. But don't you ever again make the man that I love question why it is that I love him, because in case you forgot I knew him before Cami came into either of our lives"

Seeing how serious Odette was, Hayley slightly nods her head in agreement as she regretted having pushed Klaus buttons with a lie


Klaus had stopped the trek to take Elijah's phone call. Freya had found a way to kill Lucien, but it would require using Davina. Freya had made it so Davina is caught between two worlds, the ancestral plane, and their world. Mainly to bring Davina back from the dead and to not be harmed by any of the Ancestors who would want to seek revenge on her. Freya now wanted to use Davina's tie to the ancestral plane to tap into their power to make Lucien killable

"And Freya is certain this power will be enough to kill Lucien?" Klaus asks Elijah as he puts the phone call on speaker so the three can listen in

"Yes. But we'd be placing Davina in terrible danger. The only thing protecting her from the Ancestors is Freya's circle. Now, if it is broken..." Elijah says making Odette worry for the teen witch who has already been through more than one death and pain than any kid should have to endure

"They will rip her apart 'lijah. She's just a kid" Odette says as her voice was filled with worry as she started to play with her necklace and closing her eyes wondering if she would still be able to sense Davina

"What choice do we have?" Elijah asks knowing what was at stake but he could only see the greater good in being able to make Lucien killable to save his family

"No. Find another way." Klaus quickly decides making Odette look over at him almost surprised but Klaus then explains his reason with logic "If we destroy Davina, we lose both Kol and Marcel. I won't have us all turning on each other. Keep looking, brother"

It wasn't until Klaus was in the middle of putting Rebekah's coffin into the back of the car that Odette speaks up as she stands behind him, "You did a nice thing today, for Davina..who you hate"

"It was a purely strategic decision- I assure you," Klaus says not looking back at Odette as his hands her on Rebekah's wooden coffin getting ready to push it into the car

"Or maybe you knew how important Davina was to Cami and she would have given you hell for not fighting for her"

"You know, I thought I told Camille everything. Everything moment that mattered from my past and yet, in the mere hours since she died, I've thought of a thousand things I forgot to say" Klaus says making Odette think back to the people that she had figuratively and literally lost

"Yeah. I know that feeling"

"Do you?" Klaus says as he turns to look at Odette taking her by surprise as all day this was the most he had looked at her, "Because the prophecy is still upon us. And my immortality suddenly seems quite fragile"

"Don't say that" Odette says not wanting to think about what the prophecy bringing him death, especially so soon

"You saw the prophecy, we both know my utter demise is on its way"

"Is that what this is then? Are you being cold and distant because of your sudden possibility to die? Nik you are not invincible, no one is. We may have cheated death once but that doesn't mean it's not inevitable. You won't be able to get rid of me so easily by just giving me your silent treatment" Odette says walking away towards the side of the car to get ready to leave


With Rebekah now safely in their grasp the three hybrids silently drive back to the city. Klaus drove, while Hayley sat in the passenger's seat and Odette sat behind Hayley. Hayley having overheard their conversation thought it was best to stay silent.

A black car crashes into the right side of the SUV they road in. The car that rammed into them laid ruined in the side of the road upside down. Klaus was still strapped into his seat when he gained consciousness, he looks to his side to see the seat was empty.

Klaus pulls himself out of the car wreck, bleeding slightly from the head looking around to try to find Odette in the wreck. His blue eyes first see Hayley on the ground with a snapped neck and a wooden makeshift stake through her stomach keeping her pinned down. He goes towards Hayley in order to get away from the car to get a better view of where Odette could possibly be but is intercepted by Lucien appearing in front of Klaus.

"Nik, I was hoping to run into you," Lucien says enthusiastically as he then punches Klaus into the car "Oh come now! There's no fun if it's easy, at least Cami went down swinging"

At the name leaving Lucien's lips, Klaus becomes enraged by his remark that he starts to fight Lucien as best as he can. He pulls Lucien towards him only to slam him into the car and then pulls him back so he can punch him in the face. Klaus goes to kick Lucien but he recovered quickly and takes a hold of Klaus only to fling him towards an abandoned house. Klaus flies into one of the walls breaking it and landing in what seemed to be the living room.

Lucien clearly has the upper hand laughs at seeing Klaus on the floor covered in dust and blood, "Haha, have you learned Nik? I am finally your superior in every way"

Lucien then swiftly kicks Klaus through another wall. Klaus takes a few seconds to slowly stand up trying to listen as to where Lucien was at only to hear Lucien howl, "Haha, I can smell it, the stench of fear. Uncomfortable isn't it? Knowing your life could be snuffed out any second"

Klaus walks slowly down the hall trying to listen to everything around him not being able to pinpoint where Lucien was at. Lucien tauntingly speaks up once more, "Count your heartbeats Klaus"

Klaus looks towards his side hearing the swoosh of someone vamp speeding to the end of the hall. Lucien smiles at him before the two continue their fight.

Outside an unconscious Odette and Hayley walk up both bloody from healed gashes and a severe injury that had yet to heal. The first thing Odette does is check her belly for any bruising or cuts and listens to the heartbeats. Everything sounding and feeling normal Odette tries to stand up only to be stopped by a pain in her leg. She tries to sit up but stops as more pain spread through her body as her shoulder was dislocated. Before she laid back down she was able to see a piece of metal piercing through her left leg.

Hayley having woken up with a cough and trouble breathing takes a glance at the car only for her attention to be turned to hear Klaus grunting as he and Lucien fight inside the house.

"It's a shame Aurora isn't here to witness your victory," Klaus tells Lucien as he was pinned to the wall making Lucien vamp speed and slam Klaus against another wall on the other side of the hall

"You think this is inspired by lost love? No, this is about station." Lucien says as she moves his hand to take a hold of Klaus neck and holds him up "A simple stable boy besting a tyrannical king. You have to admit, it's a hell of a story"

"I am not the villain of this fairytale you conjured. Lucien we were friends" Klaus says and seeing as to how for a second Lucien dropped his guard, Klaus then gets the upper hand and pushes Lucien away before taking and throwing him towards the nearest cabinet. Yet it wasn't long until Lucien was able to retain dominance once again

Hayley having taken the wooden makeshift stake that was part of the broken white picket fence from the side of her stomach, vamp speeds into the house with a shovel in hand. She uses the shovel to fit Lucien sending him away from Klaus. Lucien having landed on the stove chuckles and takes a hold of a frying pan. With the knew found weapon Lucien swings it to hit Hayley sending her backward. Klaus stands up ready to attack Lucien but since Lucien still held the frying pan he hits Klaus before he starts to fight both hybrids.

Lucien is able to knock Hayley out by slamming her head into one of the cabinets. Klaus grabs the shovel Hayley had dropped and tries to hit Lucien, yet Lucien was able to take the shovel from Klaus and hit him across the chest with it hard enough that it sent him through the wall of the house.

Odette was able to set back her dislocated shoulder with the knowledge of a nurse she once dated. Once it quickly healed she was able to take out the metal from her leg only to feel an immense burning pain that she knew wasn't from any of her own injuries. She raises a hand to wipe away the fallen liquid from her eyes only for her fingers to be covered by a red liquid.

With every step, Odette took there was a slight sway in her movements as if she were to fall to the ground at any moment. Odette makes her way past the demolished car and around the house but before she can make it to the backyard she starts to uncontrollably cough that is until she coughs up blood.

Klaus who was standing up from being thrown through the wall by Lucien turns around to discover Lucien standing behind Hayley as he had his hand through her back holding on to her chest making her cough up blood little by little.

"Well, well," Lucien says with a smile as he tightens his grip on Hayley's heart "a queen and a king caught by a one-time pawn. Thus the game comes to its inevitable end"

"What are you proving by killing her? It's me you hate" Klaus states as Hayley continues to cough up blood not being able to move or else she would die

"Was I not clear when I murdered Finn and Camille? I don't care who dies! But since you do, indulge me and I might just spare the Crescent pack alpha. Kneel! Get on your knees!" Lucien says but seeing as to how Klaus didn't move to kneel tightens his hold making Hayley shout in pain "I can feel her heart pounding in my fist. Do you really want to measure your pride against my mercy?"

Hayley groans in pain as Lucien's hold was making her believe that he was ready to kill her in seconds if Klaus didn't kneel soon. Odette had made her way towards the back only to stop seeing Lucien with Hayley in front of him and Klaus a few feet away from them kneeling.

Suddenly Lucien's hand is removed from Hayley's heart by Elijah vamp-speeding and breaking Lucien's arm giving him time to make sure Hayley's heart was not in Lucien's clutch. Seeing that Lucien was no longer had Hayley's life in his hand Klaus vamp speeds towards him and throws him across from them.

Lucien was ready to fight his way out but before he can take a step Freya starts to chant as she keeping Lucien in his spot. Freya's hands start to glow and Lucien's eyes flash red momentarily before turning back to normal and with every chant leaving Freya's lips he starts to turn back to who he used to be.

The Mikaelson brothers make their way towards Lucien, as Odette makes her way towards Hayley. Hayley seeing all the dried blood on Odette quickly asks her if she is okay but Odette dismisses it by saying yes and wanting to know if she was okay.

"His power's gone." Freya says making Lucien look up at Klaus in fear, "He's nothing but an ordinary vampire now"

"You see that family drama you so joyfully derived does have its merits," Klaus says making Elijah kick Lucien's feet from behind making him fall to his knees

"You can kill me but the prophecy still stands, you cannot outrun it," Lucien says looking up at Klaus trying to prolong his impending death

"I've heard about 1000 years too much from you. For a century you lived with my name and you never did quite recover from losing it, did you? You became a man of wealth and stature but you never could crawl from my shadow, and in the end" Klaus says kneeling down to pick up a broken headlight making Lucien shake in fear "despite the gift of immortality, you have always known what you truly are."

"Please" Lucien begs his head is being tilted back by Elijah and Klaus walks towards him and with the shard of the headlight Klaus cuts Lucien's corner lip up to his cheek on both sides.

Klaus kneels down to look at Lucien in the eye and says, "You are nothing" before reaching into his chest and ripping out his heart


Night had fallen and they had yet to leave the abandoned house. Klaus stood looking down at Lucien's body before lighting a match to set Lucien's corpse on fire. Odette walks over to Klaus with her hands in her coat pockets having yet to clean any of the dried blood on her face.

Klaus looks over at Odette who was already looking at him, "Camille liked the Preservation Hall Jazz Band. For the funeral, the second night, we should hold the wake at Rousseau's."

"I think-"Odette says with a smile taking Klaus's hands, glad to see him mourning in a healthy way "that is a wonderful idea"

"Come, let's let Lucien burn alone eh?" Klaus says as he nods towards the car making Odette squeeze his hand in agreement. The two walk hand in hand towards Elijah, Freya and Hayley who stood near the car that held Rebekah's coffin. "We should get back to Kol and Marcel"

"Klaus" Freya says making the couple stop to look at her as she seemed to have important news, "There's something you need to know"

They delivered the news of the action they had taken, the choice they made in order to save their family. Odette touches the dried blood that had fallen from the corner of her eyes as she now knew where it had come from, Davina.


Having arrived at the Compound the first thing Odette wanted to do was shower and get rid of all the blood that she was covered in. She so badly wanted to wash off the dried blood from her eyes, something she did but not without letting out a sob. All while Elijah and Klaus tried talking to Marcel who was mourning having lost Davina because of Elijah's choice. In the end, Marcel voiced his hate for the Mikaelson family and him wanting nothing to do with them anymore.

Wanting to keep her promise Odette dressed in clothes that would hide her belly. She then walked towards Hope's nursery wanting to check up on her before going to plan a funeral. Odette turns to enter the nursery only to find Klaus sitting on the floor with his head resting on the end of Hope's crib.

"Seeking a break from the darkness?" Odette says as she walks over to sit next to him but not without glancing at Hope who sat awake in her crib "There is no solace in the fact that you avenged Cami today is there?"

"To do right by Camille, we sacrificed someone she cared about"

"Our family is safe," Odette says trying to think on the bright side as there needed to be something positive about the day

"Our family is fractured, there is no victory to celebrate today. My demons won" Klaus says as Lucien wanting to break the Mikaelson family had come true.

"Lucien is not your demon." Odette says as she reaches for Klaus face resting her hand on his cheek catching his attention, "Nik all you did was sire him, you did not create him to be the monster that he was"

"Today I fear we may have created a new monster entirely" Klaus states as believing that he truly had lost Marcel and this time no words of his could repair their relationship

The couple sat in silence for a while until Hope had crawled to the end of her crib and reaches out for her parents.

"Marry me" Odette says in a whisper but with there being no noise from the streets to cover her words Klaus had heard them making him look at her not believing the word that came out of her lips, "I know this is possibly the worst time to say those words but...I want forever with you"

A/N: are yall as surprised as I am as to how I ended the chapter?

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