By JerryMiriam4

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The story of Vera Dikeh; a vibrant young girl with passion for success. She believed she's better than everyb... More

Author's Note


214 23 3
By JerryMiriam4


I walk to the dinning room in my school uniform still mad at mom for what she did yesterday. I still wonder what made her react the way she did.

She went too extra by ordering Jeffrey out of the house, right?

I take a seat and say a silent prayer before eating. I didn't wait for her to join me and guess what's even more annoying? She acts cool like everything's okay.

It's a very awkward breakfast. No talking, just the sounds of cutleries as we eat.

I try not to make eye contact with her while I drink my glass of water.

I'm done eating and I take away my dish to the kitchen. I get back to the dinning room and grab my bagpack from the table.

I walk to the living room and wait for her to be done and drive me to school.

Finally, she grabs her car keys and walks out of the living room to her car parked outside.

Like seriously, this is how it's gonna be now? Well, I don't fucking care!

Yes, I just used the 'f' word for the first time. I deserve an explanation for what's going on and probably an apology.

I close the door to the passenger seat in front of mom's car. The car ignites and drives out of the compound.

Not even a song was played through the journey. A part of me is itching to say something but I won't let it. I am mad at mom and that's it. She should start up the conversation.

"Vera, what is wrong with you? "

Viola! She's finally saying something!

"Mom, I'm fine",

I mean how can she pretend not to know what's wrong with me? Is she being serious right now?

"Alright if you say so",

Did you see that? She's acting cool? No no no, I won't have this.

"Mom are you kidding me? How can you not know what's wrong with me? I deserve explanation for what happened yesterday. I need to know, "

"Vera, your relationship with Jeffrey has been terminated and... "

"What? ", I cut her in.

"Yes, Vera. I do not want to see you with that boy ever again. You can date any other guy but Jeffrey",

"Mom, are you being serious right now? Why? Why are you doing this? "

"I owe you no explanations. Just obey my order! "

"Mom I deserve that explanation before I can obey your order", I raise my voice.

"How dare you speak to me with such disrespect? Are you insane? "

Okay, I went a bit overboard.

"I'm sorry, mom. I didn't mean to upset you. But can you please tell me what's going on? What has Jeffrey done that you despise him so much? "

"Vera, do not question me. You're not dating Jeffrey ever again. I won't take it lightly with you if I see or hear that you're still with him",

I open my mouth to say something but words fail me.

That's another couple of minutes without spoken words till we arrive Royalties High school.


At the canteen.

I honestly don't know why I'm here when I've no appetite to eat. Maybe I just feel like taking my mind off a lot of thing.

Nothing seems clear to me. The more I try to crack the nut, the more difficult it is for me.

I vent my frustration on the innocent plate of spaghetti right in front of me. I wouldn't stop playing with the pastas as I use my fork to scramble.

I'm not eating and I don't even intend to till I get to the root of this. At least till I get the slightest hint of what's going on.

"Vee, are you okay? You're not eating",

I totally forgot I'm with humans; Olivia and Camille. I was just lost in trance.

"I'm fine, Cam",

I'm sure my lie is so obvious.

"No, you're not. C'mon I haven't seen you this way before. What is it? "

"I have no appetite. I'll see you guys in class ", I say and stand to leave.

"You're kidding right? ", Olivia asks me.

"Do I look like I am? Bye girls! " I walk away.

They must be talking about me right now but that's the least of my problem.

I find my way to the school library; a place I've become very fond of lately.

I get in and grab a text that I know too well I'm not going to read.

I take a seat and open the text and glance through it so they'd think I'm actually reading but I'm not.

That's a new trick I invented for myself. Maybe some other mischievous students like me would do the same.

Few minutes later I see a figure stop right in front of me and I look up to see who.

And what in the world is he doing here?

"Adrian, what are you doing here? "

"You're talking out loud", he whispers and takes a seat in front of me.

"That's not the answer to my question ", I say but in a lower tone.

"I have exams, dummy"

Did he just call me dummy? When did we even start calling each other names?

"You just wrote your scholarship exams so what other fucking exams are you talking about? "

Gosh, I just used that word a second time.

"Seriously? You're hilarious. Well, I'll remind you that we have our WAEC exams to think of ",

Ohh, I totally forgot I had to read for my upcoming exams. All thanks to my mom and recent dramas.

"Oh, right. So can you leave now? I need to read ",

"Actually", he brings out a text, "I'm joining you for today ",

"You must be out of your damn mind. Get up and leave, please ",

Why am I even being polite?

"Why do you hate me so much? I'm trying to make us friends again and you're overreacting ",

"First of, we were never friends and will never be. Second, the only reason I actually talk to you is because you're dating my best friend and third, I'm not one of your girl projects so back off",

"Whoa, hold on. What girl projects are you talking about? "

"You should know better, Adrian ",

"I do not know what you're talking about but just so you know you can't separate Olivia from me",

I chuckle at that.

"My dear Adrian, I won't be the one separating you two but she will. Wait till she finds out that you're more of an asshole than her beloved boyfriend ",

"You really are jealous, Vera. Olivia told me and I just confirmed it today. You are jealous. You're green with envy",

"Are you always this stupid, Adrian? How can I be jealous? Of what exactly? Your cheating ass? "

Adrian frowns his face and I get the message that he's angry and I won't stop till he's really pissed and leaves my presence.

"You're a fucking bitch! ", I think he's losing it but I won't take that from him.

"You're a man-whore! "

Adrian hits both hands real hard on the desk in anger.

"What's going on here? " the library prefect approaches us

"He's got anger issues and I think he needs to see a doctor", I smile and answer.

"Adrian, please leave the library"

"Vera, you will... "

"I said leave the library and now! " the library prefect cuts him in.

Adrian dare not challenge him else he's getting detained or even suspended.

I watch as he walks out in shame. Good riddance, fool.

Now I feel a bit better.


"Hey, Vera"

"Ruby. How was classes today? "

She runs into my embrace.


"Really? We shared the same day then. So how are you coping with your new friends? "

"That's the 'boring' about today. We're getting along. Though Diane and the others still wants me back in their crew ",

"Are you considering going back to them? "

"Maybe. I do miss them. They're really cool to be with",

"Then make them change their view of superiority over the others",

"Diane will never agree. The others always side her. So I'm just there ",

"Awwnn... Don't worry, you will get over it. Where's your sister? "

"She's talking with her boyfriend and I left them",

"Oh... " I look around to sight them but didn't.

"Where did you leave them? " I ask.

"Close to the bursar's office. I overheard Adrian complaining about you to Olivia ",

Interesting. I bend to ask more.

"And what did he say? "

"I didn't get the details but I was sure it's you they're discussing."

"Okay, thanks. You wait here in the bus, I'll be right back. okay? "


I walk to the bursar's office and I couldn't find them. Where could they have gone to?

I walk further to the back and still didn't see them.

"Fine senior! "

Oh, it's Seyi!

"Seyi, how're you? It's been a while! "

"Yes, I'm fine. What are you looking for?"

"Did you by chance see Olivia? My best friend? "

"Nope, but I saw her boyfriend, senior Adrian."

"You did? Where? "

"He was walking down the school's dumb site. I wonder what he's looking for over there ",

I begin to run to the direction. I didn't even remember to thank the little junior boy.

I stop running and begin walking in slow pace when I hear loud disgusting moans from the dumb site.

I take a peek and see Olivia pinned against the wall and Adrian banging the living hell out of her.

Oh my fucking...???

"What the hell is going on here?!" I interrupt.

Not like I don't know what they're doing but the fact that these two idiots are actually making out in this god-forsaking damn place is what I'm actually trying to understand.

What is wrong with Olivia? Of all places, why the dumb site? Why the school? Is she addicted now?

"Vera... ", Olivia gasps in fear and begins to pull up her undies back to her hips.

"Don't you dare call my name!"

"I can explain. I'm sorry ",

"What stupid explanation do you have for what I caught you doing? Olivia, what has come over you? "

"I'm sorry, Vera. I was only... ",

I hold up my hand to cut her from speaking further.

"I could use some threesome, you know, Vera ", Adrian says, in such disgusting and carefree manner.

But how dare he?

"How dare you, Adrian? Are you mad?"

I move closer to where they're standing.

"I'm only suggesting. You could actually join us. I'm sure you will love it! "

The next thing I hear is the sound of my palm smashing the fool out of his stupid face.

I actually slapped Adrian! I actually slapped a guy for the first time in my life.

"Vera! " Olivia shouts my name and holds me.

"Olivia get your filthy hands off me! How can you stand here and watch him say such rubbish? "

"He was only trying to be funny. He didn't mean it! "

"Stupid you mean? He was only trying to be stupid. Olivia, this guy doesn't deserve you! "

"Stop it, Vera! Just stop!"

"Can't you see, Olivia? He's making you do things you've sworn never to do. You're now having sex in school, are you crazy? "

"It is none of your business where I choose to have sex. "

I didn't expect such response.

"Really? Olivia, really? Okay, fine! Don't say I didn't warn you but let this act never repeat itself ever again. If you wanna do your shits take it to a more responsible place and not the school. What would you have done if you were caught by someone else? Tell me! "

Olivia didn't say a word but stares blank in space.

"Vera, this should be the last time you're ever gonna raise that filthy hand of yours on me", Adrian decides to speak.

"I would stop if only you stop being stupid and for the records, my hand is not filthy but yours", I fire back.

"I'm letting this slide because of Olivia. Be warned, Vera ",

"You're just a coward and you listen; the very day you lay your hands on me, I'll be sure to make you regret the day you were born and trust me when I say I will ", I stare dead at his face.

"Enough Vera. It hasn't gotten to this",

Olivia defends her boyfriend.

"Oh, Olivia, it has! The two of you had better get your horny selves out of this shithole before I change my mind and file a report to the school authorities"

"Vera... "

"Hold it, I'll meet you in the bus. "

I cut her in and walk away.

What the hell is wrong with people around me? Why do I have to put up with the whole drama?

First it was my mom and now Olivia? I wonder who's next?


I just got home and fling myself on my comfy bed. I have a slight headache and I can hardly breathe.

I begin to undress when I get a phone call from my boyfriend.

For some reason, I feel a ting of happiness inside of me.

"Hey, boo", I say to my phone on speak out.

"Hi love. You're back from school, I suppose? " Jeffrey's voice from the phone.

"Yeah yeah. How're you and how's your day? "

"I'm not fine and my day was boring",

"I know I know. That's same with me, I'm not fine with all that's going on"

"Have you been able to ask your mom what I did wrong? "

"I've tried but she refuses telling me. How about you? Can't you remember your encounter with her? "

"Honestly, I can't recall any encounter with your mom. I've been thinking about it and nothing seems to pop up."

"It's alright, love. Don't overthink it. I will get her to tell me soon. We just have to give it time",

"Yeah, you're right. So tell me, have you seen what I got you? "

Holy shit! I forgot to check the gift he got me the other day. What can't stress do?

"Ohhh, I'm so sorry. I haven't checked!  I will open it now",

I stand and walk to my dressing table and take the parcel and unwrap it.

The silver piece dangle in my grip.

"Awwwnn... Thanks so much, babe. I love it! "

It's a locket with a picture of Jeff and I. He still has this picture, how sweet.

It was taken the day I first visited his house. I was camera-shy, lol. But it sure does look good. Just that I was smiling like a mischievous Ruby; please do not tell her I said so.

"I'm glad you love it. I have the same locket with me and I kiss it before I sleep at night",

I didn't know how but I begin to laugh.

"Oh, Jeff! Thank you so much. I love you! "

"I love you too and I can't wait to spend some time with you again"

"You want me to sneak out and come see you this weekend? "

"If you can this evening, I'll be the happiest guy in the universe! "

"Stop making me blush! " honestly I can't stop blushing.

"And I'll kiss your lips so bad. Imagine my lips locked together with yours and our tongues frolicking each other",

"Babe, stoppp...", my smiles have no end. You're done for, Vera.

"C'mon tell me something sweet, something sexy! "

"The last time we're together, I can't explain the feelings I got when you caressed me. I felt heaven and my whole body desired you",

"Why didn't you tell me? You were horny, babe and just me inside of you would've taken you to cloud 9"

"But I'm not ready to have sex yet"

"Whenever you're ready. I won't rush you, okay? "

"Okay, love"

"But have you ever thought of doing it? "

"Sometimes but I'm just not ready for it",

"So what do you when you're horny? "

What the...?? Is he really asking me that?

Really awkward, for me.

"I... Urrhhhmm.... I.... "

"Go on, say it! "

But that wasn't Jeffrey's voice, it was mom's! Jesus Christ please save me!

Fear grips me and I begin trembling. I can't even feel my heart beating, am I dead or what?

"Go on, baby. Don't be shy, c'mon! "

Jeffrey says through the phone unaware of the situation here.

My mom is right here in my room and staring at me.

A part of me wants to disappear and another just wants to die. What do I do now? I wonder how much she's heard!

"Babe? You're not saying anything. Babe? Hello??" Jeffrey wouldn't stop talking.

Mom walks to where I am and takes the phone from me.

"Young man, go back to your mother and ask for a proper home training! Don't you ever call this line again! "

Mom hangs up the call and switches off my phone. She looks at me with that evil stare for few seconds and then she walks away with my phone without saying anything.

Am I gonna die?

Just right after mom left, I feel my heart return to me. I feel my heart beating but faintly and I'm scared to death at what happens next!


Because I had spare time, I decided to pubbb this😇😇
Please bear with me, I'll release the next chapter soonnnn😐😩
Eitherways, y'all keep praying for us in school😩, it's a tournament out here💔
Thanks for reading, guys😇
favourkenneth20 I love you baby 😇
OkikeChioma I keep sighting you😇

Do not forget to hit the twinkle twinkle little star down-left😉

I love youuuuu alllll💚💚
Jerry Miriam🍎

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