Jaune The Little Hunter

By jones5435

36.9K 414 78

After an accident in the dorms Jaune unlocks his semblance. What is it? Find out by reading on. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6

Chapter 5

4K 56 1
By jones5435

The next 30 minutes for Jaune was a nightmare, a complete and utter nightmare. For one all the people who looked at him stared and cooed and he kept getting dressed and redressed over and over again. Nora kept leading them to all the crazy looking outfits, Pyrrha kept leading them towards the cute outfits and Ren was trying to actually look for normal clothing while still holding a frustrated Jaune.

He was bored, very bored and had nothing to do. Being cradled was nice and all, being very comfortable and not having to move and all of that but it got boring very quickly and Jaune kept making whining noises, indicating to Ren that he didn't want to be here.

Unfortunately either Ren ignored him or didn't notice but it kept dragging on and on. It wasn't until another 30 minutes later that Jaune was dressed in a cute lavender onesie and however many other things Nora and Pyrrha bought. He shivered at the thought of it.

Once outside the shop Pyrrha said, "Maybe we should get a pacifier, babies like those right." Oh hell no! Jaune knew Pyrrha was just trying to make Jaune blend in and all but this was getting out of hand.

From Jaune's angle of perspective he was unable to notice the slight smirk edging onto Ren's face.

"Alright then Pyrrha, you hold him while I get one. Nora, why don't you play with Jaune until I get back." With that statement Ren was off to get a pacifier, or dummy as others would call it.

"Oh Jaune Jaune...." Nora whistled. Oh no, what was she going to..."Time for a tummy tickle." She added with and devilish grin.

Before Jaune could put his hand up in protest he could stop the fit of giggles escaping from his mouth. Pyrrha and Nora cooed at this and Nora kept tickling Jaune. Jaune cursed his baby body for being so ticklish.

"I'm back." Came the voice of the evil Ren, a pacifier in hand. Jaune would not allow that thing to come into his mouth, he wouldn't. Jaune covered his mouth in protest and, thanks to the team's enhanced hearing, they caught Jaune's whisper yell of, "I hate you guys!"

"Nora, will you do the honours?" Ren asked, showing Nora the pacifier, making Jaune pale.

"Hehe, I would lover to oh partner of mine!" She snatched the pacifier out of Ren's hand and, with a bit of her strength, ripped Jaune's hands away from his mouth and shoved the pacifier. Jaune wanted desperately to spit it out but it was held in by Nora's hand, and then he heard his partner's voice above him/

"Come on Jaune, give it a try. I'm sure what team RWBY's got planed would be much worse, so you might as well." She said. Jaune internally sighed, he would do it once, and only because it was her partner. He started to suckle on the pacifier and, to his surprise, found it was pretty soothing. Ren smiled at his expression. Little did people know, Ren was a master of reading emotions on basically anyone except those who can hide it well enough, and Jaune definitely ain't one of them.

Jaune was so focused o sucking on his pacifier and it was so soothing to him he found himself getting tired and his eyes growing dreary. He couldn't stop his world from going black and with that Jaune was out like a light, resting in his partners arms.

When Jaune next awoke he was greeted to the sight of team RWBY in the distance with a lot of stuff. He was still sucking on his pacifier which was practically the only thing keeping him from panicking right now. In a few short minutes team RWBY had managed to close the gap between them and were now face to face with Jaune and his team.


He knew that sound anywhere, It was the sound of Yang taking a picture, no doubt the he was the one she took a picture of.

"Oh Jaune you look so cute!" Ruby cooed, zipping up to Jaune in a burst of speed and rose petals.

"Wow Jauney-boy,  never thought I'd see ya with a pacifier in your mouth." Yang said with a smirk. Jaune blushed at this, it wasn't his fault that he found sucking on the pacifier nice and soothing!

Weiss and Blake were silent but he could clearly tell that Weiss was holding herself back from jumping at him and hugging him. He knew Weiss loved anything cute and to everyone else apparently he was cute.

"Hey guys, how'd your shopping go?" Pyrrha asked, repositioning Jaune into a more comfortable position for him and her. Considering the amount of bags and whatever was in the carboard box Yang was holding there was quite a lot.

"Pretty well, how about you?" Yang replied. Jaune swore he could have heard Weiss add something about.

"oh it was great! We got our glorious leader a swimming oufit, then a bunny costume, then we got him a cut doggy one as well. Oh! we also..." Nora's rant was cut off ny Ren.


"Yes Ren?"

"I think they get the picture." Ren said.

"Oh." Nora giggled, covering her mouth in embarrassment.

"O yeah! Guess what's in here." Yang said, pointing to the box she was holding.

"What is it?" Pyrrha asked curiously. To be honest Jaune was also quite curious as to what was inside the large box.

Suddenly, without warning Yang ripped open the box to reveal a stroller It was a cool grey colour and on the inside it was extra padded for, well, extra comfort for the baby, i.e Jaune.

"Wow Jaune-Jaune, you get to go in the stroller!" Nora yelled. Ok, this was something Jaune could handle. This meant when he was inside only the one pushing him and those actively looking inside would see him.

Jaune looked to Pyrrha and nodded, prompting her to then place Jaune gently within the stroller and as soon as his back hit the bed of the stroller he never felt so comfy in his life! It was so soft and comfy, he could see why babies like it. Ruby then put her arms into one of the many bags and pulled out a large(to him anyway)aqua blanket in which she placed over Jaune.

Ok, Jaune will admit that being a baby so far was not too great, but this easily made up for it. It was like his own personal bed on the move! Everyone(except Ren and Blake)cooed at the teen turned baby with the two black haired individuals giving a warm smile.

"Ok now, it time for swimming!" Ruby and Nora both yelled at once.

"You guys do know that the nearest swimming park is in Patch right?" Weiss said with a deadpan expression.

"Of course I do! Me an Yang grew up in Patch remember?" Ruby exclaimed.

"Yeah! Patch crew for life!" Yang jumped in, giving Ruby a fist bump.

Weiss just groaned at their childish actions while Jaune giggled. He couldn't really deny that it was a giggle any more, no matter how much it hurt his pride, it was already smashed beaten and destroyed beyond repair already so what else is their to break or hurt?

A lot of things Jauney Boy, a lot of things.

End of Chapter 5. I love how much this story has blown up you guys and gals. I personally love this story and I'm glad you like it too.

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