The Iron Hallway

By flamesword01

17.4K 1.2K 8.8K

Baird Amergin is a successful writer and poet from the prosperous land of Ferange. He lives a life of ease wi... More

Before We Begin...
...Meet Our Cast!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
BONUS MATERIAL: Abigail & Baird's First Meeting
Appendix: Original Cover by @Fennagin

Chapter 17

256 27 178
By flamesword01

(Baird's POV) 

The next two weeks baffled my mind. They seemed at once to drag on and on as inexpressibly long expanses of time, and also to speed by at the swiftness of fighter jets. 

After I had lamented over my selfishness and thoroughly abhorred myself in the Kemarian alleyway for what must've been about two hours, Khemera, Keira, and Hannah returned, telling me that they'd engaged the RFs in a mutually destructive skirmish that had ended in both parties fleeing. They'd added that the vile Dirk Josante had merely retreated to gather more men, and that returning to the safe isolation of the beach near the Sand Dollar was the best course of action. 

For the rest of that day, I rested, as Sila detected I'd suffered a bad bruise from Khemera's kick. Even though I didn't feel it all too much at that time, I was assured I would in the morning. 

Sure enough, I did feel it as the next day dawned, and quite acutely at that. Sila prescribed three days of total rest for me, and so dragged the longest three days of my life. Khemera stopped in from time to time to visit me, and especially to offer me spiritual comfort and instruction. The God he worshipped was the only one selfless enough to love me, even after the horrid things I had done. 

Keira also visited me fairly regularly, especially to feed me meals, and for that, I was thoroughly grateful. She also entertained me by recounting tales of Aaron's frustration in repairing the Sand Dollar outside my walls, and his severe scoldings directed at an increasingly fatigued Jedrek. 

As could be expected, Hannah also came to see me from time to time, and often eased my pain by playing guitar and singing soothingly. The random thought crossed my mind often, that someday, when she was a little older, some man would be thoroughly pleased with the sweet, adorable girl. 

On the morning of the fourth day, Sila entered my quarters for a checkup and deemed me still unfit to do anything but rest. I was dejected, but accepted the news nonetheless. As Keira told me later, that day, Aaron sent Jedrek and Sila to the village to obtain the gasoline Khemera had been too forgetful and busy to bring back the other day. Upon returning, Jedrek had complained about carrying the heavy weight all the way back, to which Sila shoved his spinal disks into place mechanically and painfully. I'd thought I heard screaming from my room inside the Sand Dollar, so this news confirmed my suspicions. 

On the morning of the fifth day, Sila again returned, and the robot finally proclaimed me fit to walk about and engage in some moderate exercise to get my body moving again. To Khemera's pleasure, I immediately took that advice and did some pushups and crunches, though my remaining pain limited the number I could do. Later in the day, he began to show me some punches, saying that I still lacked the strength to continue the endurance training we'd begun earlier. The next two days were very similar, with my strength increasing and pain decreasing as time went on. 

On the eighth day of our stop on the beach, Khemera began to take me on morning runs, as well as resuming the endurance training, keeping his ear wide open for the slightest negative feedback from me. At one time, he remarked pleasurably that I was much less of a complainer than I had been before, and for that, I was glad. He also taught me how to block a punch effectively, and showed me several different forms to fit various situations. The next six days were very similar, and they ran together in my mind for their lack of variety. However, they were nonetheless enjoyable. 

Finally, the morning of our fourteenth day on the beach arrived. Keira had handpicked me to help her catch some fish, and then assist her in cleaning and roasting them for breakfast, despite my complete lack of skill in either arena. 

Aaron and Jedrek hurried to eat their breakfast so they could get to work, although Jedrek clearly had been unwillingly forced to do so. The rest of us, however, ate at a much slower pace, engaging in cheerful conversation and enjoying one another's company. 

An hour later, we still sat in a circle in the sand, even though we'd finished eating. It was about 10 in the morning. All of us snapped our heads to look when Aaron dashed across the beach toward us. 

"Great news, guys!" he exclaimed excitedly, "All repairs are complete! We're all set!" 

Keira let out a squeal of delight I hadn't expected from her, as she leapt up to hug her brother. Hannah also began cheering and singing some sort of victory song, which I found amusing. At any rate, we packed all our belongings back into the Sand Dollar and took off into the sky to resume our journey. 


(Abigail's POV) 

I'd never been in prison before, so I'd had no idea how boring it was. Wendy and I had only been confined in our cell for two weeks, and I swear, I was already going insane. She was a great companion, but not exactly the most engaging conversationalist to be trapped with for two whole weeks

I couldn't complain about our treatment, though. The black-haired officer had seen to it that we had new, warm, and clean bedding given to us every night for our comfort, as well as food I suspected was above the quality given to other prisoners. He also confined our two surviving attackers in the cell next to ours, so we could hear their suffering through the walls and be assured that the twenty rounds of daily lashings he told us about weren't imaginary. Hearing their unmanly screams was some small break from the boredom. 

But finally, one morning, something interesting happened. 

I was busy making my bed when footsteps padded down the hallway. They didn't sound quite like the hard, metallic footsteps of the guards, or the clicking footsteps of the officer, with his stylish, shiny shoes. Because of that, I couldn't place who was approaching. 

Then Emperor Pietrovo peeked through the bars. 

I honestly wasn't sure whether to feel angry at seeing his face, or hopeful that maybe there was a chance he'd use his imperial authority in our favor. I settled for a simple nod to acknowledge his presence, without offering him any pleasantness or negativity with it. 

"Well..." he spoke slowly, "This isn't exactly the sort of news I'd expected to come back to." 

I raised an eyebrow. His statement had made absolutely zero sense. "What's that supposed to mean?" 

Pietrovo sighed. "Miss Wilde, I hardly took you for a troublemaker who would fail to appreciate my restraint and goodwill, and instead, collude with one of my guards to attempt an escape. I am honestly quite...disappointed with this turn of events." 

Wendy jumped to her feet and marched over to the bars like an angry guard dog. "Don't you dare act like you're innocent in all this! You're a bloody abuser of women, and I took it upon myself to rescue her from your clutches! I know you had planned to do the same to her as you tried with me, only this time, she couldn't save herself!" 

The emperor flinched at the shouting words sent his way before he regained his composure. "I've already told you, Wendy, that was merely a dream, the ramifications of which you've carried over into the waking world!" 

"Oh, don't you wish it was that easy to get off the hook." Wendy said ruefully. "You and I both know that's a bloody lie." 

Pietrovo grasped the bars and shook the door to our cell. "You don't know me! Perhaps I've changed! And besides, I am told that your treason nearly led to the very thing you were trying to save her from!" 

"Well of course! Because your bloody guards were involved!" 

"Guys, please!" I shouted before Pietrovo could mouth another reply, "I'm not informed enough to participate in your dispute, but here's what I do know: You want me to appear in your movie, right?" 

"Yes..." the emperor answered with uncertainty. 

"Well, that's certainly not happening if I'm pinned up in here, and the same goes for Wendy!" 

Pietrovo shook his head. "I'll have you released, Miss Wilde, to be sure. But Miss Archer here? Far be it from me! My father's words have been proven correct, that Danlashians are nothing but beautiful bundles of trouble, strife, and contempt! She will be recast!" 

Wendy growled and shouted something at him in response, but I personally would refrain from ever repeating it. It was that bad. Pietrovo ignored her, called the warden over, and had me removed from the cell, leaving Wendy by herself. A tear made its way to my eye as I met her gaze from the outside. She'd done her best to help me, and it had ended in only bitterness and defeat on her part. 

Pietrovo had me escorted back to my room by a team of four guards. It was a little amusing that he thought I needed that much security, but even that thought was soured by the fact that my blonde companion, no, my blonde friend, was still being punished for her selflessness. Limited as my skill set was, I would have to do something to help her out in return. 


A/N: Well, this was a very different chapter to write. Both sections, I wrote in a sort of summarizing fashion to lead to the next plot point, because let's be honest: Who actually wants to read three, four, five chapters about the events in those summaries? 😂 

Anyway, enough about my exertions to create a focused narrative. If you enjoyed, please remember to vote and comment! 

And now, my first question to you, dear reader, might sound like one of the generic one's I've asked already, BUT: What's your favorite character relationship in this book so far? (That can mean any relationship, not just romantic.) 

(This is hard for me. Baird and Khemera's student/teacher bond is definitely improving, which I like, but I might have to say Aaron and Keira's closeness as siblings touches my heart most. I might have to say them, with Abigail and Wendy as an honorable mention.) 

Random question incoming! 

If you could have one book you've written, taken and made into a movie, which one would you choose? (And if you don't write, you can do a dream you've had, or an idea!) 

(For me, it's a tough choice between this book and Hidden Things Revealed. Both would be AMAZING to see.) 

Well, that's it for me this morning. Until tomorrow's update, I must bid you adieu. See you then! 

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