Legend of Dragoon fanfiction...

By TheCowardlyTimelord

371 3 4

So this story will mostly follow the story of Legend of Dragoon but will have a few minor changes revolving a... More

Albert's Banquet
A Disgraced Knight
A Disgraceful Night
Hell In A Prison
Easy, To Easy
An Actual Battle
The Getaway
A Close Encounter
Zigfried's magic
Zigfried's Past Revealed
Through the Limestone Cave
Arrival in Bale
A Rival in Bale
Time for Lunch
I knew I forgot something
Calm Before The Storm
A Battle in Hoax
Feelings After Battle
Dark Secrets
A Short Break
Trial by Fire
A Nasty Fall
Lavitz's Trial
Friend or Foe

Caius and Zigfried

14 0 0
By TheCowardlyTimelord

"Hello Zigfried." said Caius.
"Caius!" yelled Zigfried knowing that the space they were in was made of Caius' magic.
"Did you really think that I wouldn't find a way to get at you, I mean I am honestly surprised that everything that I did about four years ago didn't break you, but then again you were always prepared for the worst, I even remember those times when you would talk to us about your nightmares and how you were afraid that the spirit of the Crimson Lady that haunts your family line would take you over and kill us all." stated Caius mockingly.
"Caius you were my third in command, you were the bravest of us, you were with me when fort Crimson Snow fell, you were by my side when I got reassigned to be a guard of the kingdom you excepted that task with me, my brother and the lady Brooke." stated Zigfried angrily.
"Ah yes that was a interesting day, I believe our first task was to guard the sacred sisters, a task that the three of you were so happy to take on, meanwhile I thought the task was grueling I was trained to be a knight not some baby sitter to some stupid blind girl who hated me." stated Caius angrily.
"How dare you speak ill of sister Luanna like that, she was orphaned in the fire at Neet the very fire that left you scared and led to the eventual destruction of our order." said Zigfried.
"Yes, yes don't remind me of such things Zigfried." said Caius as he touched the side of his face.
"I don't get your hatred of Luanna either, I remember that you loved to teach her magic, said that despite her being blind she had a real gift for it." said Zigfried.
"Yes though she was never interested in the spells that I wanted to teach, she said that the magic I chose only lead to the darkening of the soul." said Caius smiling.
"Well she was obviously right and I was just blinded by trust in others even over my trust in myself." said Zigfried shaking his head.
"You are making the same mistakes again I mean trusting a young thief that tried to kill you when you first met, a knight who asked you to injure yourself just so he could escape prison, a mercenary who left his village to get revenge, and a girl with powers far beyond your understanding." said Caius.
"What do you mean powers beyond my understanding?" asked Zigfried snapping out of the trance he was in due to his mind finally coming to focus on something that didn't have to do with Caius.
"No!" screamed Caius as he lost his hold over Zigfried's mind.

Back in a secret chamber in Hellena prison.

"I lost the connection with him before I could figure out where he was." said Caius as the image in the crystal ball in front of him faded.
"That was an impressive performance of magic for a mere human." stated the man in the hood questioningly.
"Human? Ha I am far from human and don't you dare think that I don't know what you are." said Caius smiling while revealing his misshapen red colored magic wings.
"You are... but how?" asked the man in the hood in utter surprise.
"Fort Crimson Snow is where powerful artifacts from the dragon campaign or otherwise where kept some were dangerous, some we played around with, some were living creatures, some were dead beasts, but to them I was little more than an asset." stated Caius.
"Emperor Diaz will not be happy to hear this." said the man in the hood.
"Emperor Diaz? He died over 11,000 years ago I should know his body was kept in storage at Fort Crimson Snow." stated Caius almost laughing.
"I no longer believe him to be the real Emperor Diaz from history but he is a man with knowledge of the dragon campaign like no other and he has only allowed me to call him Emperor Diaz." said the man in the hood.
"So you are following the orders of a man, Winglies have no reason to follow the orders of men." said Caius angrily.
"This man who commands me has magic powers unlike anything I have ever seen even what you just did was a mere parlor trick compared to what he can do." stated the man in the hood.
"Then what need do you truly have of me?" asked Caius smiling.
"You are willing to give me power that he is not I believe he is the only one with the power required to do what is necessary, but I fear for what comes after." stated the man in the hood.
"I see so what is your plan?" asked Caius.
"You are not to know at least not yet." answered the man in the hood.
"Fine then I believe that this "Emperor Diaz" shouldn't have any knowledge of my existence." stated Caius smiling.
"I agree." said the man in the hood as he walked over to the green teleporter and teleported away.

Back at the prairie when the mind link between Zigfried and Caius broke.

"Ugh Caius!" screamed Zigfried as he awoke suddenly.
"Calm down you were having a terrible nightmare." said Shana as she gave Zigfried a wet cloth.
"It wasn't a nightmare Caius was using dark magic on me he tried to figure out where we were luckily for us it works both ways he is working with a man in a hood and he was somewhere in Hellena that's all I got though." stated Zigfried sadly as he applied the wet cloth to his forehead.
"You were talking a lot in your sleep, you mentioned a town called Neet burning down, Neet is the village that I grew up in, what do you know about it?" asked Dart.
"You were in Neet during the fire?" asked Zigfried in surprise.
"Yes, now tell me what you know." said Dart with authority.
"It was during the time when the moon that never sets glares red, the night a black shadow sweeps across the land, the night the black monster shows up, it was also shortly after the birth of the princess of Mille Seseau, princess Louvia, it was a dark day for the kingdom my father and some other knights saw the fire in Neet and rushed to put out the fire I stayed behind with my brother, my friend Brooke and the grand master of our order who had fallen ill, it was a tragedy only Sir Caius returned from Neet and he was horribly burned the metal of his helmet burned into the side of his face, when the grand master saw his injuries he took him deep into the catacombs beneath fort Crimson Snow they both emerged a day later Caius still had a horrible scar but was otherwise fine but the grand master seemed weaker than before." stated Zigfried in a trance like state remembering everything that happened but not telling the complete truth as he was still under oath to never reveal the truth of that night.
"So you don't know of any other survivors or anything?" asked Dart.
"Sister Luanna is a survivor of Neet but was blinded in the fires, I am honestly surprised to have met another survivor, I might have even met you before, tell me your story Dart." said Zigfried questioningly.
"Well it happened when I was very young but both me and my parents managed to make it out of Neet alive, but my father as confident as ever charged back into the village to fight the black monster, shortly thereafter my mother followed him and that was the last I saw of them." said Dart sadly.
"What was your father's name?" asked Zigfried.
"My father's name was Zeig, why do you ask?" asked Dart in return.
"So my thinking was correct, I knew your father, well more accurately our fathers knew each other we often tried to convince your father to join us at fort Crimson Snow but your father always refused said he had enough of fighting said he was happy being a woodsman." said Zigfried.
"That does sound about right." said Dart.
"Well then Dart I say that you are now an unofficial member of the fallen order of fort Crimson Snow and I will make it my mission to train you as such." said Zigfried feeling a bit dizzy.
"Thanks I guess." replied Dart feeling something was off.
"Now if you don't mind I am feeling rather tired." said Zigfried as he collapsed again with blood leaking through his armor.
"Quickly get his armor off!" yelled Lavitz.

"Ugh what happened this time?" asked Zigfried coming to.
"Well as far as I can tell when Frugal hit you with his club it sent shards of your already damaged armor into your side but the pressure of the armor against your skin made it so you didn't bleed out." said Lavitz.
"Wait you removed my armor, where is it?" questioned Zigfried worriedly.
"Don't worry we are working on it so that it will offer you some protection until we get to Bale where we we get the best blacksmith in town to work on a new set of armor." said Lavitz.
"No it just needs some repairs let me fix it." said Zigfried as he tried to get up to leave the cabin.
"I was told to watch you while my leg heals but Bist managed to find some honey and mustard seed and Shana mixed it together the same way you did the night you met." said Lavitz as he handed the refilled vial of yellow liquid to Zigfried.
"Thanks." said Zigfried as he drank some of the liquid.
"I have never heard of anything like that helping to heal an injury before." said Lavitz questioningly.
"If I am being completely honest the honey and mustard seed are mostly for flavor the potion is mostly powder made from Arnica herb and the oil of a rare type of fish." stated Zigfried.
"Arnica, isn't that a rare herb only found on a select few islands?" asked Lavitz remembering hearing about it once before.
"Yes it is though there is one place where it still grows in abundance, it is a mostly forgotten island in Illsa bay where Gigantos still live." said Zigfried.
"You have met Gigantos?" asked Lavitz in surprise.
"Not only have I met them but if it weren't for their shaman I would be dead right now." said Zigfried confidently.
"Interesting I thought the Gigantos went all but extinct some 20 years ago." said Lavitz.
"Well yes all the ones on the mainland." said Zigfried sadly.
"Zigfried, Lavitz are you ready to go? we have finished repair Zigfried's armor, well at least to the best of our capabilities." said Bist.
"Yep, have you found a way across the river?" asked Lavitz.
"Yes we found this dead tree and thanks to Bist's help and quick thinking we managed to get it to the river." said Dart.

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