The Demon Of The Night [OUTDA...

By MaskedParkers

4.6K 302 256

After a series of brutal murders occur and men begin disappearing around Gotham City, Barbara Gordon begins h... More

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Dionaea Muscipula
Darlingtonia Californica
Drosera Rotundifolia
Cephalotus Follicularis
Drosera Capensis
Sarracenia Purpurea
Sarracenia Leucophylla
Pinguicula Vulgaris
Nepenthes Ventricosa
Aldrovanda Vesiculosa
Sarracenia Flava
Nepenthes Ampullaria
Drosera Spatulata
Utricularia Sandersonii
Nepenthes Rafflesiana
Drosera Binata
Nepenthes Bicalcarata
Utricularia Bifida
Nepenthes Alata
Drosera Adelae
Nepenthes lowii
Nepenthes Rajah
Sarracenia Psittacina
Nepenthes Truncata
Drosera Anglica
Drosera Aliciae
Drosera Burmannii
Nepenthes Mirabilis
Sarracenia Oreophila
Nepenthes Spathulata
Drosera Intermedia
Nepenthes Maxima
Nepenthes Albomarginata
Nepenthes Khasiana
Nepenthes Villosa
Utricularia Vulgaris
Sarracenia Alata
Sarracenia Minor
Drosera Regia
Drosera Peltata
Pinguicula Moranensis
Pinguicula Grandiflora
Nepenthes Sanguinea

Drosera Filiformis

41 1 0
By MaskedParkers

The doorbell rang just as Harvey had put down the telephone. "Hold on, I'll be right down!" He called out from his bedroom, grabbing his coat on his way out.

He had barely opened the door when Pamela came rushing in. She was wearing a cloak that covered her face and hair. However, her signature green apparel and floral scent indicated to Harvey who this was.

"Hey, Pamela. What are you doin-"

"Oh, Harvey, I need your help. It's Selina," she cried, not even giving him a chance to greet her. "She's been unlawfully taken to Arkham!"

"Pamela, calm down." He wrapped his arms around her. "I know about Selina. I was the one who got the court order for her."

"You?" She pushed back her hood, revealing a pair of piercing green eyes. "But why, my love?"

"The girl obviously needs help. She's damaged. Who wouldn't be after having the kind of past she had?"

"Let me guess. Bruce Wayne asked you to do this." Pamela scowled.

"Yes, he was a witness to the crime scene last night." Harvey stared at his fiancee with a confused frown. "Why do you ask?"

"Harvey, my darling, you must let Selina go. It was just a pair of earrings. She could spend a few nights in jail, do some community work, and pay a fine. I will even pay it for her. I have the money." Pamela smiled, placing her hands on his chest. "Do it for me."

"Pamela, you know I can't do that. I can't just sweep this whole thing under the rug." He tilted her chin upwards. "Even if she is your friend."

"I will make sure she keeps her paws to herself from now on." She adjusted his tie. "Just this once. Please, Harvey?"

"I'm sorry." He moved out of her grasp. "I'll see you tonight, alright?" He turned back when she didn't answer, seeing her scowl deepen before she stormed off to the bedroom in silence.

"Pamela!" Harvey called out as she ran up the stairs. "Wait! Pamela!" He continued yelling, following her up to his room. He found her sitting at the vanity set with her hands concealing her face as if she were crying.

"Pamela, what's wrong?" He slowly approached her. "Don't cry. Everything will be okay, you'll see."

"No, Harvey. It won't," she sobbed into her hands.

Harvey's patience had worn thin. "Pamela, I don't have time for this. Bruce just called and I have to go down to the police station-"

"Enough, Harvey," she cut him off. "I cannot say I am surprised. You men are such hypocrites."

"What? Pamela-"

"I cannot worry about my friends, but you can." Her fingers tensed up around her face. "You men stand here and punish a woman forced into something you all created. You judge her for something you all have an insatiable demand for!"

"What are you talking abo-"

"I am sorry it has to be this way, but we are through, Harvey." She finally removed her hands; her crimson hair covering her face.

"Are- Are you leaving me?" He demanded.

Suddenly, Pamela lunged off the chair and into the man's arms, spinning him around. "Of course not. Don't be ridiculous." She pressed her lips against his.

She deepened it as Harvey gradually relaxed into her embrace. However, Harvey made the mistake of opening his eyes just enough to catch a glimpse of their reflection in the mirror. Enclosed around him were not red-painted nails, but sharpened claws. Looking at him in the mirror were no longer normal eyes, but ones with green irises encased in red.

"I'm eating you," she whispered, taking hold of his lips between her teeth and biting down.


Seeing Bruce grow frustrated was something Barbara never thought she'd witness. But it was even more delightful than she ever imagined. In fact, it was probably the only good thing to come from this situation.

"I thought he would be here by now." Bruce gazed at the clock on the wall.

"Well, the weather is pretty bad. I wouldn't be surprised if he stayed home." Sarah shrugged.

"He does have that lovely fiancee after all. Why would he be here freezing instead of with her?" Detective Bullock chimed in.

Make that two good things because seeing Bruce's eyes flash with angry realization was also amusing.

But Barbara's enjoyment soon came to an end when her dad called her into his office.

"Barbara, come in here," James ordered, eyeing Bruce.

"Yeah, what's going on?" She crossed her arms as she entered.

"I need to know everything." He shut the door. "And I mean everything."

"Dad, what are you talking about?"

James leaned back against the door. "Bruce's words made me realize- or rather remember something. Was Richard in your room last night?"

"Wha- No! There was no one there!" Barbara's arms dropped to her sides. "Are you believing Bruce now?!"

"I am just making sure that I am getting all the facts, Barbara!" James rubbed his temple before letting out a deep exhale. "Because what I saw last night chilled me to the bone."

"It must have been your imagination." She turned her back towards him.

"Why didn't you tell me that you and Richard became a couple again?" James asked softly.

"Because I wasn't sure how you would react. And if you reacted badly, I know I would react the same," Barbara admitted with a sigh.

"What did you think I would say?"

"That I wasn't allowed to see him. Which I would say, 'how dare you. You get to have someone and I don't.'" Barbara's shoulders slumped down. "Or something like that."

"Oh, honey." James hugged her. "I might have been upset. As much as I hate to admit it, it was bound to happen. Sooner or later, though I would have preferred later. And with someone not related to Bruce Wayne."

Barbara couldn't help but laugh at that.

"I think it is time we wrap this case up." James smiled at his daughter. "And we can get you home."

"I would actually prefer something to eat first." Barbara grinned back, wrapping her arm around her dad as they walked out the door.

No, the best thing to happen today was hearing her dad order his officers not to process his daughter.

And of course, seeing Bruce Wayne nearly lose it upon hearing that.

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