By fvckinwrite

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While Sam and Dean were looking for their father, they come to find out that they have a sister... Not only i... More

𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞.
quick a/n pls read!!!
𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨.
vote for a face claim!
a/n (again sorry!)


8K 259 43
By fvckinwrite

XXI. sybbie?!

                    AFTER SYBIL SPENT MOST OF THE day alone in the motel room, she began to grow tired of the four walls that surrounded her. She desperately yearned to go outside, but she knew better than to piss off her older brothers. Although they felt like they knew what was best for her, she couldn't help but feel like she was more of a burden.

Before Sybil could dig deeper into her inner thoughts, she heard two doors of the Impala slammed shut. She instantly straightened her self out and acted as if all she did that day was rot her mind with cartoons.

Sam and Dean entered the motel room, instantly packing up their stuff.

"Did you finish the case already," Sybil asked, surprised at the short amount of time it took them.

Dean shook his head. "Nah, the drive here was horrendous. We are gonna get a motel room closer to the hospital."

Sybil nodded as she, too, gathered her belongings and began to head to the car.

"Sybs," Sam called out, causing her to turn around.


Sam held up a book. "You almost for got your spell book."

"Oh, yeah, my bad."

Sybil took the spell book out of Sam's hands and walked to the Impala.

"Man, this is getting out of hand," Dean whispered. "We need to have a talk with her."

"After this case," Sam stated, "right now we need to find this thing before it gets to Sybil too."

Dean's eyes widened, just now realizing that Sybil fit the age profile the monster targeted. He nodded in agreement and went to the Impala to drive off to a new motel. 

                    WHEN THEY PULLED UP TO THE new motel room, Sam and Dean were having a conversation on what monster they were dealing with and how it had gotten away the last time the Winchesters encountered it. Sybil drowned out their conversation as usual and went ahead and entered the building, walking up to the front desk.

She rang the bell twice and out came a boy that was a couple years older than her.

"Uh, hi," the blonde boy greeted, shocked to see a younger girl checking into a motel room by herself.

Sybil smiled slightly, hugging her bags tightly. "Hey."

"Are you here by yourself?"

She shook her head. "I'm with my brothers, but they're busy arguing."

"About what," the boy questioned, slightly glancing at the two tall figures that stood on the opposite side of the door.

Sybil shrugged. "Adult things, I guess."

"What's your name?"

"Sybil, but people call me Billie," the youngest Winchester introduced.

The boy knitted his eyebrows close together. "Billie? That's a boy's name."

Sybil rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, call me Sybil if it's too boy-ish for you."

The boy stood there, staring at the little girl. "How about Sybbie?"

"No one's ever called me that before," Sybil thought out loud.

"Well, I like it, so I'm gonna call you that."

Sybil shrugged once more. "Whatever makes you happy. What's your name?"

"Michael," the boy smiled.

The little girl extended her hand. "Well, pleased to meet you, Michael."

"Yeah, ditto."

Dean walked in, seeing Sybil and Michael holding hands. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, did I miss something?"

"Nothing at all, sir," Michael reassured sarcastically, a tight smile forming on his lips. "A king or two queens?"

"Two queens," Dean replied, staring at the boy with a lack of trust.

Michael looked at Dean and then at Sam that waited outside with the Impala. He returned his gaze at the oldest Winchester, raising his eyebrows. "Yeah, I bet."

Sybil giggled as Dean placed a hand on the top of her head, as if he were warning her. He returned his attention to Michael. "What'd you say?"

"Nice car," Michael complimented, smiling and nodding as he attempted to change the subject.

"Yeah, it's his baby," Sybil informed, standing on her tippy toes to rest her chin on the counter.

Before anyone could say another word, a woman walked in. "Hi, checking in?"

Dean turned around to face the woman. "Yeah."

"Uh, do me a favor. Go get your brother some dinner," the woman, who turned out to be Michael's mom, instructed the young boy.

"I'm helping a guest," Michael said, defying his mothers order.

The woman gave Michael a stern look until he finally complied and did as she said. As Michael began to back away from the counter, he makes eye contact with Dean who gave him a smart ass smirk.

"Two queens," Michael repeated to his mom, sending a nasty glare down Dean's way.

The woman goes behind the counter and begins writing down the information. Before Michael leaves, he leans over the counter and faces Sybil, a smirk tugging the ends of his lips. "Bye, Sybbie."

"Bye, Michael," Sybil waved, oblivious as to what Michael was doing to enrage her eldest brother.

Dean's eyes widened as Michael smirks at Dean. The older Winchester looks down at his younger sister. "The hell was that?"

"What? He just thought Billie was a boy name, so he called me Sybbie."

"So what? Do you like him?"

Sybil furrowed her eyebrows as she looked up at her brother, shocked that he would even suggest such a thing. "Dude, I'm, like, seven."

The woman, who was most likely Michael's mom, chuckled, instantly grabbing the two's attention.

"Funny kid," Dean said.

"Yours too," the woman smiled. "Will that be cash or credit?"

"Do you take MasterCard?"

Dean hands the woman the card and gets distracted by Michael and his brother. The lady attempts to give back the card, but Dean was too zoned out to realized.

"Deanie," Sybil whispered, tugging on his sleeve.

Dean snapped out of the trance and smiled at the woman. "Thanks."

Dean signed the receipt and grabbed the key from the lady. With his hand on Sybil's back, he led her out of the building and towards Sam.

"You'll never guess what happened," Dean said, grabbing Sam's attention once they reached the outdoors.


"I walked into the room seeing Sybil holding hands with the owner's kid."

Sam stood up, eyebrows raised and staring at Sybil. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Oh, my god," Sybil groaned, placing her hands over eyes.

"Yeah, and get this, he called her Sybbie," Dean continued.


"I hate you both," Sybil declared as she began to make her way towards the motel room. 

                    THE NEXT DAY, SAM AND DEAN were coming back after checking a lead, which was an old lady that lived in the hospital. Sam teased Dean on the events that happened earlier.

"Oh, yeah, laugh it on, man. We're back to square one."

As Sam began to unlock the door, Dean's gaze landed on Michael who was sitting on a bench outside of the main building, looking all upset.

"Hang on," Dean said.

Sam followed his gaze before walking after him, towards Michael.

"Is that the boy from last night," Sam questioned.

Dean nodded in response before crouching down in front of him. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"My brother's sick," Michael replied, turning to face Dean.

"The little guy?"

"Pneumonia," he confirmed. "He's in the hospital."

Dean and Sam looked at one another.

"Check on, Sybs," Dean whispered. Sam nodded as Dean continued the conversation with Michael.

Unlocking the door, Sybil sat up as she saw Sam enter the motel room.

"Where's Deanie?"

"Talking to Michael," Sam responded, relieved that his sister was alive and well.

Sybil raised an eyebrow in confusion. "About what?"

"Michael's brother is sick."

"It got to him," Sybil asked in a whisper.

Sam nodded. With that, Sybil got up and began to walk outside, joining both Dean and Michael. She sat next to Michael by the time he began blaming himself for what happened to his brother.

"If the window was latched," Michael began, "he wouldn't have gotten pneumonia."

"Listen to me," Dean started, his jaw clenched. "I can promise you that this is not your fault, okay?"

Michael turned towards Dean. "It's my job to look after him."

Sybil stood up. "Stop."


Dean's eyes widened as Sam attempted to sit Sybil down.

"I'm tired of hearing 'It's my job' blah, blah, blah. I've been hearing it non stop from this one," Sybil exclaimed, pointing at Dean after saying one. "We can only do so much and somethings are out of our control. Blaming yourself won't do anything but add on to the situation, so if you wanna help, then act now. Don't get stuck on where the blame's at because no one's blaming you but yourself."

Everyone stared at Sybil and all the pent up annoyance that resided in her. Before anyone could say a word, Michael's mom walked out with a pillow and blanket in her hands. She began instructing Michael on what to do while she was gone, but he protested and insisted that he came with her to see Asher.

Dean began to intervene. "Hey, Michael, I know how you feel. I'm a big brother, too, but you got to go easy on your mom right now, okay?"

Michael nodded, understanding the circumstances, as his mom dropped her purse.

"Dammit," she exclaimed.

"You're in no condition to drive," Sam stated, picking up her purse for her.

"Yeah, why don't you let me give you a lift to the hospital," Dean offered.

His mom shook her head in protest. "No, no, I couldn't possibly—"

"No, no trouble," Dean interrupted. "I insist."

Michael's mom reluctantly gave Dean the keys and kissed Michael on the head. Dean looked at Sybil, ruffling her hair. "Don't get sick on me too, kid."

Sybil just nodded in response as Dean walked over to Sam, whispering that he wanted the Shtriga dead for what it did to the kids in this town and years prior.

As they Dean and Michael's mom drove away, Sam looked at the two kids, an uncomfortable, tight smile stretching his lips thin. "Hey, I'm gonna head to the library. You two keep a look out for each other, okay?"

Sybil smirked, crossing her arms over her chest. "Do I have your permission to hang out with Michael?"

Sam chuckled, rolling his eyes slightly. "Yes, Sybs. Just be careful."

Sybil nodded as she faced the blonde boy. "C'mon, Michael. Let's get chocolate cake!"

I thought this was a pretty cute chapter! I hope y'all enjoyed!

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