Healing Her

By _Happyilyeverafter

149K 6.6K 413

#1 in husbandandwife 2020 #1 in September 2019 #8 in kindness (12/09/19) Inaya was a girl full of life and al... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 31

2.6K 148 11
By _Happyilyeverafter


Ray are you alright? I asked keeping my hand on his shoulder.

Not at all.. All I do with Em is chatting, I have never seen her either..I'm just not ready to get married.

Man I wasn't ready to get married too, I shrugged.

Neither me.. Inaya added.

Yeahh see look at us now I winked looking at Inaya and she blushed, besides we both already know you are like each other, I stated.

I just see her as a friend, she is a nice girl, Ray muttered.

Ray.. Dont you wanna see your soon to be bride photo? Let me send you.. Inaya asked.

I don't think it is good bhabhi.. Ray replied.

Why not? Besides Em has already seen you, I winked.

Yeah and she thinks that you're deadly handsome, Inaya added.

Really? Does she think I'm handsome? Ray asked surprised.

Look at your curiosity, That's it man.. Welcome to crazy world, I teased.

Don't annoy him.. Let me show you Em's picture, Inaya said and showed him. Ray's jaw dropped when he saw her.

She is beautiful isn't she? I asked.

Yeah she is.. I mean no.. She is fine.. Ray stuttered.

Inaya then don't send him Em's picture, I smiled looking at Inaya.

She played along with me, Okay Yasin let me go talk to Em.

Wait.. Bhabhi, my parents were asking her photo.. Can I have one? Ray asked.

Did not you already say they went and saw her, I guess they won't need one..besides you said it isn't good right? I asked raising my eyebrow.

Yeah if you want her picture, you can ask her though. She won't mind sharing it to her future groom, Inaya chucked and went to her room.

Dude I don't want to marry...its a lot of responsibility and what if she doesn't likes me? What if I can't fill her needs.. What if it becomes a mistake, Ray sighed.

Wait.. You don't wanna marry because you think you won't be good enough for her? I questioned.

Absolutely.. I mean I don't even take care of myself how can I take care of her? She deserves better person..

Wait.. Something is wrong with you.. I looked at him surprised not believing what he is just telling me, I understood that he likes her.

Whats wrong? He looked confused.

You always never wanted to marry because you were enjoying your free life.. But now your not thinking about you.. And your thinking about her? I can't believe dude.. Trust me this means you really do like her.

What the hell man? Whatever he said and got up.

I put my hands around his neck teasing him and said, you know someone always used to tease me.. That I'm crazy in love and I guess now it's my turn.. Karma dude.

He pushed me and said Love? Me? Never.. And walked away. I chucked and went to my room to take a shower.

When I came to kitchen, I saw Inaya was washing vessels and some of her straids of hair were hiding her eyes. She was trying to put them back but they kept coming.

I went closer to her and from behind I holded her hair, she got starlted and turned. The next thing I know is water dripping from my face. She poured the water on my face from the glass she was washing.

I looked at her surprised, Awww I'm so sorry hubby, wait let me clean it and she ran and brought a towel and wiped my face.



Oh gosh what did you do.. He is going to be so mad at me, I thought and wiped his face trying to not look at his eyes. His eyes were my weekness. I did not want to get lost in his beautiful eyes.

Are you angry? I asked after I was done wiping his face.

Nope, he said with no expression. But then why are you not saying anything?

Should I say something? He said and walked to room. I followed him.. Aww your angry right? I was just scared that it was someone else, I never knew its you.. I muttered looking guilty.

Its okay Inaya.. I will get ready, can you go..

Ya Allah I think he is annoyed, he isn't even looking at me. I wanted to calm him so I went near him and holded his shirts sleeve very litely and made puppy face looking at him and said Sorry na hubby don't be mad on me.. I really dint know it's you.

Offo Inaya.. I told you it's nothing, let me get ready for office... Its already late please move, don't block my way.

How is it nothing your not even looking at me and I don't know why your behaving strange because of this water thing, I just did not wanted you to be mad, I sighed and took a step aside.

He holded my hand and pushed me against the cupboard and said, You are driving me crazy.. I'm not angry at you, I can never be angry at you I don't know why I find everything attractive about you.. Just don't.. Just don't be this cute, it's hard for me to hold back. I have to go to office!

I could sense his eyes were fixed on me, and what he just confessed make my heart jump. Butterflies were flying around my stomach and I tried to not look at his adorable eyes.

See I'm making you uncomfortable, that's why I was quite.. he left my hand and sighed.

Who said you to hold back? I whispered.

What? He looked at me with a bright smile.

I pulled him closer holding his collar and kissed him on his cheeks. His jaw dropped.. Now you can go get ready for the office hubby, I said while trying to hide my smile.

Do it once more na please? He begged.

Naah I'm busy.. Byee I gotta go I said and walked out.

Don't move.. Or you are going to regret, he warned.

I did not listen to him and kept walking towards the door. He blocked my way and stood hiding the door.

Yasin please let me go, I am already late for my work, I pleaded him.

You give me one more kiss and I will let you go, he smirked.

I don't feel like..I should have not given you one.. I shrugged off.

You should have not said that, He said and lifted me in his arms and whispered in my ears, how can you go to work, when you messed up mine. Its better we both stay the whole day together, just you and me, he winked making me blush so hard.

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