My Love

By Tsurako-ko

465 14 47

Umi has always been embarrassed about the thought of love. Now she has to push herself. Why? It's Kotori's bi... More

Chapter 1- My Love
Chapter 2- Together again
Chapter 3- Our special day.
Chapter 4- Together once again
Chapter 5- Happy brithday Umi

Happy Birthday Kotori! 2019

44 2 1
By Tsurako-ko

Alright imma write this chapter third person. It's been long since I've last done that. Gonna try to mix up third person and first person .-.

I wonder how this will go.

Today is Kotori's birthday! Sadly.. Umi isn't home to celebrate it with her. It's been 3 months since Umi came home actually. Umi has travelled quite a distance away from Akiba to meet up with her sister. Umi's older sister has started her own business outside of Akiba with her husband. Umi's parents and Umi herself decided to stay there for a few months to help out the older sister since they barely even see each other.. so it's a family meet up in a way. 

But guess what? Umi really hasn't gave Kotori a clear answer when she will be returning.. so guess when Umi in returning? Well she actually came back to Akiba a few days before Kotori's birthday.. 

Umi has been living with out bread loving girl! Kousaka Honoka and alongside the communist- I mean.. the elegant ballet.. chocolate loving communist Ayase Eli! 

"Okay Umi-chan! Get in." 

"I'm not getting in the box Honoka."

"Just get inn!!! Do it before Kotori-chan comes home!" 

"Ugghh.. I refuse!" 

"But Umi-ccchhaaannn!!" Honoka whines. Shaking Umi every so lightly and begging her to get into the box. "We got so lucky that you came home with the house keys! We got so far and even made it into your house! Kotori-chan would least expect it!" 

Umi falls to her knees. A quick glance at the box and a quick glance at the calendar. Umi has been gone for quite a few months.. and Kotori has been home alone every since. Coming home all by her lonesome and even sleeping alone. Waiting for the day that Umi would return home.

Rin, Hanayo, Maki, and Nico are bringing in Umi's luggages and unpacking everything for her. Umi is home in Akiba now and is done helping out her sister. Her sister and business had a great start so Umi prays it'll stay like that. 

Nozomi, Eli, Tsubasa, Anju, and Erena are setting up the surprise. Honoka did "plan" a party at some restaurant so Kotori believe she'll go out and eat, but does not expect a house party. 

It's up to Honoka to present Umi! 

The box is fairly large. Standing at 6' tall and 5' wide with a depth of 4'. This is some big box! To ensure that Umi has room to breathe and even move around a bit. The girls have no clue when Kotori will be arriving home. She comes home early, late, and sometimes Kotori doesn't even know when she'll clock out. 

How will Umi even get in the box..

"NYAAAA!! Maki-chan that tickles!!" 

... God knows what's happening in Umi and Kotori's room, but hearing Rin scream.. gave Honoka an idea! 

Honoka flips the box to a position that the entrance is on the ground and right in front. Presents are meant to be opened from the top, but this time.. they'll have to open the box from the side. 

"Okay Umi-chan! Crawl in."

"I.. what." Umi is embarrassed to crawl on her fours. Let alone.. to even crawl into a box and by the time Kotori opens it.. crawling out of the box is something else. 

"It's okay Umi-chan! Kotori-chan will becoming home soon.. but she's not here yet! You have all the time." 

"H-Honoka.." Umi looks at her ring. She didn't buy a ring that would be.. so expensive or outstanding, but it's very nice and fairly pricey. Do it for Kotori! Umi would repeat that phrase to herself. 

"Go on Umi-chan. It'll be a nice surprise!" Honoka sneaks a collar around Umi's neck. 

"W-what's this?!"

"It'll detect your heart rate, breathing, and other stuff to make sure you're fine. It'll also detect the oxygen percentage in the box as well." 

"R-really Honoka?" Umi can see the collar and it doesn't look so high tech.. but it seems like Honoka and the other girls have really been planning a giant box surprise for Kotori.. so there's no turning back. 

Umi drops down to her fours and crawls inside the box. She has enough space to turn around and face Honoka from inside the box. 

"I-is this okay, Honoka?" Umi asks.

"Right on! I just have to put this in..." Honoka picks up the leash and makes sure it's in the box. "Also wear this! It's a party hat." Honoka attaches a neko cat ear headband on Umi's head. "Does it hurt?"

"No.. I think it fits fine. What's up with the party hats? It's.. embarrassing." 

"Ah, don't worry too much Umi-chan. It was Rin-chan's idea." 

"Oh... I see.." 

"Oh! I forgot one more thing! I'll just squeeze myself in!" Honoka somehow manages to squeeze into the box. Going half way into the box and attaches something onto Umi's pants. "It's our colour code Umi-chan. We can't forget about those."

"R-right. Thank you, Honoka. I'm sure Kotori would love the surprise." 

"Oh I bet she would! She was about to buy a pet ya know. She's been alone for so long without you home. She totally misses you and we all try our best to see Kotori-chan when we have the chance."

"Is that so? I should've brought Kotori-chan along with me.. but she wanted to stay home and wanted me to bond with my older sister. It's been fun with her, but I dearly miss Kotori. I was planning to stay with my older sister for another month or two, but I came home out of selfishness to see my wife." 

"Ehehehe~ That's so romantic of you, Umi-chan." 

"Honoka! D-don't say it like that.. It's embarrassing. An-anyways.. what kind of pet Kotori-chan wanted? A bird? Dog?"

"Hmm.. Rin actually bought a stray cat home and tried her best to let Kotori-chan keep it.. but Kotori said that she's always busy with work and will always come home late. Leaving the animal all alone and has no idea how to care for one. She wanted to make sure there's two animals so they play with each other, but again Kotori-chan can't even take care of an animal."

"Is that so? Maybe I'll get her a relaxed pet and a friend to go along.. I've taken care of some animals before with my older sister actually. She has a dog and it's really aggressive." 

"Ehhh? Sounds scary Umi-chan!"

"You've.. had a dog, right?"

"Mmhmm, but it was Yukiho's dog. Not really mine, but I'd help Yukiho care for it here and there. She was an amazing girl."

"I see.. maybe you can give Kotori some tips about caring for an animal, but it'll be okay now.. I'm home." 

"Mmmhmm! And your butt should look nice."


"Ahahha~" Honoka gets out of the box. Gives Umi a head pat even. "I'm closing up the box and I'll lightly tape it. That way there will be no trouble opening the box, but it'll stay closed. If you need anything just text me. You have enough space to move around." 


"See ya Umi and Kotori will love her new pet- Ermmm- present!" Honoka closes up the box and lightly tapes it with masking tape. The tape is fairly weak, but will get the simple job done. 

Lucky for Umi- 30 minutes have gone by and Kotori coming home. The girls have already finished prepping the food and decorations for Kotori's birthday. The former first years and Nico tried their best to unpack Umi's stuff and hide it at the same time so Kotori will have no clue that Umi is home. 

Kotori has to change out of her work close and quickly wash up so meaning.. they'll have to hide evidence that Umi is home. 

Kotori's POV

Eheh~ my favourite song! 

idk what I did but these are some big letters lmao

o.. back to small letter

 I can't copy and paste links.. -______-

Take two! 

Kotori's POV

Ehehe my favourite song~ Todokete- 

*Morning flower alarm plays* 

Hmm.. why do I still have that as my ring tone? Oh well! 

"Answer" I command.

"Hello? Kotori-chan?"

"Honoka-chan? Hi~"

"Hello! When are you coming home?"

"In about.. four minutes. Just one more right turn and down the neigbourhood!" 

"Ah, alrighty Kotori-chan! We're all preparing to get dressed and all. See you at the.. umm.. what restaurant was it called again?"


"Pearl! Right! See you there Kotori-chan!" 

"Okay Honoka-chan. See you girls there." 

.. :(

I sigh.. Umi hasn't been answering my calls today. Not even yesterday as well! She didn't even say happy birthday to me... maybe she's working hard and is really exhausted. Ohh.. if only I decided to tag along with Umi-chan.. I would rub her body until her soreness and stiffness is gone! 

I miss Umi-chan.. it's been really quiet in my room. I hope she can talk with me tonight.. I just want her to say happy birthday to me. It'll really make my day ;-; 

Yosh yosh yosh.. tapping on the break pedal and a smooth left turn into my house. Put it on park, parking break, engine off, power off- Yosha! I'm home. 


Eh? Did I.. close the blinds? I must've.. I don't recall closing my window blinds.. I always leave them open to brighten up my house. Strange.. I was really tired this morning so I might've forgotten to pull the blinds up. 

Hmm hmm hm~ 

Humming my way up the stairs. My welcome mat is nice and dirty so I'd better give it a good wash >.> 

I'm really excited to see my friends! We all get to eat out at some very nice restaurant nearby and I get to see them! Hehhehe~ It's going to be a fun night. 




"Nyyaa... Sorry.. I still have my allergies after giving the cat to some animal shelter.. Acccchooooo! It was hungry and all.. I hope they take good care of it- ACCHOOOO!" 

"Rin! Quiet! Kotori-chan can be home anytime soon."

"Ah... sorry Honoka-nnggyyaa.." 

"Oh crap her car is literally outside girls! Quickly before she opens the door! Hide!" I can even hear Nico-chan's voice -.-

Of course it's those three.. who else would've gave away a hiding spot? What are they doing in my house? How did they get in? Well.. one way to find out.. maybe I should act surprised to.. not kill the mood >.> 

"Gotcha!" I feel a pair of hands holding my waist! 

I instantly jump and turn around to see Nozomi-chan. 

"Nozomi-chan! You scared me!" 

"I bet you heard those three, but you didn't see me coming. Happy birthday." 

"Ahahah~ You got me for sure Nozomi-chan." 

"And we got you two Kotori-chan!" 

"KYAA!!" I jump again and turn around to my front door. Honoka's beautiful, bright smile pierces my heart.. and I feel like I'm back in high school all over again. So many years have passed and.. Honoka-chan still have her smile. 

"Ahaha~ Me and Nozomi-chan scared you! The plan was successful girls! Come in Kotori-chan!" 


Honoka takes me inside and I can't believe they can do this in such a short amount of time. So many silver and gold balloons, the table is filled with so many foods! I can even see my cheesecake!! I wonder what kind of birthday cake I'll get? I bigger cheese cake?! 



What's with the box? 

Third Person POV

It is.. the author! Return! Time for some references to my other stories and.. someone else's uwu. Kotori takes off her foot wear and goes upstairs to change into something nice for pictures, but also feels home cozy like. Well.. she has to go for a quick wash first to wash off hard days of work off her back! 

So Kotori be catching the SHSHHHHHhh- the shower. Boom! Clean! Dry herself up and blow dry the hair! No need to rush! Everyone is waiting patiently. Open the closet. What to pick out?

A simple dress! The skirt is not too long and it's silky smooth. White long sleeves and a light green coloured skirt that reaches down to her knees. Double white thigh high socks and good to go! 

"I'll show you all!" Maki takes a deep breath and has her gift out. Nozomi is recording and seems like Maki is about to do something she wanted to do a long time ago. The first time Maki did this love confession was way back in high school when the theme for a song would be romantic! Turned out to be everyone's idea and work into one and the birth of Snow Halation! 

Anyways- Nico teased Maki about being the tsundere she always was and Maki wanted to prove Nico wrong. Nozomi brings out her trust camera! Ready to record Maki's new found confident in expressing her love. 

"I love you and I mean it!" Maki hands out the gift to Nozomi- the camera person and Nozomi takes the gift without saying anything. Just like she did back in high school. "I could be some delinquent, umm.. gangster.. Yakuza or even some random hooligan on the street- After laying my eyes upon you.. I say this with all of my heart and soul. I love you and I mean it!" 

"Ohhh! Nice one Maki-cchi!" Nozomi applauds. 

"Hmph. Only an idiot like Nozomi would fall for that." 

"What was that Nico?" Maki and Nico are now in a face off. 

"Hate to admit though.. even a super cute idol like me would fall for such.. words from you Maki." 

"N-nani sore? Imi Wakannai!" 

"Gotcha." Nico smugs. 

Maki.. accepts her defeat and loses the bet. Nico still manage to prove that Maki is still the tomato loving tsundere. For once.. Nico outsmarted Maki .-. 

Kotori raises an eye brow and just smiles at the commotion. What catches her eye... is the box. 

"Alright! Girls let's all settle down." Tsubasa and Honoka make their way to the box. "Tsubasa-chan was kind enough to get our hands on this massive box."

"You're welcome Honoka. Now can I go back to my wife?"

"Umm.. sure Tsubasa-chan."

"Thanks~ My Nico seems a little bit.. prideful. She did a gwood jawb outsmarting Maki-chan~ Who's my good little Nico~" 

"Oi.. I'm not some kid." 

"Nya... Maki-nya doesn't seem to care that much. Do you?"

"Umm.. yea. Sure." Maki really feels dumb xd. For Nico to outsmart Maki is something else. Almost like.. it's.. it's a body switch you know? Like.. Nico is smarter than usual.. hmmmm.. 

Wink wink. 

"Kotori-chan, you may open the box." 

"O-okay.." Kotori rips off the masking tape. Slowly opening the box and.. Time stops. The last person she would expect to be at the party.. and the last person to wear such an.. adorable outfit. Sonoda Umi, Kotori's new pet Neko-

"WAit Wait Wait!" Umi gets out of the box as fast as she can and takes a goooood look at herself. "This is a leash! How did I not notice the leash?! Colour code? It's a tail attached to my paints?! You all aren't wearing colour codes?!"

"Say cheese!" Anju takes a picture of neko Umi. 

"Oh.. cheese." Umi awkwardly smiles at Anju. "Wait! Honokaaaa!!! You did this to me?!"

"Well duh! Kotori-chan said she wanted a pet. So.. got her a cat." 

"What?!" Umi's face is flush Maki hair red. 

"I think it's kawaii~" Kotori holds onto the leash. "I love the gift Honoka-chan!" 

"Hehe~" Honoka gives Umi the smuggg. Now Honoka is the one to outsmart Umi! Outsmart? Well.. yea. I guess. 

"I.. I can't believe it." ;-; Now Umi and Maki are in the same boat. 

"Nyaa~ Umi-chan looks adorable." 

"I know right, Rin-chan! Umi-chan! You're back!!!" Kotori gives Umi the long awaited hug. Burying her face into Umi's chest and holding her close while gripping onto the leash. "I've really missed you.. Umi-chan."

"A-aaahh... I really missed you two, Kotori.. U-um.. it's quite embarrassing.." 

"Is it shameless?"

"N-not at all.. I don't think so.. even if I'm wearing a ridiculous accessory.. I love you and I mean it, Kotori. Happy birthday." 

"Ain't that so romantic Honoka?" 

"It is, Eli-chan."

"I'll never understand what goes through your head. Well it's about time I hand in my gift.. or I can let them make out for a bit longer. I think that's okay too."

"Ahahha~ maybe we should go and eat! The food will get cold you know."

"I've been dying wanting to eat your fried rice Honoka. You and Nico really hit it out of the park this time. Though.. Nico's curry is really.. seductive." 



"I think you sexual talking to me has made you sexually talking to food now." -____-

"What? no way Honoka... really?"

"I think between the 12 of us.. you are the one that has changed most. If anything Erena is like the old you." >.>

"Is that so? Oh well! Let's go eat, Honoka."

"Right on Eli-chan!"

"Oh! Before that- Umm.. what did you get Kotori?"

"Me? Oh.. in the box should be all the bread..." 

"Nyaa... Umi-nya your legs is filled with crumbs." 

"It wasn't my idea to put a whole bunch of bread in the box." -.-

"Ahahha~ there goes Honoka's present." Kotori-chan takes a picture of Honoka's despair. Watching her bread crumble to pieces like that.. she may have outsmarted Umi in a way, but she has a long time until she can give the ultimate smug look. 

And with that! Happy birthday Kotori! Thanks for the five love gems.. until then.. Eli's birthday is next month! Do I pull for her... Hmmm.. 

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