The Demon Of The Night [OUTDA...

By MaskedParkers

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After a series of brutal murders occur and men begin disappearing around Gotham City, Barbara Gordon begins h... More

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Dionaea Muscipula
Darlingtonia Californica
Drosera Rotundifolia
Cephalotus Follicularis
Drosera Capensis
Sarracenia Purpurea
Sarracenia Leucophylla
Pinguicula Vulgaris
Nepenthes Ventricosa
Aldrovanda Vesiculosa
Sarracenia Flava
Nepenthes Ampullaria
Utricularia Sandersonii
Nepenthes Rafflesiana
Drosera Binata
Nepenthes Bicalcarata
Utricularia Bifida
Nepenthes Alata
Drosera Adelae
Nepenthes lowii
Nepenthes Rajah
Sarracenia Psittacina
Nepenthes Truncata
Drosera Anglica
Drosera Aliciae
Drosera Filiformis
Drosera Burmannii
Nepenthes Mirabilis
Sarracenia Oreophila
Nepenthes Spathulata
Drosera Intermedia
Nepenthes Maxima
Nepenthes Albomarginata
Nepenthes Khasiana
Nepenthes Villosa
Utricularia Vulgaris
Sarracenia Alata
Sarracenia Minor
Drosera Regia
Drosera Peltata
Pinguicula Moranensis
Pinguicula Grandiflora
Nepenthes Sanguinea

Drosera Spatulata

45 3 0
By MaskedParkers

Barbara had been lucky that the next day was a Saturday. If it had been a school day, she would have never made it through. However, for every small stroke of luck, a new problem seemed to immediately arise. Not only had she just picked up a college application from the University while looking absolutely ghoulish, but she still had to technically volunteer at the library.

"I don't think I can do this..." Barbara staggered up the steps towards the library.

Just as she said this, a police car pulled up beside her.

"He-ey! Barbara!" Officer Bard waved to her from the driver's side. "Whoa, you look- uh-"

"Terrible? I know," Barbara sighed, walking up to the car.

"Y-Yeah. Did you miss out on some sleep?" He scratched the back of his neck.

"You could say that." Barbara leaned into the window and looked into the car. "Why are you here?"

"Well, I figured you probably wouldn't go to the library after what happened, so I came to escort you home. You are still under my protection." He winked. "Especially now."

"Of course my dad would suggest that you drive me home after last night." Barbara opened the door and sat down beside him.

"Well, not only that but I have something to tell you. I have a new lead on the disappearances!"

Caught off guard by this, Barbara snapped her head towards the officer. "Wait, what? Does that mean Pamela-"

"No, it doesn't have anything to do with her. Let me explain. I went to the spots where the men were last seen and did some interviews. I found out that there have been two women spotted in pretty much each location around the same time the men disappeared. But this doesn't account for the murder scenes. They weren't spotted there."

"Okay, well, that seems more than just a coincidence." She folded her arms across her chest. "Anyway, how were people able to remember two random women?"

"Yeah, I was surprised people were able to remember them too. One of them had blonde hair tied into pigtails, which is uncommon for a grown woman. Her accent was also distinctive. The other wasn't as noticeable. The only thing was that she was wearing a lot of jewelry and had a feather boa."

A memory was triggered upon hearing this description. Especially the description of the blonde woman.

"Did the blonde one have pale skin? Did the other one have her black curly hair?" Barbara started to ask before he cut her off.

"Why are you asking? Do you know these women?"

"I might. If they are who I think they are, they are friends of Pamela. They were there with her at the Halloween ball. And I remember them the night I was in East End. The same night Pamela helped me!" Barbara's arms fell from her chest, waving around in the air eagerly.

"A-Are you sure? Cause this could be a huge break in the case-"

"Yes! At the very least, you have to question them!" She pointed to him.

"Well, I was stumped before. But now, I have a lead as to where I could find them. Wow, this is insane!" Officer Bard clutched his hat, seeming just as excited as the girl beside him.

"I know! We're so close to solving everything now!" No longer were her spirits weighed by her former gloom. This unexpected news had raised them to unbelievable heights.

"Then I have to go to the Isley mansion as soon as possible! In fact, I'll go immediately after I drop you off." He started to drive away from the curb. "You know, Barbara, you're going to make a great detective. No offense to the commissioner, but screw what he says! You have a future here on the Gotham Police Department."

Barbara couldn't help but smile at this compliment. But it wasn't just any smile, it was a smile that made her lips quiver. "Thank you, Officer Bard. That means a lot to hear. I really appreciate it."

"Hey, now don't get all weepy on me." He chuckled.

"I'm not!" Barbara folded her arms again, looking away to hide the tears in her eyes.


As soon as her head hit the pillow, Barbara had instantly crashed. She was in such a deep and peaceful sleep that she failed to awaken when her dad entered.

"Barbara, I have something to ask you. Did Officer Bard come to pick you up today?" He shook her until she stirred.

Barbara wiped her groggy eyes."Huh? Y-Yeah, why?"

James did not remove his hand from her shoulder. "Because he hasn't returned to the station."

"W-What?!" The girl immediately sprung up from her mattress, reaching over her nightstand for her glasses.

"Do you know where he was going afterward? Did he say anything?" James's brown eyes were filled with worry and his questions carried the same emotion.

"He was going to the Isley mansion. He had a potential lead in the disappearances." Barbara's tone now matched her father's. "Maybe he just hasn't left yet. Maybe he's barely coming back!"

"That is possible since no one has seen him around the city." James paused. "There's no need to get worked up about this. Everything will be alright. I'm just going to go over and-"

"No!" Barbara interrupted, latching onto her dad's hand. "You don't know what might have happened! You don't know what type of person Pamela might be."

"I appreciate the concern, Barbara. I have a gun in case anything happens. But I doubt there is any cause for concern now that you've told me where he went," James reassured with a smile, freeing himself from her grip.

Barbara could only furrow her eyebrows, hardly comforted by her father's words.

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