Just What The Doctor Ordered...

By drunkardcho

4.5K 262 25

"It's just..a feeling I guess. Like something's about to happen, but I don't know what. If that means what I... More

The Walls Are Closing In
Too Close For Comfort
Overhead Of The Aqua Blue
Is It Still Me That Makes You Sweat
A Wonderful Caricature Of Intimacy
The Sharpest Lives Are The Deadliest To Lead
The Ringing In My Ears Gets Violent
Open Up My Eager Eyes
Hiding In My Castle But The Walls Are Made Of Styrofoam

I'm Done With Having Dreams

406 23 3
By drunkardcho

The third time Hansol thought that something was wrong.

When he and Seungkwan returned home that night after practicing the new choreo, Hansol collapsed into bed almost immediately, still in his clothes and still with his phone in his hand. He didn't care. He needed to sleep. He MUST be out of his right mind if he's having thoughts such as the one he'd had that night.

Hansol shoved his face into his pillow, groaning as he sunk into his mattress. His breathing slowed down, his mind drifting away from consciousness. Quickly enough, he was asleep.


Hansol wandered through the halls of the Pledis building, drunkenly leaning up against the wall as he did so. He acknowledged that he was wearing his costume from the 아주 Nice music video.

He looked up and he was inside his dorm suddenly. His kindergarten teacher walked in for some reason. Hansol didn't question it.

"Trust yourself, Hansol. Trust your thoughts.." She said before leaving the room.

As soon as she left, Seungkwan appeared. He was also wearing the 아주 Nice outfit. His hair was disheveled and he had tears running down his cheeks. He grabbed Hansol's hands, "Please, Don't you want to be happy?" He asked, exasperated.

"What are you talking about?" Hansol asked, looking Hansol in the eyes, "Why are you crying?"

Seungkwan sniffled, tightly wrapping his arms around Hansol, "Please Hansol..This is ok, we can make this work!" He cried.

Hansol pulled himself out of Seungkwan's grasp, bracing him by the shoulders, "Seungkwan, pull yourself together! Tell me, what the fuck are you talking about?! WHAT are we going to make work?"

Seungkwan gulped, "You..you and me.." His voice sounded like it was distant, like it was fading away, "you and me, Hansol..."

"Hansol! Hansol, wake up!" Soonyoung boomed, shaking Hansol by the shoulders to wake him up.

Hansol slowly opened his eyes, registering what was happening, "Ah-Get off of me, Hyung!" He growled, pushing Soonyoung away as he sat up in bed. He sighed, rubbing his forehead, "God I just had the weirdest dream.."

Soonyoung sat on the bed next to him, "Hm, what was it about?"

Hansol blanched, he couldn't tell Soonyoung about that dream. He had to think of a lie on the spot, "Well..I was riding a giraffe..and then I was underwater..and then a talking ball of cotton candy tried to murder me.."

"Yeah that's pretty fucking weird.. Anyway, we have to leave in 5 minutes, so hurry and get ready," Soonyoung said, standing up and leaving their bedroom.

Hansol sat in bed, his head in his hands, "Trust yourself..man that was a wack ass dream. Ugh whatever, it's just a dream, it doesn't mean anything," he groaned, finally getting out of bed.


After getting ready, Hansol walked into the living room, which was already buzzing with conversation.
He was basically still half asleep, so he hardly registered that he'd walked up on a conversation with Jihoon, Seokmin, and Seungkwan.
He was snapped out of his gaze when he felt a hand clap him on the shoulder. The hand, of course, belonged to Seungkwan.

"We can make this work, right Hansol?" He asked, a sincere smile on his face.

Hansol got a vivid flashback of his dream, where Seungkwan said the exact same thing. He stood there, agape, trying to think of a response, "I-uh-what?"

"The-the dinner plans for tonight. Jihoon-hyung was saying that we could all go to a restaurant tonight. I was saying that we can make that work, yah?" Seungkwan explained, raising an eyebrow.

Hansol cleared his throat, nodding, "Oh-aha-yeah, yes, ok," he managed to say, giving the him a polite smile.


Hansol spent the majority of the morning with Jihoon and Seungcheol, composing a song for their next EP release. It was the first meeting for that particular song, so at that point they were just spitballing ideas.
It had been almost two hours and they hadn't gotten much done.

"What if...we wrote a song about how much we love soup.." Jihoon mumbled, gnawing on his pencil as he spun back and forth in his swivel chair; his bleach-blonde hair falling into his face.

"First of all, Monsta X already did that. Secondly, it sounds like you're just hungry," Seungcheol chuckled, giving Jihoon a playful punch in the shoulder.

Hansol had exhausted most of his lyrical ideas, but that dream he had last night had been rolling around in his head all morning. After 10 minutes of staring at the floor in complete silence, a string of lyrics just came to him.

"Wait hold on I think I've got a rap verse...ok..
flying out to Seoul with a Japan state of mind. Sleep, I never heard of her. Promise, I'm doing fine..." Hansol paused, glancing at the ceiling as he tried to think of the next line, "Don't ask me what I heard last night, I'm running outta time. You want me to be happy, well maybe I'd sooner die, no lie. I'm running outta rhymes. You're confession's got me stressing out about subconscious crimes ugh!...Ugh, no, that wasn't any good!" He groaned, shaking his head.

"Wait wait, hold on, I think you're onto something here. Write that down, or better yet, record it. Then we'll get some food, maybe reconvene tomorrow?" Jihoon asked, standing up from his chair and leaving the studio, shutting the door behind him

Hansol nodded, "Yeah, hyung, will co!" He said, grabbing a pen and paper to hastily write down the lyrics.

Seungcheol rolled his chair over to him, "So where'd you come up with that?"

Hansol glanced at the floor, rubbing his temple with his fingers as he contemplated whether or not to tell him about the dream, "Hyung, this is gonna sound kinda weird.."

"I'll help you hide the body," the leader replied without hesitation, holding unbreaking eye contact with him.

Hansol's eyes widened, "What?! No no no, not like that! I-um-I had this really weird dream last night and that's what prompted me to come up with the lyrics.." He trailed off, scratching the back of his head, his cheeks flushed pink.

Seungcheol hummed in response, still gnawing on his pencil, "Do you wanna talk about it?"

Hansol hesitated, looking everywhere except Seungcheol's eyes. He bit his lip, "Maybe later. Let's just get this recorded and then get some food."

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