My Soulmate (HoO/PJO AU)

By Zebra2606

298K 4.9K 5.5K

When you turn 14, you get a tattoo that describes your soulmate. As you spend more time with them, it gets mo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Authors note
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Authors note
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Author's Note (IMPORTANT)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 30

3.7K 79 125
By Zebra2606

Annabeth's POV

It's been three days since the car crash. Percy still isn't awake.

I wasn't injured very badly, just some scrapes and bruises. But Percy on the other hand, has multiple broken bones, a serious head injury, and his lung almost collapsed.

The doctors told me that I would have been the same if he hadn't swerved. And, in an almost crazy way, I wish I was like him.

If I had these injuries too, he wouldn't have to feel like he was alone. He wouldn't have to suffer alone.

I'm sitting in his hospital room, my head in my hands.

I look up at him and feel a tear start to well up in my eyes.

As the tear trickles down my cheek, I scoot my chair closer to his bed. I grab his hand, holding it firmly in mine.

"Please, Percy. If you can hear me, please wake up," I mumble, tears starting to flow now. "Please, we need you. I need you."

I rest my forehead on our hands and cry. I can't really remember the last time I cried so hard.

The boy that I liked, was lying in front of me, in a coma. My best friend was in a coma, and there was nothing I could do but cry.

I hate not being able to do anything, it sucks not being able to do a single thing!

"Plea-please, wake up! The world isn't the same without you," I admit. "I can't think about the sun, or the rain, or a pool, or, or anything without thinking about you."

"You have to wake up!" I plead.

The heart rate monitor starts speeding up to a rapid pace before dropping so low, it's almost flatlining.

A nurse runs into the room, ordering me to back away.

Multiple people gather around the bed and watch the slow heartbeat. I keep my eyes on the heart monitor, praying for it to return to normal.

Then the terrifying tone of a flatline echos throughout the entire room.

My breath catches when I hear that dreadful tone. All the doctors and nurses get to work trying to bring him back.

This only made my crying worse.

Percy's mom, Sally, walks in the room, gasping.

I only met her three days ago, but her and I have become close. She came in soon after Percy and I got to the hospital. I recognized her from the pictures Percy has shown me, and I walked over to her.

I introduced myself before telling her what happened. We really bonded over the tears that were shed.

The doctors bring out multiple pieces of equipment, trying desperately to start his heart again.

"Clear!" One of the doctors yelled and Percy jerked slightly.

Minutes of this went on, Sally and I crying in the corner, hoping Percy would stabilize.

Then the doctors just stopped and looked solemnly at each other. "Time of death," the doctor looked at his watch, "5:46pm."

I feel a sharp pain in my arm and immediately call out in pain. I look down and see a small black tattoo that definitely was not there before.

A small picture of Percy is inked onto my arm. His crooked smile and bright eyes staring back at me. It was then that realization hit me like a ton of bricks.

Percy was my soulmate, and now he's dead.

Sally is crying in the corner, trying desperately to not full out sob, but who can blame her. Her son just died.

"No! No he can't be dead!" Sally cried.

She runs toward his bed but the doctors stop her. "Ma'am we are really sorry, but we tried to bring him back, but it just seems like he gave up," she says.

"Percy, how could you give up?" I mumble to myself. It felt like one of those anime moments where the character has their head bowed and they ask the other character 'why?'.

A tear rolls down my cheek, followed by another. Soon, the tears are endless, flowing down my cheeks like rivers.

I walk over to his bed, grab his hand, and wipe my tears. "How could you just give up? There are people who love you, and they are grieving. This may be selfish, but you can't just give up. That's not what you do," I screamed.

"You can't just give up," I whisper, before collapsing to my knees and crying.

Sally walk over to me and kneels down, engulfing me in a hug. We sit there crying, trying to console each other, but failing miserably.

Then a beep comes from the heart monitor. Then another, and another, and another.

The doctors rush over to check if their eyes were deceiving them. They check all the machines and even feel for a pulse. Everything points to Percy being alive.

All of the sudden, a laugh springs out of my mouth. It's one of those crying-but-laughing-because-it's-just-too-amazing kind of laughs. And honestly, it's the best feeling in the world.

"Gods, Percy!" I exclaim. "Don't scare us like that!"

"I have never been so scared in my entire life," Sally announced.

"That was freaking terrible," I comment.

"Crap!" I yelled. My arm is stinging once again, but this time, it's a thousand times worse.

Next to my black tattoo of Percy, a new tattoo is appearing. It's the same tattoo as before, but something is added to it.

Next to the trident and black horse, is a figure with long blonde curls dressed in a Greek toga. She is resting her hand on the muzzle of the horse, looking at it kindly.

  But the thing that stood out were her eyes. They were grey, just like mine. And then I noticed that the figure and I looked quite similar.

  "What's wrong, Annabeth?" Sally asks.

  "I think I just found out who my soulmate is," I tell her.

  She walks over to me and looks closely at my arm. "Oh," she chirped.

  Then, before I know it, I'm wrapped up in a tight bear hug. The breath is being squeezed out of me, but I don't mind much.

  "This is amazing!" She squealed. "He has had the biggest crush on you for as long as I can remember. Oh my gosh he was so worried about that talent show back when you were little, he wanted to impress you so much!"

  I never remembered Percy signing up for the talent show, it's seemed weird that she didn't know he never did anything, but that's not important.

  Percy likes me, and I'm his soulmate!

  She glances own at her watch, and gasps slightly. "Shoot!" She yelled. "I have to get home. If anything happens call me." Then she was out the door.

  I pull the chair I was sitting in earlier closer to the bed. Resting my head on my arms, I sighed. I'm just happy he's alive.

  "You look really cute when you're worried," a raspy voice says.

  I head snaps up in surprise. Percy is sitting there, smirking of all things.

  I shoot out of my seat and pull him into a hug as cautiously as possible. I feel the tears welling up again, but it's not like I care.

  "Did you really miss me that much?" He asks.

  I bury my head in his chest, and cry. My tears are surely soaking his hospital gown, but I can't help it. I can't help it any more than anyone else in my situation could.

  And what I did next, I couldn't help either. I kissed him.

  I kissed Percy Jackson, and this time I didn't mind the stinging in my arm. All I felt were his lips, and all I could think was: this is the best feeling in the world.


  "Sally... Percy is awake."

So, how did you like the chapter? I know this was a slow update, but I had to redo it a few times due to the fact that some things just didn't match up/didn't work with the plot.

So now that I've gotten the chapter out, I'll be working on the next one shortly.

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