The Girl Who Restored My Huma...

By xmrsdamonsalvatorex

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After dealing with the tomb vampires in Mystic Falls, Ally and all of her friends finally feel things can go... More

The Girl Who Restored My Humanity Sequel (A Vampire Diaries FanFiction)
Chapter 1 - Katherine's return.
Chapter 2 - Drama at the carnival and making him feel human.
Chapter 3 - The trip to Duke with Damon, Alaric and Elena.
Chapter 4 - Jenna's barbeque and a new enemy.
Chapter 5 - A vengeful Lockwood, a picnic and not having to be afraid anymore.
Chapter 6 - Possession and Sunsets.
Chapter 7 - The Masquerade Ball.
Chapter 8 - Kidnapped and Confessions.
Chapter 9 - Katerina and Alexandria.
Chapter 10 - Kamikaze Mission.
Chapter 12 - The Descent.
Chapter 13 - Numb.
Chapter 14 - Reunited.
Chapter 15 - Dinner Party.
Chapter 16 - Girls night, and the last option.
A/N - (authors note- not an update!)
Chapter 17 - Breakdowns, and a hidden secret.
Chapter 18 - The Decade Dance.
Chapter 19 - Klaus.
Chapter 20 - My Last Day
Chapter 21 - Sacrifice.
Chapter 22 - Time Heals.
Dear Ally,
Chapter 23 - Goodbye.
A/N (Author's Note)

Chapter 11 - Diving for danger.

14.8K 284 82
By xmrsdamonsalvatorex

~Ally's POV;~

It was morning, and I had woken up tired. I was just so exhausted after all the running around yesterday, and now I have even more running around to do today. I knew that I had to go to Atlanta, I just had to see my birth mom Satine, and if she had information like the stranger on the phone said she did, then I could possibly have an advantage and be able to save my friends.

Once I was showered, dry and dressed, I brushed through my long brown hair, that was gradually turning auburn due to the sunlight, and tried to imagine what Satine looked like. Do I look like her? Is she nice? Or cold and detatched like Elena's birth mom Isobel? I hope she'll be nice, but the fact my luck gets worser and worser each day, makes me doubt that very much.

I walked downstairs and started to focus on my plan for today.

I searched the kitchen shelves until I found the key to my dad's weapon shed then hurried outside into the back garden. I walked down the path to it and opened the door with the key, taking a few stakes and vervain needles.

I don't know why I was taking weapons, but the stranger on the phone sounded cold, dangerous. I had to take precautions.

Once I was satisfied with the weapons I took, I locked the shed back up then hurried into the house, placing the key back where I originally found it. I searched through the key pot and hoped that my dad had walked this morning, leaving his car keys here. And luckily, he had.

I smirked and took the keys, shoving them into my pocket.

Once I had everything together, the bag packed, the plan in my head, my phone tight in my hand incase of danger, I was ready to go. But before I could leave the house my phone buzzed in my hand, putting my plan on hold.

It was a new message; from Elena. I opened it to read;

Could you come over? Bonnie has the moonstone with her and wants to talk about the whole situation. Please?

I sighed and dropped my bag of weapons to the floor, deciding to quickly go over to Elena's for a few minutes just to hear them out, then make an excuse to leave so I could get my plan started.

I walked down the road until I got to Elena's house then knocked on the front door impatiently, just wanting to go meet my mom and find out some stuff about the curse. Elena opened the door and said with a smile "Hey." I smirked and muttered "Hey." She pulled me into a hug then after a moment she pulled back and asked "You ok?" I nodded and asked back "Are you?" I stepped inside as she nodded and closed the door behind me.

I followed her upstairs into her bedroom, where Bonnie was seated on Elena's bed with a smile. I said with another believable smile "Hey." Bonnie hopped off of the bed and wrapped her arms around my neck as she asked "You ok?" I nodded and mumbled "I'm fine, thanks."

I knew they didn't believe me but I couldn't tell them about my worries right now, not when they all had worries of their own.

Bonnie pulled away from me and sat on the bed again, turning the moonstone over in her hand as I asked with interest "Now that you've got it back, what are you gonna do with it?" Bonnie explained with confidence "Right now it's what's binding the sun and moon curse. If I can figure out a way to remove the spell from the stone, the stone becomes useless." I added irritably "And according to Katherine, Klaus becomes vengeful."

Bonnie nodded in agreement and mumbled "Maybe-" She added with a smile "But only if he finds out."

I sighed and asked "Can't this wait? Stefan is stuck in the tomb with Katherine, we should be focusing on getting him out first." Bonnie said with a nod of her head "Stefan wants me to focus on this." I shook my head and argued "Don't listen to him, he thinks removing the spell from the moonstone will solve all of our problems, it won't."

Elena shook her head and said "I'm with Stefan on this." Elena sat down beside me, determination in her eyes. I knew Stefan being trapped in the tomb was affecting her the most, she loved Stefan with everything, and being away from him was tearing her apart but she wanted me safe, just like all my friends did.

Bonnie nodded in agreement with Elena and said "Me too. We're not gonna let you get used in some creepy sacrifice ritual."

I sighed and went to argue my side when Jeremy opened the door and asked with concern "What are you guys arguing about?" I glanced over my shoulder at Jeremy, putting the believable smile on my face again as Bonnie said reassuringly "We're not arguing about anything." Bonnie placed the moonstone in her bag and mumbled "I need a coffee." Elena nodded and said "Me too-" She then looked at me and asked with a smile "You want anything?" I shook my head and said with a small smile "I'm ok, thanks."

Elena nodded then hopped off of the bed, following Bonnie out of the bedroom.

I sighed and rested my head against the bedpost when I looked up and found Jeremy glaring at me. I frowned and asked "What's up?" Jeremy walked over to the bed and asked irritably "Why are you on some suicide mission?" I looked down at my hands and argued "I'm trying to prevent everyone else from getting hurt."

Jeremy snapped with hurt in his eyes "How's bringing Klaus the moonstone so you can get killed ok? We're supposed to be family, Ally." He turned around and walked back out of the room again as I went to call him but he slammed the door shut, silencing me.

I sighed and slumped back down on Elena's bed again, suddenly noticing the moonstone sitting in the pocket of Bonnie's bag. I glanced around me, then quickly took the moonstone and shoved it in my pocket.

I hopped off of Elena's bed and snuck out of the room and down the stairs, heading towards the front door.

But suddenly, Elena and Bonnie rounded the corner and blocked my path.

Elena held her mug of coffee tight in her hands as she asked "Where are you going?" I shrugged and quickly lied "To go meet Damon." Bonnie shook her head and said "You're lying." I laughed and mumbled "No, i'm not." Elena asked "Really? We can tell by your face." I raised my eyebrows and asked with a smirk "Are you serious?"

Jeremy announced from behind me, at the top of the stairs, "She took the moonstone."

I turned to him with surprise and watched him raise Bonnie's empty bag in the air, catching me red-handed. Damn it.

I looked at him with confusion then back at Bonnie and Elena as I asked "How did you...?" Bonnie shrugged and stated "We tested you..." Elena added "You failed." I looked at them both and said with determination "Klaus killed Katherine's entire family just because she crossed him. I can't let that happen." Bonnie and Elena sighed and stood to the side, allowing me to leave as I walked slowly past them, wondering why they had so easily backed down.

Something was definitely wrong here.

I opened the door and went to leave when a wave of force knocked me back, stopping me from leaving. I gasped with shock and thumped my fist against what looked like air outside of the door and found myself hitting an invisible wall. I pushed against it with all my weight, but it was hopeless, I couldn't leave.

I then realised, I had been tricked, they had lured me here and Bonnie must have placed a spell on the house, just like the tomb, but in this case it was just for me, once I had walked in Elena's house, I couldn't leave. It was just a barrier of force not allowing me to push through it and escape Elena's house.

I had no idea how my plan would work now, or how I could meet my mom, or find more out about the curse. My best friends were all against me.

I turned to Bonnie, Elena and Jeremy and snapped "What the hell?!" Bonnie mumbled with sympathy "It's for the best, Ally." Jeremy looked at me from the top of the stairs with a smug grin on his face as Elena stepped towards me to comfort me, I stepped back and growled "Undo the spell now. If you don't I can't go and-"

Bonnie asked with raised eyebrows "Go on another martyr mission?" I grinded my teeth together and snapped "This is crossing the line." Jeremy argued "So was the fact you travelled to Richmond yesterday to hand yourself over." I frowned, confused to how they all actually knew that seeing as I hadn't told them.

Realisation hit me when I remembered Damon was the one to pick me up, he probably told everyone as soon as we returned to Mystic Falls. I sighed and mumbled "Damon told you." Elena said with upset "Why are you even surprised we did this? You are going out on missions every chance you get, we needed to stop you." I snapped "Why? So you can remove the spell from the moonstone? Then infuriate Klaus, bring him all the way to Mystic Falls so he can kill us all for ruining his ritual? This is way past the line."

I walked away from the front door with frustration, knowing I couldn't leave. I walked into the living room and slumped down onto the sofa, folding my arms across my chest. My plan to travel to Atlanta was ruined.

~Damon's POV;~

I stood by the tomb with a bag of stuff for Stefan, whilst talking about 'the spell on Ally' situation.

Stefan asked with raised eyebrows, his face full of worry "You trapped her in Elena's house?" I smirked and explained "It's for the best, trust me. Ally is on a martyr mission that rivals your greatest hits. You should be glad the Witch and I are getting along. I brought you this."

I walked over to the tomb door with the bagback, chucking it to his side of the boundary line. I explained "Care package: candles, lanterns and..." I pulled the bottle of blood out of my pocket and added "Lunch."

I held it out to him with a smirk as he folded his arms across his chest and said "If you give that to me i'm just gonna have to share it with her." I frowned with confusion then spotted Katherine lurking in the background, her arms folded across her chest and a grin on her face. I mumbled irritably "Yeah..."

Katherine said "You two are surprisingly calm considering Klaus will hunt you down and kill you all, if you mess with his little plan." I looked at her and snapped with a bitter smile "I've been dead before. I got over it."

I looked at Stefan and said with sympathy "Once we deal with the moonstone, we'll figure a way to get you out." Stefan shook his head and mumbled "Don't worry about me, just make sure Elena and Ally are safe, and that Ally doesn't do anything stupid." I nodded and said "Will do."

Katherine snapped "She's gonna die you know. You can all fight to save her but she is doomed." I smirked and muttered "I beg to differ, honey."

I turned on my heel and walked up the steps of the tomb and away from the church for Elena's house.

~Ally's POV;~

I was still seated on the sofa, flicking through the channels on the TV, looking up at the clock to see it was already 9:41am.

I sighed and listened to the front door close, as Damon then strolled into the living room with a smug grin on his face as he teased "You should really lock the door." I looked away from him, watching the TV with frustration.

Damon teased with his usual smirk "Oh, come on pouty. Just give me two points for ingenuity."

I scowled at him and asked "Do you think this is funny?" Damon stood by the doorway and said "Yes, Ally. I find hilarity in the lengths that I have to go to, to repeatedly save your life." I fake laughed and asked "What does Stefan say about this?" Damon shrugged and mumbled with a smirk "We had a good laugh."

I scowled at him again and asked "And what did he say about Elijah still being alive?" Damon walked over and slumped down beside me, wrapping an arm around the back of the sofa where I was sitting, he answered inches from my face, looking me up and down, "Yeah... that. I didn't tell him." I asked with confusion "Why not?" Damon shrugged and muttered "Well, a) he can't do anything about it, and b) ... what I just said."

I sighed and looked at the TV, trying to ignore his presence.

Jeremy then walked in the room, standing by the doorway as Damon glanced around the room and asked "Where's Bonnie?" Jeremy answered "She's with Elena." Damon nodded and mumbled "Must be working together on the moonstone."

Damon looked at me with a grin and teased "And i'm on Ally patrol." I looked at him and rolled my eyes, unable to stand how much he loved all of this.

I found my eyes looking at his lips again, before I controlled myself and looked at Jeremy as he asked with concern "Then who's on Tyler Lockwood and the full moon?" Damon shrugged and explained with a smirk "Vampire Barbie asked me if she could handle this and I thought why not? Because if she screwed up, he'd bite her and then i'll be rid of two of my problems."

He smirked at me wickedly when realisation suddenly hit me as I asked "Hold on a second. Tonight's the full moon?" Damon's phone started to ring from his pocket as he answered me quickly "Yep, but you were too absorbed with all your suicidal tendencies to notice." He grinned at me then answered his phone "What?" He walked out of the room, speaking quietly on the phone so Jeremy and I couldn't hear his conversation.

I sighed and turned the channel over as Jeremy stayed in the room to keep an eye on me. I had no idea why I needed constant watching, I was trapped in the house, I couldn't go anywhere.

After a few moments Damon walked back into the room and said, with stressful eyes, "Change of plans, you babysit." He pointed at Jeremy seriously, then looked at me with a grin on his face. Jeremy walked round the sofa and slumped down on it, lying with his legs on the armrest and his head in my lap.

I played with Jeremy's hair and looked up at Damon as he teased with a smirk "Hey you know, you should get out, enjoy the sun. Oh wait, you can't." I scowled at him and took the cushion from beside me, throwing it in Damon's direction, only to watch him dodge it easily and chuckle on his way out of the room.

Jeremy chuckled at Damon's joke too, as I grinded my teeth together and pushed him out of my lap onto the floor, listening to Jeremy laugh on the floor and Damon chuckle on his way out of the house.

What a bunch of jerks.

I stood from the sofa and walked out of the room, upstairs into Elena's empty bedroom, slamming the door shut behind me. Elena wasn't home, she left with Bonnie to help with the moonstone whilst I was left with Jeremy, unable to escape the house.

I looked in her mirror and sighed, I wanted to meet my mom so bad, I wanted to know her. But I couldn't.

I then looked in the mirror and spotted a man staring at me over my shoulder from out of the window. I gasped and spun around to see the man standing on the balcony outside of the glass, staring.

I walked over to the glass and asked "Who are you?" The man said clearly from behind the glass "We spoke on the phone last night." I gasped and asked "You're the guy who knows my real mom?" The man sternly nodded and stated "Looks like you ignored your mothers request and decided to stay home."

I glanced over my shoulder to make sure Jeremy wasn't near before turning back to the man and shaking my head. I opened the balcony door and tried to escape but the force kept me back, proving to him I couldn't leave.

I explained, my voice low "I travelled to Richmond before, for more information. And when my friends found out, they thought this was the only way of stopping me. My friend, put a spell on me once I stepped in the house, I can't leave." The man asked with surprise "Your friend is a Witch?" I nodded and glanced around again, making sure I wouldn't get caught by Jeremy.

The man looked at me for a moment then asked "Would you have come?" I nodded eagerly, looking at him with sadness, knowing I couldn't.

The man closed his eyes and his lips started moving, his speech too quite to hear. After a few moments a breeze brushed past me and the man opened his eyes, holding out his hand, he said "Let's go to Atlanta then." I frowned with confusion and took his hand, finding myself out of the balcony, out of the spell. I asked with shock "How did you?"

Realisation hit me as I asked "You're a Warlock?" He nodded and said with a small smile "Yes, I am."

I asked "How will we get down?" The man nodded to himself and after a moment two men, who must have been vampires, zoomed over to the house and leapt onto the balcony, taking my hand. They leapt with me, off of the balcony, holding me carefully as we reached the ground away from Elena's house, without causing me harm.

I looked up at Elena's house and felt guilt overwhelm me, I knew they were just trying to protect me, but I knew when Elena's mom wanted to meet Elena, she went because she wanted to meet her mom. I had to do this.

I followed the group of men to their car as one of them opened the passenger door for me, I smiled nervously and mumbled "Thanks." I climbed inside the car and sat nervously in the seat as the man who spoke on the phone last night got into the drivers seat beside me whilst the other men got in the car behind.

I looked at the man, who was a Warlock, and asked "What's your name?" He grinned and started the car, driving down the road as he mumbled "Bobby." I nodded and looked down at my hands as he put his foot down on the gas and drove out of Mystic Falls.

The car journey was silent and uncomfortable as I sat next to a stranger I hardly knew and didn't trust. I had to try though, I wasn't going to my mom just for information, I wanted to meet her, I had to do this, not just for my friends but for myself.

~Jeremy's POV;~

I walked to the fridge and pulled out some food, deciding to attend to my growling stomach and make something to eat. I opened a bag of candy and called to the stairway "Hey, Ally, you hungry?" I stood in silence for a moment to hear no answer. I rolled my eyes, taking she was still mad at all of us.

I walked down the hallway and to the stairs, jogging up them to Elena's bedroom. I opened the door and asked "Hey, I was making lunch, d'you want anything?-" I looked around the room, noticing Ally wasn't here.

The room was empty.

I checked the bathroom then all the rooms around the house before passing Elena's bedroom and noticing the balcony door was wide open. My eyes widened with concern as I walked over onto the small balcony and searched the grounds for Ally, but she was nowhere to be seen.

I asked myself "What the hell?" I turned to face Elena's bedroom as I pulled out my phone and dialled Bonnie's number, urgently waiting to hear her voice, she finally answered "Hey, Jer, how's you and Ally doing?" I gulped and mumbled "It's Ally, she got out, I don't know how she broke through the spell but she did, you need to come over." I hung up immediately, pacing nervously back and forth in Elena's room.

How did she get out?

I growled under my breath "Dammit Ally." I stormed out of Elena's bedroom and downstairs, waiting for Bonnie and Elena to turn up. I knew they would be pissed, most definitely Damon.

~Damon's POV;~

I stepped into the Grill, still grinning from seeing poor little Ally unable to go on any more missions.

I didn't want to be here, I would rather be keeping an eye on Ally but Alaric had called about some woman coming to Mystic Falls looking for Mason, and I had to know what she wanted from him and what to do with her if she already knew too much.

I sat in one of the booths opposite Alaric as he cocked his head to the side, in the direction of the woman at the bar. I looked in the direction of her and found her by the bar, blondish brown hair, confident posture. I raised my eyebrows and checked her out for a moment. Why did I not feel anything for random hot women anymore? It is starting to bug me.

I sighed and used my excellent hearing to make out what this woman was saying to Matt at the bar, and when I finally heard her voice, she asked Matt "Hey, excuse me. Crazy question: do you know Tyler Lockwood?" I looked at Matt then at Alaric and mumbled "Hmm, Mason's mystery woman."

Alaric asked with confusion "Where is Mason anyway?" I shrugged and mumbled "Decomposing in his truck." Alaric raised his eyebrows, automatically judging me. I raised my hands in the air and said "Hey, it wasn't me. It was Ally." Alaric's eyes widened as he went to ask but I said "Not what you think either. She was sort of possessed by her ancestor."

Alaric asked with concern "Why is everything weird happening to her?" I swirled my bourbon round in the glass then downed it and said "She's one messed up teenager, that's all I got." Alaric ran a hand through his hair and let out a stressed sigh. I could see that everyone was affected by the crazy things happening to Ally. It worried me, yes. But i'd protect her.

I watched as Alaric looked at the woman and asked me "So, d'you think she's a werewolf?" I sighed and answered "Well, I hope not, because it's a full moon, Rick. But we should definitley find out." I took the container of poisoneous werewolf plant from my pocket as Alaric asked "What's that?" I answered with a wicked smirk "Wolfs bane."

Alaric raised his eyebrows with uncertainty as I said reassuringly "It'll be fine. You gonna help or what?" Alaric sighed and nodded as I explained "All you have to do is walk over there, offer her a drink, make sure she accepts. I'll swoop in, all gorgeous and charming, then whilst she's busy unable to take her eyes off of me, you spike her drink with the wolfs bane. Then we'll know if we have a werewolf problem on our hands."

Alaric sighed and snatched the container of wolfs bane from my hand, stuffing it into his pocket as he walked over and sat down beside the woman at the bar.

~Ally's POV;~

I was finally in Atlanta and getting close to this famous restuarant where Satine wanted to meet me. I was overwhelmed with all kinds of different emotions, fear, hope, happiness, excitement, but most of all I was nervous.

When we were there, Bobby pulled over to the side and said "One of her men will escort you to the allocated table and at the end of the night, i'll be down the road to take you home." I nodded and asked "Can I really trust you? All of this?" Bobby tightened his hands around the wheel and said with a smile "Go in there and see her for yourself."

I nodded and stepped out, cautiously looking over my shoulder as I hurried through the restuarant doors. I was immediatley hurried down the packed room by a man, taken to a more private part of the restuarant, away from the local people. I was then seated at a booth, with tables and chairs.

I sat down and played with my hands, feeling the nerves really kick in now.

After a few moments a woman then sat down opposite me, her eyes a shade of blue, her small lips coated in pink lipstick, her auburn curls surrounding her perfect skin. This was my mom.

I stared at her with shock, unable to believe this was her, she was so beautiful. She stared at me with shock in her eyes as she said formally "Ally." I looked in her eyes and mumbled with happiness "Mom?" She nodded and answered "Yes." I sat in silence, unable to find the words to speak.

My mom said "I understand you already know about the sacrifice-" I asked with curiousity "Why did you give me away?" She sighed and explained "At the time, people were looking for you, they were following me, because I had you, I gave you to a couple who were struggling to have a baby, I made sure you were with the right people before leaving you with them. The vampires continued to follow me, they were completely oblivious to the fact that you were in Mystic Falls, living a new life. Until Katherine came back to town and started it all over again. But she's a trouble maker, she couldn't help herself."

Before I could ask further questions, Satine glanced over her shoulder and said, her voice low "There is no time to explain, or even give you a decent apology. I'm here to talk about you. You need to run, run as fast as you can, Ally. I know you want to live, and keep your friends alive but he will find you, and he will do this. He will stop at nothing until you are in his possession."

I shook my head and said, my voice low too "I can't do that. I'm not going to make the mistake that Katherine did. I appreciate your advice but running is not an option for me. I can't do that. My friends and my dad need me. I'm not leaving them."

Satine sighed and whispered "You're not safe here. You need to go, now. And when you return to Mystic Falls, think of what I've said and do what's best for yourself, pack your bags and run. It's your only way out, unless you want to be sacrificed." She stood from the table, upset in her eyes.

I stood too as she grabbed my wrist protectively, escorting me to the front of the restuarant again. Her car was ready for her out the front as she turned to me, a small smile of happiness on her face.

I looked at my beautiful mom and said with a smile, tears threatening to escape my eyes, "Is this goodbye?" Satine shook her head, her auburn curls swaying as she said with a smile "We'll see eachother very soon." She reached out and brushed a strand of hair out of my face as she then hugged me to her chest, exhaling with happiness as she rubbed my back.

She whispered into my ear "It was so good to see you again." I pulled back and smiled, knowing the last time she saw me was when I was a baby. I smiled and whispered through flowing tears "You too."

She smiled and kissed my forehead before hopping into her car, watching me from the window with a smile on her face as the car drove away from me.

~Damon's POV;~ 

As Alaric pretended to be tipsy, I swooped in and asked the woman "Excuse me, is this guy bothering you?" Alaric held both hands up and mumbled "I'm not bothering anybody." I snapped with a bitter smile "Perfect. Well... do it elsewhere."

Alaric turned away from us as I looked at the woman and said with a fake sympathetic smile "Don't worry, he's harmless he's sort of the town drunk, and when we get tired of him we just put him in a cab and send him back to where he came from." She laughed nervously as I grinned, knowing whilst I was just talking Alaric had poured the crushed wolfs bane into her glass and stirred it into her drink.

Alaric snapped "Please don't talk about me like i'm not here." He passed the glass to the woman as I asked Alaric "Why are you here?" The woman turned in her stool to face Alaric as she said with a small smile "Thank you for the drink." Alaric raised his glass then walked away from the bar, leaving me to charm the woman and hope she'd fall for it.

Who am I kidding? I'm Damon Salvatore, ofcourse she'd fall for it.

I sat down beside her and said with a smirk "I'm Damon." She smiled and mumbled "Jules." I nodded with a smirk and asked "So, what brings you to Mystic Falls?" Jules sighed and explained "It's a long story. I'm looking for my friend." I fake frowned and asked "Who?" Jules looked at me and said "Mason Lockwood."

I nodded and said "I know Mason." Jules asked with interest "You do?" I drank some of my bourbon and answered "Yeah, he's a great guy." Jules said with upset "He's missing." I fake frowned again and asked "What do you mean? Like... I mean, missing, missing?"

Jules rested her elbow on the barside and asked "How do you know Mason?" I looked at her untouched drink and mumbled "Friend of friends." I glanced over her shoulder and at Alaric who was sitting in the booth, watching with concern. This Jules was definitley suspicious.

I looked at Jules again and said with a small smile "Hey, listen, i'm really tight with the Sheriff, if there's anything I can do to help locate Mason, I will. He's a great guy and after his brother's funeral, he stuck around and he helped his nephew and..-" Before I could continue Jules asked "Tyler?" I nodded and answered "Yep. Mason was with him the whole time, helped him with all that grief."

Jules sighed and looked down at the counter as I looked at her glass and stated with a smile "You haven't touched your drink." Jules shook her head and said "I'm not much of a drinker. I should just get going." She went to get off of the stool but I said with my dashing smile "Oh, come on. Look, one drink."

I raised my glass and wiggled my eyebrows as she gave in and mumbled with a grin "It'll help me sleep." I smirked and announced "To sleep." I clinked my glass to hers then went to drink, watching her eagerly as she lifted the glass to her lips.

But before she could let the drink touch her mouth she froze and slammed the glass down on the barside, turning to me with fury.

I looked nervously at her as Alaric walked over, sensing trouble. Jules snapped "You fool. You think you're clever, don't you?" I frowned with concern and asked "What do you want with Mason Lockwood?" Jules looked at me and argued with upset "He's my friend."

I smirked and muttered with fake sympathy "Well, i'm sorry to inform you that you probably won't find him." Jules asked "And why not?" I grinded my teeth together and changed subject "You should leave town."

Jules asked with confusion "You're threatening me? On a full moon. How stupid are you?" I glared at her and snapped "You think i'm afraid of you?" Jules answered with a bitter smile "No, I don't. That's your vampire arrogance. You should be. I sniffed you out the moment you entered this bar along with your pathetic wolfs bane-" She glanced at Rick then turned to me and growled "See, i've been at this a long time. And any other night of the month, the situation would be reversed but tonight is not the night to pick a fight with me. You've been marked." Rage was burning in her eyes as she hopped off of the stool then looked away from me, walking out of the Grill.

I looked at Alaric as he stared at me with concern. What the hell did she mean by that? I had no idea, but I knew it meant trouble.

I followed after her with anger, hating it whenever someone talked down to me. She tried to intimidate me, belittle me.

I walked out of the door of the Grill and searched the car park for her, she was nowhere to be seen. I growled under my breath "Where is she?" Rick grabbed my arm and argued "Just let her go, Damon. Don't be stupid."

I pulled my arm out of his grasp and snapped "So, what? So I just let her get away? 'You've been marked' What the hell kind of werewolf crap is that anyway?" Alaric argued "Damon, look up! Just look up."

I looked above our heads at the moon, full and complete, hiding behind the clouds.

Alaric explained with concern "If this werewolf stuff is true, one bite and you're dead. One bite! Alright? Don't risk it. Just go home, lock your doors and we'll deal with it in the morning." I nodded and mumbled "Yeah." I turned on my heel and walked away from the Grill, towards the Boarding House.

As I started to walk faster my phone rang from my pocket, I pulled it out and answered "What do you want?" Bonnie's voice answered "It's Ally. She escaped again. I don't know how or why. But i've used the tracking spell and got an exact location." I grapsed the phone tight in my hand and growled "How did this even happen?"

Bonnie answered "I don't know, but we don't have time to talk about that." I sighed and asked "Where is she?" Bonnie answered "Atlanta, by the famous Georgio restuarant." I nodded and hung up, using my speed to zoom from the pavement to outside of my car, infront of the boarding house.

I got into my car and drove quickly over the bridge, heading for Atlanta. Why must Ally be so reckless? I have no idea how she got out but when I got to her, I was not letting her leave my side again.

~Ally's POV;~

I walked away from the restuarant, remembering my mom's face as I walked down the road to where Bobby said he'd be.

I walked down the dark road, clinging to Damon's jacket that made me feel automatically safe. I glanced over my shoulder and noticed a group of men in hoodies, walking my way with their hoods pulled over their heads, hiding their identities.

I gulped and hurried faster when I turned the corner to find Bobby's car, a hand pulled me back, round the corner away from the light and down the dark road again.

I turned to the person with fear and was faced with the group of men with hoodies on.

The one man at the front of them asked "Ally Wright?" I gulped and lied "No." The main one pushed his hood off of his head and looked at me with shock, noticing I looked exactly like Alexandra. He said with a nod of his head "Yes."

I shoved my hands into my pockets and clenched the pen knife I had took tight in my hand as I asked "What do you want?" He circled me and answered "What everyone wants from you, your the ticket to get in Klaus' good graces again."

I gulped and asked "You want to be the ones to hand me over?" He nodded and grabbed my arm, too tight for me to pull out of his grasp. He looked in my eyes directly and ordered "You will come willingly." I noticed the way his pupils dilated, how compulsion works and pretended his compulsion was working as I mumbled "I will go willingly."

He nodded and dragged me back down the dark road, supposedly towards their car.

Another one of the vampires from behind me, growled in my ear "If you try anything, don't think we won't hurt you. 'Cause aslong as you're just about alive, it won't matter what condition we hand you over in." I gulped and came to a stop when the man dragging me by the arm stopped outside of their car.

I thought quickly, knowing I was outnumbered by the group of men, but I had to try and escape.

I ripped my arm from out of his and took the pen knife from Damon's leather jacket as I shoved it into the vampire's stomach. He groaned and doubled over as I tried to sprint away, but another vampire was infront of me within a flash, he threw his hand towards my face, slapping me across my cheek, I fell to the concrete and felt my face scrape across the stone ground.

I winced and groaned into the floor, feeling my face burn with pain. I held my cheek, ignoring the intense burning in my skin, and stood up, feeling my sight re-adjust.

The main vampire pulled the knife from his stomach and threw it to the ground as he zoomed towards me and went to release his fist at me, I flinched and closed my eyes, preparing for a blow to the face. But it never came.

I opened my eyes and saw the vampire's fist being held by... Damon.

I looked at him with surprise as his eyes lit up with fury and he growled "Don't you dare lay another finger on her."

The vampire winced as Damon's fist tightened around his. But as Damon focused on the main vampire, a member from his group released his fist into my cheek, sending me to my knees. I let my head flop downwards as blood dripped from my lips and onto the ground beneath my feet.

I glanced upwards and watched Damon growl "You asked for it."

The main vampire tried to turn and punch Damon with his free hand but Damon reached into his chest and ripped the vampire's heart out, allowing his body to drop to the ground. Damon turned to the other three vampires and fought them off as they all went for him.

I tried to get up but Damon growled "Stay down, Ally." I nodded weakly and tried to wipe the constant blood dripping from my lips.

I looked up as Damon pulled the hearts out of the two vampires then turned to fight off the last one. Damon went to punch the last vampire but was punched in the gut, Damon doubled over and tried to fight back but the vampire kneed Damon in the face, sending him to the ground.

I stood from the ground and tried to help but Damon was already on his feet again, pinning the last vampire to the wall, his hand tight around the vampires throat. Damon growled "Game over."

He reached into the vampires chest and pulled his heart out, watching the last vampire gasp then slowly slide to the floor as Damon threw the heart away from him and turned to me.

I was trying so hard to keep standing, my legs were shaking from underneath me and my eyes were slowly trying to close. I placed a hand on the wall and reached up to wipe the flowing blood again as I moaned "Well that wasn't fun."

Damon was already infront of me, his hand cupping my face, lifting it up so he could see my scrapes. I winced quietly as Damon asked with concern in his eyes "What the hell were you thinking? Can't you ever just listen to me? And be normal for once?"

I sighed and mumbled "I'm sorry." I rested my head against the stone wall, not wanting to move, knowing if I did I would just collapse.

But before I could lean my whole body weight against the wall, the weight was lifted, and my feet were off of the floor. I opened my eyes again and found Damon's hand on my back and his other hand underneath my legs, he was carrying me.

I rested the unhurt side of my face on Damon's chest as he walked down the dark road and turned the corner. Before Damon could take me back to his car Bobby stormed over and snapped "Who are you? Put her down." I looked up at Bobby and mumbled "No, no, it's fine, this is...-"

Damon cut in and spoke for me "I'm Damon, her friend from Mystic Falls. Whoever you are, you need to move out of my way and let me take her home." Bobby looked at me for reassurance and I nodded with a grateful smile as Bobby stepped to the side, allowing Damon to continue down the road towards his car.

After a few minutes Damon opened the car door and sat me down in the passengers seat, as he walked round to the other side and got into the drivers seat beside me. I sighed and closed my eyes, finally feeling safe with Damon in his car.

I kept my eyes closed, just wanting to sleep, when I felt Damon's hand lift my chin up and his voice order with panic "Ally, don't go to sleep. You've gotta stay awake, Ally, Ally!" I opened my eyes quickly and watched the panic fade from his face as he exhaled.

I mumbled innocently "I was only trying to sleep." Damon started the car and said with concern "You could have a concussion, just keep your eyes open." I nodded and looked at the road as Damon drove away from Georgio's and out of Atlanta.

I asked with curiousity "How did you find me?" Damon looked ahead at the road and answered "Bonnie did a location spell and found you, then she called me, and here we are-"

Before I could speak Damon glanced at me and asked with anger "What the hell were you thinking? I don't know how you got out, Ally. But you could have been killed tonight, why couldn't you have just stayed where you were?!" I sighed and mumbled "My birth mom is alive, she wanted to meet me."

Damon looked at me with surprise then snapped "So, you just recklessly went to meet her." I shook my head and answered "Bobby came to the house and got me out of there, he's a warlock or something. And, it just all happened so quickly. I just wanted to meet my mom. I should have thought about it, I shouldn't have done this. I'm sorry."

I rested my head on the seat of the car and winced at the rush of pain that soared through my skin. Damon sighed and mumbled "I'm trying to keep you safe, Ally, can't you see that?" I looked at him and asked "Do you really think I would have gone through all this trouble the past few days if I didn't want to keep you lot safe too?"

Damon ignored my question and looked at my face as he said "I can heal you, but your wounds will still show. You sure you're feeling ok?" I nodded and mumbled "I'm fine. Thank you." He bit into his wrist and held it out to me, keeping his other hand on the wheel, driving us to Mystic Falls. I looked at how he was multitasking and held his wrist in both of my hands, pressing my lips to his bleeding wrist, allowing his blood to slide down my throat.

I felt it automatically ease alot of the pain as I pulled away, wiping my lips of the blood as I whispered "Thanks." He placed his hand back on the wheel again and looked at the road as I watched his expressions, he looked overwhelmed with different emotions; panic, anger, happiness, upset.

I asked with concern "Are you ok?" He fake smirked and muttered "I'm super." I frowned and whispered "I won't ever leave again, I nearly died tonight, that made me realise that even if we can't find a way out of this sacrifice, i'll still be with all of you."

Damon looked at me and asked "You promise you won't leave?" I nodded and mumbled "I promise." Damon nodded and muttered with a smirk "I wasn't going to let you leave again anyway." I smirked and looked at the road again.

I rubbed my eyes and asked "Can I sleep?" He looked at me and said "Yeah, you should be fine now." I nodded and instinctively rested my head on Damon's arm, closing my eyes and allowing sleep to take over.


As I felt the bumpy movement of the car come to a stop, I jolted awake from my dream and opened my eyes sleepily to find Damon watching me in a daze.

I asked "What is it?" He snapped out of it and mumbled "Nothing." He took his keys out of the ignition as I looked out of the window and asked "You brought me to the Boarding House?" Damon smirked and asked "You honestly don't think i'm gonna drop you home, with noone to keep an eye on you, are you?" I rolled my eyes and mumbled "Guess not."

Damon grinned and got out of the car, appearing at my side of the car in a flash. He opened the door and held his hand out to me, I smiled and took it, as he placed a hand on the small of my waist, supporting me out of the car and to the Boarding House.

He nudged the door open with his foot as we walked inside together. I rolled my eyes and said "You need to start locking your doors." I turned to the door and locked it before walking into the libary with Damon.

I slumped down onto his desk chair as he walked over to his alcohol cabinet and poured a few drinks. He turned to me with two glasses of bourbon and said with a grin "Bourbon makes everything better." I smiled and whispered "Thanks." As he handed me a glass. I downed it immediatley and winced at the strongness of it against my healing face.

Damon frowned and placed his glass down, picking up a box by the side of him and walking over to me with it. He opened it and got a cotton bud, dipping it in some sort of wound cleanser as he mumbled "This might sting a little."

I nodded and leaned closer to him as he held my head still with one hand and used the other to brush the cotton bud across my wounds. I winced and mumbled "A little?" Damon shrugged and said with a smirk "Maybe a bit more than a little." I rolled my eyes then closed them as Damon finished attending to my wounds and whispered "All better."

I opened my eyes to find Damon staring at me with a smile. I looked down at the floor, feeling my cheeks rush with heat as Damon leaned forward and brushed a small soft kiss ontop of my cut.

I looked up at him and mumbled without thinking "I've missed you." I looked down at the floor and instantly regretted speaking my thoughts. Damon brushed his thumb across the unhurt side of my face and said "I've missed you too."

I looked up at him and explained with a frown "I can't fight with you anymore. I can't say what you did with Rose didn't hurt, 'cause it did, but you already know that. And I properly forgave you, today, when you saved me, it showed you care." He looked at me with confusion and asked "You thought I didn't care about you?" I looked at the floor and nodded as Damon lifted my chin up so I could look in his eyes, he said "I've always cared about you, you should never have doubted that."

I sighed and went to ask further questions when a loud smash echoed from the living room, catching our attention.

I looked at Damon with panic as he held a finger up, gesturing that I stayed where I was. Damon stood from the floor and jogged out of the libary into the living room, where the sound came from. I ignored his order and hurried after him, down the hallway and to the entrance of the living room.

Damon held an arm out, holding me back as he quickly grabbed the old passed down sword from the wall and searched the room nervously.

I gasped when I saw the wolf, standing there, eyes angrily staring at Damon. I knew if Damon got bit everything would be over, he would die. I screamed with panic "Damon!" I hurried over to him without thinking and pushed him out of the way, taking the force of the wolf myself as it shoved me down onto the floor and growled viciously into my face. I screamed with terror as the wolf sunk it's teeth into my shoulder and feasted on my flesh.

But within a flash, the wolf was off of me and out of the window into the night.

I gasped with pain as Damon lifted me into a sitting position and growled with pain filled eyes "You just keep diving for danger today. What the hell were you thinking?!" I ignored his comment and clung to his arms as I looked at the bite and mumbled "Ouch." Within seconds his wrist was pressed to my mouth, forcing his healing blood down my throat to attend to my bleeding wolf bite.

Luckily, I wasn't a vampire, otherwise we would have had a little problem.

I gazed at the werewolf bite and watched it slowly begin to heal. I exhaled in relief as Damon brushed his thumb across my healed skin. He asked with soft caring eyes "You alright?" I nodded and felt no more stinging in my shoulder, I was ok.

I knew my decision wasn't thought out or smart but if the werewolf had bitten Damon, he would of been dying. And I knew, I couldn't live without him.

I got myself up from the floor and onto my feet as Damon still held my arms, supporting me, like he didn't believe I was ok. I looked at my shoulder once more and saw my shoulder fully healed. I exhaled in relief and felt my heart beat slow down from it's racing in my chest.

I looked at the clock over his shoulder and mumbled "I should really get home." Damon shook his head and said "It's too late, you've had a long day. You're staying here tonight." I sighed and whispered "Fine. Thank you."

He looked at me and stated with surprise "You took a werewolf bite for me." I looked into his sky blue eyes and whispered "I'm not the only one who underestimated peoples feelings." Damon reached out and brushed his thumb across my bottom lip as I held his hand there, not wanting him to let go. He pressed his forehead to mine and mumbled "You have no idea how much i've missed you."

I pressed my lips to his and whispered "I'm here now, if you want me to be."

Damon growled against my lips "Very much." I smiled to myself, hearing exactly what I wanted to. He wanted me here with him. That's all I wanted. I wanted him and I wanted him to want me.

His lips brushed against mine as he deepened the kiss and pushed me down onto the sofa, his hand brushing down my neck and over my shoulder.

A wave of pain struck me, and forced me to wince out loud.

I frowned with confusion as Damon frowned too and asked "What's wrong?" I glanced at my shoulder with concern and mumbled "Ouch."

Damon frowned with worry and pulled the top of my shirt down to reveal my shoulder, my skin different again. My eyes widened with fear. It made my stomach twist violently at the sight of it. How could this be possible? Damon's eyes widened too as we both stared at my shoulder.

The werewolf bite was back and twice as bad.


What did you think?:o I'm quite shocked I ended the chapter like that. Ally has a werewolf bite, what will happen to her? I really hoped you all liked it, please comment, like, vote, fan me etc! :)

i love you all so much, the fact that you're still reading as I update this story, means the entire world. You'll have to bare with me at the moment, as I have a huge important Maths exam which is stupid but 'important' but I will promise to keep the updates as regular as I can.




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