By thepimp64

146K 1.5K 804

You we're (y/n) Xiao long(adopted), former son of Tai Xiao long and raven branwen. Until certain events occue... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23

chapter 15

3.1K 39 6
By thepimp64

3rd person POV

When Blake finally got out she got infront of a fountain in the school, then she cried, she was full of sadness because of the discrimination one of her teammates made, then she took the bow from her head, only to reveal she is a faunus.

???: I knew you would look better without the bow.

Said a mysterious voice, Blake turn to see who spoke, only for her to see that is was the monkey faunus from the docks. Then both of them left the school.


It was finally morning, and in the room of team RBWY, Ruby was waking up, and when she finally wake up she found out that Blake didn't go back to the dorm during the night so she woke up the rest of her team and tell them of that her teammate haven't come back. When they finally dress them self, they go to vale un search of her friend.

Meanwhile with Blake, she was in a store drinking tea with the monkey faunus who name was Sun. Blake didn't talk to him, because she didn't trust him, but with sometime without talking she decided to talk with him.

Blake: sun do you know who are the white fang?

Sun: finally you speak! After 2 days you haven't talk and you just only give me wierd looks.

Blake glared at the monkey faunus.

Sun: yeah like that!

Blake: sun, are you familiar with the white fang?

Sun: well obviously, I don't know a faunus who doesn't know who the white fang are. They are just some bunch of psychopaths.

Blake: Blake I was one of them.

Sun: you were a member of the white fang?!

Blake: I was part of the white fang, or more like I was born in it. In the ashes of war, the white fang was a simbol of peace between the faunus and humans. But even if the faunus was promise to peace, the faunus gain the hate and discrimination of the human, they thought we were the inferior species. And so the white fang rose up has the voice of our people. And I was there, I was in front of every rally, and I thought we were making a difference. But it was my optimistic youth. The five years later, our leader quiet the white fang and a new one took his place. The new leader had his way of protest, suddenly our peaceful protest became organized attacks, sending in fire multiple discriminatory groups, and hijacking company's who use faunus slave labors. And the worse thing, it was that working, we were being treated as equals, but not out of respect... But out of fear... So I left. I decide to not use my skill to help them in there violence, and instead I will dedicate my life to become a huntress. So here I am, a criminal in the public eyes.

Sun: ...so... Have you tell your friends any of this?

While sun and Blake talk, the rest of team RWBY were looking for Blake, yelling her name to see if she appears


Yang: Blake!!

Ruby: weiss your not helping.

Weiss: you know who could help? Civil protection.

Yang: that doesn't help.

Ruby: ugh, weiss.

Weiss: it was just an idea!

Ruby: yeah, a bad one.

Yang: weiss, we should probably hear the side of the story before we jump into conclusion.

Weiss: and I say when we hear it, you are going to see that I'm right.

Penny: and I think that weiss hair looks wonderful!

Team Ruby jumped of surprised because of the sudden appearance of her friend penny.

Ruby: ahhh! Penny where did you come from?!

Penny: hey guys what are you up to?

Ruby was just kinda confused, because she didn't answer her, but yang speak for her.

Yang: we are looking for our friend blake.

Penny: ooh! You mean the cat faunus.

Team RWBY was now kinda of confused by the answer of her friend, they didn't expect her to say something like that.

Ruby: wait, how do you know?

Penny: because of the cat hears?

Yang: but she wears a... Bow...

Everyone stayed silence for a few seconds...

Ruby: she likes tuna a lot.

Penny: don't worry Ruby friend, we are not going to rest until we find your friend Blake.

Ruby uh, that's really nice of you penny, uh, but we're-we're okay. Really. Right girls?

But out of no where, they disappered.

Now we focus on the new reveal cat faunus and the monkey faunus

Sun: so what's the plan now?

Blake: I still not believe that the white fang are behind this robberies, they never need it this much dust.

Sun: ...what if they did? I mean... The only way to prove that the didn't do it, is to go to the place if they were to do it, and not find them there... Right?

Blake: the only thing is, I have no idea where that could be.

Sun: well, while I was on the ship, I heard some guys talking about offloading a HUGE shipment of dust coming in from atlas... Or what it remains of it.

Blake: how huge?

Sun: well, I heard is one of the remaining dust that the schnee company had.

Blake: are you sure?

And once more the scene changes to weiss and yand, coming out of a store looking for Blake.

Yang:*closing door* thanks anyways.
*Irritated* ugh this is hopeless... You really don't care if we find her, do you?

Weiss: don't be stupid. If course I do. I'm just afraid of what she'll say when we find her. The innocent never run yang.

Yang was irritated and mad by the attitude of weiss, she surely want to find Blake, but at this point, she is just irritated by weiss.


It was night, and Blake was watching where the shipment if dust was located, she didn't see any combine around, so she was kind of worried of what could happen.

But the silence was broke by sun, coming with some stolen fruit.

Sun: hey. I stole you some food.

Blake: do you have to always break the law?

Sun: hey weren't you part of a cult or something?

Blake: *staring with annoyed eyes to sun*

Sun: okay, to soon.

But then, they hear the sound of motors above them, they face the sound to see 2 bullheads arriving at the docks.

And when they land, the doors open to reveal soldiers of the white fang. 

Blake: oh no...

Sun: is that them?

Blake: yes, it's them.

Then more troopers came down of the bullheads.

WF soldier: alright. Grab the tow cables.

Sun: you really didn't think they were behind it, do you?

Blake: no. I think deep down I knew. I just didn't want to be right.

The Blake a sudden new voice she didn't hear before.

???: Hey! What's the hold up?

When she face the voice of the newcomer, she saw one of the infamous thief's of remnant. Roman torchwick.

Roman: we're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment, solo why don't you animal try to pick up the pace.

Blake was confused, she never knew the white fang would work with a human.

Blake: this isn't right. The white fang would never work with a human.*standing up from the ground* Especially not one like him.* Dropping to where Roman is*

Sun: hey! wait up!

Roman: no you idiot! This isn't a leash!

Blake run towards Roman at full speed, and put her sword into Romans throat.

Roman: what the-? Of for fuck sake.

Blake: nobody move!

The white fang aimed their guns and sword towards Blake.

Roman: woah! Take it easy there little lady.

Blake: *taking of her bow* brother if the white fang! Why are you adding this scum?!

The white fang aimed down their weapons.

Roman: heh, oh kid. Didn't you get the memo? The white fang and I are going in on a joint business venture together.

Blake: *pulling closer her weapon* tell me what it is or I'll put an end to your little operation.

But then, some new bullheads arrive to the docks

Roman: I wouldn't exactly call it a Little operation.

She so 2 more bullheads arrive and land into the dock, containing more white fang soldiers.

But then. A beam hit one of the bullheads, and the bullhead exploded and crash into the docks.

When everyone look where the beam came from. They notice a strider and troopers of the wolf brigade.

C. Max: attack! And take no prisoners!

Then the wolf brigade with their heavy weapons stared to shoot toward the white fang. And the strider shooting towards the bullheads.

The white fang took cover behind the down bullhead, where of of the bullets that they were shooting, didn't penetrate. But those who couldn't make it in time, perish without trying to fight back.

The white fang shoot back. And one lieutenant of the white fang ask for renforcement.

But Blake was astonished on how her fellow faunus fall one by one. She took a look towards the wolf brigade to notice some faunus with them. And now she was shocked on how other faunuses could kill there own spices. With out any remorse.

Then sun joined Blake and when he look how the wolf brigade was killing the white fang.

The Roman decided to shoot the wolf brigade. But only for them to be stun, and take cover. But Roman decided to run from the scene. But Blake was in his way

Roman: well it's time to take those nine lives you have. *Rasing his weapon*

The he shot her with his cane multiple times, and Blake dodge every single one of them, and she hide behind some containers.

Roman: come kitty, kitty, kitty.

But then sun jumped in his back stunning him for a second, and when he got back to his feet, he stared to attack sun. But sun just blocked every attack with his staff. Then sun became the attacker, and he swung multiple times his staff to hit Roman, but Roman just keep blockading every single attack coming towards him, but Roman counter attack him successfuly. Then Blake came into to attack him.

Blake: he's mine!!

She hit Roman hard enough to send him back a little. When Roman look back, he saw a container above them, so he shot the container.

Sun and Blake dodge the container, but sun was infront of the criminal. He was about to shot sun, but ruby and penny came in time.

Ruby: hey!

Roman face ruby, and he said.

Roman: little red! Isn't past your bed time?

Penny: Ruby are this your friends?

Ruby: penny stay back!

Roman took the chance of distraction of ruby and he shot her.

Ruby: agh!!

Then penny just took some walk toward the edge of the building.

Ruby: penny no!

Penny: don't worry Ruby I'm combat ready.

And with that, sword came out of her little backpack. And she jump to attack. But when she was close, the white fang renforcement came and stared to shot penny. But one of the bullheads was destroyed by a strider, and the other one was destroyed by penny. Roman look the situation he was in. The combine in a side, and the kids into another. But a bullhead came to take him. And he without a second thought jumped into the bullhead.

When it was over, Blake look to the corpses of the fellow faunus. She was in the verge of crying. Then she look towards the wolf brigade, and walk toward Max.

Blake: what is wrong with you!! Why did you kill them?!

Max: they are criminals. And terrorist who risk the lives of others.

Blake: couldn't you take them prisoners?!

Max: no. They were my orders to kill them all. Now if you excuse me we have to leave.

Then yang and weiss came into the scene. But one of the wolf brigade soldiers came running toward the commander max.

Wb soldier: *whispering* sir, we got order to bring Blake belladona into a interrogation by civil protection. They said that she was part of the white fang.

Max nodded, and he call the soldier and another two. He stared to walk toward the new regroup team RWBY. And when he was infront, he and the rest of the soldiers aimed their weapons.

Max: Blake belladona. You are detained for being a ex white fang member.

The group. Now was worried by her friend. She was being detained by the wolf brigade. And they know it was going to be pretty back for her...

To be continued.

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