crumble | h.s

بواسطة ulookuglytodaysis

576K 13.4K 9.2K

{completed} "I want to go home." I plead. "Do you? Because Lydia, I will take you home myself if that's wha... المزيد

part one: the robbery
part two: aftermath
part three
part four
part five
part six
part seven
part eight
part nine
part ten
part eleven
part twelve
part thirteen
part fourteen
part fifteen
part sixteen
part seventeen
part eighteen
part nineteen
part twenty
part twenty one
part twenty two
part twenty three
part twenty four
part twenty five
part twenty six
part twenty seven
part twenty eight
part twenty nine
part thirty
part thirty one
part thirty two
part thirty three
part thirty five
part thirty six
part thirty seven
part thirty eight
part thirty nine
part forty
part forty one
part forty two
part forty three
part forty four
part forty five
part forty six
part forty seven
part forty eight
part forty nine
part fifty
part fifty one
part fifty two
part fify three: 72 hours
part fifty four
party fifty five: 48 hours
part fifty six: 24 hours
part fifty seven: goodbye
part fifty eight
part fifty nine
part sixty
Author's Note
hi :)
surprise ...
new fic!

part thirty four

9.1K 195 124
بواسطة ulookuglytodaysis

Lydia White

Harry was like a figment of my imagination.

Our whole relationship, whatever it was, seemed like something pulled straight out of my wildest dreams.

It happened so fast...falling for him, I mean.

I know how cheesy it sounds, but it was like fate brought us together. I met him in a random alley way...and we continued to cross paths afterwards.

I just don't think it could be justified as a coincidence anymore.

We were driving down the highway now, towards a destination that Harry had picked out for or date. I was wearing the same dress from the night of the party, because I didn't have many fancy options. Harry was in all black, wearing a button up black shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His tattoos were exposed on his arms and his chest, where two of the buttons remained unbuttoned.

He looked really good.

He wasn't telling me where we were going. We couldn't just go to a restaurant, or movie, or anything like that because we couldn't risk being seen right now.

So, I had no idea where he had in mind.

I never realized how long this highway is. I've been on it with Harry a handful of times, but this time we were going in the opposite direction. We've been driving for a good 20 minutes on this straight stretch of asphalt.

"Where is this place?" I ask, folding my hands in my lap.

"I told you it's a surprise." Harry smirks.

"Well, how much longer?" I question, growing more and more eager.

Harry chuckles as he watched the road. "Not much longer, Lyds, I promise."

I was actually relieved to leave the house, even if it was only for a little. Not even 24 hours ago, Harry and I were attacked in the middle of the night, so it felt good to step out for a little while.

I was trying really hard to just push what happened last night out of my head. It was difficult to deal with, especially because I've never gone through anything that extreme in my entire life. Everytime I thought about it, my stomach churned.

I couldn't really tell how Harry was feeling. If he was upset about it, he was putting up a good front because he seemed perfectly okay. But, the thing is, what happened to us wasn't an 'okay' situation. I knew that it had to be bothering him deep down in some way or another.

"Harry?" I say softly.

"Mhm." he mumbles, keeping his focus ahead of him playing with his lip.

"How are you...doing?" I ask awkwardly.

"What do you mean?" he furrows his brow.

"About last night." I say abruptly, making him swallow a lump in his throat.

"I...I don't know." he pulls on his lip.

"Well, are you okay?" I question.

He hesitates slightly before answering, "Am I okay with what happened? No." he starts, sighing. "But last night could have gone so many different ways..."

"Yeah, but-"

"He had us right where he wanted us. They could have killed us right there...or worse, we could've both been captured and tortured until we were wishing we were dead." he cuts me off.

I shutter in the passenger seat. The thought of those things happening to us makes me sick.

"So, because we're both sitting here...alive, I'm trying to just be okay with that part of it." Harry finishes. I nod in agreement.

"You just seem so...content." I hesitate.

"It's because I'm trying to live in the moment." he runs a hand through his hair. I tilt my head in puzzlement. "You're here, I'm make me happy and I want to enjoy this time with you. I want, just for right now, everything to feel okay." he says. I sit there, not knowing how to respond, but smiling very softly at his statement.

He always knew what to say to make it better.

Harry looks over at me for a moment. "What's not okay is that you had to go through it with me." he says.

I look down at my hands in my lap. Obviously, I wish the events of last night didn't happen...but I definitely didn't wish it was just Harry that went through it. I was meant to be there when it happened.

"Like you said...we're alive." I respond, causing him to give me a genuine, empathetic look...his eyes saying everything that his mouth wasn't.

He makes a right turn onto a dirt road, then parks the car. I look out the window, but all I can see are trees.

"Here we are." he smiles brightly. I knit my brows together in confusion as I look at the greenery, dirt and gravel that surrounded the sleek, black car.

"We're in the middle of the forest." I say in observation.

"Yes, I know." he chuckles.

Honestly, I was becoming more and more confused by the second.

Harry notices my state and grabs a hold of my hand.

"Follow me." he smirks.

I shoot him a curious glare. He begins to walk through the trees as I follow behind him. He uses his arms to push away branches that were in our path, holding them up so I could walk under them.

After a good 30 seconds of walking, he stops, and turns around to look down at me.

"Close those eyes, White." he smirks.

"You're kidding right?" I chuckle.

"Try me." his smirk doesn't fade.

I feel anticipation grow inside me. I obeyed him and shut my eyes in hopes he would reveal where the hell we were sooner.

I feel him come behind me and softly hold onto my shoulders, guiding me forward.

"Watch your step." he says cautiously.

"I can't, my eyes are closed." I tease, keeping my eyes pinched shut.

"Good. Keep 'em that way." he responds, causing me to smile.

As he walks me forward, I feel the hard dirt ground suddenly turn soft and mushy beneath my shoes. The wind feels slightly more brisk and clear, but it wasn't cold.

Harry's hand snakes around my eyes, prohibiting me from being able to see anything even if I tried. He guides our bodies forward a few more steps.

"Can I look now?" my heart races with eagerness.

He chuckles before slowly removing his hand.

I blink at the sudden sunlight, and then look at the view in front of me.

Underneath my feet was sandy earth. The  blue sky was open now, no longer covered by trees. We were standing in a large open area of the forest, surrounded by the wooded landscape. And in front of us, was a still body of water.

A beach. He brought me to a beach.

"Wow." I say in amazement.

"Isn't it awesome?" he chuckles, walking in front of me as I stand in place.

He walks closer towards the water. To the left, there was a tall wooden dock that extended to the middle of this body of water.

It was a beautiful sight. And I can safely say I was not expecting this at all.

I go to take a step, but my feet have trouble moving gracefully in this squishy ground.

I look down and see the heels of my shoes sinking into the sand.

I wore heels to a beach.

"Harry, I'm wearing a dress and heels!" I cup my hands around my mouth, shouting at him so he could hear me.

"I know." he yells back, smiling.

"We're at a beach! You told me to dress up!" I shout.

"I had to throw you off somehow! Now get over here will you." he motions for me to come by the water.

I huff and shake my head in astonishment. This boy never fails to surprise me and I'll never get used to it.

I lift my feet up individually and take my heels off, leaving them where I stood.

Once I was barefoot, I ran up to Harry's side. He was standing with his arms behind his back, looking out onto the water.

"This is what I imagine heaven to look like." he speaks softly, his hair blowing in the breeze.

"It's really pretty." I say, looking out onto the water.

"You should see it at sunset, or sunrise." he says. "It's unreal...feels like you're in another dimension."

"You've been here before?" I ask. He nods.

It was peaceful. It was quiet.

The only sounds you could really hear was the wind swaying through the trees. The water was so calm and still. It looked like a picture.

"How did you find this place?" I question softly, looking at the scenery laid out before me.

"When the lads and I first moved into the house...we got into an argument. I stormed out and drove away until I found that turn off." he points behind him and then turns back forwards. "I found this beach and then started coming back every once in a while, not so much anymore though."

"Have the guys seen it?"

"Oh yeah. I brought them out here a couple times. A lot of drinking and shit when down on this sand." he smiles to himself in reminiscence.

Harry was a sucker for scenery. From the sunrise, to this...he was drawn to it. But I think for him, it was more than just how it looked.

Harry was a deep person. He saw something rooted in everything. He saw the sunrise as an escape. He saw the sunset as a chance to reflect on himself. He saw this place as a memory of when times were easier for him.

I loved that about him. I loved that he had so much substance and depth.

He wasn't boring. Not even close. He was an adventure in himself. Even without the lifestyle he lead, there was never a dull moment...because of the way his remarkable mind worked. It was something I really admired.

Harry moves from my side and starts walking to his left.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

He turns around, with that infamous damned smirk plastered on his face. "Swimming." he says.

He starts undoing the buttons on his shirt, then throws it completely off of his arms and onto the sand, revealing his chiseled tattooed form.

"You're insane." I chuckle.

"Well, I guess that makes two of us...because you're getting in with me." he says.

I widen my eyes. "Are you crazy? I'm in a dress!"

Harry pauses, and looks me up and down. "You're right." he nods.

I furrow my brows. He starts to walk back towards me.

"You're right. You can't swim in a dress." he shakes his head, looking at the black dress covering my body.

He walks behind me, and I simply stay frozen wondering where the hell he was going with this.

I feel his fingers graze my back, and go up to the zipper of my dress.

I shudder at his sudden touch. He begins to pull the zipper of my dress down slowly.

I could stop him at anytime, but I don't. If I wanted him to stop, all I had to do was tell him and I knew he would listen.

He unzips the zipper completely. The straps of my dress were hanging loosely on my shoulders.

Harry comes back in front of me, looking me up and down, and then directly into my eyes.

While maintaining eye contact, I pull the straps of my dress off of my arms completely. The material slides off my body, leaving me standing in my black bra and underwear.

I step out of the dress that was now sprawled onto the sand.

A smile crawls onto Harry's face, making his one dimple pop out. He bites the inside of his cheek, trying not to show his expression.

"You're turn." I say, motioning to his skinny black jeans and shoes. He looks down and smirks, before sliding both of the clothing articles off.

"That's better." he smiles.

I bite my lip and smirk, then run past him and towards the dock. I hop onto the wooden platform and run up to the end. Harry follows quickly behind me.

I look down over the edge at the water that was sparkling beneath us.

"Is it cold?" I say in wonder.

"The suns been shining on it all day. It'll be the perfect temperature." he answers. I turn away from the water and look up at him.

"You jump first." I say.

He smirks at me and walks forward. "Whatever you say."

I cross my arms and wait for him to jump in. He stands right on the edge and prepares himself to dive into the lake.

But right before I can even process anything, he grabs my waist and throws me in, following behind me right after.

I feel the sudden cool impact of the water hit my body as I entered it completely thrown off guard.

I flailed my arms and legs under the water, trying to get to the surface.

My head bursts through the surface of the lake, sucking in a large breath and coughing. Harry's head pops out of the water a few seconds after me.

"You asshole!" I shout, causing him to laugh. "I could've drowned!" I splash water at him, aiming for his face.

"As if." he laughs, covering his face with one arm and splashing me with the other.

I continue to splash water at him through my own laughter. He treads over to me swiftly and grabs onto my waist.

While treading water with one arm to keep him afloat, he slides me towards him.

I hook my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck, keeping myself up. We were at eye level now, and he stared into my sea of blue.

"You think I'd let you drown?" he asks, burning his eyes into mine.

"I was kidding." I chuckle softly. I take a hand and run it through my hair.

"I'd do anything to save you if you were drowning." he says, eyes filled with seriousness.

I furrow my brows. "I know." I say softly.

"I hope you know. Because maybe you felt like you were going under the water, deeper and deeper, and you started panicking. Maybe it was because you were thrown in so quickly...but it's not your fault because you didn't ask for that. But I was right there...and you made it to the surface. You were okay." he says, still looking at me.

Why do I feel like he isn't talking about drowning anymore?

"Harry," I grab his face. "I'm always going to feel safe if you're with me, even if it's only a little bit."

He just showed me that what happened last night was eating him up. It was killing him, and he felt guilty.

"He almost killed you." he says, his voice breaking.

"I'm alive. I'm here right now, with you. Live in the moment remember?" I say, cupping his face.

The corner of his mouth lifts slightly as he looks into my eyes. "How did I get so lucky?" he says, just above a whisper.

I feel my heart pound against my chest.

God, I'm head over heels for this boy.

I don't know how to tell him that...

But I can show him.

I close my eyes and lean into his face with mine. He notices my action and follows, planting his lips directly onto mine.

Harry likes to lead our kisses...but I wanted to show him what he meant to me.

I began gliding our lips together. Puckering noises could be heard after each brief detachment. His lips were so warm compared to the cold air from my body being wet. I moved my hands from his cheeks to his hair, pulling at the roots slightly which made him moan into my mouth.

I bit his bottom lip, and tugged.

"Jesus, you drive me crazy." he whispers as I let go of his lip.

I feel a wave of confidence wash over me as I remove my lips from his and begin kissing him on his jaw.

I move to his neck, and he tilts his head, allowing me more access.

I bite down gently on his skin and the begin to suck, making Harry breathe out.

His hand that wasn't treading the water travelled down to my bum. He squeezed it, causing me to remove my lips from his neck and gasp out.

His hand moved from my bum, and ran down my thigh. He stroked my skin with slow movements, travelling closer to my lower region.

I felt my core ache in anticipation, waiting for his touch.

"Make me feel good, Harry." I speak into his ear. I don't know where this confidence was coming from...but I liked this side of me.

He snakes his hand into my underwear. I feel instant relief when his fingers circle my nerves.

He uses his head to tilt mine to the side, and then attacks my neck with his mouth. He kisses and sucks on it, while stroking his fingers and applying pressure right where I need him, leaving me totally breathless.

I gasp when he pushes two of his long fingers inside of me. He leaves more kisses on my neck as I let out soft moans.

He pumps his fingers inside of me at a fast pace, causing me to fall apart from his touch.

He twists, curls and wiggles his slender fingers and I begin to feel an extremely pleasurable heat inside my thighs.

He taps my nerves with his thumb, and presses down. The heat inside me only builds and my legs begin to shake.

He stops fingering me for a split moment and plants a kiss on my lips.

He keeps his lips on mine and then rubs pressured circles on my nerves with his thumb while curling his fingers inside me at the same time. My lips parted against Harry's mouth as I my moans started to intensify with my pleasure.

The heat that was building and building suddenly exploded. I felt intense pleasure rip through me. I moaned against Harry's lips before throwing my head back, feeling pure euphoria wash over my whole body.

My back arched so that my stomach pressed against him. My eyes pinched shut as the incredible feeling faded into a warm and fuzzy one.

I let my head fall onto Harry's shoulder as I took deep breaths. He removed his fingers and held onto my lower back.

"How you feeling?" he says quietly.

I nod with my forehead against his shoulder. "Amazing."

He tilts his head and kisses my hair.

"Let's get out, yeah?"

We were sitting on the edge of the dock now.

Harry's legs hung over the edge while I sat cross-legged next to him.

We were both still in our underwear, but the sun was bright and warm so we were almost completely dry at this point.

When we got out of the lake, Harry ran to his car for a moment and returned with a bag full of food and another pair of clothes for each of us.

He had Niall make us sandwiches and cut up fruit that we could bring with us.

We've been out of the water for maybe 10 minutes, eating and making small talk.

"Did you ever go to the beach as a kid?" I ask, brushing through my slightly tangled hair with my fingers.

Harry lets out a small laugh. "No way." he shakes his head.

"Really? Why?" I question, sitting up slightly.

"I never really had the chance, I guess." he toys with the rings on his fingers.

I don't know what he meant by that. He's never really told me about his life before The Kings. I've always been curious about his upbringing. Did his parents know they'd be raising a ruthless gang leader?

"What was your life like as a kid?" I ask, simply out of curiosity.

He tilts his head up and looks forward onto the lake. "I try not to think about it." he says.

"Was it...bad?"

He dips his head down. "Yeah." he breathes out.

I feel my stomach sink in sadness as I watch him.

"Maybe talking about it will make it better." I say.

"Don't you think I've tried talking about it? It doesn't make it better, I promise." he shakes his head, looking down.

"I just want to help." I tell him, seeing that he was getting annoyed.

"You can't help. It's in the past, Lydia. Drop it." he says with aggravation coating his tone.

I knew he was upset when he called me 'Lydia' instead of 'Lyds'. He hardly ever calls me Lydia anymore.

But I still felt like he had no right to get angry with me.

"Sorry." I say blankly. My tone made it clear that I wasn't actually sorry, but I didn't want to fight. I stand to my feet and head over to Harry's backpack that was a couple feet behind us.

"Where are you going?" he asks over his shoulder, watching me.

"To change." I tell him. I grab the t-shirt and leggings that he packed for me and pulled them onto my body.

Harry stands up and starts putting his packed clothes on as well, which were grey track pants and a black t-shirt.

I start to walk away from him, untucking my hair out of my shirt.

"Okay, why are you being so cold all of a sudden? Are you mad at me or something?" he throws his hands in the air in frustration.

I wasn't mad at him, I was mad that he got upset with me.

"No." I cross my arms.

"That's not very convincing." he says.

We were standing a few feet apart on the dock.

"Is this is because I didn't want to talk about my childhood?" he looks at me, questioning seriously.

I shrug, causing him to tilt his head back and groan.

"Fuck, I knew I shouldn't have been such a dick about it." he takes a couple steps towards me and looks down at me. "Lyds, I'm's just a touchy subject."

"Okay, but I didn't know that, Harry." I look up into his eyes.

"I know, I'm sorry. Let's just forget it happened." he runs his hands up the sides of my arms.

I look away from his eyes and nod.

"So...we're all good?" he says, gently gripping my arms.

As much as I wanted to stop it, I couldn't help but let a small smirk cross my face.

"There she is." he says in an overly cocky tone. I roll my eyes but keep the smirk plastered on my face.

"Just to be clear, you still pissed me off." I point at him as he walks away towards the bag.

"I know, love. Can't promise it won't happen again, though." he smirks. I shake my head at him as he walks back over to me with the bag in one hand. He takes his free hand and grabs mine, and we begin to walk towards the car.

Harry and I walk past the men that were guarding the front of the house. He shoots them a nod with his head as a hello and unlocks the door.

He holds it open for me to walk inside. I kick my shoes off and walk towards the kitchen, where I was expecting all of the guys to be.

But, when I was empty. Harry followed behind me and stopped when he noticed I was looking around.

"Where are the guys?" I ask.

"I don't know." he says, looking slightly worried because none of us were supposed to be out in public.

I hear a door open. Not the front one, but one inside the house.

In the next moment, Niall walks into the kitchen, holding his fist.

He stops dead in his tracks when he looks up to see Harry and I staring at him.

"Hey guys." he says. Harry looks at him suspiciously.

"Where is everyone?" I ask.

"Uh-" Niall hesitates before being cut off by Harry's voice.

"Why are you holding your fist like that?" he points to Niall's hands.

Niall's eyes widen as he grips his fist tighter. Harry strides towards him and grabs onto his wrist tightly. He prys Niall's hand away from his fist.

Harry holds Nialls wrist in his hand, revealing his bloody and bruised fist.

"Oh my god." I mumble.

"Look, Harry-"

"What the fuck." Harry mutters between clenched teeth.

I stared at Niall's bloody hand, wondering what the hell he's done. Harry looked furious.

I had no idea what was happening. Where are Louis and Liam?

"Who's blood is that?" Harry asks darkly with his jaw clenched.

Niall looks into Harry's eyes, seeing like he's trying to stay strong but feeling terrified on the inside.

He glanced over at me before looking back at Harry. "Come with me." he says to him.

My brow arches in confusion.

Harry turns back towards me. "Stay here." he says before turning and walking away with Niall.

They turn out of the kitchen, disappearing from my sight.

I couldn't help but feel slightly scared. Something told me that the blood wasn't Niall's. Was it Louis or Liam's?

I stood in the kitchen silently.

And then a gunshot rang out...


i luh you cuties

vote and comment !!!!

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