The Statue of Liberty: A Norm...

By it0does0matter

50.9K 1.8K 1K

Trigger Warning: This book contains talk of depression, anxiety, self-harm, and sexual/verbal abuse. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 30

1.2K 45 11
By it0does0matter

Once we step out of the vehicle all of the kids immediately start to get their luggage and run up to the house. All of them either screaming in excitement or gasping. Seth however stays in my arms as he smiles widely at the house. It's a very long walkway to the entrance, but altogether it looks very nice.

"You okay, bunny?" I ask, patting his back.

Seth has never been on a plane, but he was really scared the whole way here. Which it was a long plane ride honestly so that didn't help. I kiss his head and step out of the vehicle—still holding him in my arms.

"Do you need a nap, baby?" I ask.

We did wake up very early in the middle of the night so that we could get here on time for check-in, so I know that he has to be a little tired. All of the kids were working on their school work on the plane instead of sleeping, but they all seem too excited to be tired anymore. Although, Seth is too scared to be excited at the moment.

He nods against my chest, holding his dinosaur stuffy close to him. I nod and bounce him gently as I try to grab his bag, but someone else quickly grabs it before me. I look up seeing an unfamiliar man, but then I notice the tux he's in and nod. I forgot—I ordered a butler.

"I can take this for you, Miss." He assures, grabbing Seth's bag along with Gina's extra bag that was right next to it.

I send him a grateful smile before looking around, seeing that all of the kids have made their way into the house. Ally grabs a few bags along with Camila and Lauren. I look for Dinah because she's the strongest and she has the biggest frame so she would be able to carry more than us, but she's wandered off.

I smile when I notice that she's much farther behind the kids and is only walking around the front of the house, looking up at the tall trees around her with a wide smile.

"Baby," I call out.

Dinah's head whips around and she looks over at us with raised brows. I motion towards the vehicle and she gasps when she realizes that she's supposed to be helping. She rushes over to us and takes what's left of the bags as the driver closes the doors.

"Isn't this like a place where we would share with other guests?" Lauren asks.

"I mean, I don't think so. I paid to stay at the whole house so we'll have it to ourselves." I shrug.

Even though it is just going to be us, we will have chefs handy at all times during the day and the butler will be on standby until midnight everyday. It'll be nice to let Camila and Ally enjoy this stay without having to cook, clean, or run errands. I tried my hardest to make it possible for everyone to relax and enjoy this vacation.

"Momma, I wanna go inside. The sun is getting brighter." Seth whines.

I nod and rub his back softly. "Okay, bunny. Why don't you pick out a bed then you can take a nap?" I suggest.

He nods, moving his arms to wrap around my neck. I start to walk down the very long walkway and try my best to step on the stones properly before getting into the living room. Seth starts to kick his legs excitedly and, not to my surprise, points to the stairs. I chuckle and start to walk up the stairs with the butler following behind me.

"Do you wanna bunk bed, bubba?" I ask.

"There's bunk beds?" Seth asks, perking up quickly.

I smile and nod my head causing Seth to squirm in my arms. He manages to get safely out of my grasp and grabs tightly onto my hand.

"C'mon, Momma! We gotta go find them!" He exclaims.

I start to follow after him when he drags me impatiently down the hallway. He makes a sharp turn, dragging me into a room that Regina is already in. She's already managed to scatter her clothes about on one of the double beds placed underneath a bunk bed.

"This is my side!" Regina claims quickly.

Seth shrugs, running passed her and to the double bed closest to the patio. "This side's mine!" He shouts back, setting his dinosaur stuffie onto the bed.

The butler smiles and places Seth's bag onto his bed. Seth says a sweet thank you before starting to dig through his own clothes.

"Sissy, we need to go swimming!" Seth says, jumping up and down as he grabs his swimsuit.

I smile, watching as Regina quickly grabs her bathing suit. They both run to their bathroom making me giggle. I guess Seth isn't tired anymore.

"Momma, we're right by the beach!" I hear Vaka yell from somewhere else.

He quickly comes to the door and stands in the hallway, already dressed in his swim trunks. I can't stop myself from smiling when I see the face eating grin he's wearing. God, I have a feeling I'm going to be smiling a lot this week.

"I know, baby. Remember when you told me you wanted to go to the beach again?" I ask.

"You remembered?" He asks.

"Of course, I did. Take your siblings with you. Keep a close eye on them, please. I'll be out there in a second." I say.

Vaka nods, waiting eagerly for the kids to come out of the bathroom. Once they do he quickly grabs their hands and takes them with him. I chuckle and start to clean up the mess that the kids have already made with their clothing.

I mostly planned this trip for Dinah and the kids. Vaka told me how he wanted us to go to the beach together and I made sure to choose somewhere that would be by the beach. I know that Dinah just loves really high-class things, so I made sure to get something that would make her feel at home. Plus, she's fine with basically anything that makes her kids happy, so as long as they're happy then Dinah and I are happy.

Dinah appears at the doorway. She smiles widely at me and grabs onto my hand.

"I picked our room, is that okay?" Dinah asks.

I nod, leaning in to press my lips against hers gently. In all honesty, I wasn't really wanting a specific room. I know what all of them look like, but I didn't really pick out one that I wanted to sleep in. Dinah leads me out of the room and down the hallway.

She takes me into another room and I can't stop myself from letting out a huff. Never mind, this is the room that I did not want. I would've been fine with any other room but this one.

"Something wrong, princess?" Dinah asks.

I blush at the new nickname and nod my head. Dinah leads me farther into the room and sits us both down onto the bed.

"Okay, well, wanna tell me?" She asks.

I shrug, looking out of the doors that our bed is facing. In the distance you can see the ocean and the waves that are coming to the shore, making the water reach higher.

"What's wrong, baby? We just got here, you can't get upset already." Dinah jokes, laughing softly as she tucks my hair behind my ear.

   "Did I ever tell you that I'm afraid of the ocean?" I ask, keeping my eyes on the glass doors.

   "Wait, you are?" She asks, grabbing onto my chin to make me face her.

   I nod, looking down to my lap shyly.

   "You never told me that. Why did you choose to come here if you're afraid of the ocean, baby?" Dinah asks.

   "Vaka said he loves the beach. He said that you'd really enjoy going to the beach again. Plus, I know Seth wanted to go to the beach too." I shrug.

   "But, baby, you hate the beach." She giggles.

   "I know, but I wanted y'all to have a good vacation. I wanted to do something that y'all would enjoy, but this room scares me." I mutter, glancing at the doors.

   If I have to fall asleep with the ocean right across from me then I'm definitely going to get nightmares. They're not pleasant nightmares at all. Although, I don't imagine any nightmare is pleasant, but still the ones that include oceans are the worse.

   "You really decided you'd go through this just for us to have a vacation?" She asks, her smile growing wide.

   "Yeah." I mutter, fidgeting my thumbs.

   Dinah connects our lips in a sweet kiss and I can't help but immediately start to kiss back. I hold the back of her neck and giggle against her lips. Still coconut. I kiss her a little harder, and lean into her.

   "I haven't seen the whole house yet, but it's really amazing. This means so much to me, you have no idea." Dinah whispers.

   I place a gentle peck to her lips and smile. "Wanna go to the beach?"

   Dinah frowns, rubbing my waist gently. "You hate the beach."

   "I know, but the kids are down there so we should get down there too." I say.

   Dinah nods, standing up from the bed. She runs her hands down my arms before interlacing our fingers. She pulls me off of the bed and presses my body against hers. I wrap my arms around her waist and nuzzle my face into her neck. Something about the air here makes everything feel so much calmer. It feels so amazing here.

   "Let's get dressed." Dinah says, kissing my temple.

   I nod and pull away from her slowly. She smiles softly and turns around to go to her bag, immediately starting to make the room messy with her clothes. Ah, I get where the kids get it from. I can't help but chuckle as I start to pick up her mess of clothes to set them neatly on the bed.

   Luckily, it doesn't take long for Dinah to find her swimsuit. She pecks my lips before leaving to the bathroom. I shake my head to myself, starting to go through my own bag but I keep my clothes inside of it for right now. I guess I'll be trying to get over my fear of the ocean this week.


   I feel two arms wrap around my waist before I'm being lifted up from the ground. I shriek when I notice that the safe, sanded ground is now turning into dangerous, blue water. I notice the slight veins that protrude from their arms making me groan.

"Dinah, let me go!" I demand.

"Okay." She replies simply.

I immediately start to freak out and hold onto her tighter. I move to wrap my legs around her waist and my arms around her neck as I shake my head quickly.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Don't!" I panic.

Dinah giggles, holding me up under my thighs. She presses a long, gentle kiss to my chest making me feel a little calmer. I feel her start to lower herself into the water and I worriedly hold onto her tighter.

"Dinah, please, get me out!" I beg.

"C'mon, baby, just take a deep breath for me. I'm right here." She whispers into my ear.

I sigh and do as told. I take a deep breath and feel my legs being engulfed by the cold water. My feet end up lying against the sand as the water stops at my waist. Dinah sits on the sand and moves her arms to wrap around me. I stay in her lap and look down at the water.

"See, it's not that bad. I'm right here." Dinah assures.

I loosen my arms around her neck, but keep my legs around her waist. I stare down at the water and feel the waves hit against my back. Okay, Dinah's right, it's not that bad. It's kinda like a pool.

"Is it as bad as you thought it would be?" She asks.

I shake my head and fidget my feet behind her back. It's a lot calmer than I expected, aside from the kids playing around at a distance. Splashing and screaming while the twins manage to wrestle in the shallow water. I smile and look back to Dinah who's staring at me with a ginormous smile.

   "Make sure you close your eyes if you ever go under, or the salt will burn them." She giggles.

   "Okay." I mutter, looking at the water.

   I don't plan on going under the water. I think I'm fine right here. Looking around, I notice Lauren holding Gordon in the water as he splashes the water with a wide smile. She looks up at me and smiles as she raises from the sand, picking Gordon up with her.

   She brings him over to us and I take him. I set him between Dinah and I, letting him sit on my thigh so that he can face the both of us. Gordon giggles and reaches out for Dinah's hair, but she quickly grabs it away and hits his hand.

   "Don't hit him, baby. He's just excited." I pout, kissing where Dinah hit him.

   Dinah sighs, leaning forward to connect our lips. I smile and kiss her back. This honestly feels amazing. Pulling away from her, I look down at Gordon and see him staring up at me. He puckers up his lips, so I peck them gently making him clap his hands happily.

   Dinah stares at me, smiling softly and I can't help but smile back. "Why're you so smiley?" I ask.

   She shrugs, leaning forward to capture my lips in a gentle kiss. "This is just amazing. I haven't left New York in so long. It feels so nice to get away."

   "Mm." I hum against her lips. "Well I am enjoying all of these kisses that I'm getting."

   "You'll be getting a lot more because of this trip." Dinah whispers, her lips leaving mine so that she can press a soft kiss below my ear.

   I bite my lip with a wide smile, pulling her closer to me. She places warm, wet kisses down my neck, humming against my pulse point. Dinah starts to suck gently, but there's a giant splash of water that ends up soaking both of us. She quickly pulls away, finding Hoi standing beside us as he laughs, pointing his finger teasingly.

   "Watch your brother, loser!" Dinah scolds, hitting Hoi's calf roughly.

   He winces and slaps her hand away from him. "I don't think my brother wants to see his mommies making out."

   Dinah quickly stands up, but not without taking Gordon and I gently off of her lap. Once she gets us off of her she starts to chase after Hoi making him scream as he starts to run away. He doesn't get far though before Dinah leaps forward to tackle him into the water. You can hear his scream as he's being tackled, but it's immediately silenced once he's pushed under water.

   He comes up for a second as him and Dinah start to wrestle. I giggle, watching as Vaka sees the situation and hurries to his twins rescue. He wraps his arm around Dinah's neck and pulls her off of Hoi, pulling her under the water.

You can hear their arguing and screaming as they splash around in the water. My attention is taken away from them when Seth comes running up to me as fast as he can—the water that reaches his calves slowing him down.

"Momma! Looky, it's a star!" Seth giggles, showing me the object in his hand.

I look at his hands, seeing a bright purple starfish.

"Hey, baby, you have to keep that in the water." I say, grabbing his hands to put them underwater.

"Why? I found it in the sand!" He says, pointing to where Ally and Kamila are lying while they tan, Precious playing in the sand.

I smile, knowing that she'll need a bath after this week. Looking down at the starfish, I frown and carefully turn it over in his hands. The tiny tentacles on the bottom of the starfish are still moving slightly.

"It's still alive, bunny. You need to be careful with this. Do you know what this is?" I ask.

Seth nods with a wide smile. "It's a star!"

   "Yeah, it's a starfish. You have to be extra careful with it because these animals are really sensitive." I say softly but sternly.

   Seth has always been super gentle, but if he doesn't know what this is then that might not be the case. I wouldn't want Seth to hurt an innocent animal. He nods, carefully sitting down beside me and staring down at the clear water to look at the starfish.

   "It's a fish? It needs water to live?" Seth asks.

   "It's not a fish, but it does need water to live." I say.

   "Ay, whatcha got there, little bro?" Vaka asks, breathing heavily as he plops down beside us, basically soaked.

   "A star!" Seth smiles, showing Vaka, but making sure to keep it under the water.

   "That's amazing, bud, but you gotta give me that." He says, holding his hand out.

   Seth pouts, pulling the starfish closer to himself. "Why?"

   "This sea star isn't supposed to be in shallow water. It likes deep water. Plus, just touching it—like you are right now—can hurt it." Vaka informs.

   "Oh - well I don't want to hurt it." Seth mutters, handing it to his brother.

   "I know, buddy. I'll go put it back where it's deeper." He says, standing up.

   My eyes widen and I hurriedly grab ahold of his hand that isn't occupied with the starfish. "Wait, what do you mean by that?"

   "It's fine, Momma. I'm just gonna swim out and let it go. It shouldn't be over here." Vaka says.

   I stand up from the sand, resting Gordon on my hips. "I don't want you swimming out there. It's not safe."

   "Momma, I've been swimming since I was four. I think I'll be okay." He chuckles.

   I shake my head, scoffing as I hold tighter onto his hand. It could be my fear of the ocean that's getting in the way, but still. The waves are much bigger out there than they are right here and I don't want my son going out there.

   "Just toss him, baby. I don't want you out there—not right now." I say.

   "Momma, really? I'm fourteen, I can swim!" He whines.

   "And I'm seventeen, yet I'm still your mother, so throw the fucking sea star!" I argue.

   Vaka huffs, stomping his foot. "Momma, that could hurt it."

   "Better it than you." I remark.

   "What's going on?" Dinah asks, coming to stand beside me.

   She wipes the water off of her face as she moves her drenched hair over her shoulders.

   "Mom, Momma won't let me put this starfish back in the deep water." Vaka says, motioning to the animal in his hand.

   "Why not? Manz, just let the boy put the stupid star in the water." Dinah shrugs.

   "No, he is not going that far out! He's staying where he can touch." I say sternly.

   Dinah chuckles, grabbing onto my shoulder. "Baby, he knows how to swim. He'll-"

   I glare at her making Dinah immediately shut her mouth and take her hand off of my shoulder. She clears her throat, rubbing the back of her neck as she shakes her head.

   "Listen to your mother, Vaka." Dinah mumurs.

   "Are you serious, right now? And why the hell are you wearing a white tank top?" He asks, starting to get aggravated.

   "I forgot to pack a bikini top!" Dinah says. "Why do you keep attacking me?"

   "I don't like seeing my moms bulge and nipples!" Vaka shouts.

   "It's hard trying to keep up with men and women clothing all the time!" Dinah shouts back.

   Vaka and Dinah start to yell at each other making me sigh. I grab the sea star from Vaka's hands and chunk it to the deeper water. Dinah immediately shuts up and Vaka gasps, looking at his now empty hand.

   "Momma!" He yells.

   "It'll live. Stop yelling at your mother. Give her a break. This is a vacation. She can wear whatever she wants and you can wear whatever you want. Be nice." I say strictly. "I will not ask again."

   Vaka nods, mumbling something under his breath. Something he says often when in trouble with his mother. I don't know what it is, but I leave it alone knowing that Dinah is okay with the words. He looks up at me and is about to say something before he's tackled to the ground by his brother.

   I roll my eyes with a light chuckle, looking back to Dinah who now has her arms crossed over her chest. I rest my hand against her cheek, turning her face to look at me.

   "It's fine, Dinah. It's just us here anyways." I whisper, dropping my hand to her forearm.

   Surprisingly, there is no one anywhere near us at the beach so only our family is in this area. Dinah sighs, tightening her hand on her arm with a shrug.

   "C'mon, baby. You have nothing to be embarrassed about." I assure.

   Dinah looks down at her chest, fidgeting her feet nervously. I connect our lips in a gentle kiss causing Dinah to loosen her grip, giving me the perfect chance to take her arms away from her chest. I smile against her lips, dragging my hand over her tight abs.

   "What's there to be embarrassed about when you have a body like this?" I ask.

   Dinah takes her lips off of mine, letting out a shaky breath when my finger traces down her v-line. "Maybe a boner."

   "Mm ... I'd like to see that." I whisper.

   I lean my forehead against hers, biting on my lower lip as I look down at her swim trunks. Dinah slowly grabs onto my hand, taking it away from her stomach.

   "Baby, as much as I'd love for you to do that there's still a baby in your arms and our family is all around us." Dinah giggles.

   I huff, looking to the baby on my hip and see that he's basically half asleep. I move to cradle him carefully, making sure not to upset him.

   "I think I should go lay him down for a nap. Plus, Precious is getting tired too." I say, glancing at the puppy as she lies on the sand.

   Dinah nods, pecking my lips. "Okay."


I slip my arms around Dinah's waist making her jump, her body tensing against me. Her singing comes to a halt making me giggle. I run my hand over her abs and kiss her bare shoulder softly.

"I had to walk all around the house just to find you." I whisper.

Dinah turns around to face me, raising her pierced brow suspiciously. I smile and kiss over her chest. Dinah nudges her nose against my forehead making me pull away from her.

"Why are you in here?" She asks.

"I don't know." I say honestly.

I run my hand down Dinah's bare back and place a soft kiss to her wet chest. Dinah smiles, running her fingers through my hair. She presses her lips against mine gently, humming as she presses me against the shower wall.

"I love seeing you like this." I mutter.

Dinah smirks, running her hands down my hips. "I could say the same to you."

She runs her hands down my back before resting her hands on my ass. I slip my tongue into her mouth causing her to squeeze my ass in surprise. She moans into my mouth, massaging my ass gently. I slip my hand between us, feeling Dinah's shaft harden at my touch.

I kiss her chest tenderly, leaving open mouthed kisses up her neck. Biting gently on her earlobe, I feel Dinah's dick twitch eagerly against my fingertips. She stays silent and breathes feverishly against my temple.

Leaning upwards, I connect our lips in a messy kiss. Dinah groans into my mouth when I slip her dick to rest between my legs.

"Do I move?" Dinah asks shyly.

I nod, moving my hands onto her hips so that I can lead her. Her hips move back and forth, letting her dick slide through my folds. I moan faintly, biting on Dinah's bottom lip to keep me quiet. I know this isn't necessarily going all the way, but it's fairly close and I don't want to make Dinah overwhelmed.

"I want you to suck it." Dinah says, almost demandingly.

I raise a brow at her, pushing her away slightly so that I can take her from between my legs. Dinah's eyes widen and she starts to stumble over her words. Her face flushes a bright red as she tries to back away from me, but I hold her in place.

"Sh, it's okay. You don't have to be embarrassed. I want you to tell me what to do." I whisper, kissing her softly.

"Where do you want me?" I inquire.

"On your knees." Dinah replies instantly.

Giggling, I pull her closer to me and begin to stroke her generously. "You're okay with this?"

I kiss tenderly down her neck making Dinah whimper and nod her head. She leans down to connect our lips, pushing herself closer to me desperately.

"Yes, I am." Dinah mutters against my lips.


"Mommies! Wake up, it's breakfast time!" Seth says, climbing onto the bed to jump on top of us.

I pretend to stay asleep, snuggling closer to Dinah.

He huffs, shaking me by my shoulder. "Momma, I want breakfast!"

"Seth, we have chefs. It's already made. I'm sure your aunts are already in the dining room." Dinah grumbles, turning around in bed.

That causes me to frown and I open my eyes to see that she's now facing away from me. I run my hand down her back, trying to pull her to turn back around.

"Momma! You're up!" Seth exclaims, throwing his arms around my neck.

I smile, holding him against me. "Hey, bunny. You don't wanna sleep with me and Mommy for a while longer?"

"'M hungry, Momma." He mumbles.

"Well, I bet Aunty Ally is awake. Can you eat breakfast with her? I really wanna cuddle with Mommy before I get up." I say.

"Then I'll starve." Seth murmurs, shimmying to lay between me and Dinah.

I chuckle, covering him up and pulling him closer to me. "Only a little longer, okay? I promise."

Seth nods, poking his Mommy's back. She groans and turns over to face us. I roll my eyes at her and interlace our fingers.

"Morning, gorgeous. How're you feeling?" Dinah asks, leaning over Seth to press a soft kiss to my lips.

"Pretty okay actually, you?" I ask.

"Great." She mutters, pecking my lips again before returning back to her spot in bed. "No nightmare?"

I shake my head, smiling softly. I think actually getting into the water yesterday played a role in my peaceful sleep. I expected a nightmare to come, but it never did. It's actually relieving.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask.

"You just did." Dinah mumbles, closing her eyes to try to go back to sleep.

"Why are you like this?" I grumble, rolling my eyes.

Dinah giggles, opening her eyes to glance at me. "Okay, I'm sorry, baby. What do you want to ask?"

"Can we sleep outside tonight?"

She frowns, moving her hand to rest under her head. "Uhm, sure, I don't see why not. That's all you wanted to ask?"

I nod and Dinah nods in return, looking towards the doors in front of our bed. She sighs and starts to get comfortable again in bed but I only stare at her. My eyes drop to the slight bulge showing under the thin blanket making me bite on my lower lip, knowing what she's wearing.


The loud voice causes me to jump, feeling Seth and Dinah jump as well. I look in the direction of the voice and see Lauren coming into the room with her phone in hand.

"Come on, I want a picture of you in front of the water while the sun comes up." She says, waving her over eagerly.

Dinah groans, throwing the blanket off of her and getting out of bed. I smile, my eyes landing on her ass that's only covered in lace. She stretches and walks around the bed, rolling her eyes at Lauren.

"What do you need me to wear?" She asks.

Lauren glances at what she's wearing and shrugs. Her black lace Versace boxers with a plain black sports bra.

"This is perfect, let's go!" Lauren says, grabbing ahold of her hand and dragging her out of the room.

Seth looks up at me, cuddling into my chest. "Aunty Lolo said that Mommy's post got ten thousand likes."

My eyes widen as I glance down at him. That's a lot more than she usually gets and Dinah wasn't wanting a lot of attention, but she got it anyways. It's kind of humoring that out of everything Lauren has posted the one that gets the most attention is a picture of Dinah's junk.

"That's a lot of likes." I mutter, adjusting the cap on his head.

He nods against my chest, looking out of the window. "Mommy is gonna get famous."

I chuckle, sitting up since Dinah left and I won't be going back to bed anytime soon. "I don't think Mommy wants that much attention. Though, maybe it'll help her confidence."

"Mommy needs confidence. I like when she likes herself. She's really pretty." Seth says.

"Yeah, she is. She's beautiful and she'll have to realize that one day." I say, standing up from the bed.

"She has to?" He asks, making grabby hands towards me.

I nod, picking him up to rest on my hip. "She has to."

Wow, what a short chapter. I'm sorry about the wait for such a short chapter, but I'm really stumped on how to write vacations.

Chapter 31 is almost done though! I just wanted to leave some space between the two instead of adding it here, but it's half way done, promise!

I'm half asleep, but I hope you liked this chapter.

Thank you for 23k reads!

I started a short story as well, please give it a chance? I'm proud of it so far🥺

This chapter isn't proofread, but hopefully it's okay. Thank you for reading it!❤️


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