She's My Girl

By Swendom

93.7K 2.2K 723

Regina needs a job and resorts to becoming a dancer at a club. The club is owned by Emma Swan. What happens w... More

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By Swendom

~Regina's POV~

"Hector, please just come back. He misses you. He keeps asking to see you."

"Regina I'm staying here. I'm not coming back. I'm sorry. I'm not a good example for my son. I got all kinds of shit wrong with me. I'm getting help... just leave me alone."

"Hector I know you. What's the matter?"

"I-I wanna die... I want to kill myself Regina." My breath hitches and I sit down. "I-I'm not gonna do it though. I wanna get better so I can see my son grow up. I wanna be there but my mind is fucked up right now. I'm gonna be okay one day, not anytime soon though. Tell Diego I love him and and t-that I'll see him... when I do. I love you too Regina none of this is your fault. I've been like this for a long time. I'll call you later." The line goes dead. I feel the tears roll down my cheeks.

"Mummy? Why you cwying?" Diego asks me. I look at my beautiful baby and cup his cheeks.

"Diego," I sniffle. "Your daddy loves you so so much."

"I love my daddy," he smiles. He look just like Hector.

"I know you do bebé. I love him too. He's gone on a vacation bebé. I don't know when he's coming back but he says that he loves you so much." Diego looks at me confused. "Your daddy is trying his best but needs help."

"I help him mummy." I kiss his head.

"I wish you could..." I hold him close. "I wish you were enough."

"Mummy are you sad?"

"Yes, bebé."

"Kisses make it better?" He worries.

"Yeah." I wipe my tears. He walks away and comes back with the step stool.

"Four kisses mummy happy? I don't want you be sad mamá."

"Yes four kisses will help."

"One... two... three... four..." he steps down and looks up at me. "Mummy you still sad. I give you hug." He sounds so sad himself. He steps back up and gives me a hug. "A big hug make mummy feel better."

"Thank you Diego."

"You welcome. Mummy want some ice cweam?"

"No thank you bebé."

"You gimme ice cweam and I don't be sad no more. I get you a cookie." He jumps down and runs to the closet. "Mummy I no can reach." He comes back over to me crying. "Mummy I don know make happy."

"Diego you make me happy." I pick him up and hug him tight. "You make me so happy."

"I make you happy mummy?" He wipes his eyes. "I do good." He puts the step stool back and goes back to his iPad and headphones.

~Emma's POV~


"Papi mummy cwying. She no dice (say) why. You come make her happy?"

"Okay I'm on my way."

"I give her kisses but her still sad. You bring cookies ta make her happy. I no reach mines."

"Yes Diego I'll bring cookies. Thank you for calling. I'll be right there." I grab the cookie out the cabinet and put some slippers on.

"Oweos her likes oweos. Me too." I roll my eyes and chuckle.

"Open the door."

"Mummy open the door pwease."

"For what?" I hear how sad Regina is.

"Regina!" I knock on the door.

"Coming!" Diego hangs up and the door opens. "Wha-"

"Diego called me and said you were crying. I brought cookies."

"Diego?" She looks at her son. "Did you call Emma and tell her to bring cookies?"

"Yes mummy. My kisses no work dis time. You still sad. I call Emmy make you fell better. Her kisses work."

"Emma go home-"

"Regina please I'm here for you. Please don't push me away."

"I miss my ex! There! I miss him! I miss him so damn much. I just want him to be okay. He's hurting and I can't do anything about it. I just have to wait."

"So we'll wait. We'll wait together. Come on let's go."

"Mummy I take a nap pwease?"

"Yes bebé." She picks Diego up and takes him to his room. She comes back and cleans up after his. She puts his iPad on the charger.

"Regina?" I close the door. "We don't have to talk about it... please just let me hold you. Let me be there, baby." She sniffles and walks over to me. She takes my hand and we walk to her room. She tells me to lay down. She straddles me and lays her on my shoulder.

"I miss my ex..." she whispers. "Not enough to get back with him... but enough to wish him well. I love him because he gave me my son. I love him because he was my first for everything. I care about him. He's hurting right now and the way he's hurting is hurting me because I don't know if he'll be okay in the long run. I called him today to ask him where he's been and because Diego wants to see him. He told me some pretty upsetting things which made me cry. Diego cries for him. When you're around he doesn't cry. When you're around he thinks nothing of his father. That's something I do and I don't want. When you're here his pain is gone. If we're together are you willing to take his pain away? Are you going to stay? I'm not some cheap fling. I'm in it for the long run. I want to be loved. I want protection. I want a promise that I won't have to worry about other women."

"You can have that Regina. You can have it all with me. I want to stay with you. I wanna brag about you. Show you to all my friends and family. Make you mine. I'm ready for that."

"My heart isn't something to play with. That stunt you pulled last week isn't gonna cut it. My heart needs to heal."

"I know baby." I kiss her head. "I know."


"Mummy I wan milk."

"She's sleeping little man."

"Mummy," he whines. I help him on to the bed. "Mummy I wan milk."

"Diego?" Regina groans. "What time is it?"

"Mummy I wan milk." Diego crawls on top of Regina. "Mummy you wakey up?"

"Yeah." Regina opens her shirt for him. God her breast are prefect! Emma stop being a perv. I look away. "There you go bebé."

~Regina's POV~

"What's wrong Emma?"


"Yeah right. You're probably gonna bust in your pants thinking about my tits."

"Yeah," she scratches the back of her head. "You got me there?" I tease her and squeeze her dick. She moans loud on accident. Diego looks at her confused.

"Don't do that!" Her face is beat red. "Fuc-fudge. Now I gotta deal with this."

"Stay papi," I tease her again.

"You're driving me crazy. Stop it." She whines and pouts.

"Diego?" He hums. "Can you drink from you sippy cup today?" He looks up at me. He shrugs and stops suckling. I close my shirt and we slide off the bed.

It doesn't take long to make his bottle. I hand it to him and he walks to his room. I follow him. He asks me to turn on his tv. I put him his crib and turn on his favorite movie. I lower the bar (on his crib) so he can see clearer.

"Bye mummy," he smiles.

"Bye Diego." I kiss his head and leave his room. "Emma?"

"Yeah," she opens her eyes. I close the door and open my shirt. "Fuck," she bites her lip. "Come here." The door is still open a crack. I straddles her lap. "Damn I missed you." She's talking to my breasts. I smile at her. "Beautiful twins." I hook a finger under her chin to make her look up at me. I kiss her once our eyes meet. I missed her too. Her hands grip my ass possessively. I moan into the kiss. "I can't do this Regina. I still wanna do this right. Maybe wait a little longer."

"Emma," I whine. "I'm sitting here with my tits out and you keep denying me. I'm horny!"

"I know so I am I, but my mother raised me right."

"So no sex... until later." I roll my eyes.


"Yeah yeah." I slide off her lap. "I'm gonna go take a cold shower."


"I'm horny," I mumble, "I need to get a way from you." And I want some dick, damn.

"Regina I'm sorry."

"Do you have herpes or something?"

"W-what? No. I don't have any STDs or STIs."

"And you are attracted to me right?"

"Very much so. I think that's evident," she points to her crotch. "I just wanna be sure."

"Sure of what?"

"That we're solid. In my last relationship sex was a to solve- to put off dealing with the issues in our relationship."

"But I'm not them. Plus you keep starting things you don't wanna finish." I move off her lap and grab my shirt. I need a cold shower. "So no sex?" I look over my shoulder.


"Fine. No sex. I respect that. Just don't work me up and expect me to not want more."

"I know. I just get so into it."

"Well how do you think I feel when you big dick is grinding against my pussy and you're squeezing my ass? You can't get me all hot like that and expect me to be like oKaY lEt'S sToP every time. I'm fucking horny Damnit! You better give me something or I'm gonna go somewhere else."

"Like hell you are!"

"Try me."

"You wouldn't dare."

"This pussy is getting pounded whether it be you-" she grabs me and chokes me. Yes Emma!!

"The only one who's going to be pounding this pussy is me, got it?"

"Yes, papi."

"Good." She lets me go. I'm so aroused for her. "Get over here."


ME: Emma you have a meeting with the bank tomorrow at noon. It's in your calendar/reminders
ME: And you have a meeting the following day with your business manager and accountant.
EMMA: Okay sounds good. I'll call you in a bit to discuss the evening plans for the club tonight.

"Mummy, I see daddy today?" Diego asks me.

"No papa. You're not going to see him today."

"I wanna see daddy," he whines and starts to cry. "I wan see my daddy."

"I know papa. I know you miss him."

"We call him?"

"Uh... Diego-"

"Pease mamá."

"Please bebé. But we'll try. In a little bit. It's an earlier time there."

"O-okay." I wipe his tears and kiss his head. "We see 'buela?"

"Yes. We're gonna go after I finish this paperwork real quick and after you get dressed."

"Okay. I gonna watch da tv."

"Sí papa."

-30 minutes later-

"Alright Diego come on let's get dressed." He gets up and runs towards me. "Silly boy," I laugh and pick him up.

"I want wear yell–yo? No yellow. I wan wear yellow today."

"Okay." I sit him on the floor and check his diaper. "Did you go potty? Or do you need to use the big boy potty?"

"No mummy no potty."

"You sure? Come on let's try." I bring him t on the bathroom and sure enough he had to go. "Come on Diego."

Another thirty minutes passes and we can get going to my mom's house.

"Diego can you do it?"

"I need help mummy." I buckle him in and give him his backpack. He snuck his pacifier out the house.

"Diego give me that."

"Nooo mummy. I want it," he mumbles.

"Give it here Diego. Thank you." He pouts and rubs his eyes.

"I want my paci."

"Well you can't have it." I close the door and walk to the other side, so I can get in. "Diego what do you want from Dunkin'?"

"A bagel donut." He pouts. I chuckle a bit.

"You want some of mummy's bagel? I know you aren't going to eat your own."


"Glaze donut mummy pease."

"Okay." Before starting the car, I call my mom to ask her if she wants anything. She just wants a medium coffee.

CAMERON: Gina can you get me two bagels plain toasted with cream cheese and three donuts. Please. Thank you baby sis.
RONI: Can you get me a large ice coffee with five sugars and five creams please? And a bagel too.

I put my phone down and start the car. The drive to Dunkin' takes about fifteen minutes.

-at mamá's house-

"Thank you Gina," Roni kisses me on the cheek.

"Mamá?!" I shout.


"I got you some food. Coffee isn't enough. Hash browns and a bagel. Just eat something, mamá."

"Thank you cariña."

"Diego ven acá si you can eat. Melli you too. Go get your daddy and mummy."

"They kissing titi, it yucky," Melli's face scrunches.

"Mamá and papi do that too," Diego exposes me. "It nasty."

"Diego!" My face turns red. Mamá glares at me shaking her head in distaste.

"Roni when are you gonna give me a grandchild?"

"Nine months after I get knocked up," Roni quips under her breath. I giggle quietly and she looks at me smirking. "Mamá you have two grandchildren right here. And by the sound of what Melli and D-Go just said you might have some quite soon."

"Roni-" Mamá starts.

"Mamá I don't have any money for kids. Let me get my degree first. Damn."

"Regina... are you going to make your mother happy again by blessing her with another nieto (grandchild)?"

"Mamá Cameron's making you one right now."

"Cameron's making what?" His deep voice fills the room.

"Mamá's next grandchild."

"Like hell I am!"

"Move Cam," Hayley pushes him. She sit next to me. "Hi Gina. Thank you for breakfast."

"No problem."

"I'm pregnant," Hayley whispers to me.

"Hm gimme one!" Diego shouts. He and Melli are sharing hash browns.

"Congratulations," I whisper but my mother's dog ears pick up everything.

"What congratulations is in order. What are you two talking about?"

"Nothing Mamá. She was just wanted to know how to spell congratulations."

"Yep," Hayley nods and smiles at me. "Can't figure it out. I can spell it in Spanish pero not in English."

"Oh," mamá furrows her eyebrows. "Oh no. You gotta learn how to spell that."

"I know mamá," Hayley glares at me.

"How far?" I whisper quietly.

"Three months," she smiles.



"Melli give him the damn hash brown! There you go D-Go. Here have mine too. Melli stop teasing," Cameron scolds. "If he starts crying it's my ass." Damn right.

"Tank you tío," Diego smile.

"You're welcome."

"Mamá where my donut?" Diego looks at me confused.

"Eat your food first."

"Mummy," he whines, "I don wan dat. It da yucky. Mummy."

"Sit down and eat Diego or else I'll eat your donut."

"Noo mummy."

"Then way your food."

"Ok," he pouts and picks up his bagel.


I'm gonna end it here. And pick it up next chapter. Thank you for reading. Sorry for any mistakes.

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