(Zankie fanfic) Steaming nigh...

By They_made_You_Lie

31.5K 530 57

It normally Frankie chasing Zach but when Caleb shows an interest in Zachs bae how well he take it when Caleb... More

Ch.4 Should I tell him
Ch.5 The truth isnt always the best thing.
Ch.6 Spin the bottle
Ch 7 Goodbuy kiss....for now
Ch 7 part 2. Ari's reation
Ch.8 The re return
Ch.9 The walk of shame
Ch.10 Calubs love Interest
Ch.11 It's "Hard" enought
Ch.12 Forgive me
Ch.13 I blew it
Ch.14 Walking away from it all
It was a dream
Ch.15 Memory Lane
Ch.16 Disowned
Ch.17 Saying goodby
Ch.18 The morning after
Ch.19 Where do we go now
Ch.20 Wedding book
Ch.21 I lost him..
Ch.22 He's alive
Ch.23 Getting back to normal
Ch.24 The letter
Ch.25 The Twists
Ch.26 Not this again
Ch.27 Turning
Ch.28 And the game begins
Ch.29 Home
Ch.30 My Wedding day
Ch.31 Interrupted
Ch.32 Well they ever leave the room
Ch.33 Nominations
Ch.34 Grande's Family's reaction
Ch.35 Ranch's Family reaction
Ch.36 Veto from hell
Ch.37 Recovery
Ch.38 Pandoras box
Ch.39 Forgiving isnt forgeting
Ch.39 Broken promises
Ch.40 Well..that back fired
Ch.41 Home and love
Ch.42 In my arms again
Ch.43 Teasing
Ch.43 Jury rules
Ch.44 Wedding gift
Ch.45 The past
Ch.46 part 1 Return
Ch.46 part 2 Return
Ch.47 Top
Ch.48 Kids?
Ch.49 Finally
Ch.50 Dad
Ch.51 Filmed
Ch.52 Dinner
Ch.53 Baby or babies
Ch.54 Push
Ch.55 Complications
Ch.56 Rewine to when we first met and I would do it all again
Ch.57 Touching
Ch.58 Aunt..or Mom
Ch.59 Runing away Never looking back Keeping my head held high As I say good by
Ch.60 Gone from sight
Ch.61 Open or close
Ch.62 Honeymoon
Ch.63 Hear I go agin on my own
Ch.64 The way it used to be
Ch.65 what happen back then
Ch.66 should have stoped with one
Ch.67 Nonna and old habits
Ch.68 Forever

Trouble in paradise

2K 23 2
By They_made_You_Lie

Authors note- thanks to anyone who reads this I love feedback and ideas thanks again hope you like it. First fanfiction ever.

Zach's POV-

So I'm pumped for this week.I just got the key telling me I'm going to be on Big Brother and I don't think that I can wait any longer to get in there.Just to be clear if you think I'm going to make friend and have a showmans think again I'm coming for blood I'm going to be the king of that house and have all the others has my ponds.There going to lead me straight to the money.

Frankie POV-

Frankie in DR.-

"So I just won the HOH for the week but,they are saying there are twist, so I'm crossing my fingers and toes that it has nothing to do with it. I'm so excited to get to know all the house Guests I didn't come here for love, but I'm not going to say no if one of these guys want to cuddle".Frankie smiles and winks to the camera and walks out of the DR.

A few minutes later They tell the first group of house guess about the second group of players.There faces go blank then the door bell rings."Go check it out." They told them.They jumped up to see all the new house guest start to pile in.

Frankie POV-

"Nice to meet you."I told one of the guys who walked in.He was a cowboy a beastmode cowboy to be exact. I wouldn't mind if he stayed in my room. I started shacking other people's hands,but I keep my eyes on the tall,handsome cowboy leaning on the wall.A guy walked up to me and that cowboy went straight out the window."Hi my name is Zach."He said."Frankie".I said with a smile.That boy was something else he was a tall glass of water and I loved it.I didn't care about anything or anyone else I had my mind on him."Are you checking me out". He asked me. I don't know what to say or think. "You have a problem with that." I said then I stepped back to check him out and make it obvious at what I was doing."Not at all."He told me. "I love that kid. I think,I don't know its to early for that." I told myself.

Zach POV.

So I walk into the house and I 'm over whelmed bye what's going on.People are shacking my hands and welcoming me,but I don't give a damn about meeting theses people I just need to pick these people off one,by,one."Hi I'm Zach" I said to one of the other house guest,but my eye gets caught on this guy.He's got pink on the tips of his hair and is starring at the guys especially the one with the cowboy boots on. I want to go say hi to him,but my stomach is in nots and my palms are all sweaty,but I don't know why he has this affect on me. I power threw and go say hi to him.He keeps checking me out and I think he can tell I'm freaking out.

Calub won the second HOH for the week and him,Frankie,and Zach are talking in the HOH bedroom.

Frankie POV-

I'm in the HOH room with the cowboy from earlier and he has his shirt off and I totally am digging the view."You sure are a sexy beast mode cowboy." I told him. I watched him blush and thank me for what I said,but Zach just shifted in his seat.

Zach POV-

Frankie just told Calub that he was sexy and for some reason it just got under my skin. I'm so confused with my life right now I can't even stand to see him with anyone else but me,but I not gay?Why should It bug me so much?

Frankie POV-

So I was kissing and cuddling with Calub and Zach was twitching every time I kissed Calub's neck and I don't know why he is having such a bad reaction to it.

Calub POV-

So Zach is watching Frankie kiss my neck and is getting so jealous.I think he might be Bi,but I'm not for sure.I don't know why I like making Zach jealous when I comes to Frankie but I do and ill enjoy every moment of it.

So Zach and Frankie have gotten close but Calub is still on Frankie mine.When Frankie is HOH what we'll happen when there's a space next to him in his HOH bed.

Frankie POV-

So I just one HOH with Cody and I couldn't be happier.Everything is going to be smooth this week.

Zach POV-

So my main man Frankie just one HOH and I can't wait to cuddle him in the HOH bed.Im not gay but if I was he be my man for sure.I love Frankie so much.It kinda confuses me at how much I really care for him.I love the way he smiles at me and the way he is always around.WAIT WAIT WHAT AM I SAYING!!!! "He's just a friend."I look up at Derrick looking at me."Who just a friend." He said with a smile like he knew who I was talking about."No one." I said quickly almost to quick."What ever you say dued."Derrick said.

Ch 2. What did I do?!

So sometime has passed in the big brother house and Calub has grown stronger felling towards Frankie and Is getting a little to close.Calub and Frankie are the new HOH for the week.Frankie and Calub are cuddling in the HOH bed when Calub looks over at Frankie."Frankie can I tell you something important."Calub said setting up in the bed."Of corse you can."Frankie said sitting up to."I don't want to make this a big deal or make this seem like I'm coming out because I'm not."Calub said."What are you getting at." Frankie said with confusing."I don't know how to say it so I'm just going to go for it." He told Frankie.With out time to react Calub leaned in and kissed Frankie.It was a passionate kiss.

Frankie POV-

Oh My GOD! what is happening right now I'm so confused.

Calub kissed Frankie again this time deepening the kiss.He kissed Frankie bottom lip for Access witch Frankie gave as they sat there making out.Before Frankie knew what was happing Calub had crawled up on top of Frankie and slowly unbuckled Frankie pants.All of a sudden the door open." Hay Frank do you?"Zach said looking up at the two his jaw dropped when he saw them,as the two spun around to see not only Zach standing there with a tears starting to fell in his eyes ,but Derrick,Cody,and Nicole.Frankie and Calub jumped up to their feet."Its not what it looks like they screamed!"Zach pushes his was out of the room."Its not what it looks like."Calub said again."Then what is it"Cody said as everyone sat down on the couch so Calub could make up a story about what they where doing.Meanwhile as Frankie Chased Zach to the backyard."Zach wait."Frankie yelled."Wait for what!"Zach yelled walking to the backyard where everyone else was."Whats going on?"Victoria asked."Shut up!" Zach yelled at her.Zach turned around to Frankie."How could you fucking do that!"Zach yelled with tears running down his face."Zach I can explain." Frankie yelled.Zach looked up at Calub and the others on the balcony for the HOH room then at all the other house guest looking at them with confusin on their faces."Go ahead Frankie I would love to know why Calub Had HIS TONGUE Down your throat and Was unbuttoning your pants,please inform me on it.I would LOVE to know about you and Calub getting ready to bang each other in the HOH room!"Zach looked around and saw faces in shock off what was happening and Calub face was red. Zach looked at Calub and back at Frankie with panic in his eyes."Wait."Zach said pausing to think."IT WAS HIM!HE WAS coming on to you!"Zach said with rage in his eyes.He looked up at Calub and pointed at him."Im going to kick your ass!"Zach yelled running up to the HOH room everyone chances after him.He kicked in the door with everyone standing behind him in the doorway as he stormed over,Calub went to say something Calub threw his hand up,"Zach wait lets talk." No sooner did he say that, Zach punched him and he hit the floor.Zach sat on Calub and started wailing on him."Zach calm down!" Cody said pulling him off of Calub.Derrick helped Calub off the floor."Are you ok?"Derrick asked Calub."Ya."Calub said rubbing his jawline.Frankie was in tears as Donny held him.Zach looked back to Frankie and then to everyone else then to Calub as he tried to catch his breath."Dont touch him again." Zach warned Calub."Or what?"Calub said to Zach.Zach jerked towards Calub and Cody held him back.

Ch.3 What do we do now

Arthur Note-I would love some feedback on this.I love to use people's ideas.btw I can't get the bold to go away sorry. :(

"Zach why are you so mad?"Derrick asked.Zach looked at everyone looking at him."Because Calub suck his tongue down Frankie throat"! Zach yelled."Why do you care"?Cody asked."Ya why do you care"? Calub asked Zach trying to get him to come out."Um."Zach said with a worried look on his face.People started to look at Zach.Frankie lifted his head off Donny and stepped towards Zach."Zach."Frankie said."What! I don't have to explain anything to you guys."Zach said pushing his way out the door and down stairs. Zach went to the havnot room and punched the wall and sat on the bed and started to break down."What was that about?"Frankie said to the guys in the HOH room."Isn't it obvious." Christine Said.There was no answer just blank faces,she rolled her eyes."He loves you Frankie."She said with a smile on her face.Frankie sat down on the bed."You really think so?"Frankie said trying not to smile.They all said yes even Calub."Ill go talk to him."Derrick said,then walked out to room heading to the havnot room.The rest walked down stairs to the kitchen and talked.

"Zach?" Derrick asked walking into the room."Ya".Zach said.Derrick sat down next to him."Are you ok you?"He asked Zach."Ya they were right I have no reason to be mad."Zach told Derrick.Derrick looked down a this hands."Zach you know what ever you tell me right now is between us I promise its between us."Derrick told Zach.Zach laid his head on Derricks shoulder and started to cry."You promise?"Zach asked him.Derrick nodded.Zach took a deep breath and leaned up he wiped the tears away from his eyes."I love him."Zach said.

To be continued......

Arthur's note- sorry to leave it on a cliffhanger I would love to wright more if you like me to please let me know.btw I love to carry the story on for a wile. ;)

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