Dishonoring Jack

By heyhannahj

197K 13.1K 621

Wattys Awards Winner 2019 - Historical Fiction Jacqueline "Jack" Harrison is perfectly content with her reput... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen - Part One
Chapter Seventeen - Part Two
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four

Chapter Thirty Six

2.1K 223 18
By heyhannahj

 A cough wracked through Jack's body as someone hefted her lifeless body onto their shoulders and her eyes fluttered open--flames everywhere. There was a fire, and it had taken control, ravaging everything in its path. She remembered. Max Slate. Margaret. The deed. Donovan. Her body sprang to life at his name--Donovan, was he alive? Had he made it out? She couldn't remember--the last few minutes were a haze.

"Donovan!" she yelled, hitting the man who carried her with her fists.

"He's safe, Miss," the man answered. "We have to get her out of here!" he yelled and Jack lifted her heavy eyelids again as she saw herself pass through the window.

A man caught her in his arms and Jack saw blue sky. She gulped in air so quickly that she choked--it was fresh and clear. The man set Jack on the ground a few hundred feet away and Jack sank back into the grass, her chest heaving.

She was alive, and so was Donovan. She gulped in great breaths of air and closed her eyes; slowly, her mind began to clear, and pain returned to her body. She felt the burns on her hands and her legs and the cuts on her face from glass, and she moaned.

"Jack, are you alright?"

Jack opened to her eyes and smiled when she saw Dr. Benjamin. He knelt at her side, his thick eyebrows narrowed in concern. Her throat was constricted and tight as she pulled in short, shallow breaths.

Alright? How could anyone be alright after everything that had happened? No, she wasn't alright. She wasn't sure she ever would be.

"Donovan?" she croaked as Dr. Benjamin brought a cool rag to her face, cleaning off the soot. The motion stung and Jack remembered the shattering glass and her collision with the floor. Thank goodness there wasn't a mirror nearby.

"He's fine, Jack. Look, he's over there with Julius and Minnie."

Dr. Benjamin helped Jack sit up, his hand pressing into her upper back so she could lean against him. Jack turned and saw Donovan sitting up with Julius and Minnie fussing over him. Corrie was by his side as well, cutting the material from his back to tend to the burn from the fallen beam in the house. Relief washed through Jack, loosening the tense muscles in her body.

"Is he alright? Go tend to him, Dr. B. I'm fine."
"I already did, Jack. You'll both be fine," the doctor said in his low, soothing voice. "But I need to pull a few shards of glass from your arms and tend to your burns."

Part of Jack wanted to protest--she needed to talk to Donovan to make sure her eyes weren't deceiving her. They had just been saved from a burning building only moments before. Was he really alright? And there was so much to tell him. They couldn't fight anymore. This had to end, and Jack swore it would end with the two of them together. Still, the fire had sapped Jack's strength and she couldn't fight the doctor as he brought her head to rest on the ground and began to pluck bits of glass from her arms.

With the adrenaline of the moment gone, Jack's lungs, hands, legs, arms, everything ached from the smoke and the burns. The doctor's hands were cool and light as he treated everything with a light balm that eased the pain on the burns.

"Jack, what in the world happened to you!"

Jack grinned at Minnie's voice, strong despite her house burnt to ashes. The woman came to squat next to Jack, her face drawn and her lips pursed.

"Nothing," Jack protested as Dr. Benjamin left her to Minnie. "I promise, it looks worse than it feels."

"Oh, really?" Minnie said with a frown, touching the burn on Jack's hand where she'd touched the door handle. Jack winced involuntarily. "What happened, Jack?"
"I'm sorry about the house, Minnie. I couldn't save it--it was already almost gone when I got here, and I had to save Donovan--"

"I don't blame you, Jack. I think we all know Max Slate is at the bottom of this. But how'd you know? How'd you get Donovan out?"

Jack looked and saw that Dr. Benjamin, Julius, Corrie, and Donovan were all now listening to her. Jack smiled when she caught Donovan's intense gaze, burning hotter than any fire.

"Margaret told me," Jack explained. "She gave me her bicycle--well, my bicycle--and told me Max wanted to kill Donovan and burn the deed. He...he almost succeeded."

"She's the one who warned us," Corrie said, exchanging a glance with her husband. "We weren't sure whether we could believe her."

Jack shrugged. "She must have had a change of heart. Either way, her warning gave me enough time to come and find Donovan."

"This is the second time you've gone into a fire to save people," Corrie said, shaking her head and crossing her arms.

"Well, it worked," Julius said with a slight smile, a crease between his eyebrows. "Donovan's alive, and he has the deed."

"Except we don't have any evidence to blame this on Max Slate!" Jack exclaimed. She pushed off the ground to stand up and her hands stung so badly she nearly stumbled. A cough racked through her body. "He did this, he burned your house and nearly killed me and Donovan."

"Jack, calm down," Dr. Benjamin said, resting a hand on her shoulder.

Jack took a deep breath that sent her into a coughing fit, the smoke still lingering in her lungs. Calm down? How was she supposed to calm down? Sure, Donovan was alive and the deed was intact, but how long would that last?

"I'm sure my father will be here shortly; Margaret was telling the whole town," Corrie said. "Which means Max Slate knows too."

Jack shivered, partially from the contrast of the cool wind against her burnt skin and partially at the thought of facing Max again. They were already burnt and bloodied; Jack doubted if they would escape the next encounter unscathed.

Donovan must have noticed Jack's expression, for he staggered to his feet and came towards her. His face was now clean, though still bruised from his kidnapping, but Jack could see the burns on his limbs and back. He limped towards her and wrapped an arm around her.

"Here, sit down," he said, and Jack was too weak to protest.

They both slumped back to the ground and Jack leaned into Donovan. This heat between them was a good heat, a reminder that despite all that had been taken from them, they still had each other.

Minnie removed her shawl and draped it over Jack's shoulders with a slight smile. Beneath the shawl was hidden the photo album Jack had saved. She lifted it and smiled at Jack again.

"Thank you, Jack. For saving this. It means more than you know."

Jack nodded, her head resting on her knees. It was so little, a single photo album saved from a house full of memories. Jack felt guilty that she abandoned their house and focused only on Donovan. Perhaps she should have tried harder.

"Don't blame yourself, Jack," Donovan said as if reading her mind. His arm rested gently over her shoulders and he tugged her towards him. She leaned against his shoulder, grateful for his quiet comfort. For this brief moment, they were alone.

"Why didn't you leave?" Jack whispered, leaning her neck back so she could look up at him. He clenched his jaw.

"After everything, how could I leave it to burn?"
"How? Because you knew that I was waiting for you. Because your life is worth so much more than a deed," Jack protested, leaning back so she could look him in the eyes.

"Now you realize that?" Donovan said, his voice bitter. "You were the one who wanted me to fight for the deed."

Jack's stomach rolled--she couldn't deny it. She had been so single minded about getting justice and avenging Titus's death that she had not stopped to prioritize what mattered most: her future with Donovan.

"Never at the expense of your life," Jack whispered. "Never."

Donovan's fierce expression softened and he brushed hair from Jack's face. She could only imagine how she looked, covered in soot and burns, but Donovan's gaze was warm and attractive.

"I know, Jack, I know. I were right. I don't want to just turn it over; I couldn't even leave it to burn." Donovan looked back at the house and Jack saw that most of it had now collapsed; it was a heaping pile of ashes and the fire had died with the work of the firefighters.

Jack sighed. "Is it worth it? All of this fighting against them?"

Donovan smiled down at her, chucking her under the chin. "Where's the hero, the fighter I knew from a few days ago? The one who ran into a burning building to save me and then passed out after saving my life?"

Jack blushed. The way he described made her sound like a hero, but she wasn't. She only loved him and would do just about anything for a future with him. That was all. Jack knew he would have done the same thing had their places been reserved.

"Oh, stop," she said, pushing against his chest.

"What changed, Jack?" Donovan asked, his eyes half-lidded as he stared at her. "Not so long ago, you refused to talk to me because I wanted to give up, but now want to just hand the deed over?"

Jack paused and chewed on her bottom lip. Now was her chance to tell him the reason she had been coming to this house in the first place, to tell him that she wanted to run away with him, that nothing mattered besides the two of them. With life and death on the line, Jack was losing her passion for justice.

"I was coming back to tell you something," Jack said. "I told you that in the fire, but I don't know if you heard me."

Donovan's eyebrows furrowed and he nodded. "You did say that. But we haven't spoken in weeks, Jack. What changed?"

"Minnie told me you were leaving today. I know you told her not to, but neither of us is good at doing what we're told." Jack grinned, her fear dissipating when Donovan let out a low laugh. "And all I could think about was what life would be like without you."

Donovan's lips parted in surprise and then morphed into a smile. "Well?"
"Well, I was going to tell you that I wanted us to run away together," Jack confessed with another grin.

Donovan's jaw fell open as he stared at her with surprise in his eyes. Slowly, he recovered. "I didn't think you could surprise me anymore, Jack, but you've succeeded."

Jack shrugged, a smile crawling up one side of her face. "Would you have agreed?"

Donovan reached for her face and leaned in, running his thumb along her cheek to the point of her chin. "In a heartbeat."

He leaned in and kissed her, and for the days of separation and the fighting and the heartbreak, it was all the sweeter. Jack leaned into him, her hand curling around the back of his neck, and she let the moment wash away her exhaustion and fears and worries. She wondered if there was still time. Could they still escape before Max or Oliver or anyone else tried to stop them? Was there still hope or time?

Donovan drew back from her after a moment, their faces still inches apart. Bottomless eyes on Jack, he murmured, "I'm going to marry you someday, Jack Harrison."

It was Jack's turn to be surprised and her eyes widened as large as wagon wheels. She sputtered for a moment, unable to gather her fraying thoughts. He wants to marry me? Though Jack had often thought of a future together, the two of them had never spoken in such certainties. And while the idea of marrying Roy had stifled and terrified Jack, marriage to Donovan seemed like the ultimate dream she could imagine.

"Okay," Jack whispered, kissing him back with a delirious smile on her face. Donovan laughed against her lips, his hands tangling in her mussed hair.

Jack did not even hear the heavy steps approaching them until Oliver Walker declared, "Kitchi Donovan, I am placing you under arrest in accordance with the laws of the state of Virginia and the town of Irvington for murder in the first degree, theft, and destruction of property."

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