On The Run (Under Severe Edit...

By Wolf_Girls

44.5K 1K 221

It all started on a normal day when two sisters, Alexis and Lucia Cortez, went for a run. Lucia saw a strange... More

Pig of the family
We are not related.
You seriously want me to believe I'm a werewolf?
Meeting my arch enemy
First day on the job
I've always wanted to chase my own tail
We have to tell her
The truth
The Chicken Fiasco
Unexpected Rain
Peter's Coming Out To Play
Unexpected phone call
I Do Not Trust That Creep
Can This Day Get Any Worse?
I'm changing lives, mother would be so proud
An unexpected turn
Coming To My Senses
Cabin In The Woods
The worst Is Yet To Come
Sequel and new book

I'll do that for fun anyway

1.5K 39 19
By Wolf_Girls

Lucia's POV:

I'm not scared at all.

I'M FRIGGEN TERRIFIED!! That 'look' Lexy had in her eyes before she ran up the stairs totally freaked me out. She may have turned on the shower, but any fool with super hearing knows she is not taking a shower.

She is planning something. Why did I have to scare her? I'm supposed to be the smart one in the family, how could I make such a dumb move.

"You okay, Luc?" Jacob asked pulling me closer to him. He looked at me in the concerned boyfriend way. "You look really pale."

"She's planning something. Something big. Wait, this is Alexis I'm talking about. She doesn't plan big, she plans huge, massive, ginormous, humongous! She's either gonna scare me to death or drug me and ship me off to some place unknown, she'll do that. I am never gonna pull another prank on her again. Ever!" I groaned and buried my face into Jacob's chest. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me.

"Come on, Lexy can't be that scary." Emily laughed, taking a sip of her tea.

"Oh, she can." Mom stated a matter of factly. "In all these 17 years of knowing Alexis, I have never met someone as devious or evil as her. I don't think someone like that exists."

"Someone like who exists?"

I looked up from Jacob's chest to see Lexy in her pj's, sitting down next to Paul and gave me an innocent smile.

But that look in eyes showed everything but innocence. It showed the look a murderer has right before he stabs the person to death.

That's when I felt something crawling down my face and fall into my lap.

That's how I found myself dancing a crazy version of those dances you see Indians do around the fire. Only I'm an Indian trying to get this huge, freaky, fugly, spikey, hairy ass spider off of me. I'm not even sure you can call this thing a spider!

So here I am jumping around like a crazy person while Alexis is laughing her ass off. After a few unnatural dance moves later there was a loud thump indicating the spider fell on the floor with a few screams following.

Not wasting any time I jumped onto the couch I was sitting on before I was so rudely interrupted and saw the screams belonged to Mom, Emily, Kim and surprisingly one even belonged to Embry.

The rest boys/Leah were trying not to laugh and calm the girls/Embry down while Alexis had stopped laughing and was now crawling around on the floor searching for the fugly spider like a crazy person shouting "Peter come back!" and Turbo and Saphira running after her and with that they disappeared into the next room still in full pursuit trying to catch 'the thing'.

"You totally just screamed like a girl!" Jared shouted once everything was quiet, apart from hearing Alexis still calling for Peter. Everyone laughed and made fun of Embry. Poor guy. Well, rather him than me, right?

"Nice dance moves Luc!" Seth managed to choke out through his laughing fit and everyone started laughing even more.

I could feel my face turning bright hot and buried my face into Jacob's chest. He was being a good boyfriend and was trying not to laugh.

But that didn't work out so well for him. So they started making fun of me when luckily Lex came back in the living room with that famous I-didn't-do-anything look on her face.

"Well?" Mom asked finally letting dad help her off the couch where she jumped on with the whole 'the thing' fiasco. "Where is it? Did you find it? But most importantly, What the hell is it?"

She flashed a goofy please-don't-be-mad-at-me-mommy-I-love-you smile and nervously played with her hands.

"Well first of all, has anyone told you that you've got lovely........eyebrows?" She started trying to lighten up the mood, but that wasn't going to well. She sighed dramatically before continuing. "That was Peter. A spider I stole....bought from the zoo a few years back. And...um...I'm sure we'll find him....eventually....hopefully."

"What!" The look on mom's face was priceless as she jumped back onto the couch, followed by Emily, Kim and once again Embry. But I'm not one to judge, I was practically peeing myself just thinking about that thing loose in the house.

What if it crawls in my mouth while I'm sleeping? Aww hell no! There is no way I'm staying in this house with that thing. Staying with Alexis was torture enough now I have to stay with an abnormally phsyco killer crazy spider too.

Over my dead body. Okay that was a poor choice of words since that might actually happen. No, I am not staying in this house. I'll go sleep on the streets if I have too. I mean Alexis once shared a sandwich with a homeless guy once, hell she even licked a hobo's foot on a dare once, so I could at least survive a few nights staying with one until that thing she calls a spider is caught, or even better, dead.

"Why did you call it Peter?" Okay probably not the right question to ask right now, but I'm curious and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one, right?

Alexis rolled her eyes like it was obvious and plopped down on the couch next to Paul. He put his arm around her, looking expectantly at her to answer the question. "Well, Spiderman. Peter Parker. Ring any bells?"

"Seriously? That's the best you can do?" Jared asked laughing.

"Hey, I'm the one who stol....bought him, so I get to name it."

"Maybe I shouldn't have stopped taking you for tests." Mom muttered climbing carefully off the couch and picked up the phone and dialled a number. "I knew it was a good thing to memorise the hospital's number."


It is now currently 11PM and to continue to celebrate the last hour of Lexy's birthday me, Jacob, Alexis, Paul, Kim, Jared, Seth, Quil and Embry are now sitting in the living room playing truth or dare. Very original, huh?

I know I said I wasn't staying in this house any longer, but mom forbid me to go live with hobos.

She said that's Alexis's thing. So I still have to live here. It's kinda funny if you think about it. A werewolf is scared of a spider. It's kinda pathetic. At least I'm not the only one. Poor Embry. The guys are still making fun of him.

Anyway. Back to the present. So this is how our truth or dare game works. If you chicken out on any truth or dare you have to sleep in the bathroom tonight. This is gonna be interesting.

"Jacob, truth or dare?" Jared begun.

"Dare." Jacob said confidently.

"Okay, I dare you to drink two raw eggs." Jared smirked.

Jacob rolled his eyes and stood up. "That's too easy." He disappeared into the kitchen and came back with a glass and two eggs. As soon as he downed it without any problem he stuck his tongue out at Jared and winked at me. He is so hot.

"Okay, my turn." Jacob said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Paul, truth or dare?"

"Dare." Paul answered cocky. He's just trying to impress Alexis. Which isn't that hard to do really. Alexis is easily impressed. Seriously.

"I dare you to....let Lexy give you a makeover." Jacob laughed along with everyone in the room, but Paul had a horrified expression on his face.

"Please, Paul, please." Lexy begged him pulling on his arm like a little kid begging her mommy for a toy. Paul got a lost expression on his face staring into her eyes and a goofy smile spread across his face.

"Sure, anything for you." I'm pretty sure he had no idea what he was saying. Poor guy. This proves that imprinting isn't always a great thing.

"Yay! Thank you." She gave him a swift kiss on the cheek before jumping up to get her make-up case she got from me and Kim.

"Anything for you." Quil and Embry mocked Paul in high pitched voices that earned them both a hit to the head by Paul. Soon enough Lexy came back and started with Paul's makeover. And I just want to remind you that Lexy didn't know what half of those stuff was. So Paul looked pretty horrible, which made everyone burst out laughing.

"Shut up! Luc, truth or dare?" Paulina asked me.

I don't fully trust these people with dares yet. "I'm gonna go with truth."

"Chicken!" Lexy shouted and she Seth, Embry and Jared started making chicken noises.

"Okay." Paulina thought for a minute. "Oooo I got one. Who is a movie villain you find attractive?"

"Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz." I answered truthfully as weird as that sounds.

"Amen sista." Lexy said giving me a high-5 while everyone else just laughed.

"Seth, truth or dare?" I asked the slightly frightened mini Jacob.

"Ummm....dare?" He answered hesitantly.

"I dare you to....stand in the middle of the road and shout out the first word or name that pops into your mind."

"I can do that." He answered confidently as we followed him outside and watched him stand in the middle of the road. He tilted his head back and shouted at the top of his lungs. "Alexis!!"

Paul immediately tightened his grip around Lexy and shot Seth an if-looks-could-kill look as Seth walked past us and winked at Lex before walking back inside.

"That was...." Jacob trailed off.

"The kid's got balls, I give him that." Quil said impressed.

"Dude, that's just wrong." Alexis said making a face.

"What?" Quil asked oblivious to how gross it sounded.

"Nevermind." Jared shook his head and led us back into the house.

When everyone was seated the game continued.

"Jared, truth or dare?" Seth asked.

"Dare, duh."

"Awesome," Seth got an evil glint in his eyes. "I dare you to switch clothes with the person on your left.

Everyone's eyes travelled to the person left of Jared. Poor, poor Kim.

"What?" Kim and Jared asked at the same time.

"You heard me." Seth laughed.

"I'm not putting on girl clothes." Jared said horrified.

"Besides my clothes won't fit him. It'll rip and this is my favourite shirt." Kim added, equally as horrified.

"You calling me fat." Jared asked pretending to be hurt.

"No, just inhumanly large." Kim answered sticking her tongue out at him. He mimicked her actions.

"Oh, come on. It'll be funny." Paul begged.

Both Kim and Jared let out dramatic sighs. "Fine."

When they Kim and Jared got back we couldn't help laughing. Kim had to hold on to the top of Jared's shorts she was wearing to keep it from falling down and the t-shirt she was wearing looked like a dress.

But Jared was by far the funniest. He was wearing Kim's skirt which was sitting way too tight and let's just say Kim has to find a new favourite shirt. She was right when she said it was gonna rip.

"You owe me a new shirt." Kim told Seth as she sat down. Jared had a little issue when he sat down. Now it's not just the shirt that's ripped.

When everyone finally settled down after our laughing fit Jared took his turn. "Lexy. Truth or dare?"

"Dare." Alexis said confidently. In all my years of knowing Alexis never once has she picked truth. And no matter what her dare is, she will do it. No lie. Remember when I said she licked a hobo's foot on a dare, yeah, I wasn't kidding about that.

"Alright. I dare you to drink out the toilet." Jared smirked.

"I'll do that for fun anyway." Alexis quoted one of our favourite boys in the world. Beau Brooks from The Janoskians. Oh, how we love those boys.

We all followed Lexy into the bathroom and watched as she knelt down in front the toilet and stuck her head in. Wow. I really feel sorry for Paul. He has to kiss that mouth....wait a minute. She is still using my toothbrush! Oh, this is just wrong on so many levels.

Once we were all down in the living room we all sat down again. But before Alexis sat down she grabbed her phone off the coffee table. "Okay Kim. Truth or dare?"

"Ummm...tru...no, dare?" She seemed kinda scared. I would be to if Alexis is the one giving the dare.

"Yes! I was hoping you'd say that." She did something on her phone before handing it to Kim. "I dare you to prank call Simon Cowell." Alexis said like that was the most possible and normal thing ever.

"Very funny Lex." How stupid does she think we are? "You really want us to believe that you have the Simon Cowell's number?"

"Yes, because I do." Alexis argued.

"Who is Simon Cowell?" Jacob asked confused and all the other boys nodded in agreement also looking confused.

"He's the scary judge on X Factor and other shows like that." Kim explained to them.

"He's not that scary. He's actually a really great guy. He's like my biggest hero." Lexy said defending Simon.

"Yeah, if it wasn't for him the five most amazing boys in the world wouldn't exist right now." I added.

"Anyway, on with the dare!" Lexy shouted exited.

"You seriously have Simon's number?" Seth asked dubvious.

"Yup, not just his. I have plenty of numbers. Like the boys from McFly, Avril Lavigne, Colin Morgan, Bradley James, Misha Collins, Taylor Lautner even Dynamo the magician impossible and many more." She said like it's no big deal.

"Wow. I never thought you'd lie about something that big." I laughed. This is unbelievable. "And even if it was true, how the heck did you get their numbers?"

She rolled her eyes. "Computer genius, remember?" She said pointing at herself.

"Yeah, whatever." Okay, so you all caught on that Lex is probably not the smartest, but she really is a computer genius. It's actually scary what this girl can do with electronics like computers and stuff. But put a book in front of her and her brain turns to jelly.

"Alright, don't believe me? Kim press the call button and put it on speaker." Kim did as Lexy instructed her. We heard the phone ring a few times before someone answered.

I think I stopped breathing then and there. I can't believe it. Simon freaking Cowell answered the friggen phone!!! How the hell is that possible?!

I looked at Lexy. Surprise was clearly written all over my face.

'Told you.' Lexy mouthed, smirking. Then she turned back to Kim and gestured to the phone indicating that Kim should start talking. Kim looked like she was gonna faint.

"Hello?" Simon's voice came through the phone for the third time. He was actually starting to get impatient.

"Oh, um, hello Mr. Cowell." Kim started. Okay, I'm pretty sure she's gonna faint any moment. "This is officer.....Kutcher down at....a Police department. Umm....I have a Liam Payne here. He has been arrested for underage drinking and....um....stuff."

"Oh really?" Simon's impatient voice came through the phone sounding dubious. "Cause I actually have a Liam Payne sitting right here next to me."

Kim's eyes widened. "Alexis made me do it! She's evil! I'm sorry, please don't hate me!" And with that she hung up.

All of us were literally rolling on the floor laughing. It was hilarious! Kim hasn't quite turned her normal colour yet.

"Could you be any more of a dork?" Alexis managed to choke out from the awkward position she was lying on the floor laughing.

And then Alexis's phone rang. This could not be good. But of course Lexy wasn't thinking as usual and answered the phone. "What's up?" She answered still laughing her ass off. But her laughter immediately stopped. Her face was abnormally pale, her eyes were inhumanly wide and her mouth was hanging open. It was a pretty funny sight.

"Alexis?" I asked standing up and walking over to her. When I reached her, her facial expression didn't change as she held the phone out to me. Confused I took the phone, and just as I did she fainted.

Luckily Paul was near and caught her before she hit the floor. Okay, Alexis fainted? This cannot be good.

"Hello?" I asked hesitantly into the phone, scared of who is gonna answer me back. And when someone actually answered I almost chocked on my own spit.



Sorry for the late upload. I blame twitter, I'm currently addicted.

------------->>>>> Pic on the side is Peter. Pretty scary looking, isn't he?

Anyway, I know this is a sucky chapter. But it's gonna get better.

Please vote, comment and fan...if you want to.

And thanks for reading!!


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