Meeting my arch enemy

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Alexis's POV:

I've been lying on my bed for the past half hour after mom sent me upstairs.

At least Turbo is here to keep me company. It's so unfair. I'm grounded just for having fun.

I didn't actually do anything that could've hurt other people or me. I may be underage, but I know how to drive. I'm actually an incredible driver, even if I have to say so myself. I mean, Uncle Jeremy taught me for crying out loud He's only the best race car driver ever!

And the $900 fine seriously was't necessary. That cop clearly has something against me, they usually...

The drive to town was just really boring and things usually never end well when I'm bored. And that's a bad thing, cause I'm getting pretty bored right now.

I just have to find something for me to do before I do something that would get me in to even more trouble than I already am. But what?

I am not going downstairs right now. Maybe I should clean my room. We only just got here yesterday and this place already looks like hell. I don't really like cleaning but at least it would keep me out of trouble for a while.

I got up from my bed and put my headphones on and blasted my iPod on full blast. I started cleaning, and being the well trained dog Turbo is, he helped me. He is so cute.

When my one of my favourite songs started playing, I started dancing and singing out loud.

"When I go to sleep I pray

I'm waking up to I got you babe

Like the guy from Groundhog Day

Just want to live forever this way

Flash back to seventeen

I got my ass kicked by the football team

Another loser on the scene

Editor of the chess club fanzine

I asked you out for losing truth or dare

The guys were cracking up till you said yeah

Pinch me is this real

I'm on a one way ticket out of loserville

Now I'm off the social flat line

Things are so good that I'm taking down my star trek shrine

And you're more than just my valentine

You're my ticket outta loserville....

I was dancing and singing my heart out when I just got the feeling that I'm being watched. It was kinda creeping me out. And the feeling was right, someone was watching me.

When I turned around the hot guy from downstairs was standing in my doorway. The one who checked me out earlier, only now he's trying hard not to laugh.

"Um, hi." He said trying to hold in his laughter. "I was looking for the bathroom, but seem to have stumbled upon the entertainment room."

"Yeah, well. You're lucky. Hardly anyone gets to see my hidden talent." I joked, but could feel my face turning red. "Which needs to stay hidden." I muttered under my breath, but I think the guy still heard me cause he chuckled.

"I'm Paul." The guy says holding out his hand.

"Alexis. But you probably already knew that." I said shaking his hand. "Hey, are you okay?"

On The Run (Under Severe Editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora