✔Manly ~ Eijiro Kirishima X R...

By Malleus_Draconia

97.3K 2.7K 3.8K

Y/n grew up with a quirk that wasn't that good. She was in class 1-C, she knew that she wouldn't get into the... More

Leave Me Alone
Info Page!
Getting Ready
An Ungrateful Day
The Rooftop
One Week Left
Let Me Go
The Outfit
The Party
I'm Leaving
Exam Week
End Of The Beginning, The Beginning Of The End
Our Upper-Classman
Mi Amor
Final Thing

No Training Today

6.1K 165 287
By Malleus_Draconia

---...~Kirishima's POV~...---

"Don't you dare follow me, Red hair, Pikachu, or anyone else. I HATE all of you, down to the bone..." After Y/n said that she got up and started to leave. I tried to grab her wrist before she got far.

"Kirishima, don't push her" I heard Uraraka tell me. "She was right about us though... We never sit all together, so of course she thought something was off!"

"I have to agree with Uraraka on this one Kirishima" Mina added. "She has seen us all apart, and she was right about Bakugou. He was fighting against us to not sit here, so I do see where she was coming from"

"Mina, Uraraka, you girls don't see it though! I'm trying my best for her to see that we aren't bad people!"

"You're pushing her to make a decision, Kirishima" Momo told me. "I can tell that she's the complete opposite of you. You're an extrovert, and she's an introvert. Introverts don't like talking to many people. They don't have big groups of friends, and some are shy. In her case she didn't seem shy, but hatred filled her eyes. Extroverts like making new friends. They talk to everyone, and look at the brighter side of things"

"Just leave the brat alone... She doesn't want to fucking talk to any of us! I said your fucking plan wouldn't work and I was the only one that was correct" Bakugou mumbled that last part to himself.

"But it doe-! I guess you girls are right..." I admitted. "I'm... I'm just going to get some fresh air..."

"Kirishima, if you want to know, the rooftop is the best place to get some air. I usually go up there myself to get air" Todoroki said.

"Thanks bro..." I got up and started to walk away. As I was walking, I saw Denki come up to me.

"Hey, Kirishima... I know that they plan didn't work, but do you want me to come with you to the training grounds that she goes to after school? You did say that you would have to talk to her if that didn't work..."

"It's fine Denki... I really wanted her to talk to all of us"

"Bro... It's like Momo said, you two are complete opposites. Momo did mention that Introverts don't have many friends, or don't like making friends"

"Just what are you getting to Denki?"

"Well, before we sat down at the table, she mentioned that her only friends are her brother and three third years"


"The 3 third years is what bugs me!"

"Denki, when she was explaining the whole years thing to me, she said that third years don't judge them anymore. So, I don't find it weird or anything"

"Well, who are these 3 though! Are they all like her?"


"Are they all introverts? Or are they a mix of personality?"

"I'm not sure"

"Well we're almost there, so let's hurry up!"

We walked a bit faster to the rooftop, and as we were approaching the rooftop I heard singing. We kept getting closer, and the voice of the person was becoming more clear.

"Hope you'll be stabbed in the heart, hope you'll get shot and expire!
Hope you'll be taken apart
I hope you die in a fire!"

Isn't that the song 'Die In a Fire'? I know it's a song based off a game, but still! Whoever this is, is really good at singing!

"Hope you'll be stabbed in the heart, hope you'll get shot and expire!
Hope you'll be taken apart
Hope this is what you desire!

I hope you die in a fire!"

After the person finished singing I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I knocked on the door and spoke. "Hello! Can you unlock the door for me!" I didn't hear anyone reply so I spoke again. "Please unlock the door!"

---...~Y/n's POV~...---

"Please unlock the door!"

Dammit! Why did it have to be him that knocks on the door?! I told him not to follow me! I need to get off of the rooftop now! I looked around the rooftop to see if there was anyway I could get off the rooftop.

When I finally found a cord, it was going from the roof to one of the rooms on the floor below. That would mean that the cord goes through the fence's small hole at the bottom. No matter where this cord goes, I'll be put in a random spot in the school. Anywhere's better than red hair finding me here!!

I used my quirk to get out and I kept my eyes closed the entire time. I just have to trust the luck of appearing somewhere else that's not near him.

I felt my quirk stop working, meaning I'm at my destination. I felt like I was falling, but I didn't feel myself hitting the ground. The only thing I heard was a grunt. I opened my eyes to see Amajiki(Tamaki).

"Oh my!! I'm so sorry Amajiki!! I used my quirk to get out of a situation, and I didn't know where the cor-!" I tried to say, but I got interrupted.

"It's fine Y/n..." He said. He looked up at me then looked away. "Uh..."

"Let me guess... I'm not turning into a potato or something?"

"I tried to picture a kitty cat actually..."

"Really!!" I actually like cats, so I was really happy when he said that. "Oh um... Sorry for saying that really loud Amajiki... I'll look away if you want..."

"N-no, it's f-fine... I understand t-that you like cats"

"Are you sure that you don't want me to look away?"

"J-just.. I need to f-fix it... M-maybe I can try again..."

"Sure, go ahead Amajiki"

I stood still for a bit to see if it would work. I think it did because Amajiki started to ruffle my hair. "G-good kitty..."

"Is Tamaki back at it?" I heard Hado(NEJIRE~SENPAI!!!) ask.

"Yea, it looks like it!!" Togata(Mirio) mentioned.

"I'm okay with it though. I'm just happy that I'm a kitty cat to him" I reassured them.

"You do like your cats!"

"It's not my fault, it's kinda like a twin thing..."

"Kitty cat... Stop moving... Your fur will be messy..." Amajiki told me.

"Oops.. This is the second time that he pictured me as a kitty cat that I forgot about that" I stopped moving, but looked over at Hado. "Hey, Hado, how long till lunch is over?"

"Like 20 minutes. Why are you asking?" She wondered.

"Well, if there's a bench nearby, I was thinking that he could sit down and I could rest my head in his lap. He's not going to stop imaging me as a kitty cat... So might as well be comfortable while he's still like this"

"I guess you're right" Togata answered for Hado.

Hado grabbed Amajiki's other hand a led him to the nearest bench and once we got there he sat down. I got up on the bench laying down, resting my head on his lap. He kept rubbing my head, and I felt like I could fall asleep. Guaranteed that I actually started to close my eyes.

---...~Kirishima's POV~...---

The person on the other side of the door didn't answer, so both me and Denki gave up on getting some air. As we were walking Denki kept talking about the person who was singing. "Bro, that person's voice was like an angel! I wonder if they're single!! With a singing voice like that, I would be surprised if they are! Anyone would want a person who has a wonderful singing voice!"

"Denki, the person probably didn't want to be heard. They didn't answer me asking them to open the door, or respond"

"Well, if we stayed there till lunch ended we could've seen the beautiful voice's owner!!"

"It's breaking a point when you stay at the door just to see who they are, whenever they ignore you Denki"

"I know that you're curious though!"

"Maybe I am... But I'm talking about what Momo said... I push Y/n too much... Wouldn't that be pushing if I kept bugging that person to talk? Just leaving them alone would be the best choice"

"Say whatever you want bro"

We were passing a hallway when we saw 4 people on a bench. We were passing by them to see 3 random people and Y/n sleeping on a dude with Indigo colored hair. With him is a girl with Periwinkle colored hair, and a blonde haired guy.

(Nejire~Senpai's hair is actually Periwinkle. I'm taking it from the BNHA Wiki)

As we were passing I started to wonder if those are the third years that she was talking about. Also the fact that she was sleeping.

"Miss kitty is really soft... I want miss kitty to stay here..." The indigo haired man said.

"She does need to go to class..." The Periwinkle haired girl told him. She was trying to be quiet so she wouldn't wake up Y/n.

"D-does miss k-kitty really h-h-have to g-go?"

"Not yet, but soon..."


The one who's calling Y/n 'Miss kitty' seems like the person that Momo would define as introvert. The girl, I'm not really sure for her. The blonde hair man, he hasn't spoken yet, so I can't tell for him.

We continued to walk so we got to our classroom quickly.

---...~Y/n's POV~...---

I felt someone shaking my body lightly. I started to stir awake, but the light in the hallway was too bright. Once I sat up I felt like I had the best sleep ever. Even though it was just like 15 to 20 minutes to sleep. "I think she's up Mirio" That was Hado.

"Well, I just want to make sure! We should take her to her class anyways!" Togata told Hado and Amajiki.

"Togata, you know that you're too nice to me..." I said.

"That's the kind of person I am! Now get up!!" After Togata said that I got up. "Nejire, can you take care of Tamaki? Last time he pictured Y/n as a kitty cat, everyone in her classroom thought it was weird"

"Sure thing!!" Hado replied.

"Let's get going! There's only 5 minutes till class starts!" He started to walk away.

"Togata! Wait up for us!!" I yelled to him.

"Tamaki, we need to get going" Hado spoke to him.

"Huh?" Amajiki looked around, and looked at me. After he looked at me, he looked away. "S-sorry Y/n..."

"It's fine Amajiki. Let's just get going, Togata's walking ahead of us" We all got up and walked faster towards Togata. Once we caught up to him, we were close to my classroom anyways.

As soon as we got to my classroom Togata held the door open for me. "Here we go! Make sure that nobody bugs you" Togata told me. He looked up and looked at my classmates, and I'm not sure what he was doing. Whenever he does this, I end up trying to study his face for any signs. Yes, I could look at my classmates, but the only person I want to look at in my class is Hitoshi.

"Thanks guys, have a great afternoon"

Togata smiled at me before he left. Hado ended up giving me a hug, and Amajiki just waved at me, saying goodbye. I walked to the back of the classroom to where my desk is. What was weird is that, nobody tried to trip me or anything. As soon as class started everyone was just working and working. Nobody was bugging me or anything.

It has only happened whenever those three, who people call 'The Big Three', bring me to class. It has only happened like 4 or 5 times whenever I came into class alone, but that was still weird.

I have told Togata, Hado, and Amajiki about what has been going on with everyone treating me wrong. The moment that they first saw me, was when Nakajima and Maede were picking on me. Let's just say that Togata came into it at the correct time. Before the girls could get any further with beating me up Togata spoke.

I still didn't trust them to tell everything to, but I found that they weren't fazed by the fact of my quirk. They're even in the hero course themselves. Hado and Togata were the opposite of me, but in their friend group they had Amajiki. Amajiki was a introvert like me. As time was passing by, which it was long, I did become really good friends with them. That's how I really have known that people will stop bugging you as you get into a new year.

I have told them about everything that has been going on in the school, but it was nothing to me. The three even support the fact that I want to be a hero, so they were the ones who gave me the idea for the way I train. Before I did the training with the weapons, I was just using my hands. Some might even say that I knew fighting with hands were a easy way.

I got that inspiration from a Vigilante! His real name is unknown, but the name he went by was, Knuckleduster. He threw some very strong punches. You might not believe this, but he's quirkless! The time that he was mostly known for was when quirk boosters were heavily used! That happened like 2 years ago! I even heard on a website that he fought against Aizawa. Aizawa did think he was a villain, by improper use of his quirk. Aizawa ended up letting him go since Knuckleduster was quirkless.

Being a Vigilante is very Illegal though! The use of quirks to act like heroes if you don't have a license is basically a Vigilante. He didn't have a quirk though so he was just helping people and help destroy villains.

I'm just wondering what kind of training does he do for his punches to be that strong!

Class was ending and nobody has bugged me for the whole class. I got up and walked over to Hitoshi's desk. "Hey Hitoshi, I don't feel like training today. So, I'm going home. Good luck with training"

"Okay, just get ready to have mom talking to you non-stop"

"Yea, yea, I get it. We haven't been home right after school because of training. It's not my fault that Ectoplasm and Cementoss keep allowing me to train. They find it nice that I ask them, and train. It's like I have a pass to train at school even though I'm not a hero course student"

"Those two have known that you would keep asking everyday, so they let you train Y/n"

"Just get going, you can't let him wait for you. He might just give up on you"

"Okay" Hitoshi got up and we started to walk to the front of the school. As we were walking Hitoshi started to speak. "Where were you at lunch? I didn't see you on the rooftop"

"Oh, well, Red hair and Pikachu dragged me to a table in the cafeteria"

"How did they manage that?"

"They forced me to go"

"You could've escaped Y/n"

"Pikachu's arm was on my shoulders, and red hair's arm was around my waist"

"Well, I guess you can be forced now"

"Anyway, everyone in his damn class was there, even explosion boy. I was forced to sit down, but I got out of there was fast as I could"

"Let me guess, you went to the rooftop right after that?"

"You always know what I'm going to do after situations"

"I can tell because we're twins, Y/n"

"Whatever. I'm just surprised that you aren't jealous because I was close to your man"

"I know you don't like him, and I can also top him any day"

"I would like to see you try. You never talk to him"

"Shut up Y/n"

"Anyway, go get to your training! I'll talk to Mom"

"Bye Y/n"

"Bye Hitoshi!"

I ran off so I could get home quicker. Knowing my family, my mom is home, and my dad is still at work. Plus with it being Friday I won't have to deal with Red hair, Pikachu, or anyone else. Why do I still call him red hair when no one can hear me? I guess that will stay unknown.

---...~Kirishima's POV~...---

Class ended and I got all my stuff packed up. I got out of my seat and started to walk towards Gym Gamma. As I was walking, I couldn't stop thinking about those three that were with Y/n. They seemed like they were nice to her, but why was the one calling her miss kitty.

As I got to Gym Gamma I didn't see Y/n there. Instead of just waiting for her, I started to train.

---...~Time Skip~...---

I'm not sure how long I have been training for, but Y/n hasn't shown up yet. Was it because of what happened during lunch? Was I really that pushy? As I was training I heard the doors to the Gym open.

I turned my head around wanting to see Y/n, but it wasn't her. "So I was right... You were going to be here"


"Well, Y/n didn't want to train today, so you might as well leave. I'm not sure why she didn't want to train, but right now I know that she's being annoyed"

"What do you mean?"

"Our mom hasn't seen us right after school since the second week of school. We've been training, so our mom is asking her questions and all of that type of stuff"

"Oh..." I stop of a second before I started to grab all my bags. Before Shinso could leave, I stopped him. "Hey Shinso, is it okay if I walk with you?"

"Sure, just don't expect me to talk a lot"

"I'm fine with that!" We started to walk and as we were walking I wanted to ask him some questions about his family. "Hey Shinso, what's your family like?"

"My family?" He took a second to respond. "Well, our dad works for multiple days straight. It's mostly from his quirk. Since he doesn't come home for a couple days straight he feels bad for leaving both me and Y/n. Our mom, well, we both have a strong bond with her. She feels guilty for our quirks, because of her's. Y/n, she only has four friends, me, and three third years. Before she started using weapons for training she was using her hands. Something to do with that Vigilante called Knuckleduster or something, he was popular two years ago"

"What are your parents quirks?"

"Father's is called No Sleep. Basically, the name says it all. Mother's is also Brainwash, but different than mine. She needs physical contact to brainwash, while I need a verbal response"

"But why does she feel guilty for the quirks you two have?"

"Well, she always had problems with her quirk, so for me she thought it was a curse, but she supports us wanting to be heroes. For Y/n though, it's more of the physical part. Y/n's quirk has nothing to do with either of their quirks. So, for Y/n to transport or do anything she needs to physically touch something that the electricity is going to the device. Mother doesn't want others to think of us as villains, so she feels guilty"

"Who were the three she was hanging out with at lunch today?"

"The third years?"


"She never told me that she was with them..." He stopped right beside a house. I think that this is the house that they left this morning. "Those three are what the school calls 'The Big Three'. The name gives it all really. Three third year students each year go under that title. It was those three this year. The blonde haired guy is a happy, peppy guy. If I say who he's similar to in your class I would say you. The periwinkle haired girl is similar to blonde, she also likes asking a lot of questions. Maybe a question she would ask you is your scar. The indigo haired guy, is similar to Y/n really. Just he's shy, and doesn't like people looking at him. So he pictures people as different things, usually it's potatoes"

"Well, when I passed them in the hallway I heard him say 'Miss kitty'"

"Must be one of those days then..."


"Amajiki can tell if somethings wrong with Y/n since they're both introverts. Must've been the lunch thing with your class"

"How many times has he pictured her as a cat?"

"That was the second time. I don't know what happened on the first time, she never really tells me. Anyway, I have to go inside, mom doesn't want me home late and I need to leave the house pretty early tomorrow"

"I'll come to the door with you Shinso!"

"I don't care"

I walked up to the door with Shinso and he knocked on the door. "You don't have a key?"

"Yeah, it's usually Y/n who does have the key"

After Shinso knocked on the door, I heard someone yell. "I got the door!" That sounded like Y/n.

The door opened and when Y/n opened it she had her eyes closed. "Y/n you know that you left Kirishima at Gym Gamma, right?"

---...~Y/n's POV~...---

"Y/n you know that you left Kirishima at Gym Gamma, right?" Hitoshi mentioned.

"I don't care if I left Kirish-!" I opened my eyes to see the man we're just talking about standing beside Hitoshi. I stared at Hitoshi and he was smirking. I looked back at Kirishima. "What are you doing here red hair?"

"Well, I was walking with Shinso here, so I just wanted to chat with him since I didn't see you at the Gym Gamma" He answered.

"Just get going okay. I don't want to be near you"

"Hunny, who's at the door?" My mom asked me. She walked over to the door to see Hitoshi and Kirishima. "Oh my! Hitoshi did you make a new friend?"

"Well, I'm not sure if he thinks of me as a friend, but my name's Eijiro Kirishima! Nice to meet you Mrs. Shinso!" Kirishima introduced himself.

"Oh! This is the Kirishima that you talking about, right Y/n? The one from the hero course!"

"It was only for two days! It was also because he kept annoying me, mom"

"Now be nice Y/n!" She turned around so she was looking at Kirishima. "The name's Mihoko Shinso! You can call me Mihoko"

"Well, shouldn't you get going Red hair?"

"Y/n!! No nicknames!"


"I should get going. It late so my dad might get mad" Kirishima responded to my question.

"Stay safe out there Kirishima!" My mom called out to him as he left.

"Hitoshi... Get in the house now..." I told him. He got into the house and I pushed him into the wall. It was hard, but wouldn't it be hard to push someone who has a strong build and 8 inches taller than you? "What the hell did you tell him?!"

(Strong build? WHY THE FUCK DID I WRITE THAT?! Oh yes, I have a huge crush on the anime guy)

"Nothing" He said with the smirk still visible on his face.

"I swear to God if you did!"

"Y/n! Hitoshi! Stop!"

We both turned around to see our dad. Once I saw him, I ran straight to him to give him a hug. "Dad! You came back from work!"

"Yea, we have something to do tomorrow so I took the afternoon off today and all of tomorrow"

"Wait, what's happening tomorrow?"

"Well, I was waiting for Hitoshi to come home before I mentioned this to you guys, but tomorrow we're going to my old friend's place for dinner. She has a son, and I want both of you guys to behave!" Our mom explained.

"About that... I can't come" Hitoshi told us.

"Why can't you Hitoshi?" I could tell that my mom was heartbroken by him not coming.

"Well, Aizawa is wanting to train me this weekend. So I can't go to the dinner"

"Well, if Hitoshi's training then I should train too"

"Nope, you're coming to the dinner Y/n" My dad said.


I went up to my room and sat down on my bed. I started to scroll through my phone. I found a song and started to sing it.

"My heart's a stereo
Beats for you,
So listen close
Hear my thoughts
In every note

Make me your radio,
And turn me up
When you feel low,
This melody was
Meant for you
To sing along to
My stereo

If I was just another
Dusty record
On the self,
Would you blow me off
And play me just
Like everybody else?

If I asked you to
Scratch my back,
Could you manage that?
Like it read well
Check it Lizzy,
I can handle that

I apologize
For skippin' tracks,
It's just the last guy
To play me left a 
Couple cracks

I used to
Used to
Used to
Used to
Now I'm over that

'Cause holding
Grudges over love
Is ancient artifacts

If I could only find
A note to make you
I'd sing it softly
In your ear and
Grab you by the hand

Be stuck inside your
Head just like your
Favorite tune

You know my
Heart's a stereo
That only plays or you!

My heart's a stereo
Beats for you,
So listen close
Hear my thoughts
In every note

Make me your radio,
And turn me up
When you feel low,
This melody was
Meant for you
To sing along to
My stereo

Oh, Uh-oh, uh, oh,
Uh-oh, oh (To my stereo)
Oh, Uh-oh, oh,
To sing along
To my stereo

If I was an old-school
Fifty-pound boombox,
Would you hold me on
Your shoulder wherever
You walked?

Would you turn my
Volume up in front
Of the cops?
And crank it higher
Every time they told
To stop?

And all I ask is that
You don't get mad at me,
When you have to
Purchase mad D Batteries

I appreciate every
Mixed tape your friends make
You never know,
We come and go,
Like on the Interstate

I think I've finally
Found a note to make
You understand
If you can hit it,
Sing along
And take me
By the hand

Hear myself inside
Your head like
Your favorite tune

You know,
My heart's a stereo
That only plays for you!

My heart's a stereo
Beats for you,
So listen close
Hear my thoughts
In every note

Make me your radio,
And turn me up
When you feel low,
This melody was
Meant for you
To sing along to
My stereo

Oh, Uh-oh, uh, oh,
Oh, Uh-oh, oh (To my stereo)
Oh, Uh-oh, oh,
To sing along
To my stereo

I only pray you'll
Never leave me behind
Because good music
Can be so hard to find

I take your hand and
Hold it closer to mine
Thought love was dead
But now you're
Changin' my mind!

My heart's a stereo
Beats for you,
So listen close
Hear my thoughts
In every note

Make me your radio,
And turn me up
When you feel low,
This melody was
Meant for you
To sing along to
My stereo

Oh, Uh-oh, uh, oh,
Uh-oh, oh (To my stereo)
Oh, Uh-oh, oh,
To sing along
To my stereo"

When I finished singing I saw someone standing outside of my room. Fuck... I should've closed the door...

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