By thepimp64

146K 1.5K 804

You we're (y/n) Xiao long(adopted), former son of Tai Xiao long and raven branwen. Until certain events occue... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23

chapter 14

3.2K 43 6
By thepimp64

Some days later...

3rd person POV.

Ozpin was waiting outside of the school, in the helipads. He was waiting the civil protection investigators.

But his wait have finished. A combine 2 dropship could be seen from the affar, coming towards them. Ozpin prepare him self if something went wrong, he even called ironwoods to be by his side.

Ironwoods was nervous, he didn't know how the combine knew about Salem. But he was sure of something. If they found out about that, they could know everything of their war. And he wasn't prepare for a war like the seven hours war in earth. But the only thing he could do is wait.

When the dropships land, the doors of the containers open to reveal more than 10 civil protection metropolice with some weird emblem.

They had the normal weaponry of any CP, submachine guns, pistols and some manhacks, but they didn't know that they have some knew equipment.

Ironwoods notice some of them having tails. He thought that they were synths. That they could be easily dumbfound, now he knew it was going to be a lot harder.

Then the Cp's stared to walk towards them. One was infront so they imitiedly knew he was the leader.

Lt. Ackerman: greeting. I am lieutenant Jack Ackerman. From the civil protection union Branch.

Ironwoods: union branch? I haven't hear of some union troopers, what is the union?

Lt. Ackerman: the union and union troopers are specialize soldiers of all times of combat, they are most likely, loyal soldiers to our benefactors who swore to fight along side of the combine. But right now we are here for the posible knowledge of the location or other crucial information of the Grimm leader.

Ironwoods: why I haven't heard of the union? I demand to know.

Lt. Ackerman: do not order us. Administrator. We only follow orders from the general of the combine, or in this case, the Overlord of the combine.

Ironwood:*irritated* and what is the difference between the administrator and the general?

Lt. Ackerman: none. They are the same rank. But the administrator is obligated to not interfere with the military business of the combine. And minus a puppet of the combine.

Ironwoods: you lil-

Ozpin: ok that enough. *Facing the lt*
So let's get started.

Lt. Ackerman: sorry headmaster, but you and your fellows companions most go back to your business, so we order you to not interrupt us in our job.

Ozpin: o-of course. We are going back to out duties right away.

Lt. Ackerman: understood. We are just gonna wait for another dropship to drops us some equipment we need and we are going to start.

Ozpin: ok. Then, see you soon gentleman.

And they stared to walk away. But ozpin got a little closer to his assistant and said.

Ozpin: glynda, I need you to get a closer look on them. We cannot aloud to see the vault. We most keep Amber in secret.

Glynda: yes, don't worry I will not fail you.

Ozpin: ok... Good luck. You might need it...

Meanwhile with team RWBY...

Weiss: the vytal festival!! Oh this is absolutely wonderful!

Ruby: I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much weiss... It's kinda weirding me out...

Weiss: How could you not smile? A festival dedicated to the cultures of the world! There will be dances, parades, the tournament!!
Oh the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breath taking.

Yang:*sign* you really know how to take a good thing and make it sound boring.

Weiss: quiet you.

Yang: why are we in a afternoon Friday in the docks?

Ruby: *discust* ugh it's smells like fish

Weis: the students coming from vacou will arrive on boat. And has a representative of beacon it's my duty to greet them well.

Blake: she want to spy on them so she can have the upper hand in the tournament.

Weiss: you can't prove that!

But the Ruby saw a dust shop. Almost to the ground, and some CPs guarding it. The team got closer, and Ruby ask.

Ruby: what happened?

Cp: *turning to Ruby* they rob the shop.

Yang: who are they?

Cp 2: the white fang. This is the second shop this week. If the administration alouds the heavy use of weaponry this will be a war zone. *Turning to CP* what do you think?

Cp: I think that we're going to kick some fight fang ass if we got some overwatch elites. Or even a strider! Damn I would love to see them fighting a strider with their shity weaponry.

Cp 2: ya!!

Weiss: the white fang. What a bunch of psychopaths.

Blake: what your problem? The white fang it's hardly a bunch of psychopaths. The are just misguided.

Weiss: misguided?! They want to wipe out humanity from the planet!!

Blake: then they are very misguided! And that doesn't explain why they would rob a dust shop in the middle of down town vale.

Ruby: Blake got a point. I mean, civil protection never cought that torchwick guy I ran mouths a go.

Weiss: that doesn't change the fact that the white fang are a bunch of scum bags.

???: Hey stop that faunas!!

???: Sorry guys, but here's were I get off.

Then a monkey faunas got off of the ship were the students of vacou arrived. The he got up of a lamp post to eat a banana.

CP: get down here this instant. Or we will be force to take you down *pulling a stunbaton*

???: I think not* throwing banana to the CP and staring to run away*

Cp: *annoyed* here CP-A482 We got a fugitive monkey faunas, location, dock of downtown vale, proceeding to perseu

And with that the CPs and the faunas stared to run.

Yang: well weiss. You wanted to see the competition there he goes...

Weiss: quick! We have to obverse him!

And team RWBY follow the Cp's  in persuing the faunas. But in a turn, weiss pump into someone.

Weiss: No! He got away!

Yang: hmm... Weiss...?

???: Salutations!

Ruby: hmm... Hello.

Yang: are you ok?

???: I'm wonderful!

Yang: do you want to get up?

???: Yes!!

Everyone just stared weird at the person while she got up.

Penny: my name is penny. It's a pleasure to meet you!

Ruby: hi Penny, I'm Ruby.

Weiss: I'm weiss.

Blake: Blake

Yang: are you sure you didn't hit your head? *Blake hit yang in the arm* oh, I'm yang.

Penny: it's a pleasure to meet you!

Weiss: you already said that.

Penny ...so I did.

Weiss: well, sorry for running into you.

Ruby: take care friend.

And with that the team stared to walk away from the new girl call penny, and while they were going, the 4 have the same thought.

Yang: she was... Weird.

Weiss: now, where did that faunas scum went to!

But then they stop. And they stop because Penny was infront of them.

Penny: what did you call me?

Yang: I'm sorry! I didn't think you could hear me!

Penny: no, not you* walking towards Ruby* you.

Ruby: me!? I-i don't know, i- what i- um, uh-

Penny: you called me friend. Am I really your friend?

Ruby: ummmm...*looking to her friends*

And Ruby waiting for a proper answer, she looked towards her friends. And her friends telling her to not be her friend. But Ruby said.

Ruby: ...yeah, sure, why not?

And her friends just had a shocked face, they definitely didn't want to befriend the weird girl...

Penny: sen-sational! We can paint our nails, try clothes, and talk about cute Bois!!

Ruby: *facing weiss* ooh, is this what it was when you met me?

Weiss: no, She seems far more coordinate.

Yang: so what are you doing in vale?

Penny: *facing yang* I'm here to fight for the tournament!

Weiss: wait... Your fighting in the tournament?

Penny: I'm combat ready!

Weiss: sorry but you barely seem like it.

Blake: says the girl wearing a dress?

Weiss: * offended* hey! It's a combat skirt!

Ruby: yeah!*slapping hands with weiss*

Weiss: wait a minute... If your here for the tournament, does that mean you know that's monkey-tailed... Rapscallion?

Blake:*getting mad*

Penny: the who?

Weiss: the filthy faunas from the boat!!

Blake: why do you keep saying that?

Weiss: huh?

Blake: stop calling him a rapscallion. Stop calling him a degenerate. He's a person!

Weiss: oh, I'm sorry would you like me to stop referring to the trashcan a trashcan? Or the lamppost as a lamppost?

Blake: stop it!

Weiss: stop what? He clearly broke the law. Give him time, hell probably join up with those scums in the fight fang.

Blake: *growls* you ignorant little brat! *Walking away*

Weiss: how dare you to talk to me like that?! I'm your teammste! *Walking towards Blake*

Blake: you are a judgmental little girl.

Weiss: what in the world makes you say that?

Yang: uhh I think we should probably go.

Penny: where are we going?


When the team got back in beacon, weiss and Blake continued to discuss.

Wiess: you know why I despise the white fang? It's because my family has been in war with them. Like a literally a bloodshed. Some time I have to wake up and know that a family member disappered, or on how the stole a whole train full of dust. And my dad would always be angrys... And that's not a good childhood to have...

Ruby:*walking towards weiss* weiss...

Weiss: no! You wanted to know why I despise them? It's because they are just a bunch of murders, thief's and liers. And now with the whole war that atlas had with the combine, my family business it's almost in ruins.

Blake: the we are tired of being push around!!

And with that sentence, the other three members of RWBY, look at Blake with a face of worried. Something that Blake notice, and she with regretful in her eyes run out of the room, outside of the school, while Ruby yell at her to come back. But a investigator of the combine heard the discussion from far away. And he imitiedly inform it.

CP: here CP-B927, I think I have some knees overwatch would like to hear...

To be continued....

Sorry for the long wait. I kinda forgot to make the next chapter. But right now the next one is being made. Cya m8s!!

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